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"Don't be Right - be Smart"


Plenty of “right” people in the ground 🪦


“Graveyards are full of people who had the right of way” Quick edit- love yours this was just what my dad taught me learning to drive


You’re 100% correct, I just forgot how the actual saying went. ✊


OP totally slowed down going around them for some reason? 🧐 think the Nissan wasn’t paying attention. Idk why you would need to slow down to go around him? Crazy mess glad you’re all ok and he didn’t fire like people are crazy gotta be careful and stay safe


Normally I make fun of the common “OP is also an idiot” comments, but yeah y’all are both stupid in your own ways.


looks like florida so...


Florida native here, this screams Florida behavior.


I think OP said Florida


OP wants to know if he’s the idiot but keeps commenting “wrong” under the yeses


he went probably 40 in that parking lot, cut someone off, and blew like 3 stop signs…OP had a power trip and got told off by a teenager with a gun (probably fake too)


About 2:29 the other guy hits him with his car (is what it looks like cuz the sudden rocking motion) then speeds in front of him so ig there was no choice but to follow, for insurance Edit: not sure what the speed limit is and it does look like OP is going a little fast but a fender bender is too small for a gun. Especially when they prob did it on purpose


There is no size of an accident whatsoever that justifies a gun. What the…


i really do think road rage of any kind should be met with suspension, and revocation if it was unwarranted. fucking tired of dipshits like this thinking they own the world.


Agree for an accident, but not for "assault with deadly weapon" which is what a vehicle in the hands of an idiot can be. In that case, self-defense with weapons can be justified. Why drivers in Texas are much more polite than in Jersey.


It's 45 mph


OP was going WAY faster than that.


Even if OP is going 55 in a 45, he still has the right a way. It Doesn’t excuse the negligence of the other driver. Edit for clarification: In the state that I reside, it is not considered reckless driving/endangerment until 25mph over the posted limit. So unless op was going around 70mph I doubt he would be charged for partial/cause of accident. Edit #2 everyone is claiming op was going around 75/80 mph.. me personally Im not seeing it.. I think he was passing the cars on the right quickly because they perhaps just turned onto/merged to that motorway, Cause clearly the car that hit him wanted to accelerate quicker than the car in front of him, unless he was speeding too, which again, both parties at fault. Also, IF he was speeding so quickly, why does he not catch up and easily overtake the box truck and black sedan after he passes the car that then went to hit him?


Bone apple tea


This is how my 'smart' phone spells it when I say "bon appétit".


What's the bone apple tea?


How does this have 60 upvotes lol Op was going way faster than 55mph if the other cars where going 45mph. And how can you ever justify going 25mph over the limit? That’s insane. OP is an idiot. *facepalm*


No. OP is the one changing lanes when they get hit. OP is the one who failed to give way. When the other car changes lane initially it is OP who is in the wrong as well. OP is going too fast and gets too close to another car who is obeying traffic laws and has changing lanes. If OP wasn’t speeding, they wouldn’t have needed to swerve. It’s all on OP here but needless to say, pulling a gun is never a proportionate reaction.


No "right of way" to speed and threaten cars far ahead from changing lanes, like they are supposed to focus on potential speeders in their rear-view. If you drive the same speed as others and don't exceed the speed limit, nobody will "cut you off".


Also the grey car technically cut off OP. So OP swerved around to avoid crashing into the grey car. Goes back into its original lane as it’s literally going faster than the grey car


It looks like OP may have cut back into the original lane too quickly at 0:09 and hit the grey car.


Op changes lanes in the middle of intersection. Not allowed. Gray car might have been in the wrong initially but if you play stupid games you win stupid prizes. Edit: I just actually did some research and it’s allowed to change lanes in an intersection but only while safe. Which obviously it wasn’t where there is a car there and he’s trying to exert his dominance.


Exactly and I wonder if OP is even using signals they hoping all over that line


you're both idiots


It looks like op was "soft-punishing" the maxima for moving into his lane by moving back right in front of him immediately. They both pissed off each other and one of the parties also had a gun.


ITT: OP “Am I the idiot?” Everyone “Yes and you drive like an asshole” OP “YoUr WrOnG” If OP wasn’t speeding and cutting people off by lane changing in the middle of the intersection this would have all been avoided.


