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No joke, Dr. Phil pulled that move on me right outside of a studio lot in LA.


Legendary, did you have a dash cam?




We’ll be right back


*Bald headed, mustached commercial break guitar riff*


[Wuh Nuh Nuh wuh Nuh Nuh wahhh](https://youtube.com/shorts/D9oQG05gzj8?si=Sn9gEMyIAXpiptkI)


[I don't like your fuckin' attitude right now. If I'm being perfectly honest.](https://youtube.com/shorts/DVXRhR9pKPk?si=Ch0CgBAACCBrAuom)




Adam Ray is the one true Dr. Phil. Haha that shit kills me


Fuck it I'm launching my jalopy into Dr. Phil's car




I saw Dr Phil at a grocery store in Los Angeles way back when. I just told him how cool it was to meet him in person but that I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


Yea he’s one of our favorites down here


Newest copypasta


This is pretty old pasta.


New?! You’re not a loser like the rest of us and it shows


☠️ no way


The Ralph Report has a segment called "Lame Claim to Fame" for stories just like this. You should send it in!


I don't know why but he 1000% seems like he would do that


This infuriates me. Why do this just to go around one car??? You are going to end up behind another car and meaning you won't be increasing your speed.


Because they’d rather cause one of us inconvenience than have to show a shred of patience.


It started off as not showing a shred of patience, but immediately became about not being able to admit defeat. People like this cannot accept showing "weakness" in any form... It's a toxic mentality and so dangerous/annoying.


He wasn’t doing a good job of it either. If he really wanted to get around he had a chance to floor it and cut dashcam guy off


You know, I honestly think it's more that people are too stupid to understand how to drive. 


I see this same kind of thing on the highway all the time. Line of people in the left lane passing a slow guy coming up in the right lane. Someone gets fed up and changes lanes so they can get right up the ass of the slow guy, gaining a car length or two. I never let those chucklefucks back in unless they get dangerous about it.


That’s the “sucker hole”. I usually side with the defensive driving faction here, but I’ll let someone get themselves stuck in the sucker hole.


Must Get In First. MGIF.


If yer not first. Yer last!


because in their head they are now 1 car ahead in the race to nowhere. I swear that's what's going on in these people's heads. Literally "now I am 1 car ahead"


I assume their ultimate play is to repeat such maneuvers at every possible intersection until they are finally "at the front" or some such nonsense


It's just the human equivalent of a dog pulling on its leash.


The best analogy.


This made me LOL


You def hit the nail on the head!! I had a guy behind me go into the opposite lane of traffic on a 2 lane street at a stop sign after like 3 seconds of waiting… just to stop 20 feet ahead at a notoriously long red light on the main road of my town. Some people literally just rush and risk it all to be first to wait at a light or get stuck in traffic. You already know he looked everywhere but my direction when I pulled up next to him on the main road like 5 seconds later but I would be feeling dumb too so I don’t blame him lmao


Honestly it's one of two things, but maybe both. 1. What I said about "now I am 1 car ahead" 2. Poor Time Management. They are constantly late and are in a insane race again the clock because they left late (again). I want to say most terrible aggressive dangerous drivers fall into the second category. If they would leave 10-15 minutes early then it wouldn't be a problem.


Another great take tbh. I completely agree!


That’s it. That’s me sometimes. But I don’t risk it all. I just go Bottas (I guess), fast but safe. But indeed; the poor time management, always feel like you’re in a rush is definitely the thing with a lot of people. It’s also not good for your own stress level.


Exactly. I saw a video on TikTok where a guy was like, “Why do you have to go so fast and tailgate everyone?” And there were people like, “Well, I beat the stoplight and you didn’t so 🤷🏻‍♂️” Like how pathetic does your life have to be to pick something as trivial as a stoplight to get a W? Insecurity really fucks with people’s minds.


I have noticed so many times that these kinda people are stopped in the next stoplight… that’s the karma this planet gives!


Survivorship bias though


Cycling in Holland is a bit like that. I commuted by bicycle every day for 14 years so got fairly fit and moved at a fair pace. Pretty much every day I'd have someone overtake me then sit up with their hands off the handlebars to show me how easy it was for them to pass me. A few times I saw people properly racing, taking turns to overtake each other. I guess some people are just competitive and have to "win" all the time.


I drive a big service body truck and I wish I had a dollar for every time someone did a dickhead move to get in front of me so they could “see”. I had a guy on Reddit tell me it was in the name of safety. Smdh. If you don’t tailgate the truck, you don’t need to see in front of them. He couldn’t grasp that concept.


