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Wtf is wrong with people


Well you see, op had the audacity to exist in front of the most important person on earth


Sad to say, but at this point in our world it's to be expected. I have to stay extremely calm in these situations according to my doctors. Simple anxiety issues almost gave me a heart attack.


Geez man, hope you don't run into too many of these situations. I try to stay calm because I'm in America. Enough said.


I try to stay calm because there’s more to life than some jerk having a bad day making bad decisions on the road. When they become dangerous, I try to stay calm so I can figure out the best way to avoid a wreck. When they aren’t dangerous, I try to stay calm because it flat out isn’t worth it to get upset about this kind of thing. I have my dignity in other places, not the game of chicken that road raging drivers want to play. Being an American should have nothing to do with it, you should be willing to be the better person regardless


You might want to go ahead and close Reddit then.


I’d suggest avoiding this sub as well


In a world of Rights, who's wrong?


Drives huge truck, is complete piece of shit. It's funny how often those 2 things are connected.


How dare you already be in the road when she wants to pull out.


Her dad shoulda pulled out




She's the load that should have been swallowed.


Nah, her mom should have spit her out like she did with that gum.


She’s actually spitting out a load


wow you nailed that


So did her dad, unfortunately.








That is why many children are not called BJ.


I know right


I feel the casual wave of the hand could either be: "Oh kind sir, if you would see it in your heart to maybe back off a few inches so as to make my egress slightly easier, I would be forever grateful" or "Gettout of my way asshole, I got places to go and I don't want to deal with you mooks!" Frankly it's a toss-up. A little later in the vid it's not clear if she's blowing a kiss or spitting.


Looks like she spit or spit a gum. One day someone will break her teeth and she won’t be able to do that. Matter of time in LA


She'll be lucky if all she gets is broken teeth.




They're in a big vehicle so they can feel like big people.


In my country, you flash the front lights and lift your hand up in a half Hitl I mean Roman salute. Usually, the other car will let you through. Then you honk or give another salute before going.


Not sure why she's pissed at the cammer who wasn't blocking the exit. What a bitch.


her logic: he should have moved when I said so.


I would've moved in closer at that point.


Ill go forward yes yes yes lol


People are entitled




Literally... broski prolly had people behind them too. People really do be thinking they are special or something.


You mean I'm not?!


Probably could have made the turn too. Perhaps she should get a Mini Cooper


Haha, to be fair, I immediately thought, "yep, classic Silverado turning radius."


I hope she feels stupid making that 7-point turn after doing something like that, at least I would lol. I wonder what happened after the video clip ends.


She started streaming on Insta while primping her hair. "HeY gUyS, wHaT's Up?? I was TOTALLY pulling out of a garage and this GIANT DOUCHE NOZZLE kept trying to block me, like UGGHH! People are SO FUCKING RUDE nowadays. Anyways that's all I have for today. Love you!"


A influencer streaming while driving..... YEP, this checks out. Lol Can't stand seeing influencers doing this!


I was waiting for her to zoom ahead in the oncoming lane and cut the OP off.


There is no oncoming lane. That's a one-way.


Ahh, gotcha. I was still waiting for her to zoom past and cut him off, though.


She's turning to drive around another car, but getting angry at the person letting her go through.


She must be the sister of the \[expletive redacted\] in a Mercedes SUV who flipped me off for pulling into the parking space in front of her so she had to back out of her space instead of pulling forward. People need to get over their entitled thinking when they drive.


Mate, recently I had a lady in a Range Rover try to make me reverse on a single track road, too narrow for 2 cars. The kicker is, I was on a motorbike. I can't reverse, and it's more than wide enough for me and her, but she obviously needs the entire road and me to waddle backwards.


I don't think a sentence that involves the phrase "lady in a Range Rover" has ever ended well.


