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Laying off a bunch of people for trying to unionize? Sounds like an easy lawsuit to me. Lawyer up yall.


They definitely could sue but it’ll be far from easy and most likely won’t result in any gain


Not really. Walmart will shut down stores if they try to unionize.


Oh okay thanks, was unaware we had an experienced workers rights attorney here. Appreciate ya!


It would be nice if there weren't so many loopholes in the laws. Plus they probably will be suing the wrong people. It was probably Microsoft that actually fired them.


You don’t have to be an experienced workers rights attorney to know that labor law is very easily exploitable, *especially* in right to work states like Idaho. As an aside, you never know who you’re talking to online. What if you were talking to an employment attorney lol?


Idaho is notorious for not having worker protections... There likely will be a negative outcome, if there is any outcome from this at all.


Very Idaho of them. My employer basically has said the same, if we unionize he shuts the bitch down.


Shouldn’t a business owner have the right to refuse to employ union members? In many states you cannot work certain jobs if you are not in the union, how is this any different? I support personal freedom and that extends to private business owners and the way they choose to run their businesses


Never complained and wasnt complaining, just stating a fact. We always joked about it with him, he'd change the menu and we'd say 'alright guess we're unionizing'


It’s ID, law suit will fail. Y’all have no rights.


And our Right Wing SCOTUS is giving more power to the corporations, GOD help this country, and let's pray it doesn't fall to the fascists.


Praying is what got us into this mess.


Idaho is a right to work state. They have no standing. [https://www.nrtw.org/right-to-work-states-idaho/](https://www.nrtw.org/right-to-work-states-idaho/)


It's at will that matters, not right to work.


Right to work refers to union formation that they claim was the cause for their layoff. These guys don’t have a leg to stand on any grounds in my opinion. They can be fired for any reason - your at will point. They are claiming it was because they hoped to form a union. This will not help them in a right to work state. The republican states do not help the worker. Duh. After the chevron ruling expect even fewer worker protections. We get what we vote for, right?


Right to work= you don't have to join a union to work at a place that already has a union. At will= you can be fired for any reason or no reason at all. Right to work has nothing to do with firing people who tried to start a union.


You’re right. I stand corrected. I am sure these people will be fine.


Don't try to freakin' unionize in a deep red right to work state. You'll lose.


You are correct!


Except Federal Union laws override that. Nice try.


Unfortunate but true... It's a shame.


They fired everyone, regardless of if they were part of the group trying to unionize or not, from new peoples to upper management, everyone was fired. Some people had been with them for four years and still lost their jobs.


Former employee here. Yeah they are garbage. I was a top performer globally for almost a solid year. And nothing. Threw us aside like garbage. They lied and told us that the building was having maintenance done and to call the number the next day to see if we would have to work that day. We all called and it was a pre-recorded message letting us know we have been terminated.


That's not even mentioning the measures they put in place to try and not ever need to pay people overtime despite promising they would when hiring. Removing the weekend overtime option with an weekend shift crew, not letting people come in before their shift which retroactively made it impossible for day crew working weekday shifts to get overtime as the night crew would be coming in *right* after you leave, it's what made me leave before this happened.


Video game tester finds out shift differential is a thing. Also finds out that video game testing isn't a stable career.


It can be a stable career when the companies behind it are actually good and not a fucking joke. Lion bridge and Activision both sucked ass to work for.


Don't know about Lionbridge but I would have a real hard time working for Activision. Terrible organization.


Really, you're gonna blame the workers here? The availability of jobs that are actually desirable are limited.


Yes they are. So the workers should improve their skills to get one of those desirable jobs.


You know someone has to do these jobs. This has less to do with skills and more to do with the jobs available. But go ahead, keep defending capitalism and blaming workers.


Does someone have to test video games for 14$ per hour? I don't think that's a necessary societal function.


I'm not saying it is a "necessary" job as a societal function, I'm saying this job and others that you might consider low skill are necessary for someones livelihood. But here you are blaming the worker. Consider a more extreme example where everyone in the US has a bachelor's degree. Is everyone then entitled to a "good" job? No of course not, the job market remains competitive and some are inevitably left to low paying undesirable jobs.


You literally said someone has to do these jobs. With regards to the bachelor's degree scenario, it all comes back to worker skills and the marketability of those skills.


So glad I bailed on them when I had the chance.


How was your experience? I was trying to apply a year or two ago but im glad I didn't go through with it now 😂


More outsourcing comming to DIRECTV. Don't know how we Americans can compete with 3rd world cheap labor. People at the boarder should turn around since our jobs are being outsourced.


Weird coming from a heavily red state who's core principles are against unions and federal regulations. So maybe Idaho needs to reconsider its political affiliation.


Idaho, like almost every state, is at will employment. You’ll be hard pressed to win any kind of lawsuit against a firing here. You’d literally have to have it in writing or on recording from the boss saying “why Miss Pennyweather, you’re pregnant? I don’t think that will work for me, so I’m firing you now that you told me that. Otherwise you were a flawless employee”. Short of that, you’re a**ed out of wrongful termination.


Used to work here 2 years go, *Not* surprised whatsoever that this is happening now. When they hired me on it was with a promise that my 12.50/hr would go up to 12.50/hr for *any* OT worked, including if we worked any amount of time over our 40 hour schedule. Did they do this? Nope. Edit: Just remembered that the base pay was actually listed as 12.50 on Indeed when I applied and not 12, only to find out months after that we were all only getting paid 12/hr.


Get a real job and lose 100 pounds.


You should take a shower once in awhile because you stink.


These guys felt entitled to more than minimum wage for playing games at home.


They don't play games at home they actually have a building with the private servers they use for testing.


So they go to a private arcade. Are people trying to justify this as a career?


If you are an anti social loner type or off the deep end for social anxiety/LGBT+ community that can't handle a normal job it works out, I did security for Lions bridge it wasn't a bad place to work maybe not the best for a career unless you climb the ladder but if you have the above problems & can't handle people it's a way to get your foot in the door as a job. Only gripe people had when I worked there was the crap pay the testers had starting out was $13/hr it did go up but took a few months.


Used to be 12/hr, that's what they started me out at when I used to work there.


So you're just unwilling to comprehend how video games are made, then? You think the way that they make a new Call of Duty every year is just a bunch of fat nerds sitting at home and playing video games, and it just pops into existence?


No. I'm saying the low end of that isn't a career.


OK boomer


I'm an early access game tester. Unfortunately, that means I pay for the privilege. Haha


How is software testing not a career?


Testing is entry-level software development.


Testing is not always entry level. There are a lot of testing jobs in Boise that pay well into the six figures. And entry level or not, are you saying software development isn't a career?


The fools trying to unionize here are. Stop trying to twist the narrative.


So entry level positions aren't careers? Where do people start careers then?


Oh, snap. Got me. Have a nice life.


Just admit you don't know what you're talking about and move on.




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That's... That's not what they do


this take is 🤮🗑️🚮