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Proud Graduate of the School for kids who can't read good and want to learn to do other stuff good too.


šŸ‘Lmfao šŸœ


B.S. in Software Engineering at BYU-Idaho, kinda toying with doing a Masterā€™s program at U of I, but havenā€™t fully decided yet


Masters in software engineering?


I was thinking about cybersecurity actually


I'm at U of I in Idaho Falls and know the main cyber security professor here. If you're interested, I can get you his email. We had some really interesting conversations about cyber security of nuclear plants and Stuxnet at a bar a few weeks ago.


Theyā€™ve got one of the best programs in the country and Moscow is an amazing town to live in! (Vandal alumn and current Palouse resident)


Don't bother Source: MS and BS in CS


Mountain Home HS -> Boise State.


What did you study at Boise State?


Fellow MHHS alum.


Mountain Home is such a beautiful area. Sorry lol, I love the Boise area. Wish I wasn't so far down the hill on Eastern WA


BA Photojournalism Been working at newspapers since 1974


Has the restructuring (and subsequent layoff of staff at newspapers) over time ever generated fear of being laid off on your part?




What brought you out to Idaho?


INL. I'm originally from rural Utah, so it's not as big a leap as you might think.


BA in Biochemistry with Psychology Minor


B.S. in psych/philosophy at University of Idaho, now doing my Masters in Social Work online. Worth every second, but maybe not every cent lmao. I love my field though


BS Elementary Education at UofI, currently working on my masters at Western Governors University.


Also in education?


Idaho born, Boise educated. 2 bachelors degrees from UofI. Later went on to complete a Masters at a top international university in Europe, and later onto law school at UofI. I work as an attorney here in Idaho.


Was your masterā€™s worth it?


Yes. If not for the life experience and it was a boost for my specific career field.


Alaskan lurker here, I obtained my masters from Uppsala University in Sweden and will be attending U of I College of Law in the fall. Where did you get your masters and what subject did you study?


Hey, me too! Iā€™ll see you this fall! What campus are you attending?


Just finished my Ed.D. in EdTech this spring ā€” my research is focused on the intersection between rural online education, Internet access, and smartphone use.




If you would ever like to talk about it, Iā€™d love to hear more. My dissertation was about rural access and equity in the Midwest, and one of the defining factors was broadband availability. Want to compare notes?


Some college at Boise State.


How come you never finished?


Realized that being an Architect was not for me, plus had a new family to take care of. Ended up being an Architect anyway, but a Data one instead of a House one. If I had to do it over again, I'd probably study Electrical Engineering.


AS in Biology with an emphasis in Natural Resources. About to transfer in to either BSU, OSU or College of Idaho to finish a bachelors in biology and potentially do my masters.


Best of luck to you!


Highly recommend C of I


BS Business Management University of Idaho 83.


PhD molecular pharmacology, BS pharmaceutical sciences, now currently a farmer šŸ˜… (with a part time remote analyst job)


BS applied physics, MS nuclear engineering, MS beam physics & technology, PhD nuclear physics.


You first


I have a BA in Economics and Political Science


Undergrad in Polisci, Masters in Public Admin. So far, not worth it lol.


I have a BA in Poli Sci and was going to do an MPA but got an MBA instead (similar curriculum at the school I attended). Best decision I made. Ended up as a software developer and then got into project management and then management. Long story as to how I got into software with a BA in poli sci but this was a long time ago and software developers were in great demand.


Hey we are on the same path haha! I also went into software/systems and am heading into project management! Fun!!


BS Mathematics Education, Endorsement in English as a Second Language


Do you teach?




How do you like it?


Thatā€™s a complicated answer. Itā€™s meaningful work and I feel I make a difference. I love the kids. The rest of the job gets more impossible every year. I have summers off, but my work life balance is horrible during the school year and I donā€™t know how much longer I can sustain that. I often consider if it would be better for my own kids if I got a different job so that they could have a mom August - May.


Iā€™m sorry to hear that


B.S. Construction Management - BSU


Only have a Diploma. Higher Education at my time was out of reach as I graduated right around the housing recession happening.


