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SUV had no intention of yielding because the silver car stopped for him. There was enough time for the silver car and maybe the Prius to get past before the SUV got there. Silver car's an idiot.


Silver car massively hesitated getting on to the roundabout in the first place. Clearly seems to be a gap in their understanding of how roundabouts work.


It works this way: you wait until road is clear of anybody that you see moving in any direction /s


What grinds my gears on really big roundabout when you can clearly see all the way round them and you can see there are no cars coming and yet people stop... MUTHERFUCKER THERE'S NO ONE ELSE HERE. If they wanted you to stop there would have been a stop sign.


My horn seems to go off every time that happens


I wouldn't blame them for that hesitation. The black car didn't show their signal, so no one would know if they were planning to exit.


This is why I signal when a car is approaching, so they know they can go. Even then, some drivers don't seem to get the hint until I actually exit.


Probably because sometimes signals don't mean anything. I've seen people have them on to turn but never turn. I had a friend that was in a wreck because of it. So now I'm one of those people who always wait to make sure the person is actually turning before I go because I don't trust their turn signal.


Same here. I treat signals as for reference use only, I need to see clear intent of someone following through with their stated intentions before I trust going.


That is true. Sometimes people change their mind at the last second, sometimes they're just clueless.


I entered a roundabout last week because the guy to my left had his right turn singal on as he entered the roundabout, suggesting to me that he was getting out immediately and it was safe for me to go. He proceeded through the roundabout and slammed on his brakes when he saw that I had entered, and raised his hands in a "what the hell are you doing?" gesture. Never hoped more than that day that someone would follow me to confront me. Sadly, he got off on the next exit and I moved on.


Wise saying in Hungary; if somebody signaling left doesnt neccessarily means he will turn right.


This, I also know a couple people that have been hit thanks to a false signal light, which has made me never trust signal lights. Also, just because the light is green, check both ways before going, I can't count the number of times it's saved me, especially during rush hour when the yellow light somehow means step on it smh.


Especially so if they just turned into a roundabout. It's plenty likely that their signal just hasn't kicked off from straightening back out.


Way back when I was in driver's ed the instructor even said to not trust someone's turn signal until they actually turn


Basically, the only thing that a turn signal can show is that the bulb is working (for approx 50% of the time), the rest you’ve got to observe what the car’s doing…


Thank you! It's annoying when you wait and then they turn off and you could have gone


Anyone that is signaling anything entering or exiting a roundabout is a complete moron. Edit: Apparently this is normal in some countries... Other people just use common sense I guess


>Anyone that is signaling anything entering or exiting a roundabout is a complete moron. Please tell me you don't have a driver's license.


People don't generally signal in roundabouts upon exit in the US.


In this situation it was unnecessary anyway. The silver car had plenty of time to enter the roundabout regardless of whether the black car signaled. Silver car isn’t familiar with roundabouts.


Doesn't change the fact that it is the law, or at least recommended to use your right turn signal to show that you are exiting a roundabout. Not doing that is how you get people cutting others off in roundabouts. Have had that happen to me a few times.


even if the black car was going through, there was enough space


>I wouldn't blame them for that hesitation. The black car didn't show their signal, so no one would know if they were planning to exit. Here in Canada, people don't use their signal lights on roundabouts. It annoys the shit out of me. Signal before you get on the roundabout (right signal if taking the first exit, no signal if taking exits to the right of 12 o'clock, and left signal if taking an exit to the left of 12 o'clock) and signal when you're exiting the roundabout. Not difficult thing to do and it helps other drivers figure out what you're thinking and doing.


Its going to take a while, as this is probably an American, and up until a few years ago a vast majority of the country did not have these, so a lot folks have never really seen them, and how they work from a practical standpoint, they can take some getting used to, but in the end they are great once everyone know WTF they are doing.


My parents treat them as 4 way stops, and our city has had them for about 5 years now.


It’s five seconds from brake lights to a potential collision. That silver car could have been taking the second exit by the time the SUV arrived. No way in hell they were stopping because the SUV was driving too aggressively.


the silver car saw a potential accident and took the appropriate action


Don’t “be polite” be predictable.


Anybody else feel that there should be nation-wide TV PSAs on how to negotiate a roundabout?


People would still F them up.


And zipper merges. 




I'm quite sure that would fix it. A few funny ads on YouTube, a nice and clear TikTok.