Exactly. Just pull over and call the cops. What are you gonna prove chasing them down?


He's not chasing them down. He's running because they pulled a gun.


I love these people that post “am I the idiot” posts and when they are told they are the idiot they get super defensive. Maybe if you drove as defensive as you are being in these comments you wouldn’t have to validate your idiot actions


What was said when you stopped? Was that them again after you pulled a U-turn and stopped on that road? We’re they following you?


Yea I stopped and I was like what happened and she was like I hit her and if you watch closely to the passenger door the passenger got out just when that part of the car got out if view but you can see the door open and the male passenger just started holding his gun saying "What?... WHAT WHAT" when i was trying to have a convo with the driver the passenger to my car got scared because he was getting very visibly aggressive so I pulled off for safety. Thats me running the stop signs because i did not want to get shot and they were following behind me. The you see them again when they were gonna make the U turn and he put his gun out the window and waves it at us so i sped off again and they tried to follow but couldn't keep up


Both of you are idiots. The way you went around them and tried to cut them off and caused that accident. You could have just hit the brakes and got over, that would have been the end of it. They are idiots for pulling out and pulling a gun. Everyone sucks here.






well you did hit her. You can tell from the video that you merged into her.




I mean I'd also speed off if someone was threatening me with a gun


Yeah, if someone pulls a gun on me when I’m driving, sorry, the rules go out the window. I’m in survive mode and I’m getting the fuck out of there.




You drive like shit.


Didn’t quite expect this kind of reaction did you OP? Lol


You asked if you're the idiot and have been very defensive about any criticism...


Dude…you drive like fucking shit…


Guy is speeding at least 10-15 miles faster than all, then passes someone and merges right in front of them and brakes… OP is a trash driver and is at fault here. The other driver just had the unfortunate situation of running to this idiot. Side note - glad you didn’t get shot. Maybe drive carefully next time and you won’t have to worry about dying.


There wouldn't have been an accident if you didn't decide to change lanes in the middle of an intersection. What was the point in that?


The point was "this is my lane you just came into, so I'm gonna take it back." OP is not a good driver.


It’s legal in California, but unsafe. Doesn’t allow for drivers to predict. OP is an idiot, for the unsafe lane change, fast speed, and then merging on them causing a collision.


Its legal in Cali? Every state in the NE, its illegal to change lanes in an intersection




They must have changed it. I got a ticket for passing in an intersection back in the 90s, in CA


[looks like it is legal but only when it’s done safely.](https://www.pe.com/2017/07/16/on-the-road-changing-lanes-in-an-intersection-may-be-legal-but-its-not-necessarily-safe/amp/) > While most people believe it’s illegal to change lanes in an intersection, nothing in the California Vehicle Code that says you can’t – so, it’s legal to do so as long as it’s done safely. Drivers are advised, however, to avoid lane changes in intersections in busy areas, because dong so can be unsafe. [here’s another link of a CHP Sgt. talking about it cuz i didn’t trust the first link](https://abc30.com/amp/chp-california-highway-patrol-know-the-road-rules/5953703/)


You drive very recklessly. You’re going to end up killing someone.


You're both driving like idiots. Why did you go around him quickly and then cut right in front of him before the accident? Literally ALL of this could have been avoided if you simply slowed down and let them change lanes.


Or just passed. Op passed then moved back and hit the brakes. Honestly with the video OP would probably (and probably is) 100% at fault for all damages.


why did your car wiggle at the 8 second mark ?


OP sideswiped the other car.


The other car hit OP


Bullshit. OP merged back into the middle lane while not clear of the other car. Both are fucking idiots in my opinion, and OP was going way too fast to begin with.


Bingo. There didn't seem to be a reason to merge back into that middle lane, other than to cut off the silver car in retaliation.


>Bullshit. OP merged back into the middle lane while not clear of the other car. Insider the intersection no less!


FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) -- An ABC30 viewer sent in the following question: is it legal to change lanes in an intersection, or could she get a ticket? "It's a common question," said Sgt. Brian Pennings with the California Highway Patrol. "The answer is no, it's not illegal. There's nothing on the vehicle code that prohibits you from doing so." "However, you have to do so safely," he said. "You have to do so without impeding the traffic of other vehicles, and you have to make that lane change safely." That includes using your signal and clearing your blind spot before changing lanes. . This seems to be the case in many states, Idk where this took place but regardless of the intersection, that was an unsafe lane change.