Do you think youā€™ll ever get a degree?


Some college at BSU. Had to drop it to take care of a couple of family members, which at the time meant switching to a graveyard shift for the pay differential. I never went back, but I can't say that's been an obstacle for me. I found a career in ops management anyway.


B.B.A. in Accounting and a B.S. in Information Technology Management from Boise State


Has it paid off?


The ITM degree, yes. The accounting one, not really.


Bachelors in Communication from Boise State.


BS in psychology from BSU with additional training in psychosocial rehabilitation and autism treatment. More recently a data analytics certificate from google. And my pride and joy a black belt in Brazilian jiu-jĆ­tsu from Ricardo mesquita of Alliance Centro SP.


Break the wrist and walk away


BA in music from Colorado State. Post-baccaleaureate teaching license. Considering getting my master's.


B.A. Biz Rutgers


Howā€™d you make your way from Jersey to Idaho?


Associates of Applied Science in Agriculture as well as my Bachelors in Operations Management.


BS in Wildlife Biology from the University of Idaho.


BA in healthcare


AS in Advanced Mechatronics Engineering Technologies. With certifications in electronics, robotics, software troubleshooting, hardware troubleshooting....etc. I can tell you confidently that most problems are defined as ID-10T errors.... Hehe have a good day.


What do you do for work?


Bachelor of science in biology and went on to get a masters in physician assistant studies. Working as a PA now


How hard was your PA degree?


It was a super challenging experience. A lot of credits packed into a pretty short amount of time and it felt like every spare moment I had was studying. Caused a lot of strain and probably took a few years off of my life, but it was super rewarding and I am now in a pretty darn satisfying career


BA in Communication with Media Production emphasis. I regret it as I've only got a few temp production jobs, I'm not interested in working at a news station, and now having a hard time getting a job outside such a narrow focus and limited experience.


College degree. BA in Sociology. Some good it did me.


Are you happy with where youā€™re at?


Truthfully... probably not but misery abounds everywhere. Honestly I just try to do the right thing in life and that has to be enough. I'll be okay.


B.S. Political science from UI (GoVandals) thought about law school but sticking with the sales job for now


BBA in Accountancy from BSU


Bachelor of Science in Physics.


BFA in Art from the University of Idaho. Go Vandals!


Idaho native going back many generations, but educated east coast B.A. and M.S.


Bachelor's degree


In what?


management information systems..... I tried CS first, but didn't get that math gene.... my kid has it and is about to finish a double major in math and CS lol


I moved here 3 years ago so I don't know if I count! But I have a BS in Secondary Education from UNR and a MEd in Sociology and Online Education. I'm a former Nevadan teacher, but have been working remotely the last 4+ years as an Instructional Designer for a higher-ed company in healthcare.


You absolutely count and very interesting!


Moved here 6 years ago. Have a BS in Business Management from UNR as well. Former lifelong Nevadan but established my career here in Idaho. I worked for a horrible local HRIS, you can probably guess who when I first got here. After that I dabbled in Gov work for a few years before moving into a remote HRIS role. I was sick of battling against the wages Idaho offers and fighting tooth and nail for every single penny. So I threw my name out there and earned a remote role. Now make close to 30k more than I ever made locally.


Would make sense. Man Idahoā€™s wages suck.


Yo fellow Wolfpack! The caveat of having a remote job in Idaho is that you canā€™t be limited in how much more $$ you can get via raises/promotions. My MIL who moved here was told straight up she will make 3-5% less than her counterparts and he frozen out due to Idaho residency. So she is going to stay here, but change her residency back to CA to make more (and apparently paying less taxes in some ways too). I make mid $60k and have been stuck for a bit, supposedly I should be getting a promotion and raise thatā€™ll lift me to $85k but who the fuck knows.


Awoooo! I go back to see friends and eat a burger at Archieā€™s at least one a year. I miss Reno, or at least what Reno used to be. Iā€™m so sick of the political and religious bullshit of Idaho. Making adult friends has really been way harder than I imagined. Yeah. My company is based in Nebraska, so there isnā€™t the same wage table that holds me back, I make the same as my counterparts, thankfully. I wouldnā€™t be able to become a director, but thatā€™s a few steps away given my role is pretty technical. Plus Iā€™ve gotten 15% increase in pay over two year for my work, so Iā€™m pretty lucky to have a solid team and job. That would be huge for you! That really would make a big impact if they follow through on their word. I hope they do!!


