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Now consider the ultra-losers who watch these loser streamers...


I literally will never understand who watches this shit.


The lowest of the low. Imagine how low you gotta be to look up to this.


I just watched this clip am I a ultra-loser? 🥺


Nah, he's referring to their clown ass fan base


Going to hell in a hand basket. All of us.


If you think what they did is cool you are not yet an ultra loser. You are just a piece of shit like the rest of them. You can't get to ultra loser without first becoming a piece of shit. (Gilbert Gottfried's voice) Its on you now. Are you willing to go ultra by becoming a huge piece of shit in society? By the way nobody ever uses ultra when speaking in these terms. Ultra gasoline is for pussies. Ultra light cigarettes are for wimps. You're just going to be a loser. If you're already feeling like a loser try meeting a girl and tell her you like her but you're a loser. An ultra loser. You've never been laid and would she like to get a cup of deeznutz. Bang you're in for years after that. Get out there and get laid my friend. You'll enjoy it! It will get you in the right path! By the way Gilbert Gottfried (RIP) does one of the best "dirtiest joke in the world" jokes. Second only to Bob Saget. So with that I'll add this Gilbert Gottfried https://youtu.be/aGA0dIz9-Wk?si=D8mrdEzVFZ-uuZ8a And also Bob Saget RIP https://youtu.be/BHeZS3mGDKY?si=Um82JQLziaMSx26q


I think we are safe tbh


Now think of the quiet ones who rent hotel rooms and buy lots of guns.


Went from hard to soft


I love how the cops showed up and these pussies immediately caved. And they recorded their crimes. Assaulting people with mace. Brandishing a deadly weapon. Disturbing the peace. Las Vegas don’t play around with this shit.


I hope they throw the book at them. What all can they get beyond brandishing and disturbing the peace?


assult and battery, potentially unlawful carrying of a weapon depending on the laws, possibly harrassment


Hopefully they had some weed in their pockets


That won't matter in Nevada unless they're under 21.


Weed+gun=ok? Pretty sure it’s a felony for the whole country


"we should have taken her hostage and fucked her in front of him" also makes them sound like really good people. Really smart of them to get all of that on video.


Correct, but a lawyer could get that dropped in leu of the plethora of other charges they racked up. Racks on racks up in this bish! I'm glad no body died. Really nice change of pace for NSFW posts here.


Yeah they basically fucked themselves from start to finish. His followers liked it tho. Shows how many sick and deranged people are out there.


I don't blame followers. I blame the multitude of content creators that think this content is appropriate to create in the first place. It's barbaric, simple minded, and has no place in modern society.


Brandishing a firearm in the act of a crime is a felony in Ohio so hopefully they get a long time in prison


Terroristic threats, in GA it’s a felony to threaten to kill someone especially when holding a firearm(although not required). Even more especially when the person you are threatening is actively trying to de escalate the situation that you escalated (he would get charged twice for threatening the guy pulling the girl away and the guy who got the cops). Possibly reckless conduct, brandishing (pointing a pistol at another is the charge in GA) and I’ve seen judges want people charged with aggravated assault for pointing guns at people (I disagree with this because the guy never actually attempted to kill, rape or rob someone which are the elements of the crime in GA).


Pointing a gun at someone is quite literally the textbook definition of aggravated assault. If he “attempted to kill, rape, or rob someone,” then it would be attempted murder/rape/robbery. You may be getting the elements confused with felony murder


Last I checked, Las Vegas isn't in Georgia?


You are right. They aren’t the same state. However, His point is valid. Nevada and Georgia follow similar common law statutes. As do most states. These types of threatening acts are going to result in similar charges across most states. Terroristic act with a firearm, battery, harassment, etc, are still similar in those states. I think that’s what the other commenter is attempting to explain. Or maybe im putting words in their mouth. In this situation, The cherry on top for me is these stupid people filming their crimes/ felonies for clout.


Except for Florida. It has its own laws. Lol


I love how that little Bob Marley rasta guy got in the mix then got threatened to be shot and immediately returned with the cops. Edit: Walked them right over said these idiots and then stayed to watch.


