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I wish I could have seen this guy’s stupid fucking face after the collision


Please tell me this video was given to the police and his insurance company.


I'd pay to see his face when he finds out theres video of his stupidity XD


It’s probably stolen


most likely a stolen vehicle, driver on a joyride.


I've never seen a charger not drive like this. Complete with the flashing high beams. I can't assume that all I've run into are stolen lol


I love how not a single other car was touched. And thank you for not calling it an accident


Did come awfully close to the truck.


you know somehow someway he's blaming op for flinching.


Probably cussing out the cammer for existing and being in his lane LOL.






Callback to another share of a kid that got rear-ended.


The intent was that it was the response of the mom Probably should have put it in quotes




This is the best thing I’ve seen all day


A happy ending.


My favorite part was that everyone not involved was like, ‘not my problem, I’m late for my dog’s dinner’.


Sometimes a problem fixes itself.


Good ole driving on the I-10.


I thought it looked familiar


It's Metry. i.e. Metairie


Approaching Causeway from Clearview in the morning sometime.


I’m very okay with this crash, only vehicle involved was the one being an idiot


I will say I’m impressed that it didn’t hit all of the cars it swerved around


You might even say he DODGED them. Lol


Hi, Dad!


Fuckin' hell, only took him 37 years to get those cigarettes.


Oh shit...I forgot the milk. Be right back!




Good thing he wasn't driving a ram


I think it may have glanced off the back bumper of the white truck but done no significant damage


White car was racing him most likely


Wow! 2 base models racing to see who has the best base model.


Probably automatics too otherwise these guys wouldn't get off the dealership lot.


Looks like the Challenger was just driving and then the Charger came from the far right lane across all lanes to the far left lane, passing behind the Challenger. Challenger felt the urge to put his foot down to match pace and boxed the Charger out. Charger panicked and instead of braking hard, they tried to pass on the shoulder. Cam car panicked seeing them coming up on them and took evasive measures by going to the shoulder, again boxing the charger out. The back and forth from the lane to shoulder by the Charger unsettled the suspension and causing it to lose control spinning around once in front of the cam car. If they had just braked back when they realized the Challenger was blocking their path. Challenger nearly slowed plenty to stay behind the cam car when he was trying to make room for the Charger, no reason the Charger couldn't with significantly more time.


Wow! Didn't even notice all that on the first view, had to watch it again to realize this happened lol.


The funny thing is Dodge Charger is such a bad car to do these things in, front heavy and has poor understeer built into it. Poorly balanced and just a poor drive overall. I had the misfortune to rent one and the thing turned like a tractor. I’m really surprised why would anyone buy these cars to drive fast.


I had a charger as a rental car a month or so ago. It was such a silly car. The power to weight ratio is really not impressive on the base model. They're heavy and not particularly powerful. It didn't really like going and definitely didn't like turning. It did make the vroom vroom noises though!


That f'ing 8 speed automatic gearbox was awful too. I rented one in Feb. Me: "oh look, a gap in traffic, let's pull into it. " Gearbox: "Oh right, you'd like to go, well first I'll change down a gear. Maybe two or three. It was a complicated task but I've done it now! let's go!" Traffic: "that space is no longer available" Not to mention cruising on the freeway and wanting to go just a *little* faster, the gearbox was all "let me cancel all power for a while to find you a different gear - ok, now we can lurch forward uncomfortably with a lot of engine noise so you can go 68mph instead of 66" The impressively high top gear gave reasonable cruising economy though the car's stupendous heft meant it was *awful* for urban. The last time I was that pleased to get back to my own car was when I rented an Opel Mokka (Buick Encore) in Europe - what an irredeemable little shitbox that was. And I enjoy small, modest cars in general.


Oh yeah. I have a 2017 charger and I have to be on the lookout for rain puddles lol. It’s fun to drive and super fast but my Subaru Outback touring XT can outmaneuver it in a heartbeat. I should really sell that hazardous POS lol. It’s just so pretty.


American cars though. Overpowered and underengineered.


Not necessarily. Most high performance American cars are made to go fast in a strait line line a 1/4 mile drag strip. They looks at the 0-60 as the end all be all of car performance. The rest of car culture realizes that roads curve or you have to be able to make turns.


mustang GTs have been beating M3s (that cost a LOT more) around tracks for over a decade. This goes back to when mustang still had solid rear axles. You're parroting talking points from the past.