My family and friends still live there, so I try to visit a few times a year. I totally miss it. It has its downsides for sure, I just wish my husband and I could afford to move back. We had a house in Carson but left for Twin Falls because he changed careers and the opportunity was here. I think we are moving to Boise next year so thereā€™s that. Making adult friends here is tough. It took 3 yrs but I finally have two girl friends who have kids that are my son and daughterā€™s age. The religious zealotry and MAGAā€™s are very difficult to look past. Thatā€™s awesome about your job! I wish I got a 15% COLA lol. We shall see. Iā€™ve spoken to my superiors multiple times the last year to discuss my future and they said end of July is a huge restructuring and Iā€™ll be seeing this so called promotion.


I totally agree. I feel the exact same way. The cost is insane, but the public school system is what ultimately drove us away. We just couldnā€™t envision a future with kids getting an education there. We were in NW Reno, loved it but times change. We needed more than what it could offer. We actually bought our first car down at Carson Toyota. And I ate at the in and out countless times on the way down into gvillle for weekends with my girlfriendā€™s parents. Nice! Weā€™re in Boise. Lots to like about it! Hope the move goes well for you. Nice! Good for you and your kids. Iā€™m still working on finding my people. Iā€™ll get there eventually. Yeah, the Maga crowd that rolled in post 2020 is basically the worst case scenario imo. It was hard enough when it was just the religious zealots to deal with. Hereā€™s to the future! A promotion, a move, and all the positive vibes for more good things to come.


Moving was also considering education. Taught at a charter school and then at Wooster for awhile. Didnā€™t want anything to do with Nevada education afterwards lol. I know everyone here seems to complain about Idaho education, but itā€™s LEAGUES better than NV. In n out is something Iā€™ll miss the most. I heard Boise might get one? Iā€™m trying to figure where in the Treasure Valley we want to move to and afford. We looked at Boise, Kuna, maybe Nampa? I just donā€™t know the area well enough. Cheers!!


Yeah, itā€™s a significant jump from what Nevada offers. Sad really. Plus the ability to choose schools was a really nice option. Meridian got an in and out a few months ago. Boise and Nampa each have one being built right now. So yep, they are officially here! I highly recommend visiting if you can, to get the real feel. Especially getting a taste of traffic during a standard commute and what is in the surrounding area of a house you are looking at. The valley is really pretty different depending on where you are at. We love west Boise for its proximity to everything but more modest price tag.


Can likely guarantee it ain't the Reno was when you left. Hell I only been gone 3 years and it has changed quite drastically.


B.G.S. from University of Idaho. Started WGU matters program for MBA, but stopped pretty early on. Worked in healthcare admin for about 13 years.


How come you never finished your MBA?


BS in Sociology from Boise State, MS in Sport Management from the University of Florida.


What do you do for a living?


MBA from BSU


What did you study in undergrad?


Was the MBA worth it?


No, because I work for the state now


BA in PolySci from BYU-I, MBA from Georgetown. Yes, the MBA was worth it. Currently a freelance marketing strategy and leadership consultant as I transition out of tech.


I wud hom skooled


BA in English from the Harvard of the West or, as some people call it, Boise State University.


Bachelors degree in English/Communications from a liberal arts school in the Chicago area, some graduate work in San Francisco.


Howā€™d you end up in Idaho?


BS Mechanical Engineeing from Boise State.


Bachelors in Criminal Justice from Boise State


Has it worked out for you?


Not really. Iā€™ve already worked in a different field for 20+ years and didnā€™t see a career path that would pay as well as Iā€™m making now. So itā€™s just a very expensive piece of paper for me.


BA in Business Administration. 6 credits from an MBA


You going to finish it?


Yeah I think so. Had a bit of a burn out but wanna get back to it.


Best of luck to you


Some college at College of Southern Idaho


What do you do for a living?


