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Your post was removed because it has no relevance to Idaho.


They’re in distress so you should go check on them


No, they're traitors


Fascist traitors.


The beautiful thing about living in the USA is that people can do whatever they want with the flag. Hang it upside down, burn it, wear it as a swimsuit, spit on it. If we can’t do whatever we want with the flag then we have some serious problems.


Rare logical thought from this sub


You're 100% right, regardless of how anyone feels that is protected in our Country. Burn it, piss on it, fly it proudly, and you are right to do whatever you feel.


How about you do all that and also whine that you’re a patriot or throw a fit when someone kneels during the anthem


I think people kneeling is dumb, but I 100% support and defend their right to do so.


Oh I agree, but the dude flying this flag doesn’t, which is really the point.


The flag code is tradition, not law.


I don't think op is saying it's illegal obviously it's not. But these individuals probably have themselves convinced theyre patriots.


That would be correct and obvious


1. Free speech. Don’t like it move on. 2. Flag code is not a law and that doesn’t look like a military base. 3. If they can burn it, they can basically do what they want. Don’t like it, oh well.


Agree it’s free speech. I am using mine to point out how it’s unpatriotic and that I don’t like it.


It's a Qtard thing. Let them be.


I guess I will move on 😂


Their suburban life is in distress! Run to their aid!


Well tbf the people doing it don’t care about the flag or our country, they just care about virtue signaling.


You sure?




Okedoke your entitled to your opinion


Well thank you🙏


Why thank me I didn't do anything .


Is there a law requiring us people to have and hold a ssn?


Wow your already making yourself the victim? Well I’m not gonna get baited into this you read my opinion as you stated I’m entitled to it! So have a great day.


The answer is either yes or no. And no one single person would be a victim by the true answer ... however a group of peoples could be seen as victims to manipulation depending on the true answer.


Dude do I have to block you??? Your not baiting me move on I’m starting to get secondhand embarrassment


.... how am I making myself a victim? By asking questions?....


Please just move on. I’m not gonna waste my time arguing with someone trying this hard to argue! Am I gonna persuade your opinion? Or you mine? Nope! So it’s waste of time and energy!


Fact is not opinion. And I am not arguing . Only asking a question. I hope you and your loved ones cherish and love each other for ever and have many years of prosperity.


Thank you I wish you the same! After all in the end we’re both Americans!




yall are soooo serious


Agreed / it’s a sign of ignorance!!


Ive never seen so many people with a criminal mindset who rationalize and justify their mindset and behavior by misusing the constituion, and the bible as in north idaho. A lot of anti government types in the panhandle. It is like some super sense of entitlement that id expect from an 8 year old. I wish i could ask flagbro if he's mad at the government for something?


I think it’s great that they’re exposing themselves ☺️


I find it interesting that the same people who find it offensive to kneel instead of stand during the National Anthem find it perfectly ok to permanently put the flag upside down as a distress symbol. Hello— you own a house and a car and you will probably eat tonight. You are not in distress.


Call the cops. They are in distress and need help.


Flying the flag upside down is recognized as acceptable if used as a sign of distress. Given the current situation in the U.S., I believe it’s appropriate to signal that we are in distress.


If you're in distress just take some Zofran Rx.


Not up to you to declare the US is in distress. Meanwhile you carry on as if nothing is wrong, correct? Go to the store, work, church, whatever. Will BBQ and set off fireworks to annoy your neighbors this week, right? The country is not in distress. Yet.


The thing is, it IS up to me to declare if the U.S. is in distress. I do not impose that on you or anybody else. But I darn sure can have the opinion the U.S. is in distress. Just like you can have the opinion the U.S. is not in distress. America is not about group think. We can all have our opinions and beliefs and still be united in the fact that we are all Americans.




No, this has been done for centuries. Your comment, however, is a sign of obsession and potential mental illness.


Your truth is built on a reality that doesn’t exist.


Blacked out and igloo flags are more fun to fly really.


Perhaps under your system that may be. Under my traditional system as recognized by the U.S. Supreme Court, it’s not recognized as you say. https://www.americanflags.com/blog/post/when-can-you-fly-the-american-flag-upside-down


Have been for a long time ...


someone in my neighborhood did this recently so i stole it. f the system.


And for God’s sake replace the dirty torn flags hanging from your car/trucks, home and business flag poles. I’m also including churches…you church goers look up and get those flags changed out properly! Show some respect - especially if you cosplay as a maga patriot!


Many businesses that fly flags, not saying all, fly flags that are slightly dissimilar to the American flag so that they don’t need to be lowered each day or constantly repaired. But I agree with the sentiment that if you have an American flag you should be taking care of it and retiring it when it becomes worn.


A friendly reminder of the rules of r/Idaho: 1. Be civil to others; 2. Posts have to pertain to Idaho; 3. No put-down memes; 4. Politics must be contained within political posts; 5. Follow [Reddit Content Policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) 6. Don't editorialize news headlines in post titles; 7. Do not refer to abortion as murdering a baby or to anti-abortion as murdering someone who passed due to pregnancy complications. 8. Don't post surveys without mod approval. 9. Don't post misinformation. 10. Don't post or request personal information, including your own. Don't advocate, encourage, or threaten violence. 11. Any issues not covered explicitly within these rules will be reasonably dealt with at moderator discretion. If you see something that may be out of line, please hit "report" so your mod team can have a look. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Idaho) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I didn't even get to see the flag before it was posted.