I mean when you come up to the yield sign and the only person you need to yield to is a fucking moron who has come to a full stop inside the roundabouts only lane you just keep rolling as there no need to yield. It would be one thing if this was multiple lanes then you wouldn't know if there's something in another lane so you should still yield but this right here? I'm rolling through like the SUV.


Yup, I would have slowed as normal on approach and seeing this, just proceeded by the idiot and on with my day.


Overly timid drivers are the actual worst thing on the roads.


rich impolite serious command tie rock toothbrush selective tease practice *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’d argue overly aggressive drivers willing to endanger everyone else’s lives are worse, but one exists because of the other.


Personally, I think the timid ones are more dangerous because they refuse to commit to a course of action. With the aggressive ones, at least they’re set on what they want to do.


I'm of two minds. Depends on what you mean by dangerous. Timid drivers might cause more fender benders, but I think aggressive drivers are more likely to cause serious collisions. I think timid drivers are more aggravating in that they are likely to stop or slow when they don't need to and are unpredictable. This causes them to cause more minor accidents. Aggressive (and what I would generally call overconfident) drivers I think are more dangerous. Not understanding the limits of your driving abilities and your car's capabilities is much more dangerous for causing serious collisions, and that's before we get into road rage collisions which are totally avoidable and extremely dangerous.


> I think timid drivers are more aggravating in that they are likely to stop or slow when they don't need to and are unpredictable. This causes them to cause more minor accidents. It also leads them to cause plenty of major accidents, as speed deltas are one of the biggest contributing factors. Traffic waves/concertinas that lead to pileups are quite often initiated and exacerbated by timid drivers blissfully unaware of the carnage that happens behind them.


> Traffic waves/concertinas that lead to pileups are quite often initiated and exacerbated by timid drivers blissfully unaware of the carnage that happens behind them. They shouldn't be following so close then.


Not sure about the relative danger statistically but I don't particularly mind when someone assertively pulls out from a side street in front of me and I have to brake, unless it's reckless. It's easy to read their intention and anticipate where they're going to be when they just full send it. Someone tentatively doing the maybe I will maybe I won't lurches is harder to predict and react to. Like doing the doorway dance with someone. Irritating.


>I’d argue overly aggressive drivers willing to endanger everyone else’s lives are worse Aggressive drivers are generally more predictable if you're aware of your surroundings. >but one exists because of the other. And this can be read either way.


I say it all the time. If you drive like you’re scared of driving, don’t drive.


Worse than high or drunk people who cause head-on collisions by driving on the wrong side of the road? Worse than people who brake check you until you stop in the middle of a busy highway, or point a gun at you? Hyperbole is the actual worst thing in the world...


The groups you described are very few in number. The groups they described are much larger in number. It's like comparing nuclear plant accidents to coal plant pollution, and saying you prefer the coal solely because the damage caused is less immediately visible. Or saying cars are safer than planes for similar reasons.


This is something that many on this sub don't understand.


We need much stronger and more robust drivers education requirements in this country. Because America is huge and public transportation isn't realistic for everyone, we have made obtaining and maintaining a driver's license far too easy so that people always have transportation to and from work. However, it has definitely made our country less safe. We have to find balance.


Things could flow a lot faster too if the first black SUV would have signaled their intention to exit.


Silver car could have gotten on to the roundabout even if the black SUV wasn't turning.


Turn signals? Hahaha. Notice it’s a cop too!


Trust turn signals? Also hahaha.




He could have easily stopped, but he saw the silver car waiting for him, so he had no reason to stop (it is a yield sign, not a stop sign). He should have stopped. Even if it only was to teach the silver car he had the right of way. That silver car is a very insecure driver (which you can already see when he enters the roundabout). Even if the SUV had no intention of stopping, they could have easily crossed before him, or at least make him aware he should have stopped by honking or getting closer to him. In the end they're both idiots, but if i had to rank them i think the silver car is worse.




What do you mean you completely agree, you JUST said they had no plans on stopping


Anyone notice the white car on the left doing almost the same thing with no else around?


Yeah, he may have been pausing out of bitter experience. Whenever I do that, it's not because I decided to stop and admire the view.


[At least it's an actual roundabout and not this crime against humanity I have to deal with in Portland.](https://www.google.com/maps/@45.5270114,-122.6230426,3a,67.7y,188.48h,82.84t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sfcwON3PbDp97XEDZQ66rRw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu)


It looks like a normal roundabout but with right-turn-only lanes that let you skip the roundabout if you’re turning right.