True Chad moment.


Yup fucking super chad


Then the comments in that video were all people saying "the cops are fucked... it's legal to carry there wtf"🤣 too many low IQ people


They are watching that fucking moron streamer, so you cant really expect too much from them.


I mean yeah the streamer and fans are alike but as a gun owner it's just scary that's normal to do many people


I really hope these guys get locked up for a loooong time. If you are young and you are reading this, please don’t act like this. It is seriously not ok. I watch these videos and see all the comments coming in and it looks like people are encouraging people to go out and treat the world like it’s GTA. The real world has real consequences, what these guys are doing will come with consequences and they will regret it in the end.




Lmao they were acting so hard on the way down the escalator and immediately clammed up when they saw police walking up. And when they got physical they were begging them to stop


"He didn't do nothing". His own stream about to snitch on him.


What the fuck is the situation here? Why did these two douches go up that lady and start flipping her off and recording her and shit. I mean I understand why they're brandishing a gun because they're fucking morons. But I need a little context here.


"I'm affluent and it's just a prank" -i was just pretending to be restupid :(


Read his chat. They are egging him on telling him to harass the nearest person. It’s a classic bait and switch cloutchaser cucklord. Getting really common


They're douches and morons. That's the context. Probably looking for anyone they could piss off to pull out the gun.


Maybe not this one specifically, but I've seen similar live stream shit where the audience sends money/tips for the streamer to do shit in public. Mainly harass/troll random people. Of course these live streamer cunts are strapped or they have a big dude act as bodyguard.


I think she's a strip prostitute, and they were being egged on by chat to mess with her while she's working to get a customer.


Please don’t hurt me!!! How the story turns. Weak ass bitches.


Thug culture is all ego and no brains.


No ballz too


This is the furthest thing from what one would call “thug culture”


Instantly being super respectful to the cops. "Sir!" "Please!" Dudes got dominated.


But wouf fit if its the aiden that hung around with this bald scamer/online pimp fck


What a fucking loser


At 2:30, the dude says "I'll blow you away" to the guy in white with dreads. I'm guessing the dude recording brandishes a weapon at this point. Dude in white has such a level head, acknowledges it, and says "I gotchu". Idiot recording doesn't recognize what he really means and probably thinks the dude in white is acknowledging and leaving out of fear. Dude in white shows up later at the end of the escalator with the cops lol. Idk, the dude in white was the only adult in the video and I really enjoyed how he handled it.


True hero right there 


I lol'd when he pointed him out.


Trash. What a waste of a life.


Hahahaha- start shit and then pull A gun. These pussies think they're tough guys , nothing but tourists


Time to end live streaming please. The people who watch it are somehow worse than the people who stream it.


The world was better when Hollywood gatekept the culture. Letting every dumbass broadcast their every thought and action has been a travesty.


In last 14 seconds of the video, someone in chat says "guns are legal to carry there wtf". Describes about 99% of the idiots who don't understand guns and the laws surrounding them.


Is kick, 99% of their audience is kids that admire "pranksters"


Too many idiots on this planet, Mars here I come.




Unfortunately no haha


Any idea where they are? And yeah just because you can legally carry a gun doesn't mean you can walk around waving it at people.


Finally this video's on a gunsub, kind of, what's everybody's thoughts on his extremely thicc Glock? It's fake as shit right?


Whether fake or not, it’s still threatening with deadly weapon. Court is going to somewhat treat it as terroristic threat. Or worse let this asshole go with a fine.


Yup, possession of an actual deadly weapon is not necessary but instead the reasonable belief of the existence of the deadly weapon. IE using a wooden gun to rob someone still counts as using a lethal weapon if the person has taken steps to make it appear real


Yeah 100% get them in jail, but if that's a fake gun and he's acting like that then he's even more of a bitch


In the state I live in using a fake gun in a crime is the same punishment as using a real one. Which should be the case everywhere. I wish we would take violent crime more seriously and keep at least violent criminals off the street away from polite society.