I like being behind trucks. Knowing that they take some time to slow down means I don’t need to be on the edge of my seat all the time. I don’t tailgate ever anyways but I especially prefer to be behind trucks when I don’t really have to be mindful of time spent driving.


I drive pretty fast so I will get you there early.


Hate to not see the car in front of the car in front of me


i don't tailgate, but i do drive a hatch and prefer seeing much further down the road than i can when i am behind a big truck or the like. i would never do shit like this just to get in front 🤷🏻‍♂️ just offering a different perspective


I don’t like being behind trucks when I’m in my car or motorcycle either but I’m not gonna be a dick just to get in front of them. Especially if they are driving faster than me.


I am the best!!! I win at driving!!


and that right there, is why they have gone so much farther in life than we ever will. They're always in front.


They are now 1 car further ahead in life than everyone else! lol


"Get out in front & stay out in front. That's my strategy for winning in life." - Ricky Bobby, probably




& Bake


I hate it especially when they go on turn lane only and choose to say fuck you to everyone else. Like if a driver had no awareness, they wouldn't even think that car on the right was about to cut them


Completely agree. I’ll just say be careful, you never know how far people who’ve already proven themselves to be idiots are willing to go. Now you’re on the side of the road dealing with whatever while other drivers go about their day.


Main character syndrome


It's compensation for feeling unimportant and powerless in life. A lot of people feel that way nowadays, but instead of being mindful of that feeling, they take every opportunity they can to impose their will on other people.


Because if you do it *twice*, then you're first and can drive slower than everyone behind you as their punishment for not being first. /s


It's so infuriating. I had an older lady use the left turn-only lane at an intersection to force her way in front of me. From the looks of her car, this was a regular thing that she did.


I did not think you were going to win that one but you pulled out the W. 👏


Hahaha im so glad almost 600 people agree with this. I know i shouldn't do it but asshole gotta stop getting away with that. Where's the cops when u need them.


Let’s be honest though, that idiot didn’t learn their lesson from this. They were just minorly inconvenienced


They don't have to learn anything, they just have to stop getting what they want. Or at the very least stop trying because it's not worth the hassle.


No lessons were learned, of that we are sure. He will merge like a d*** even harder next time.


Exactly, I’ve met many people that are sheets this aggressive. So sad. Peace is the way! Also, step on it, grandma!


I applaud your determination, I would have folded because I live in a state where everyone has guns. No matter how right you are, you can’t compete with crazy.


You can if you're crazier! I mean this makes me more afraid of doing it but I still do it anyways. Yes, I'm very brave AND handsome.


Crazy doesn't stop bullets


Yes correct 👍 we are on the same page




This isn’t in Chicago


Logan hit the nail on the head. They do it cause they want the w, same as you...


You absolutely killed that. That took balls, and it was so cathartic to see. Thank you, truly.


You did the right thing


They actually teach this maneuver on the road test in NYC


I am convinced there are millions of people driving now that do not have a license and therefore have zero understanding of even the most basic rules of the road.


Better than no license at all, many have had their license suspended multiple times!


When driving is required to participate in life, the standards have to be so low as to be meaningless.


As childish as that was I'm happy you hung in there.


Agreed. Well played OP/Cammer. Yes, it's never smart to play games like that even if you are 100% in the right, but man it sure felt good watching OP just deny that fool the forced merge.


Dickheads bank on that being the reaction from other drivers. They're used to having their way.


must admit I've done this before. I actually got honked at one time... the audacity! I guess they just think they have a right to do whatever they want, whenever they want


i had a massive truck try to merge into the couple of feet between me and the car in front of me after jumping into one of those passing lanes to skip ahead of traffic at a light. i honked and swerved bc he was going to hit me and dude held down his horn and was gesturing all angry 💀


I used to refuse to be bullied in traffic when I was driving a 20+ year old F250 crew cab beater. Now I just wish for them to have the (hopefully single car into immovable object) accident they're so desperately seeking as soon as it won't inconvenience me.


Yeah, not the most mature move and not the safest move, but fuck that guy. Hope he's still mad about it.


Agree and agree and hard agree. Similar thing happened recently. Guy had multiple opportunities to merge. He floored it then tried to merge in front of me. Something in my mind just said "oh hell no". I guess he expected me to just let him in. I did not meet his expectations and he wound up pitting himself as he merged into my shitbox. He wound up doing a 360 off the side of the road. Not my proudest moment but fuck that guy.