A.S. in Math A year out from finishing B.S. in applied mathematics and minor in statistics


BS in communications from U of I and a Masters in Social Work from BSU. I would have gotten my Masters from U of I but they donā€™t have a social work program. I love my career path.


B.S. Geology from SSU, A.A. Liberal Arts from CWI, and 2 teaching certifications from ABCTE.


BA Geology / Anthropology - Western University of Colorado (Formerly Western State).


MA in History and an MLIS


Whatā€™s your undergrad in?


BA in Asian Studies from BSU and currently working on a BS from WGU.


Associates in computer information systems never pursued a carrier in it tho


Associates degree from ISU in electrical. Four year apprenticeship through CSI. Wish they still offered the class at ISU.


Priest river high school, AAS in forestry from spokane community College.


Boise State University: Entrepreneurship Management B.B.A and General Psychology B.S


What do you do for work?


B.S at university of Oregon, M.S from BSU


In what fields?


Undergrad at UofI, grad degrees at BSU and NNU, all k-12 education focused. Considering doctoral work, probably not from an Idaho institution.


masters in library information sciences, Pratt institute. masters in history city college of New York doctoral candidacy environmental.history, university of washington


MSM, Business Management, University of Maryland


Bachelor's and Master's in Biological and Agricultural Engineering from the University of Idaho. First generation. Came from a very poor upbringing like most in Idaho. Had to work my ass off for those pieces of paper. Small town schools don't prepare you for a University level education. No free hand outs. Had a job during most of it just to survive.


Bachelor's of science in animal science right out of high school, NMSU (In Las Cruces, NM. goal of vet school) 6 years later back to get an associate of science in nursing. Love it, been working as a nurse for almost 20 years. 8 years later back to get my bachelor's and then masters in nursing education from WGU. (loved that school. Very easy to work with to get your degree) Will eventually go into teaching baby nurses.




Master's in counseling and Bachelor's in psychology.


DVM from Wisconsin... B.s. from CSU - Fort Collins


Associates degree in child development and psychology... But decided not to pursue a bachelor's degree after interning for CPS. Seeing how broken the system is and all the red tape in the way of allowing us to rescue kids that desperately need help broke my spirit and affected my mental health. I switched to a generic computer/tech program, but ended up landing a great job before finishing.... But, I must say...i don't regret my associates in child development and psychology, because people in the tech world lack social skills and it often comes in handy... Lol Edit: Not to be rude... But I'm shocked to read all these posts showing highly educated people. It's not what I'd expected, just given my interaction with any given idahoan in public on any given day...


I started fashion school and became a model without finishing it...


I don't live in Idaho anymore, but I have a master's in information science and a master's in English literature.


PhD- Cornell. MDiv- Boston U


Whatā€™s your PhD in?


Of course I was in FFA as a kid. šŸ˜€


H.S. At Blackfoot -> B.S. in Bio -> D.O.


B.S. in Anthropology and Sociology with a focus in social welfare. Now older and in law school.


BS, Computer Science MBA Both from Arizona


B.S. engineering.


Bachelors of Fine Art in Illustration from Boise State University.


B.S in Electronic Engineering from ITT Tech


B.S. Psychology, UNLV


BA Political Science with a minor in journalism. Completely, totally worthless expensive piece of paper. BA art majors should not exist for most things other than, well, art.




Masters in Education and a Bachelors in English


BSc in cognitive psychology


Two bachelors; one in Finance, one in Computer Information Systems, both from ISU. Also a Masters of Science in Data Analytics from Western Governors University.


BA in Communication and an associates in Respiratory Care


BS Comp Sci from a small college in Michigan. But Iā€™ve lived in Idaho for the all but that.


BA in history from Oregon State, JD from U of I. Iā€™m a lawyer.


BA in American Studies, MA in English from ISU (ā€˜02/ā€˜07).


Nice. What do you do with those?


BS Chemical Engineering (Auburn) and MS Chemistry [Physical] (Georgia Tech)


An Associates degree in Electronics Engineering from Idaho State that led to a 16-year career at Micron. After being laid off in 2009, I earned another Associates degree in IT Security and Forensics from CWI, and have been working as a Systems Administrator for about 12 years now.