I just had this similar thing happen on my way home from the dog park yesterday. There's construction on my street, and one of the exits/entrances had half of a driveway blocked off. The half blocked off would make it a one-way incoming from the street. Someone started tried to exit just as i was trying to enter. Which makes it so i have right of way as he was on the wrong side of the road. He laid on his horn and kept yelling at me to back up. But nah, right of way is for taking only. And eventually, he backs up. Funny enough, he got out of his car initially, but that made my dog start barking, which made him stay nearer to his car. Then, once I'm out of the way. Another person pulls in behind me and he's blocked again. I stopped looking after that and just laughed.


People can get really weird about pulling through parking spaces for some reason. I also don’t understand how people don’t find it legit easier to back into spaces, especially in an era with backup cameras. Last week I was packing slightly too many groceries on my motorbike, lady didn’t see my bike in the full-sized parking spot and started pulling through from the other aisle, and then she just stopped and stared at me, idling, until I was done so she could pull through. There were plenty of other spots 10 feet away, but she was entitled to mine I guess. When I said too many groceries, it took me a solid 12 minutes to cram this stuff between the saddlebags and top rack, and she just sat there and stared at me through her phone the whole time. I was genuinely creeped out.


Backing in is fine, unless you have to put things in your trunk.


I generally back into spaces, but I will pull into a parking spot if it's a bit more convenient.


I had a lady in an F350 do that to me. Look, if you’re gonna take a dually on Grocery run you gotta know how to park it. Not my problem


Maybe if her vehicle wasn’t so obnoxiously gigantic, she wouldn’t have had an issue.


Bold move from a lady with a license plate that is clearly readable in this video


I had a different adjective in mind i suppose bitch works


That's a noun.


I stopped for a guy on a crosswalk over a turn lane, and he flicked me off as he stepped back on the sidewalk. I’m like WTH?! I stopped, gave you space, and you’re mad at me? I think he is related to this driver.


"I have an unnecessary massive car (by own choice), and therefore it's your problem"


Truck people


Wow. She’s going to pull that entitled BS on the wrong person one day.


Yup, there's people who will kill over a 40oz beer. They'll definitely waste her with that level of 'disrespect'.


There's people who will kill you over looking at them the wrong way in traffic, even if you're thinking about something else and they interpret it to be a nasty look.


I dated that guy in college. He taught me there is always someone crazier than you on the road. He’s the reason I don’t use my horn, I never cut anyone off or make eye contact at a light. He got in so many fights on the road for minor things. Edit phrase


Yep. I've known people like this, too.


People like that are why I tell my boyfriend so much that the most important lesson in driving is to not engage in road rage at all. Never know who is willing to kill you for even honking at them.


You are so right. There is always someone crazier. I do my best to avoid trouble. So far I’ve been pretty lucky.


I try to avoid road rage because I AM that crazier person, only when someone almost kills me by driving stupid, though. Mild shit, no problem. Trying to run me off the road, almost hitting me head on, etc--I become that moment in Kill Bill when she sees red and Ironside plays.


I will never forget the time he was at a light and he was crying because he’d just come from an emotional situation and was on his way home. He became convinced the guy in the car next to him was laughing at him for crying so he chased him down. The guy pulled over and was seeming to try and talk with him- he rolled his window down and tried to ask what was wrong. My ex punched him in the face and knocked him out- he left his car there slowly rolling down the road. I was on the phone listening to the whole thing trying to convince him to stop. Another time it was over someone panhandling at a light. Another time someone changed lanes in front of him with no blinker. It was never for an actual dangerous situation.


He sounds like a real POS


He really is. I was too at that time, but I grew out of it. As far as I know, he’s still stuck there.


If you drive in NYC with that mindset youll literally never go anywhere. Next time I visit I think ill upgrade to a custom horn that plays la cucaracha. That or ludas “MOVE BITCH GET OUT THE WAY”


NYC you just have to be direct. If you use your turn signal, you have exactly 5 seconds to get where you're going. If not, no one is ever letting you in.