One less guy to do dumb shit I hope 🤣


What was the insurance outcome of that?


Outcome of what? I don’t know what happened. One minute I’m driving, minding my own business and then all of a sudden this car comes flying by me, lost control and spun out right in front of me. ;)


I’m a witness and can confirm. One minute the dude was just whipping around other cars while methodically eating his own boogers, the next, without any warning, a tornado formed exactly around his car and spun it out. Maybe entitlement has a gravitational force we haven’t yet studied.


Yeah, I don't blame you, but some are so crazy, they might start shooting. I probably would have let them in once they kept trying to merge. Extreme idiots do exist .


Yeah I usually let them in and then keep the same safe distance between my car and the car that was in front of me to begin with, pretending the idiot car isn't even there. I call it the "oh I thought you wanted this spot" tailgate.


That's why it's nice to at least watch a dickhead not get his way on video.


That's why I let them in under the condition that they receive a "fuck you" honk from me


It's petty, but I felt better about it too lol.


Yeah, it was the wrong choice on every important level, but I can't help but be happy it worked out anyway.


Here on Reddit they love the “defensive driving”, but that’s how these people always get away with it.


Yea, I’m 100% sure the other driver learned their lesson and will never pull a stunt like this ever again


Just like the other comment. Im glad 800 people agree with this. I know I shouldn't but asshole have to stop doing this. Someone is seriosuly going to cause acvidents with the turn only lane into the steaights. I bet it happens a lot


But but they used their turn signal


I know you're being sarcastic, but that makes it a request, not a demand.


Real glad there was not a cyclist.


An excellent example of the need for protected bike lanes since vehicles can't stay in their piece of the road.


I drive a 2002 pick up truck 3/4 long bed chevy. I bought it pre-wrecked. It takes all the stress out of driving. It is mechanically sound but not real pretty. If someone wants to try to merge at the last minute, or not let me merge or tailgate me or any other situation idiot drivers create… it’s ok. I have no problem trading paint with them. As long as I’m in my truck. I guarantee they’re more worried about it than I am.


I have an old truck with a steel brush guard and very loud horns. I wish I could find one of those push bumpers they used to put on wreckers back in 70s and 80s. Come to think of it, maybe I will just go buy an old tow truck...


Oooohhh! A loud horn would be awesome.


You can get full on train horn kits for a decent price and not a bad install if you’re determined enough. Had a buddy with one and it would scare the shit out of anyone within 500 feet, especially when you’re in an area with no trains


Pre-dinged cars are the way, nobody messes with you


Exactly. I said pre-wrecked but it was only one dent. I dont even like to take my Camaro out because of how other people drive.


I will never get rid of the dent in my trunk for this reason (and I can't afford it). Trunk still works so why bother. It is funny when they try to do this to me tho, since they can't tailgate me in case they slam into me.


This kind of situation is why I support revoking the [Last Clear Chance doctrine](https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/last_clear_chance#:~:text=The%20doctrine%20considers%20which%20party,chance%20to%20avoid%20the%20accident.) in cases of clear malfeasance. That driver is basically saying "do what I want or get in a wreck." They're abusing the mutual agreement between all drivers to do everything possible to avoid an accident. Since they're abusing it, they don't deserve the protections associated with it. A driver in OP's position should be able to maintain their course and incur zero financial or criminal liability if the idiot decides to hit them.


It's like when the villain in a story is counting on the good guys to act morally so that they can take advantage.


Wow Reddit speaking ill of the Doctrine! 😱


I'm torn here because I want to agree as a matter of law if an accident should occur, but as a matter of prudence it's just not worth having an accident you don't have to.


If you have a car you care about, sure. But if I'm in my beater, you can test me all you want. At worst it's a 50/50 fault, and they care about their car wayyyy more than I care about mine. I'll come out ahead in that scenario


I miss my beater Malibu that I got for $750. It had headlights bot otherwise no grill. Passenger door was caved in and it was rusted all over. Ran like a champ though, had cold air and I could hear the radio over the swiss cheese exhaust and I didn't give a fuck. If they wanted to play bumper cars, I was ready. Hell there was a good chance they might fix a dent on my car if we collided.


Damage to my vehicle is honestly at the bottom of the list. Wasting my time and energy on police reports, insurance companies, lawyers, court dates....that's what I really say no thank you to.