AS in Information systems. Now working for a tech company, in a completely different field


Oh yes! I had 11 other job offers at the same time (1976), but Idaho appeared to be the best place to raise kids.


Yes, it generally worked out well. Had four children and one wife. Wife faded out after 20 years. Two kids became outstanding adults, one became a drunk and one dropped out of High School and started recovering from that dumb choice after 10 to 15 years of low-end employment.


Preface: Iā€™m a foreigner BA Linguistics/German from UBC English Language Teaching endorsement special education teaching endorsement MA Sc Ed Leadership from U of Cincinnati Now a special ed teacher looking to jump to a principal job soon


You have a degree from UBC and you live in Idaho?


Bachelor's in civil engineering at the U of Idaho.


College Graduate BS


School in Boise up to my senior year then graduated from Orem High. Then dropped out of BSU after getting to my 300's after 8 years on a BSME. Then traveled the world working for Uncle Sam as an IT Coolie. Just waiting for my parents to kick so I can afford to move back.


And inherit their house?


A.S. - Outdoor Recreation Education B.S. - Geography and Recreation Resource Management B.S. - Elementary Education M.S. - Geographic Information Systems I know, super weird mix.


High School graduate, some college done online in the middle of covid.


BS in Criminal Justice and Masters in Public Administration


BA in History (never used professionally) Certified in Medical Billing, passed the test and everything ... (never used professionally) I write D&D books for a third-party publisher and I own a few properties that I rent out. I suppose my college education helps with the writing and the focus on history probably gives me ideas once in a while, but it's not like the degree is required for what I do.


BA in Accounting from a small private college in Alabama, the I just got my Masters of Accounting, focused in forensic accounting online


Master of Science from Utah State University. Went to BSU for my BA. Getting out of this state because they do not care about education for children and I have a small son.


I have a PhD. But I left Idaho to go to college and will never go back (I am a sixth generation Idahoan).


AAS in Electronic Technology from North Idaho College - then BS in Electrical Engineering from U of I - then Computer Science course work at Whitworth University.


Southern idaho native. No college experience, just learned life through experience. Havent been super successful financially, but the stuff ive learned being an idahoan for 40 years will get me through this life enough to not rely on the idea of being super wealthy. Not gonna work for everybody, im not a super money driven dude. If you are seeking education to become rich one day, id say seek it in a different state. If you are wanting eduction to help you make it by, be well off enough where you and your family are comfortable and not stuggling, idaho can be the place for you. Humans are all different, we have different goals. Figure out what you truly want out of life, and go from there. Good luck with whichever decision you choose on education though, its not gonna be easy, but if you push yourself, you will succeed. Thats all on you. Unless you hit the powerball. Then life will be a breeze


I moved here to retire, but got my edumacation in Boston, then more; then San Francisco; then more in SoCal. I have 15 credits more than I need for my BA, but not in the right subjects. I left school to go on the road with a famous band. National Sales Manager/Intl. Mktg. Mgr. for mfrs. of large scale touring & festival sound systems and very high end recording studios. All for the love of Rock 'n Roll...


Blue Mountain State


Bachelors in Mechatronics


Bachelors from Berkeley and getting my law degree form Idaho and masters in accounting


Bachelors in math and psychology, masters degrees in psych and in statistics


BA Sociology U of I


MS in digital audience strategy from Arizona State. BA in journalism & public relations from Boise State


College dropout cuz I had a complete mental breakdown after the pipeline from star student to average student, plus had been dealing with unmedicated ADHD and undiagnosed autism for years with no support system and literally reached my breaking point. 25 now, but am in a much better place and am wanting to try again now that I have a better support network


Wow the skew in this sub is real! But in a good way!


Apprentice to the Queen of Englandā€™s Pastry Chef. CEC, CPC, CAD


Medical laboratory scientist with a BS in microbiology and a BS in MLS.


Graduated from high school in North Idaho and dropped out of NIC.


MA in History from EWU.


bs in cs but I just moved in to the state from far East