I am not arguing, but I find it hard to believe and I am having difficulty finding any good examples. Care to share?


https://www.motortrend.com/reviews/2011-2011-ford-mustang-gt-vs-2011-bmw-m3-comparison/ as for other high performance american cars that do well on tracks? Just have a look at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_N%C3%BCrburgring_Nordschleife_lap_times#Lap_times Then adjust for the fact that most of the german and italian stuff is 200,000 and goes WAY up from there, and the fact that germans and italians take every model and variant to the ring whereas the americans make less performance models and don't generally take minor variants. For example: the 2015 C7 Z06 ($80k) was faster than the 2015 Lamborghini Aventador SuperVeloce LP750-4 ($500k). 2018 Camaro ZL1 faster than a 2022 M4 CSL 2022 Tesla S Plaid faster than a Ferrari 821 Superfast Focus RS (36k) barely slower than an Alpina B4 with the same driver In 2009 the Cadillac CTS-V was the first 4 door ever to brake the 8 minute barrier, long before any of the germans were doing it the idea that americans can't build track cars is hilariously rooted in the past.


> 2011 This feels a lot more recent than it is (13 years ago), thanks for reminding me I'm an old man now. The 2024 Mustang GT is no joke, too. Some american sports cars really did step up their game a while ago and I'm bummed to see so many of them leave production (Focus, Camaro, etc).


Yea, the early part of last decade was an era of BIG changes for horsepower. 2010 Mustang (S197.2) was a brand new facelift, but the Camaro came back out and blew the mustang's doors off so much that one year after the refresh they had to revise their engine package from a 315hp GT V8 to a 305hp base V6 (and a 412hp GT V8). Sure there were 500hp Z06s and GT500s before that, but those were niche models. In 2010 a V6 mustang was pushing 210 measly horsepower, meanwhile by 2017 you could get 325 hp in a Ford Fusion (and 380ftlb)


Hey I drive semi's. My turning radius isn't that bad. Lol


I agree. I hate seeing the ones where the idiot drives away without a scratch, and leaves a mess of 6 cars piled up that were all innocent.


I hope that fucking idiot didnt clip or hit any other cars. totally deserved that.


Op. I feel like you edit movies for a living. This was a perfect edit. Used different camera angles, but it felt like I was just watching an event chronologically. Christopher Nolan needs your help.


Came here for this. The buildup and payoff were framed better than I've ever seen in a dashcam video and it was extremely satisfying


I'm amazed that they went into a full-on spinout and managed to avoid everyone else on the road.


Pure dumb luck.


Emphasis on dumb lmao


Glad he fucked himself up while not fucking up anyone else in the process!


I cheered!


Gosh, I just **love** happy endings!!


that blue sedan lucked out by inches.


god the amount of satisfaction this gave me is unhealthy


Driver has probably been telling everyone whos ever critisized their driving that they’re “a really good driver”


To be fair, it was impressive. Not impressive in a good way, but still impressive


I was wondering where those big skid marks came from on my commute the other day. I10E in Metairie.


Im so happy he didnt take anyone with him. douchebag


I like how the see-you-next-tuesday in the grey car was flashing their lights. Where exactly did they expect you to go? Couldn't speed up with a car in front, couldn't change lanes with the douche they were racing speeding towards you in the lane to the right.


Tbh, I thought this was an artifact of the video recording. I don't remember his headlights flashing in real time but it all happened pretty fast.


Yeah my guess would be it’s just due to camera frame rates


LED lights have their brightness controlled by flashing on and off quicker than the eye can follow. Sometimes it can match up with a camera frame rate though and look like that kind of flickering.


yep - this is called pulse width modulation.


PWM gang


I've noticed flashing headlights in a lot of these dash cam videos, so I'd say it's a trick of the camera, too.


I think he modified his lights to do some kind of strobing to alert other drivers of his stupidity. At least he provided that courtesy. /s


I’m pretty sure they’re just led lights and the framerate of the camera makes them blink like crazy.


I considered that and that could definitely be the case, too, but Im used to that only really being prevalent with slower frame rates.  Charger owners also have the tendency to modify their lights in stupid, showy ways (among other brands, of course).


you can film LEDs at 300hz and you'll still get flickering


The pattern suggests otherwise. It would be a constant flickering. Frame rate and LED frequency are not generally dynamic. This car definitely installed some kind of modification to their lights for maximum douchbaggery.


the pattern suggests exactly that. You are very confident for a person who's never personally recorded a vehicle with LEDs


Could go either way. I've personally seen other clowns flash their lights but it is also a known artifact of LEDs on camera.