It would seem OP was rear-ended as soon as he got back in the middle lane, which would indicate the lane change was not done safely. It could just be me, though.


his car wiggled side to side so he merged INTO the car that cut him off.


Agree. Either the other car sped up or OP cut over too soon. Either way, OP changed lanes too soon.


I agree the car is still moving to the right during the illegal lane change through the intersection at the time of impact. Op is assuredly in the wrong on several accounts pointed out in the thread above. Speed and lane change wrong... silver car had on a blinker indicating the lane change before op tried to mow him down.


And he did it in an intersection which is just icing on the cake.


OP is speeding and changing lanes constantly. So yes, in the instance, you are the idiot


You drive like an idiot. Try a bicycle


U do look like ur racing around. Id say ur both the assholes.


What was the purpose cutting then off


everyone in this thread “yea you’re the asshole” OP: but here’s why i’m not like damn guy take a hint


Totally op, you literally switch lanes in the intersection before you got hit. So yea it's your fault dumbass. Also had plenty of time to slow down if you weren't speeding.


OP is total idiot for not brushing this off. Big deal, someone cut ya off. OP then escalated situation. Where's the sound, because I'm guessing OP was running mouth too.


You were *flying*, my dude. When you're blowing by literally every other car on the road, you're going too fast. You're both idiots.


He also made an illegal lane change in an intersection.


Delete this it’s incriminating to you OP


Right?! There dash cam is not working in their favor driving like that 😂


So OP is an idiot for driving they way they did. Also the other driver is an idiot as well. Merging in an intersection isn't safe, doing double the speed limit isn't safe, and i would NOT show this to your insurance. That being said, if someone pulls a gun on you, getting out of there is a good call, but gotta be smarter about it.


Yes. Without a doubt, you are a big part of the problem. While part of the blame goes to the silver car, you have to share it by cutting aggressively back in front of him after his lane change. I can't tell if there is supposed to be sound, but I can't hear anything, so I can tell what caused you to panic and jackrabbit out of there, running from the guy. In doing so, you ran two stop signs, cut more than one person off and were driving in an unsafe manner, creating dangerous situations for *other, univolved* drivers.


Passenger in the silver car pulled a gun


Looked like you hit them while merging in the middle of an intersection so yea I'm gonna go with two idiots don't make a good. They pulled out in front but your reaction was idiotic and illegal as well.


"Here it goes: I sped. I followed too closely. I ran a stop sign. I almost hit a Chevy. I sped some more. I failed to yield at a crosswalk. I changed lanes at an intersection. I changed lanes without signaling while running a red light and SPEEDING!" OP you're definitely the idiot


The fact that you chose not include audio leads me to believe you're the asshole


You're both fucking morons in my opinion


It’s illegal to merge lanes while in the middle of an intersection


OP, please chill out while you’re driving. It won’t kill you to make it to your destination 5 minutes later, but it might kill you to try to make it 5 minutes earlier. This looks like 35 and it looks like you’re going at bare minimum, 50.


You drive like a jackass. You were probably upset about the sedan that cut you off, while going much faster then the rest of traffic which you avoided, so kudos. You then proceed to cut them off with even less notice because you were mad. Then you two can’t decide who goes in which lane, you followed him into a parking lot probably to get on your high horse and confront them for THEIR bad driving because you’re a saint. And then they pulled a gun. Not that I condone people pulling guns on each other but…Maybe they felt threatened by your behavior of following them and being a jackass? Play stupid games win stupid prizes.


You can defend yourself all you want, but you’re definitely a wreckless driver and 100% escalated the situation. You didn’t slow down at all, went around them very closely and them proceeded to cut them off. On top of that, you are most definitely speeding. Did I mention driving wrecklessly? You can see that throughout the video. Don’t escalate, and if you do, be prepared for the consequences


I mean, he definitely caused the accident, but once somebody pulls a firearm on you all bets are off and I'm getting tf outta there by whatever means necessary.