At worst someone dies, car accidents are a leading cause of death


Yeah no. The priority here is safety for everyone else on the road. Everyone, even those not causing the issue, is responsible for maintaining that safety. Both people are fucking idiots here that could have killed a cyclist


Regular day in New York.


Unless you discourage such behavior, it will continue. Yes I hate to see you doing this, but I support you!!!


They won't change. In fact I'll bet my house that the other car does this again just to "win" next time. Being an idiot to an idiot never teaches them to not be an idiot. Quite the opposite.


Yeah he probably forgot all about it already unfortunately.


Not true. People do things like this because they get something out of it. They get something out of it because the majority of people accommodate them. If most people didn't accommodate them, they wouldn't regularly get rewarded. Eventually, they would stop.


Are you gonna risk punishing yourself to avoid the other person being rewarded? I'd rather not.


Ooooo I see this every day downtown on the way to work. Can't stand it. And I have been both the person going straight and in the turn lane behind them.... Terrible all the way around, hate it.


I'm normally on board with you and yes, there's no stupid prize or who got to the next stop light first prize but. Teach that ass hole a lesson! Not all heros wear capes.


It's total BS to have to fight for the lane you already occupy. Fuck that dooshbag.


Look I agree, I shouldn't have. But we need to stop letting assholes get away with this. Especially if everyone follows the right of way. It's not necessarily justifiable for what I done, but being in the wrong lane and dangerously driving like that is even more unacceptable. I do believe though that we shouldn't have to yield to people driving any way they want and get away with it. I see some people already do this so just be safe out there and hope they learn their lesson. But be safe because some people have nothing to lose. For people like that driver, retake your driver's license and learn the right of way.


I would die on that hill. Nice moves, op.


You’re putting yourself and others in more danger and solving nothing


> I shouldn't have. You should have. At those speeds, nobody was *really* going to get seriously hurt. For most sane people, your bravery is directly proportional to the level of inconvenience you're willing to absorb (both temporal and financial). If you crashed your car because of this, the assumption is that you're in a financial state to absorb the inconvenience while insurance sorts it out (assuming they get involved at all). I know I could buy a new car tomorrow if I want, but I couldn't bear to think about the time I'm losing dealing with the logistical mess hammering a crash out.


Man it makes me soo happy you didn’t let them in


Yep, thats the classic bullshit move. Just hope you don't love your car, it could turn out badly any second. And people who act like that, I think, may be more likely to not have insurance and/or run.


Yeah fuck that guy.


Nissan gonna Nissan. I wouldn’t have let that prick in either.


Thank you! If he was merging a lot earlier with safe space and blinkers like every safe driver should, it would be no problem


This is my block in Brooklyn, Caton Ave. The intersection with the right turn lane that the guy goes straight through, I’ve been almost hit multiple times there because drivers ignore the solid red light. I’m usually pushing my daughter in her stroller, which is terrifying. I have to keep my head on a swivel constantly.


I wish it could be changed, we need more cops or something so people stop pulling off those stunts


Enforcement of the traffic laws is what’s needed. I’ve actually seen people run red lights in front of cops and not get ticketed. Until drivers see consequences for their actions, they’ll just keep doing it.


People drive like total dickheads in flatbush/east Flatbush. Speeding down the side streets, flat out blowing red lights, crossing the double yellow because you're only going 30mph, crossing the double yellow to cut everyone off at the red light, using the left turn lane/parking lane to pass cars, etc etc


Sadly I’ve seen most of these. Crossing the double yellow to make the left turn at the red light is one I truly can’t fathom is going through the drivers mind. Such total disregard for other people around you means your license should be revoked.


Seems you’ve managed to avoid downvotes with this “stand your ground” video. So glad. That driver’s obnoxious behavior is infuriating, so it was satisfying to see you shut them out. Be well, friend.


Thank you, I was surprised as well how much positive feed back it got. I guess it's something we all wanted to do atleast even once


Haha it's a nissan......you got off Lucky op. Their cars are their weapons. Surprised you weren't Nascar pushed into compliance


Oh boy what a night it would have been. Im gladnit worked out nonetheless


This is why I drive shit boxes


Am I projecting what I would, or is that guy in front of OP braking to help him out so dude on the right can’t merge.


Shittt I didn't even think of that, if so... that was a very nice fellow stranger


That was not the right thing to do but also yes it was 👍


That guy's a dick, but I'd let him pass. I dont have time for a pride match that would inconvenience me at best, cause physical damage at worse.