Honestly, if I had to bring the rainbow flag in from the rain every night because of some code, I wouldn't have it up in the first place.


I respect those flags but they aren’t American flags. Big difference


But they're not American. Their MAGA. They want a change our land and laws into their own country called 'Merica.


None of them actually care about flag code


This is a legitimate way to show the owner thinks our country is in severe distress. And, by the way, it certainly is.




Tell me you haven’t served without telling me




We have a neighbor as well that is doing this, disrespectful in my opinion.


I almost did this myself, but I would have to go out and buy a flag. For me, it would be a statement. Ever since citizens united, we no longer have the peoples interests at heart. I couldn't even vote back then.


Not on ground ✅ Not torn ✅ Not being burned ✅ Not defaced / vandalized ✅ Not your property ✅ Go about Your business .


Its torn in 3 places. I’m also 3rd generation military. Its my business. It’s your business too.


I get it...but are you forgetting we volunteered the serve our country and protect the rights and freedoms guaranteed in the Constitution? We protected the freedoms that allow people do and say things we don't agree/like. All I ask is remember the oath of enlistment or oath of office you took when you served/reupped. THAT is why we serve...that is more important than any promotion warrant. I'm with you...seeing flags flown upside down is disturbing and disrespectful (Especially when they represent something) Arguing over it on reddit doesn't do anything. It's a virtual pissing contest


Nowhere have I stated that this snowflake doesn’t have the right to do this. I am simply calling out the morals and hypocrisy which is a right as well


that's fair


It is a decoration.


I have flag like decorations but I don’t have an actual flag. Why? Because taking care of it properly is a big responsibility that I don’t have time for. People buy these at Costco and hang em like any other decoration. That’s wrong and if you’re not taking the care to learn about how to respect the flag all you are about is lazy virtue signaling.


Listen, I am not about to take my flag down every single night and then hang it back up in the morning. You can move along with that shit


What’s the point in flying the flag if you don’t respect it? Obviously the rules are inconvenient and like I said I don’t fly one because of that. Honoring the code is a demonstration of respect and patriotism. Not honoring it out of convenience sure doesn’t strike me as virtuous. https://www.legion.org/flag/code


I do not give a shit. I'll replace it when it's ragged. It shouldn't matter to you.


3 tours in Afghanistan. I have draped that flag over the coffins of two close friends. Yeah it matters to me. But sure I get that you’re too lazy to take it inside, what a trial that must be for you.


See, that type of ritualism is weird to me. Just because it's a ritual or means a lot to you doesn't mean it needs to for everyone else. That's what freedom is. It doesn't mean anything to me. It's cloth, usually made in a completely different country. It represents nationalism and I'm not about that. I have a million other things to worry about other than taking inside an inanimate object every night. Am I supposed to bring it in when it rains? Snows? When a dust storm rolls in? Because it would all mean the same thing in my eyes if I cared.


You are absolutely supposed to bring it in during bad weather. If you think its just cloth and don’t respect it, then why fly it? There are allot of ex-military around here and I am not alone in thinking this way. If you want a decorative flag you have other options https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwigsp6orYmHAxXK1cIEHUnrBo0YABAjGgJwdg&ae=2&co=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIoLKeqK2JhwMVytXCBB1J6waNEAQYDiABEgJx8PD_BwE&sph=&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAASJeRo_AgTItPkunfxx8UAD_8cOtn1r7iSi9GCQsYmFTSe1vEy10s&sig=AOD64_0BXWkWlpWvV7L_rKou3ROkpbD9MQ&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwjhqpeorYmHAxUmNjQIHSnzDEsQwg8oAHoECAYQXg&adurl=


I'm just gonna end this here and say that I will never worship a flag nor a god. I do not believe something like that should take such precedence and authority over your life unless it's your family or your pets. If you want to, that's all good with me. Live and let live. Nothing is more important than life. I respect your way of living, you should respect that plenty of people can be proud of being an American while also not adhering to all of the codes of flag flying, or however you'd like to put it. I work hard and have worked hard in this society, I deserve to represent the country even if I don't or can't follow arbitrary rules.


The rules are not arbitrary, they were developed by The American Legion, which represents Veterans who have fought and died in America’s wars. They are followed by all Government departments and even most businesses. As I said in my post, the American flag isn’t a consumer item that anyone should just buy. Flying one is a responsibility and people who can’t accept that should just do something else. There are a range of flag like banners and wreaths that are patriotic but aren’t subject to the flag code. You are welcome to do as you please, but just know that I and other Veterans look down at you for taking your freedom for granted and not respecting the flag that embodies that freedom.


My wife put it like this(and she's got a point and put it more eloquently than I could): i fly my flag outside of my house in reflection of the soldiers that sacrificed themselves, I fly it in reflection of the star spangled banner, the lyrics that reminded us that through the war, through the bombs, death and ash, our flag was still there. So I fly it every day out of respect and devotion and when it gets tattered, when it's time to lay it to rest, you fold it properly, and you burn it properly in remembrance of all the soldiers, all the men and women who lost their lives and who are still fighting. You go around a circle by the fire and you say something in, again, reflection of what this country stands for. So fly the flag. Let freedom ring. Her father and grandfather are ex military and have lost people as well. They do not look down upon us for how we fly our flag, otherwise they would have already said something to us about it.




Well, that explains the distress. Why 2C…or any county’s voters would want to support a philandering, civillly liable rapist and conman as well as convicted felon is beyond me.


What are you even talking about?


Pay attention.


Only traitors display their flags like that.