Curious why you think you wouldn't be the asshole/idiot here? You switched lanes in the middle of an intersection, you chased him down, proceeded to pull up on them... And then floor it. What makes you think you were the "calm" person?


You drive like you're drunk, 16, and/or have yet to get a ticket that you had to pay for. Other then that I don't see the problem here.


Yes, you are an idiot, but also an asshole. Probably a jackass and a douchebag too. We need more videos of your daily life to confirm.


It looks like you were driving a bit recklessly. After swerving around them, you cut back in front and appear to slow down. This probably could have been avoided if you didn't drive like a tool.


Yes. You intentionally lane changed in front of the vehicle and caused the accident. While I can't verify the gun, you did commit a hit and run. If there was a gun, you call 911 right away.


You drive like a complete jackass, I wouldn’t be surprised if this isn’t the first time you’ve had a gun pulled on you for a road related incident especially in Broward. Slow the fuck down before you kill someone or yourself


If you are not an officer of the law, a cop, pulling them over for driving violations - you are the idiot! Now if you are stupid, in a road rage, and have a loaded shotgun with a hair-trigger set, aimed, and will fire ASAP as they pull guns on you - and you BLAT them both before they can fire at you - well, then - you are now on the police wanted list, and you had better get outta town and outta country hoping nobody has you nor your face nor your vehicle license plate in their camera lens or CCTV! Was it worth it?!


Yeah, you're the idiot. You said in another comment your turn was coming up and that's why you cut back over. If your turn was coming up, just be patient and sit in the lane that you need to be in instead of trying to be first in line. Slower cars won't kill you. Other person is also an idiot too though so I am not singling you out.




Fucking idiot


OP is an aggressive driver. The other car should’ve taken more care when changing lanes but there was plenty of time to slow down and let them in. Then you just shake your head and get on with the rest of your day. There’s no point in playing cat and mouse and then following them just to pull up and give them a verbal spray. Especially in America when every idiot carries a gun and an argument in traffic can turn deadly. OP needs to learn to slow down and get a grip on their anger or one day they will end up on the news. I’m thinking there’s probably a reason there’s no sound. Probably OP was mouthing off. It’s not a case of who’s the idiot here as both need to learn how to drive.


Yeah, this is a terrible example on your part of not driving defensively. All you had to do was brake and stay in your lane. It's not like he even cut you off in a close call, you were just impatient and had plenty of time to remain reasonable.


Yes, you are the idiot. You are clearly driving much faster that the other three cars you are passing in the beginning (speeding), then when they changed lanes in front of you rather just moving to the left and staying clear you then immediately jerk back in from of them changing lanes in the middle of an intersection and by the looks of your footage cut them off and hit them pulling back into the middle lane (unsafe lane change, changing lanes in an intersection). Then after the collision you made no attempt to pull over. And the rest of the pointless footage just further verifies you are a terrible driver who drives way to fast and doesn't know which lane they should end up in when making a turn (hint: it is the one closest to you).


You’re not the Idiot but you are definitely an idiot.


There's a reason OP didn't include the audio lol. OP dumb. Not sure why people are downvoting it when he actually is an idiot.


Might want to get your temper checked there


Yes you are, don't change lanes in the middle of an intersection. Especially when you know that other car was in that lane. You don't own the road.


Yea you are a fool for escalating the whole thing. Then you post it on here to get attention. Grow up son.


I enjoy watching the sunset.


You should have stayed in the left lane, especially while going through an intersection. That's a traffic violation itself.




The name of the game is “Get home safely” and not “Be right”


You were scootin and swung on him in an intersection


You changed lanes without being clear, looks like you cut him off in retaliation. But pulling a gun isn't warranted either


Wonder why the audio isn’t on? Looks like the OP swerved when cut off, likely blew the horn like crazy and did a 1 finger solute, then went about cutting the other driver off in retaliation not realizing that the driver in the other car was accelerating thus causing the love tap at around 8 seconds in. When turning into the parking lot, OP likely had more choice words then backtracked with a quickness once the toughguy routine backfired when the other driver, who likely felt threatened, pulled a gun… In my opinion, both of them are asshats and a perfect example of why dumb ass people get shot by dumb ass people for dumb ass reasons…


Isn't it illegal to change lanes in the intersection to begin with?