For real, I’m sick of seeing repeat offenders. Im almost to the point of supporting 25yrs min for stuff like this… I’m exaggerating, but if we want it to stop we might need to think about adopting sharia law or something similar to Dubai haha. Maybe meet in the middle.


Probably a 10mm or double stack .45 or a .40 they all use the wider slides


Yeah I thought that at first but surely not that wide right? It looks fake, also I may be wrong here but the square sights like you get on the G18 aren't really standard on any other models are they?


I know nothing about guns but could it be a gel blaster? I think one of the cops asked "do you have a gel blaster on you?" or something, I admit I've only watched it once.


I looked at it Pretty close a few times It's real I mean it could be airsoft, I bet it's real these guys are the type to run around like that because they wouldn't look another person in the eye with out bear spray and guns at the ready. I really wish LV PD showed up while he had it out and popped him that's how bad these guys need done fr take them out and Vegas PD don't fuck around they are shooters fr and they are well trained from the shootings I've seen involving them


lol first chat message I read was along the lines of “harass the fuck out of the next person to come close” supportive chat you got there


i fully believe that this type of streamer is a new kind/generation of lolcows


I'm sick of the punks with the cameras bugging people for no reason. I think you got what he deserved too bad he didn't get his face planted on the escalator a little bit more


Dude got handcuffed going down the escalator😭😭😭😭💀


When I was a little kid I trip over and hit my knee on an escalator, the motherfucker tore my knee up


Why do people like this exists. Those two weren’t doing anything. If he doesn’t lose his right to carry, he’s going to kill someone…


Because imbeciles view these trash humans, just look at the chat...


Ugh 😑…. We’re too soft on crime


Other people were pointing out the gun is probably fake which makes these knuckle draggers even bigger pussies.


Back to the jungle if you’re going to act like a monkey. Nah I’m not apologizing to any mods for saying that. Stereotypes are earned and reinforced.


He's probably getting charged with multiple felonies, from assault for brandishing a gun and im assuming concealing a firearm without a proper permit, but that depends on if he has a permit or not, or a permit that the state of nevada recognizes which i doubt because the classes take some time and so does the application process. Felons are not legally allowed to possess firearms and cannot buy them legally either.


Hope he isn’t smart enough to straw one.


I hope he does and gets caught 😂


Hope he gets shot next time really. Just saying what everyone is thinking 💭


Theres always bigger fish, in this case people who can draw and get shots on target in less than a second! More common than you'd think lol and it'll be justified. He needs to rethink his life and calm down imo


The please don't hurt me at the end got me dying laughing


Now they are both going to get their cheeks took in prison 😂


Certainly hope so


Chefs kiss for the ending.


The people in chat are terrible too


“Please don’t hurt me” sounds so familiar


Kick is one of, if not, the worst platform to ever exist. I swear, every streamer and their fans on there are braindead. There’s no likeable person on Kick.


It’s a platform that exists purely to get kids hooked on gambling. Nobody with any morals would be involved with that.


I wish we had public caning for these harassers


Dude man. That's exactly how I feel too. They're so dumb the only thing that is going to change their behavior is public humiliation and beatings to show that there is nothing tough about them. They have less emotional maturity than a chihuahua. They live on delusional fantasy island where they think they're the main character in a rap music video or action movie.


my thing is we pretty quickly went from 'having fun in public' to 'doing the worst thing we can think of in public for a few likes online' we just need to dial it back a bit, people are just so disrespectful and it's leaking into the younger generations. our society is collapsing. I don't think jailing people is the answer, but after looking at caning, I think it would be good for our country. people would limit their debauchery, if not, they feel pain for a few weeks and will live forever on the internet getting beaten for acting stupid


Yeah, it's not "pranking," if the people you are pranking aren't laughing at the end. That's called harassment. I'm back and forth on the caning because it probably would work for some people, but you know the government would abuse it. Maybe they should be given a choice between physical punishment and jail time? I don't know what the solution is but yeah, our society is collapsing and it doesn't help politicians have given a knee to the criminals and degenerates.


