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A friendly reminder of the rules of r/Idaho: 1. Be civil to others; 2. Posts have to pertain to Idaho; 3. No put-down memes; 4. Politics must be contained within political posts; 5. Follow [Reddit Content Policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) 6. Don't editorialize news headlines in post titles; 7. Do not refer to abortion as murdering a baby or to anti-abortion as murdering someone who passed due to pregnancy complications. 8. Don't post surveys without mod approval. 9. Don't post misinformation. 10. Don't post or request personal information, including your own. Don't advocate, encourage, or threaten violence. 11. Any issues not covered explicitly within these rules will be reasonably dealt with at moderator discretion. If you see something that may be out of line, please hit "report" so your mod team can have a look. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Idaho) if you have any questions or concerns.*


honestly, I'm a right leaning independent voter, and IMHO the Idaho rep party is evil. Dorothy can take her private society doctrine elsewhere.


Why are they evil?


Reddit as a whole leans fairly left. I know (IRL) a few right-center people on here, but they usually don't talk politics on Reddit.


yeah, usually at the bottom of any given thread


I assume this is your burner account.


Bro has negative 47 comment karma, definitely a burner account lol


You say that like it’s a good thing.


It's not? It's funny as hell though


No. It’s not. Because when a reply gets downvotes for being unpopular, instead of not factual, people don’t get the whole story. Stifling free exchange of ideas because you don’t like them is literally fascist as hell.


Ah, sounds like you want a safe space then right?


No, the down votes are for being incorrect 90% of the time. Rightism can't just keep calling the criticisms aimed at their made up facts as "unpopular" and expecting that to stick as a defense.. The free exchange of ideas is so important. Without it, we wouldn't have known to start pushing rightism to the fringes of society, having to post just to find out if anyone shares your "ideals" lol Thanks, you've made me happy.


Yeah, that explains the massive downvotes then “crickets”. Don’t act like downvotes aren’t wielded with emotional here..


They are yet not as often as with logic.


That’s not true at all. Reddit’s own terms of service protect absolute absurdity. Reddits own terms of service protect things that are incorrect.


How about answering the question and not worrying about my account?


They are making your point for you.


I'd say this sub has become more political than some other state subs bc Idaho is in the midst of a radical right-wing takeover. Idahoans love to discuss and hate on the various waves of people moving from California or wherever--for literally decades. But the most recent waves appear to harbor more than a few activists looking to transform Idaho into their right wing authoritarian Dreamland. Many of us who know something about this particular history recall the Aryan Nations in North Idaho, which for me personally, was the most Idaho thing ever: as racist and fascist as you could get with literally Nazis in your backyard with a population and culture that both tolerated it AND marginalized it at the same time. What's happening now, without getting hyperbolic, is that the political aims of the radical authoritarian right have now stepped into the daylight and into the statehouse and schoolboard. Theres been tons of good reporting on this and and the results speak for themselves. Thus the state of this sub. Regarding the Nazi parallel, yes it's not the same exactly. But if you understand the nature of groups like the Aryan Nations--what animated them to begin with--youll understand that there is a direct line between the to two movements or eras. Authoritarian Christian Nationalism.


They've been infiltrating seats of power for years now. This is according to the nationalists plan unfortunately.


Yes, laid out as far back as the 70s (or longer depending on how you measure it). Incubating in places like Idaho like a labratory of radical thought but not making much popular ground. Although maybe your point quibbles with that. I guess I view their ascendency (or coming out party) through blatant recent power grabs and laws passed. But overall, I completely agree since many radical right-wing projects have had years of groundwork laid while Dems just let it happen. Largely bc corporate Dems/Neolibs spend more energy suppressing their left flank vs taking the authoritarian right seriously. See the Supreme Court


I don't live in Idaho, but Colorado has had similar problems for decades. We've watched it happen here in the last 20 years, and thankfully, it's better now. Same plans have been unfolding in parts of Europe as well since 2010 or so. Nationalists groups are currently buying up large land properties with the intention of starting entire communities. Fascists with money and intelligence are running these groups now. Which to me is a very bad sign of policies to come.