Isn’t brandishing an offence in most states?


Why'd you change lanes in the middle of an intersection? To cut him off?


Yes yes and yes!


Very aggressive driving. Slow down, take your time. Life is too short to kill someone driving like this.


Slow down, asshole


Jesus christ, everyone involved is a fucking reckless idiot. Let it go or become another news story. 🤷🏼‍♂️


You're speeding and weaving through traffic which caused the collision.


FloridaMan vs FloridaMan.


This video sucks


You shouldn't have changed lanes mid intersection.


What's the point of speeding and changing lanes every few seconds? Y'all are both idiots.


OP is also an idiot. OP drives much faster then everyone around him like he's playing a video game. The point of driving is to NOT get into accidents. Blend in with the traffic.


Conveniently no sound.


OP is the idiot here. Learn to drive.


OP's video is a magnum opus of small penis energy.


At least 50 percent is yours. You were driving like a moron by speeding, passing him and cutting back over close in front of them. What was the point other than a "how dare you be in front of me" kind of trip? Grow up. Everything isn't a challenge to your insecure manhood.


Yes you are a idiot for trying to retaliate by cutting someone off because they cut you off. They are idiots too, but this situation happened because of 2 idiots in cars and wouldn't have happened if there was only 1 idiot in a car.


A hit and run is criminal. Chasing a criminal is worse on many levels. STOP at the accident scene, report the hit and run, & let the police do their job. I know it sucks they "are getting away with it", but your life is worth more than being right. Sorry man this sucks and I hope they get caught but next time, play it safe, let it go and do the right thing even if they don't. Friend of mine was rear ended, followed the guy and was run over and killed by him. Was a MMA fighter, had the record for fastest take down for a while, dead at 34 over nothing. RIP Ryan Jimmo


Unless somebody died or was seriously injured move your car out of traffic to a safe place then exchange info. The police didn't see the accident and odds are they won't do any kind of investigation. Most places now will take an accident report over the phone or at the local police station.


You came to Reddit before going to the police? Dafuq is wrong with you, other than being a bad driver?


I like learning new things.


You escalated. That's textbook bad strat.


I feel like I’m the idiot for watching this.


OP did you drive out of the parking lot like that because the passenger of the other car flashed a gun?


Yeah. Sort of. You avoid the crash then cut them off? No defense for the response but you could have avoided most of this.


Idiot bc no sound


I think it's a bad idea to meet idiots at their level. If they fuck up and do something dumb, don't try to one-up them with a loud opinion or revenge. Just give them a look of disappointment and move on; that will do more damage than anything else you could do or say.


Op why you follow him on 2:02 ??


This some Florida shit.


You drive like a asshole, changed lanes in a intersection infront of them as well at the very beginning. I dunno what you expected to happen. Also having the audio cut is pretty suspect lol did you also pull a gun? Hard to believe much when you dont want the full story put out.


This video is useless without sound.


Yeah you also drive like a fucking asshole. “Am I the idiot?” Yes you are an idiot 😂😂 you’re one of those people that think traffic laws & common courtesy doesn’t apply too. I bet you’re driving matches your personality too 😂


You're such a fucking horrible driver.... and all the evidence to prove it, is in this video....


Both of you did an illegal lane change, but pulling a gun is way too far and that person should be punished accordingly.


Only place you lost me was with that lane change back in front of the gray car. Gray car did something mind bogglingly stupid, merging in front of a car going 40+mph when he was going ~20mph. That's not at all your fault. Someone merging in going half as fast as you can be a hazard no matter the speed you're going, and you just have to trust that the other drivers won't randomly almost get everyone killed. You did something a little less stupid, merging into the middle while being barely in front of the gray car, while they were accelerating. Probably their fault a bit too but you'd have been fine if you had gone 5 feet further forward. I also try to get away from clowns asap so would've stayed in the left probably. The gun doesn't need an explanation, and everything after that seems fair enough. I see a gun, I'm booking it too. Fuck that. Anyone who thinks otherwise is lying or has abysmal instincts.


OP, why’d you follow him? You’re asking for trouble. So to answer your question, yes, you were an idiot too. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Appears to be two idiots in this video.