If the police saw that, they might consider it having illegal fake police light and the driver would be in really deep shit


Meh. Then every white construction pickup is violating too.


It's activating them that gets you in trouble. Construction workers aren't using them on the interstate to pass.


It's the color. You can have white or amber strobes without issue. It's red or blue that would make it illegal and considered to be police impersonation.


Now it's a felony! Could be framerate


But why was OP on the left most lane when he had one available on his right side? That's enough for a ticket where I'm from.


Someone said this is I-10 so I'm guessing in Houston. We have multiple left only exits if you aren't in the right lane far in advance. Good luck cause you're going to end up on here for stopping in the middle of the road trying to merge. Add in several areas where the right 2-3 lanes are unsafe to drive in because of the high volume of traffic entering the freeway due to stupid lane designs and you realize that left lane == fast lane is just a suggestion. Also fuck those guys.


I like how the challenger guy is like "nope, I wasn't involved in this at all, I've been driving totally normally"


Almost pulled it off!


Happy ending


All the thousands of people who lives will get upset while the police, fire trucks and wreckers clear the scene because of that act of idiocy. A Charger. No surprise. I see them all the time on my local 8 lane highways. Think they’re Speed Racer. 🙄


I only just noticed he was racing the other Dodge, that's why he refused to slow down.


Yes.. he didn't want to take the L


Dumbass driver wins dumbass doorprize. I'm okay with that!


This looks like a happy ending video to me


Super courteous of him to not hit anyone else.


Would have probably been repo’d next week anyhow.


Here we see a black Charger, which has won the race to the scene of the crash. The white Charger will drive on, defeated, until they encounter another of their kind, and challenge them for the right to become a totaled heap of scrap metal.


I like your little shift to the left as he was passing! He won’t fall for that fake again.


Man, if he had saved that fishtail, that would've looked badass. He definitely deserved to eat the wall though. I hope he was the only one with damage.


I see you tried to get out of his dumb ass way, but his dumb ass way found his self.


It looks like it's too early to deal with that shit lol


Offensive foul. Charging.


Well, he did dodge all cars.


You're definitely obligated to pull over and laugh at that person.


Good ol i10! Fuck that stretch all the way from Kenner to the twinspan lol


I-10 east bound heading for New Orleans. Precisely, Metairie, La. (Some of the locals call it Metry.) Causeway Blvd exit.


Hahaha what a big pos… glad nobody else was involved with this fucking clown.


Lol, good job, sir. You've earned a tip of the hat.


Finally, someone showing proper lane discipline by moving all the way right when he was unable to pass safely.


Very good editing. Thank you OP.


what a dumb fuck


At least they only crashed themselves and not others. And I'm so glad everyone kept driving


Hey OP Thanks for having so many camera angles and for editing it together nicely.


You guys shouldn't have been in the left lane. Yes, the charger driver is an idiot, but you were also in thew wrong. The lane to your right was empty. No excuse for being in the left lane.


Please tell me this video was given to the police? And his insurance?


Not absolving the charger by why the hell are people just hanging out in the far left lane?


It's crazy honestly, this is the truth and people here hate to hear it. You don't pick a lane and drive in it however you want. You're supposed to imagine it like a game of leap frog where the left lanes are jumping over the slower right lanes and then landing back in the right lane. If more people drove like this, a ton of unnecessary traffic and accidents would never occur. But this sub is filled with morons judging idiots so i'll take my downvotes now.


Typical Tesla driver.


I love how you constructed this video leaving the best part for last. Thank you.


Oof that’s what he/she gets. I don’t even feel bad


Definitely a charger being a charger


To do this in front of an auto insurance company is extra funny


They got one brain cell


Was anything of value lost?


OP, just wanted to thank you for actually editing the files together rather than aiming your phone at your screen like some neanderthal. It's amazing the amount of people that drive a Tesla, but can't be bothered to unplug their hard drive to extract footage.


Hahahahaha… *gasp* hahahaha! (Hope nobody innocent was hurt)


The cameras on this are awesome, what is that from a tesla?


That was really dumb of him. Also, why are you in the left lane and passing no one?




