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I think it's nice that all these bigots are losing interest in Iceland because of a colorful street. They're probably better off staying at home.


Ég elska þessa bandarísku “heiðingja” víkinga larpera sem halda því fram að við erum að svíkja forfeður okkar með því að mála regnboga á veg. Ég get ekki beðið þangað til þeir frétta um Bifröst.


Og flestir þessir forfeður okkar voru bara frekir bændur


Spirit Vikings kalla ég þá.


Ég og strákarnir köllum þá thoraboos.


Stel þessu.


Myndu þeir ekki vera á móti einhverju sem er jafn ***bi*** og "***bi****-frost".*


I love how everyone thinks we care if these people come to our country..it's already difficult to cope with the amount of people that love Iceland, want to be an ignorant bigot then do us all a favor and stick to your decision not to come here.


By not coming here they'd be doing everyone a massive favour. It's always funny when a giant toddler says that they'll never be back somewhere, at a place where nobody wanted them in the first place, as if that's some sort of punishment to the person that just wants them gone.


Haters gonna hate. Them not coming to Iceland and losing interest in the country is a win for everyone else.


Voðalega á fólk bágt 😂😂 Hvað er þessi gata eiginlega búin að vera lengi regnbogi hjá okkur núna?




They also glorify vikings, but almost everything they know about vikings is made up


Wtf is wrong with people


Bigoted racists are not interested in visiting Iceland or following an Instagram account? Ohnoes, what will we ever do!


I brought my granddaughter to Iceland precisely to meet and mingle with folks from all over the world, best way to show her that there is life outside the pariah nation that the far right is trying to create. we are not all like that, one of the most eye opening things for her was the rainbow street- so THANK YOU ICELAND for being just who you are


I see a lot of young angry white guys in there.


Some offended Muslims too, your point?


There's also A woman there and I think I see a picture of a dog. My point is that there a lot of young angry white guys in there.


What does it have with white?


Probably visble in the profile pics.


But if they are, so what?


Why are you so triggered?


He literally just said one sentence, asking a simple question.


my bad, thought it was the same guy that asked the same question above


It happens, who's keeping track of every username in a conversation anyway?


"Young angry white guys" is a type. Hyperfocusing on the race part is missing the forest for trees.


But u are the only person hyper-focusing on race here so… 🤷‍♂️


quite the opposite, OP casually used a phrase that includes the word white as a description of the majority of the commenters, then multiple users focused on that word for no reason .


No reason? Why was it included in the first place if it’s not relevant? Nice try.


because why not ? It´s a simple description of the majority of the commenters just as the words angry, and men. Is white a dirty word to you ? why does it bother you so much that it was used ?


Not at all. I also have: * Young * Angry * Guys Why aren't any of those bothering you??


Because it’s the inclusion of race in this list which is the exact reason it was objected to. If you can’t think of a person or group of people in the negative without having to mention their race, yeah that’s not a good look. I agree these people are silly and misinformed, but their being white is unimportant


White Supremacists. I was avoiding saying that so I wouldn't trigger all \[word\]-\[word\]-\[fourdigitnumbers\] users out there but I guess it's to late for that.


Magnað að sjá fullt af aðgöngum sem virðast aldrei hafa tjáð sig hér áður og með enga tengingu allt í einu mæta í massavís og voða "concerned" yfir því hvernig við tölum um skoðanabræður þeirra.


I do not view the world through a lens of race and so I do not tent to include race in a description of someone in a story I’m telling, or an accusation I’m levying. The reason is simple; there has been a long running effort by media to use race to divide us and it has done a pretty compelling job of that. Whole swathes of the western populous now parrot ideology that is divisive and indistinct between those people. It hurts everyone when this is done. This is the only reason I took objection to it. We should be more careful with our words where we can.


> I do not view the world through a lens of race It seems you do though, otherwise a common phrase like "white guys" in a snarky comment on an open forum would not have triggered you so much. Im a white guy, I would never find it odd to be referred to as a white guy, specially when in a group with other white guys, it would just be a factual description. What is it that bothers you so much about the term White guys ?


Tbh I don't like rainbow roads because it feels weird to step on any flag. Usually the act of stepping on a flag is a sign of disrespect. They are super pretty, though!


It's not a flag though. It's a rainbow. That's like avoiding stepping on stars on Hollywood Boulevard because there are stars in the American flag. It's also a road, meant to be driven/walked on. Rainbows evoke ideas of bridges in our mythology, so to all be transversing the same bridge together is symbolic unity. The fact that it runs from our largest church is also symbolic. I quite like the rainbow road, and every single time I walk past it I see tourists and their smartphone cameras enjoying the road as well.


God created the rainbow to promise Noah he wouldn't flood the earth again. Originally the rainbow has 7 colors, the lgbtq changed it to 6 colors. 666 = devil. Bit of a far fetch. Iceland is a Christian country, referring to students getting confirmated / "ferming"(?) in school is 'mandatory' unless it is chosen not to. Not to mention all the churches. The rainbow going direct to the church is blasphemous, this is not what god intended with the rainbow. Like you're litterally doing the opposite of what has been asked of you. Sure its allowed, everyone has their own will as they should. But placing it directly to the church is just mean and demeaning. I do however not understand why lesbians can have kids here but not gay men? Referring to women can have a sperm donor, and men can't have any help. I am aware men don't have any womb to carry a child, but a woman does not have any sperm to conceive a child either.