I am in South Eastern, Idaho, not North Idaho (though I've lived in N Idaho before.)I literally have Nazi neighbors. They hang their flags on the fence. They blare their music and hang out all shirtless showing off their tatts of hate, and the cops end up being called over them fighting all the time. The last place I lived, we had a whole white supremacy group/club a few houses down that caused so much trouble for everyone living in the neighborhood. This is much worse than it was when I lived in North Idaho, so yeah, it feels like we are being taken over. That said, I don't care if you are Republican. I care if you are an ignorant, violent, dangerous, or stupid dipshit I have to deal with.


Drive down the main drag (Harrison blvd) in the wealthiest and most powerful part of the wealthiest and most powerful city in the state and tell me what you just said is reality.


I would consider myself right wing, but I'm not about to get into pointless conflict over it. With online spaces like this one is far to easy to find someone who wants to debate without listening learning or understanding. And what point is there to a debate like that?


Yeah where all my preserve-aristocracy-and-ensure-wealth-is-extracted-from-communities homes at?  Status quo represent!  In seriousness- no, there aren't good Republicans in 2024 because the party has abandoned its principles. You can't support a party with no principles and claim to be good and moral. It'd antithetical to the entire point of moral philosophy. 


Both parties have. The current system is just designed to divide while the elite siphon resources.


See your problem is assuming you’re right and they’re wrong about everything. Morals were relative aren’t they?


Honestly I don't think morals are relative. Harm is observable and measurable. Also just look at the leader of the Republican Party. He's cruel, self-absorbed, greedy, and ignorant. And ironically he exemplifies all of the 7 deadly sins and is the human embodiment of the golden calf idol.




Why single me out?


You weren't singled out. That comment was removed after it was brought to our attention when someone reported it. We can't see everything that gets posted. There will be things we miss, unless someone reports them.


That doesn’t seem dumb to you? People report instead of trying to discuss important topics. You end up driving those ideas underground and making them free speech martyrs. We both known reporting and downvotes are weaponized on comments that are factual but disagreeable to them. It’s ok, I’m a black libertarian. I’m used to getting crap because I left the dem plantation.


If you want to discuss something that hasn't been proven, with reliable sources you can cite, there will be an issue if it gets reported. In the case of your specific comment, it's fine if you personally believe Biden is a felon. You just can't state that as fact if you don't include solid proof. People will take just about anything said on the internet to an extreme. That's how misinformation and disinformation are spread and blown out of proportion, even though I don't for a minute believe that was your intention. Requiring evidence for unproven claims of fact is the only responsible way to handle them.


Please cite reputable source material if you claim something as fact and state something is opinion or anecdotal where applicable. As mods we will always err on the side of caution, unless the submission contains sufficient evidence from a sufficiently reliable source, as determined by any reasonable person, and that if that is not included, the policy is just to remove it prima facie.


To an extent, which is why the rights. Universal moral absolutism in intolerable. You find yourself on the wrong side of The typical tolerance paradox.


“Tolerance” is a word people use to bash others over the head till they finally get tired and agree with them.


I consider myself independent, but I know a fair number of republicans in real life who have been Idaho residents for a long time. None of them like what's happening with the party and what it's doing is antithetical to both their values and Idaho values. In no particular order, they don't like the corruption in the party, the time-wasting do-nothing bills being presented, the overt and extreme religious tone being taken on things, intrusive government overreach, and their desire to erode/eliminate public services (they don't want a ton, obviously, just basic public services and at a reasonable quality). From my own perspective, the Idaho republican party and their policy priorities are radically different post-covid than pre-covid, and I most certainly blame the transplants for that.


Check r/idahoconservatives


I lean more conservative than liberal, but I wouldn't call myself a right-winger. I am also not in this group because the incessant whining about politics is annoying as hell. I consider myself libertarian.


I am a conservative black man. Having said that, this is ***extremely too far*** to the right. Their stance on abortion, funding of education, harboring racists, and gay rights is appalling. In fact, down right disgusting. Idaho is still living in the 1950's and really needs to catch up to the current times.


If you are pro abortion, education, and antiracist you may have more in common with democrats than you might think...




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It's also hilarious you would vote for people that would love nothing more than to take your rights away. You know, the REPUBLICANS.