~~That thing looks like a blissful dream compared to the ones I've seen around here in central Ohio lmao, it looks just fine. I swear they are competing to make them worse.~~ I clicked on the link and I take all of it back. I went into streetview, that "roundabout" has stop signs at every entrance to it LMAO. The whole point of a roundabout is so traffic doesn't always have to stop and can flow when it's free, why'd they do that lol


Looks like they did it to make it safer for pedestrians to cross. The stop signs are all before the crosswalks.


That doesn't make it better, for *several* reasons.


Given that reasoning they should have a stop sign for every exit too. Get everyone to stop before and in the roundabout. Would at least make it consistent if they want traffic to always stop for pedestrian safety.


There's also bus stops... in the roundabout.


I live in Portland too, these things are fucking stupid. I never stop for the sign.


Roundabouts are becoming much more common where I am, but too many Americans are completely confused when it comes to them.


That's annoying - silver car was being careful but I am with you, I would have gone, SUV seemed pretty far away still. Also you have a cool voice!


Haha, cheers!


Why would he when there's a ding dong with their head crammed up their ass stopped in the middle of the roundabout? I'd keep going too.


Roundabout, not stopabout


Driver education lacking- a RED yield sign means that you STOP to allow traffic to pass. If there is no traffic you may proceeed w/o stopping. It is like astop sign unless htere is no traffic. It does not mean race ahead to get in front. Those already "in the circle Greg" have right of way to which others yield. Also when you're in a traffic circle, do not stop and you should use your indicators. If you miss your turn, go around again. There's Big Ben and Parliament!


I feel there are certain countries where people just never learned to drive in a roundabout


There were no roundabouts at all within 50 miles of me until just a few years ago. People still hate them but I think they're great. They've made a couple of really unsafe intersections much less stressful.


The US certainly is one of them, except in isolated pockets (most notably [Carmel, Indiana](https://www.carmel.in.gov/government/departments-services/engineering/roundabouts) – which has more roundabouts per intersection than any other city in the world).


is this US? if they’re hesitant at a round about like this with clear views, i wonder how they’d deal with one from the UK with all sight-lines blocked by bushes.


If at all possible, I try not to stop at a roundabout. Unless the traffic is heavy. I will showdown a bit and time my entry with the cars already inside. Traffic circles are meant to keep moving. Too bad many people in the US can't navigate them. I get your frustration.


Bro you’re listening to the Chameleons. Fucking love that band. Met Burgess a few times.


Fucking brilliant band!


When I moved to Canada "why the fuck do they not have more roundabouts? They're awesome for traffic flow" After 3yrs of living here "good thing we don't have more roundabouts, nobody has a fkin clue how to use them"


Depends where you live. In KW they have a ton, and a lot of major intersections are being turned into roundabouts. Though there is still 30 page forum post on RedFlagDeals on how does a roundabout work. Boy was that a tough read. Kind of like the how many days are there in a week post on bodybuilding.com forums.


It’s interesting after seeing everyone’s comments, there are actually 4 idiots in this short video. The 2 primary idiots, plus the cop in the black SUV that doesn’t use a turn signal, and the white car on the left who just seems lost and is probably still going around and around it!


No, you're right. Silver is timid. Got plenty of room and clear sightlines in both cases but he's scared.


Silver car is the one in the wrong here. Silver car slowed way down - maybe even stopped - before the white SUV was in danger range.


Silver car is an idiot, I swear people that can't figure out roundabouts need to have their licenses revoked. It's not hard. I would have gone through like the white suv if I saw a car sitting in the roundabout too. Yield doesn't mean stop it means yeild and if you're gonna sit there like an idiot I'm gonna go.


If you were the white SUV, you could make a point about it and stop and yield until the silver car goes. That way you're following the rules and being consistent. And lets them know something is amiss and prevents them from thinking you entering the roundabout first is the right thing.


You could, that doesn'ts change the fact that the silver car is the idoit for stopping in the middle of the roundabout. I'd be watching that person and if they were still sitting there I'd still go, don't need to waste my time or efforts teaching morons how to do things right.




Think you're giving the silver car too much credit.


French rules roundabout?


Priorité à droite! They are almost extinct in France now.


Gotta love those curry drivers


If I saw someone stop on a roundabout, I’m going to go for it.


In a RH drive country normally at intersections you yield to traffic on the right. in a round a bout you yield to the traffic on the left. This may be what is confusing people.


Roundabouts in general are stupid. When enough people screw up it's time to start blaming the system.