Oh god… My sister admitted to me (with PRIDE, mind you) that she followed someone for a few miles because they disrespected her in traffic. I can’t remember if they honked at her or cut her off, it was a couple years ago. But holy shit, yeah I told her how bad that was but she characteristically didn’t listen and told me I was wrong. Apparently she and them got into a little spat before she sped off. Classy as usual, sis.


My opinion on using my horn, is that if someone is breaking a rule of traffic, for instance right of way in many different instances, that I will give them a honk to say hey, f you; they may or may not know what they did was wrong (they probably do) but it's almost a form of shame for them doing what they did and hopefully they will think twice before they do that same stupid again... and who knows, it might save their life or at least their car if someone else is doing the same kind of stupid.


I definitely think that there are times where using a horn is important- it’s there for a reason! But I’m pretty sure I’ve only used it once in the last Ten years when someone was about to hit me. And even then I held my breath for a second


Once someone tried to get my attention at a light but I tried to ignore him thinking he was a crazy person. I finally looked his way and he told me my center brake light was out.




I don’t fuck with 50 and over looking guys. If they are aggressive, just assume they give zero shits and have nothing more to lose in life. A lot of people make this mistake (particularly during road rage incidents) and it’s always in the news.


That whole disrespect thing is bullshit. If you feel the need to act out violently because someone "disrespected" you, you belong in jail


I may live in Europe where we don't have guns, but people **will** get out and smash on your windows and in some cases try to beat your ass up in cases of road rage. In some cases it's deserved tbh, just look at that video


Nobody deserves abuse but if you want to act tough you better be ready to deal with someone calling you on it. A lot of women seem to forget this when they're behind the wheel.


This. I had a guy aggressively cut me off on the way home a 14 hour ambulance shift and break check me, getting out of his car when I threw my hand up. I hadnt had breakfast or lunch by that point in the evening and was very low blood sugar. I hopped up without a beat and told him " I've been wrestling 5150s, today. Get the f-ck back in your car before I break your m-f-n face!" It was a false level of confidence against someone who could've been totally nuts but he was out crazied that day and got back into his car.


I think more people should watch the movie ”Unhinged“


So you leave room for her to exit and she still acts like a little bitch. So much entitlement


All she had to do was wait a few seconds and she could have just pulled out in the direction she wanted to. This world is full of stupid people that can't see past their own nose.


Right. Everyone was waiting, it wasn’t like they were preventing her from doing anything.


That and clearly she does not know the dimension of her vehicle she is driving. She had room!


Yeah she just doesn’t know how to drive. Perfect for this sub.


I think it was more avoiding confrontation than leaving room out of courtesy


Ugh. Who does she think she is!? Did you see that hand wave, like "move, shoo, peasant!!!". The spitting was just the super classy cherry on top!


She's the MaIn ChArAcTeR duhhh


Haha.. clearly!


NPC in my world....


solipsism in a nutshell. Yes, this isn't a joke, this is exactly how these people think and operate.


Yeah I would’ve tighten the gap so she couldn’t get out but im a petty asshole


I got my petty right there w ya!! She would have never even got in front of me! I am so bad that at the first glare I would have put my flashers on, popped my hood, made it look like my car broke down, just to see how mad she would get!! Then, put her in place with a few choice words and then depending on how late I was, would decide how long it took me to pretend a car repair!!! I would have especially had fun because I drive the same truck only bigger!! I feel better now!! Thank you


Someone put this asshole on TV, this is the kind of behavior we should publicly shame people for


I'd like to think I would have just smiled and waved back at her. If she kept waving I'd do the same, mimicking her, but with a bit of goofiness. Confuse a trashy troll by being a silly troll. Or, "Oh, you want me to move ahead? Okay, sweetie, no problem." Then she becomes someone else's problem.


I liked that she also had to back up


I would have moved to be closer to the light, oh well she has to wait to turn in.


Thank you, Stilgar, for the gift of your body’s moisture.






