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I believe it is legal to ride in the bed in West Virginia. I know it is in North Carolina


I'm from NC. When I was growing up 80s/90s we'd ride in the back all the time. We didn't even have a cover on ours. In hindsight, one hard and unexpected turn and we would have been out of the truck but at the time it was a blast! The teeball couch would actually pick up all the kids for practice in his pickup as if it was a bus. We were like a clown car in that thing but nobody ever got hurt.. lol


I left NJ for Central NC for school. One of my best friends (a local to the area) used to take us to and from the clubs in Raleigh. In the middle of the night on the country side roads, he'd be going about 90mph. Literally FLYING down the twists and turns, curves, in the pitch black. It was horrifying.


[You would be correct](https://www.wboy.com/news/west-virginia/is-it-legal-to-ride-in-the-back-of-a-truck-in-west-virginia/). Just because it's legal, doesn't mean it's not stupid though.


But, but, but maybe he's a sovereign citizen and doesn't have to follow other people's rules.


Yes it is legal here in WV. Doesn’t make it any less dangerous tho. This was through a main town with lots of crappy drivers. One hard brake wouldn’t have been good for this guy.


WV resident here. Fond memories sitting in the bed of my pap and uncle’s trucks holding on for dear life going down back roads to go hunting and fishing with my cousins.


Similar to you taking pictures while presumably driving? Yes they are dumb, but that doesn’t mean you should be taking pictures either, 2 wrongs doesn’t make a right.


If there's no more room in the cab of the truck, then it really isn't much more dangerous then riding on a motorcycle.


Can't a guy shit in the back of a truck without someone taking a photo?!?!


Legal and common in WV and about 20 other states.


I road in the back of a truck from Ohio to Utah once because I was too poor to take a vacation any other way. Worth the risk sometimes.


B-but it’s WeST ViRgInIA!


It's legal in the state of Washington as long as every seatbelt seat it taken up inside the car and minors have to have first dibs at the seatbelt seats.


Me and my sister rode in the back of our truck from Seattle to Yellowstone on our family vacation.


What’s wrong with riding in the back of a truck?


Reddits full of fragile people that get butthurt by anything and try to make everything their business


Ain't that the fucking truth.


He's in a cab, and it's legal in WV so that doesn't bother me. Like another poster said though, the Ranger Danger is real. Side note - I ate at Jalapeno's a few months ago, and it was delicious!


It's called poverty. Mind your own business.


I mean, I wasn't in poverty when I did this as a kid. We did it on backroads when driving from one house to another cause we didn't have anything you could take the top off of. Shit was fun as hell.


Minding your own business is not a concept understood in the south.


Is West Verginia south?


It depends on how you split up the United States. West Virginia is part of Appalachia, which spans from the South to Mid-Atlantic and runs up to Pittsburgh. WV has a blend of both, with also a little Midwest/Great Lakes thrown in there if you're close to the eastern Ohio border, which is where this picture was taken.


Eh. Parts? Im in the northern part of the state, but that doesn’t stop the Appalachia from creeping upwards.


You must be fun at parties.


I'm here for idiots blasting through reds and whatnot. Not putting this (clearly poor) guys face on the internet when he's probably just trying to get by and doesn't have a choice...it's a bad look.




Country roads, take me home, just let us pray, I won't get owned.... by a pothole, or a corner, country roads, take me home


You left out the 🎶, but I still like it


It's legal to ride in the bed of a pickup truck in 20 states. West Virginia is one of those 20.


Legal doesn't mean a good idea. I worked in emergency services for seven years I've seen what happens when a human gets ejected from the bed of a truck. It ain't pretty


Looks fun, wish I lived somewhere I could do that. It's probably about as dangerous as riding the bus or subway


Shit, we did that in NY as well.


Wonder if they’re “taking him home”


Is he sitting or shitting on a bucket?




Lmfao I love this. Funnily enough my boyfriend has a red ranger and took this pic from it.


SOMEBODY’S got to watch the crystal meth in the back.🤷‍♂️


Dawg 🤣👊


Looks like he’s sitting on a pile of boards or something taking up half the bed. It is WV though, so he could be sitting on literally anything; shocking, bizarre, totally benign yet slightly unsettling things. Once you get out a ways into the SW part anything can happen. Great folks, too, but some real weirdos too haha.


Well, the driver doesn't have to worry about stopping suddenly and knocking the guy's teeth out.


Looking like he just came down from Brokeback Mountain.🤣


I hear banjo music….