And people that do shit like that are always the ones in the comments saying "Oh jeez, you could have just let them in and forgot about it. No need to make a big deal out of it!" No, if you are this kind of driver or defend this kind of driver, fuck you. Plain and simple. It's people like you that cause all the traffic issues you're trying to to avoid. OP, good job on block that dumbass.




Haha I think he's just impatient based of that rear cam. He chose to say fuck the empty spot i guess


Well done.




were u an idiot for what u did... yes. is anyone mad about it... absolutely not


Fair enough 😭


While it is incredibly satisfying, it's also incredibly dangerous. You have nothing to gain, and everything to lose. At best, MAYBE you teach a loser a lesson for free. At worst, you get in an accident where they push you into oncoming traffic, or shot in the face. I'd let the fucker in and let their own bad habits catch up with them. Anyone continually gambling their life for nothing is bound to get what they deserve eventually. This shittiest part about people like this is that they force people not wanting to get cut off all the time to ride the asses of those in front of them, which makes the roads even more dangerous for absolutely no fucking reason. I can't wait for self-driving vehicles.


My car is shit. And I drive with no care that others break the law.


Driving in a threatening and reckless manner like this should be treated the same as brandishing a firearm in public. It's so unnecessary and dangerous.


Haha, weird hill to die on.




2 idiots, 1 video.


It's because 99% of people will yield to them so they keep doing it. Sure you fucked him this time but the next person will yield and let them in. More people will go for safety over "winning" so these types if people will always exist.


Yeah it absolutely sucks. If people stop yeilding for assholes, they can't get away with it.


I'll take getting home without getting in a crash over winning like the goofball in this video. You can risk getting in a crash if you want to though


Uh oh, can't let anyone else win the game of DRIVE FORWARD


I just want to know why you were sitting in their blind spot!!! /s


I'm so tempted to add curb feelers to my car, to increase the chances that dumbasses like that will key themselves.


Amen. People are inherently self-centered.


This is the very person who goes online screaming about how no one knows how to zipper merge.


That’s some Florida 101 shit there


i hate people who do this


This is why I like my old 4x4. No one plays these games with me when I’m driving it. When I drive my newer vehicles it happens often.


It feels like in the last few years this has become a really bad problem. 10 years ago I might experience seeing this 3-4 times a year but now I experience at least 3-4 times a week.


This is glorious. Never give an inch to these fuckers.


Hate this shit


This is exactly why I don't own a gun. The world would be a better place if I did, though.


Fuck that guy. But there’s nothing like putting a cyclist or person getting out of their car’s life in danger to prove a point…


Just let the guy get over. Why risk causing an accident to make a point. You’re both idiots in cars.


One of those not so rare times when an air horn would be your best friend.


You have dashcam proof that he was in the wrong so what's wrong with tapping him, it'll be his fault just say you got scared and accidentally jerked the wheel because normally their isn't someone in that lane driving next to me pushing me into the oncoming traffic. Easy insurance claim and you'll win everytime


Exactly! Could you imagine someone not expecting that move from a solid line merge. That could've been a family in a very confusing situation. Dangerous as well


Honestly just let them do their insane maneuvers, it's safer for you and in this case the bicycle lane they're riding it. I seriously doubt they would have an issue running cyclists over


Make em eat the fucking curb.


I would've let them in. But if a crash is only gonna involve you and the other person, that's your prerogative I guess. Next to nothing is worth a collision for me, it's just annoying and a waste of time at best.


>But if a crash is only gonna involve you and the other person... I mean since the idiot's car was in the bike lane/shoulder area, a crash from this could've easily affected more than just cammer and idiot. So I agree, I would simply brake and let them in. Avoid all that risk altogether.


Nice job not letting this moron merge, OP. Fuck him and everyone like him.




Why fight? Potential damage to your car and possible accident with oncoming traffic. To "win" what? Be one car ahead?


Exactly. If people want to act a damn fool, I'll let them since it's not worth my time, money, or life. Im typically on a bike so I can pretty accurately predict this type of behavior and it keeps me above ground.


I'm not going to sugarcoat it: You're both idiots. The guy in the right non-lane for obvious reasons and YOU because you held your ground and maintained a dangerous situation just because you didn't want to let someone in front of you.


You guys are both being idiots.


Yet, it is so satisfying to watch the bigger idiot lose.




I wouldn’t let them pass either


Good on you for holding your lane