Spits on your car and act all high and mighty but can’t maneuver a truck 🤦🏻‍♀️


Right?! she almost took out those poles while turning lol. And the spitting was infuriating tbh


The irony is she could’ve avoided the 3-point turn if she acted like a member of society. But as in their nature, the pickup driver is aggressive and blissfully unaware that they’ve selected the wrong car for the skills or needs as a driver.


Bought the truck so she has the biggest vehicle on the road. Nothing more than that. The only time that things seen dirt is when her crusty ass sits in the driver seat.


Can OP do something with the footage of her spitting on the car? I mean from a legal point of view? It’s just spit and obviously didn’t hurt him but the entitlement of the other driver makes me wish there was something that could be done here


Guys guyss I'm very stupid like dumb but I just found out DTLA means" Down Town Los Angeles " I feel so proud of myself


Nah, pretty sure it means she's Down To Lick Ass


Thanks.Here i was wondering how “classy lady Donkey Thanks Louie Anderson” fits together


Least obvious location abbreviation award winner




She's probably mad she spent $14 on a cup of coffee at Blue Bottle and $700 at dog treats and you had the audacity to not recognize her. lol I work right down the street form there and you can always tell who is just visiting downtown and is normally not there. They act all pissy, rage driving everywhere cause its just topo much for them to wait 5 seconds for anything.


No, it's downtown Los Angeles... so she's pissed she spent $100 for four hours of parking.


You forgot to mention how much she paid to try to fill that gas tank.


The prices vary widely throughout LA City/County. But one of the highest-priced gas stations is, in fact, downtown. The Chevron across from the post office, diagonally across from Union Station, is always insanely high. I think it was close to $8/gal for regular unleaded at one point. Chevron always has the most expensive gas in California, but... that's just insane.


I passed a gas station in south DTLA yesterday that was $4.99/gal which is the lowest I’ve seen it in a long while, and then later in the day passed a Mobil in West Hollywood that had it for $7.79/gal lowest price lmao. It does vary a lot I agree, but other than that one station I haven’t seen a single gas station even approaching $7 in the last couple weeks


These two comments are making me appreciative of the $4.00 (or just a little more) prices we have. Some of them are like $3.89 now. They always have a line around the building because everyone is trying to get in on that lol.


She has to be from the burbs is she paid that kinda cash for parking lmao.


I think all are probably valid answers


Some people are just assholes, doesn’t matter if they buy 14 dollar coffee from blue bottle or 1 dollar coffee from ampm.


Self entitled bitch, driving a truck that's too big for her, thinking she owns the road and everyone has to make room for her. How about wait your fucking turn.


A Smart car would be too big for her.


A smart car would be ironic for her.


too big for her brain period


Giant trucks don't belong in cities. There just isn't enough room on the road and they take so much more parking space


So entitled she has one of those new Amazon black and white plates.


People in large, shiny, clearly-not-used-for-work trucks always seem to be some of the most miserable people. And most of them can't even drive their damned massive truck, either lol.


If there's no tools in the back, there's a tool in the front.


I inherited a work truck when I started a new job. I went from a Fusion to a crew cab 1500 with a long box. I didn’t think anything of it until I tried to park the thing. It’s surprising more difficult to drive in the city. Not really complaining, have a company truck, but I was surprised.


I had a Dakota for hobby purposes, and recently got into a wreck. I got paid out by their insurance and got a 1500 to replace it for more towing capacity. I miss the Dakota.


My husband has an f150. I don’t drive it because I feel like it’s too big for me to properly drive. I try not to be an idiot in a car lol. I don’t get the sense of entitlement because it’s a big vehicle. People are dumb.


Those things are insane to drive. Gotta climb in & out and it’s never a graceful movement for me lol. Then the parking. Holy cow. But it’s a beast in snow. Especially the diesel. I never drove dumb. I’d be humiliated if I hurt someone with my truck. I can be mature on the road.


Nobody asked them to drive that beast. I had to borrow an F250 when my Ranger broke down and it was a nightmare driving pretty much anywhere. I have no idea why people choose a car you can barely maneuver in tight spaces.


This the exact kind of person I'd expect to drive one of these monstrosities.