I vote for my checking account. Not for some freeloaders who want society to pay for them through life.


typical libertarian mentality. the only thing of value is your bank account. Not your basic human rights, but money. You are a Clarence Thomas in the making, but you probably see that as a good thing.




"Sounds like you aren’t conservative. Political party values change" Many in Idaho like to use conservative identity like a lever against people, like telling someone youre not white, black, smart, pretty, one of us, so on and so forth enough. Youre not good enough. Pretty sick type of manipulative and controling behavior, trying to withhold an identity from another person over something as petty as their right to think for themselves and hold their own opinions. To many times now ive seen conservative republicans being called liberals, idahos nouveau slur, by people who are no better than a codependent church congregation being mentally ill in unison.


I just came here to laugh at Oregonians thinking they're going to join Idaho and take half Oregon with them... Don't mind me just spectating.


Oregonian here watching the shit show with popcorn and fully agreeing.


Whats funny is that to me, an idahoan who currently lives in europe, this is probably the place where I see the most right wing opinions. In europe most of the opinions said in this sub would be considered center-right.


Exactly. A lot of Americans have a skewed concept of what is traditionally 'left' and 'right'. The US Dem party, is relatively Center/Center-Right, along with most "lIbRUL" viewpoints.


doesn't change the fact Idaho is getting taken over by Nazis




Yes. I only come here for the downvotes, though, of which I receive many.


reddit is a very left wing site. anyone that gives a slightly conservative take will either get banned or downvoted to the center of the earth


Not everyone is 15-25 and without a job on this sub. Most people who are on reddit are younger.


Very true. That’s why the left is so good at protesting. Trust fund kids and welfare recipients with no jobs.


I’m not an R. They’re as dumb as Ds. You people all need to get out more


Nope. Done. You've all made your position very clear and continue to do so. Good people don't force child rape victims to give birth. Good people aren't afraid of their children reading books. Good people don't mock our military and those who've made the ultimate sacrifice. Good people don't hate just for the sake of hate. Good people don't sit by and allow children to be slaughtered. Good people don't endanger the lives of others over a bit of cloth on your face. You're. Not. Good. People. Stop defending the orange rapist and maybe, just maybe, we can talk. Until then, you've made your choices loud and clear, we cannot trust you and we do not negotiate with terrorists.


Ok Barney. Keep going through life with that bitterness.


Bigotry wrapped in hyperbole is always fun.


It’s both, the right and left that are bad. It’s the fucking lunatics that are so far right maga nazis or so far left with the extremism woke. People in the middle are level headed. I’m a Montana resident lean more left. Split ballot usually but god damn am i sick of how far either way the spectrum has went for either side. It’s sad. And it’s usually inept and unintelligent people that are doing the talking and decision making for those sides


"both sides bad" "Extremism woke" Sounds like you like one side to me


One side? I just literally said the right side of extremism is the maga cult lunatics and the lefts is the extreme woke. I lean more left but every year my state and local ballot gets both side votes from me. Outside president which i don’t mark because every candidate since Obama v McCain has been a shit choice. So tell me how it seems like in one sided? Haha i vote to keep the out of state retards from office in Montana. Sheehey gianforte you name them I’m not a fan of them. Tester is the biggest Left i vote


Yeah but “woke” is a term only used by the extreme right.




That’s not true at all haha but ok. You seem to act like you know everything. The extreme left has gone absurd and is way to woke. The extreme right maga crowd is just a bunch of nazi lunatics who lie and try to change what the foundation was about. I lean more left but not for what the left has become in the last 8 years. It’s ruined the country just as much as the maga right has. I really don’t care what you think i vote party wise. I don’t support either presidential candidate yet again this year. 3 elections in a row with god awful options


On this sub, there are delusional lefties and reasoned critical thinkers.


Republicans are not good people. They keep fighting to take rights away from folks.




MAGA in the HOUSE...and I'm The bestest , greatest Idahoan ever...


Still lives with his mom ^


Given some of the posts in this sub regarding the rent increases in Idaho, I don't think "still lives with his mom" is really an insult anymore so much as a sad reality for many.


MOMMY is the BEST, and so are my Hookers.