They’re idiots for cutting you off in your lane but you’re an even bigger idiot for trying to cut them back off and hitting them.


It’s an Altima they have no rights


Yes. Fortunately you weren't the only one in the video. How TF do you think that this isn't an issue? Granted, definitely not worth a gun draw, but seriously? Are you just trolling?


Proceeds to speed off through a parking lot… then speeds down the road later in the video, but you slowed right down when the driver drifted lanes. You were baiting response. Learn some patience, and slow down. Life ain’t a race, enjoy it.


Changing lanes in an intersection is illegal, you entered their lane where you shouldn’t have and got hit. 1000% your fault


you should get your license taken away if you’re gonna try and comfort someone and then go on a reckless driving rampage


Yes, cammer is a total idiot. Speeding in a 45 mph zone, and more importantly much faster than adjacent traffic. Ignored the car ahead signaling a lane change, then threatened them by coming up close. Follows them into a parking lot and confronts them. Lucky cammer wasn't shot. A vehicle can be used as a deadly weapon, so don't threaten others with your big 'ol truck if you want to live a long life. The silver driver also appears to act angrily, perhaps flashing a rude finger as they pass on the left which we don't see.


OP should change their username to cactuss-jackass.


You’re a hot headed idiot, who also speeds


God, you drive like an asshole. They shouldn’t have pulled a gun on you, and they did pull out in front of you. But you were going pretty fast, overtook them and cut them off in the middle of an intersection, causing them to hit you.


Anytime they post a video with no sound, I assume OP is at least partially guilty.


Short answer: yes. You got road rage and adopted a "I gotta be in front" mentality. You can spin it all you want but you chose to accelerate rapidly to cut back in front of the guy instead of slowing down and getting behind him. I wish the video had audio so I could hear the verbal exchange. I suspect it wasn't courteous or cordial from either you or the other car. After you were reminded that there are people willing to match your level of crazy, you went flying through the parking lot, whipping around a car and a pretty blind corner, then blew two stop signs. You proceeded to speed in a residential/light commercial zone, then stopped in a multi-lane right of way for seemingly no reason. Are you the only idiot? No. But you certainly are an idiot who needs to work on defensive tactics rather than aggressive tactics.


Why did you immediately cut him off? You had a lot of space to stay in the faster lane.


You were obviously speeding in the start of the video then you tried to go around them and changed lanes in an intersection. So yes you're an idiot. The other car is an idiot too but you caused them to be an idiot.


I saw you change lanes in an intersection at the start obviously the idiot…. /s


This is crazy I literally drive these streets everyday. My middle school is right next to the elementary school you see when he makes the u turn




So... did OP expect everyone to side with them... lol


Yes as a person that changes lanes in the middle of an intersection your an asshole. I get why you moved left to avoid a collision. Good job there it’s the swift cutback into the right hand lane that escalated the situation and well shouldn’t have been done anyhow.


I'd like to add , I also think you are the idiot


I bet that's the last time you fuck with an Altima. 🤣


Typical pickup/SUV driver


You did a lane change in the middle of intersection after cutting the Nissan off, that was the first No-No




Both of you driving like dumbasses on the roads in Broward County, real smart. You're lucky the gun only got pulled and not used.


Short answer? Yes, you are one of at least two idiots in this video.


Yea you're an idiot lol


You're the idiot. Didn't need to see much past you swerving around some guy in the parking lot at like 25, and speeding through a stop sign to the main road without looking.




You’re a horrible driver


This video doesn’t need to be 2.5 minutes….


You suck at driving. You cause problems on the road. Get a bus pass.


You made a lane change mid intersection while slowing down?! Dunce


Yes OP your driving like an asshole


You drive like a jackass. 100% intentional maneuver to cut them off and get back at them for pulling out into your lane. The accident was your fault.


Yes you are. You followed them (escalating) to do what? Do you know what they were willing to do to someone who just followed them? You could have been shot or had to shot over a slight traffic issue? Seems ReRe for sure.


Looks like OP was driving with at least a half inch of space under the gas pedal. What? Me worry? No Problem. The road's going straight, I'm going straight. Hit it!


Yes, the reddit NFT confirms it too