Pathetic waste of oxygen...one day shes gonna spit at the wrong person and see that actions have consequences


I would have waved back


Agree best reaction


Silverado meets Prius, true love.


Wow how did you know it was a Prius? Good eye


Reflection off of her truck most likely


Exactly. And I drive one, so I recognize that funny nose like it's my own child in a crowd.


Fucking bitch. Sorry for my language but wow. I know I can be upset sometimes while driving but just her hand moves at first was already too much but then the honk and spitting! Insane.


I would have pulled up before she had a chance to move, just for that. "No, lady... fuck YOU."


What a gunt.




Always love it when psychos in trucks try to act all badass and then everyone sees that their turning radius is absolute shit. “Hang on, fuckface, I gotta back up cause I overestimated how well my dumbass truck could turn.”


I'd say get out and piss in her tray but someone has clearly already pissed in her cornflakes


Urgh, driving in LA is the worst. Shit, entitled drivers


What a pig, in so many ways.


Share this is /r/LosAngeles! Maybe someone will recognize her


She just mad she can’t drive lol


wtf was her problem?


I enjoyed when she had to back up and you'd already driven away


So, she's a spitter, not a swallower.


If she turned her wheel more she wouldn’t need to make a three point turn.


I would have pulled up closer to her truck


The fact you didn't block her when she tried to reverse really upset me


This is one of many reaspns why I don't leave room for turns when stopped in a line of cars. I've had dipshits almost take my front bumper off because I left a few feet and they said fuck it I'll squeeze in. Now I ride right up on the person in front of me and stop so it's perfectly clear that the person crossing will just have to wait til traffic moves. Also the wave of death. I don't wave anybody to turn in front of me because I know they can't see shit. I'm not going to get caught in their accident because they couldn't wait 30 seconds.


She can’t even drive that truck 🤦 so she wants people to move for her after butting in? Epic!


I hope by some unfathomable stroke of luck she sees this. fuck you, you trashy asshole


What a gigantic truck, very convenient for the city and ultra efficient for only one person


Big truck drivers always think they're such hot shit xD


Without an accident it just is a rude driver, kinda disappointed she didn't hit anybody.


Surprised she can actually pucker enough to spit with those injected lips that look like a money's asshole.


What was that wave? Is she trying to get you to pull forward while she's blocking you, or expecting you to reverse?


I never liked girls who spit.


Extremely trashy in this situation for sure.


Wait until you find out about the guys who spit every two seconds


Baseball players?


Worse, *southern men*


I don’t like guys who spit either. It’s gross AF.


Honestly I would have pulled up and blocked her in the second she waved like that


Personally i wouldn’t have let that slide


What should I have done?


Murdered her. Obviously.


A roll of nickels does wonders to windows.


Or ceramic bits from spark plugs.


Rubbed dog turds on the inside of their door handles and wait ;)


Keep some car bananas, cut in half and throw them at the side of her truck and they splatter.


I’d throw my coffee at her.


She's a keeper.


Aka human trash


Let her keep having fun paying all that money to fill the tank of that ridiculous truck in L.A.


People who spit at others are a low quality type of human. It’s just disrespect always.


Off topic but what is DTLA?


That's the entitlement of someone driving a truck that's too much for them.


Lol what an entitled bozo


Small clit energy from this dumpster human


Who in their right mind would want to own a car like this, in a city like that?!


I would've blocked her in so she couldn't backup.


Wow what piece of shit of lady. She had the room to squeeze by but she doesn't know how to drive that thing and on top of that she didn't even make her turn since she had to stop and reverse to continue. People are fucking stupid.


1. Trucks too big for that environment. 2. OP was not blocking her at all. 3. Seems like no one actually needed to move; see #1. Too many people in cars bigger than they're comfortable in/can see out of. 4. What a massive brat.


That truck has never had a single haul. If it were 2007 she’d be in an Escalade.


Don't buy it if you can't drive it.


Truck compensating for brain size here


I would have blocked her