As stupid as the charger driver is .. I’m much more infuriated by the left lane camping. I hope the police really start targeting these entitled idiots who apparently can only drive in the left lane - they are so much more dangerous than speeders. Edit - Pinal County in Arizona has been working on this issue for years. I hope other states start enforcing this law. https://youtu.be/kwC4lvUmXg0?si=BfG5vCbvoL623key


I think the guy driving way too fast and passing in the shoulder is a tad more dangerous than your average left lane camper.


> As stupid as the charger driver is .. I’m much more infuriated by the left lane camping. Now that's a hot take. Lane camping - annoying Whatever this moron was doing - potentially fatal But sure - the lane camping is the bigger problem.


I hate to tell you that the speed limit applies to all lanes. Do you think cops give tickets if you're going the speed limit?


they'll give you a ticket for going the speed limit in the left lane when there's open lanes to your right.


I would challenge that in court on a heartbeat.


It’s more unsafe to do the speed limit in the passing lanes when everyone is doing 10-15 over than going with the flow of traffic.


So what law is being broken? Are you saying that I'm actually supposed to break the law or I'll get a ticket? That's absurd.


Camping in the *passing lane* when there's an available lane to your left is against the law. Look it up.


you'll lose, it's the law in almost all states.


Only if it's a posted passing lane. It's not against the law to go the speed limit.


yes its against the law. https://www.goupstate.com/story/news/nation-world/2019/10/25/driving-in-left-lane-state-by-state-guide-to-when-its-legal-when-its-not/2447573007/


Lots of fine print there. The bottom line is that IN THIS VIDEO the driver in the left lane did nothing wrong and has no obligation to move over for people driving dangerously high speeds. (Notably, the majority of those laws only apply when there are three lanes and posted notice of a passing lane).


> The bottom line is that IN THIS VIDEO the driver in the left lane did nothing wrong Guess you missed the part where OP deliberately jerked the wheel to their left, which in combination with the idiotic behavior of the Dodge driver, is what caused the crash.


I get it, your a left lane camper who thinks because your going the speed limit, your not breaking any laws. Just pull up your big girl pants and move to the right.


I don't feel compelled to break the law so other people can break the law. If you want to drive dangerously fast, the consequences are on you.


you are breaking the law by not keeping right.


Not if I'm passing slower traffic. You just don't like that I'm not speeding enough for you.


Why were you camped out in the outermost lane?


He appears to be going with the flow of traffic at an appropriate speed for conditions. What's your problem with it?


It's your fault for camping in the left lane According to morons.


Muricans. No idea what lane to be in or why.


What's with Charger drivers flashing their lights? I've had two chargers do equally dumb shit on a freeway both did the flashing light thing.


It means "move over". Especially if you are in the left lane.


Americans downvoting you because they dont know how lanes work…. In Germany and most of Europe it means Move Over!


In Germany and most of Europe, flashing headlights actually means "I'm a self-important moron". People are likely to be extra slow if they move over at all. To politely ask "move over", set your left blinker on. You can flash your headlights after a minute or so if you think the person in front has not noticed you and your blinker.


dude thought he was Vin Diesel


What a turd, hate to see karma meet them at the concrete wall...


That went well.


An Ideal outcome. No one else was caught up in the Clowns self destruction.


Is it wrong that this brings me joy?


Guess his NASCAR dreams went down the drain


That’s a standard asshat move here in CT. Where was this asshat at?


Looks like he was racing that Challenger


Hopefully it's totalled


Hold my beer…


And thankfully he only took himself out.


You know that those babies are going to be collectors items mainly because they’ll be so hard to find and one of the few not totaled out.




Dodge Charger owners. I am going to buy a "muscle car" with no knowledge on how to drive a muscle car. I am curious how many of these are leased.


How beautiful was that? No one else hit.


Lmaoo passing on the shoulder in a v6 charger is nasty work.


Racing with a Challenger ft. tribal decals, no less. That's a level of tasteless I haven't seen in some time.


Low credit score activities


this dash cam has a lot of angles


He's just running late to a payment


I loved your little "no you dont" wiggle as he was threading the needle.


He only screwed up his own car? When does that happen with these idiots? amazeballs.


Too much ram not enough dodge


One of those is a challenger


Everyone on the highway did a laugh track together


I really hope they never have any kids ...😏


How the actual fuck did he not hit anyone?!?!


Four Door Chargers. Ha ha ha


I'm glad they got what they were looking for