A shame, everyone missed the opportunity to throw them head first down the escalator


Let me just menacingly approach people while screaming fighting words and get within inches of their faces and then brandish a firearm while my buddy chases them with weapons and threatens to kill them. This would be charged as multiple felonies in my state and this looks like Vegas where they don’t play around with that shit. Hopefully they get felonies so they can’t own guns anymore and get permanently banned from whatever streaming site they’re on so they don’t have the incentive to do this dumb shit anymore.


F around and found out


The ending was great. Honestly, though, it would have been better if they got thrown off the bridge.


Acted hard as hell until the cops showed up😂😂💀


What is this negative IQ shit here?


Of courseeeeeee they’re resisting Fucking streamers


“I didn’t do anything” I love the actual brain rot of parentless kids like these🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️




Dude said I got you.


Doing this shit in the middle of Vegas is crazy 🙏😭


Whoever watches these idiots need to get blown away 🔫😂


Are there any kick IRL streamers that aren't pieces of shit?


Irl streamers and the people who watch that should disappear off the face of the world


Two things here, first it's great how the guys get fucked up and how they turn from wannabe-thugs to "don't hurt me" when they get arrested. They deserve it. But then, i respect the courage of the lady, seriously, she did great, but... there's the question if it is worth it when the other guy maybe has a gun (and you can't tell, if it is an airsoft). It was better that she and her friend leaved then, because the confrontation is not worth it, let the cops handle this. Even when he gets later to court and spents his life in prison, it's not worth it to get shot. For me, glad i got my dog, he offers me some very good protection as a Sivas Kangal, people think twice before they do something. Like there was a drunk in the pub that provoked people, wanted to start a fight, [he didn't see my dog under the table](https://i.pinimg.com/474x/71/3a/8a/713a8ab80b313d7a1407a5d296edb94d.jpg). When he approached me, my dog got immediately in front of him, snarled and showed his teeth, the guy turned around and was like "Fuck, that's not worth it, i'm out"


I didn’t know that breed so I googled some pics and what the fuck they’re massive


Yeah, actually, the Kangal holds the world record for the strongest bite with 743 PSI (pounds of pressure per square inch). The Pitbull has around half of this, 300-350 PSI. They are also the fastest dogs compared to size - they can run up to 50 km/h (31 mph), which is unique for such big dogs. They were bred as livestock guardians, protecting cattle herds from big predators like wolves, bears. And in africa, even against lions and cheetahs. In India, they are used for protection against tigers. A single dog can't take on a tiger, but they work in packs. Now, the reality is actually different from what you maybe think: The predators, even lions and tigers, they stay away from the dogs and the livestock. The risk for them, to get injured, is way too high. So they switch to easy prey, that they can't hunt without the risk. There are programs to give these dogs for free to the farmers. This is veeery important, because: The farmers did shoot lions, tigers, wolves, bears etc. to keep the livestock safe. But with the dogs, they don't do it anymore, they know their livestock is well protected. This lead to an increase in the wildlife population like tigers and lions, because they don't get shot anymore. So the effect of these big, strong dogs is very positive. The wild animals don't get killed anymore, the livestock is safe and the farmers are happy. It's a win for all parties. There's nothing bad with this. But for me, as i live in Western Europe, i had to become a certified handler for the breed. Had to do courses, both theory- and practical-sessions, finally i had to pass a test by the police K9 dog handler, now i got all the paperwork and everything is legal here. I remember the police officer after the tests, he said "It seems you are well protected and don't need our help, haha". But i took my dog from the shelter, first he was adopted from Hungary by a couple that wasn't aware, he was designated as a mix and they had no idea how much he'd grow. They couldn't handle him and he got to the shelter, so i took him from there. Before this, i wasn't aware of the breed, it's still a very rare and exotic breed outside of Turkey. His force is extreme, so i got my rules and guidelines. Like in playing, he's not allowed to jump at people. Because when he plays and it's in the dog park, he could push people to the ground with his strength and weight, so i'm very strict with such things, he's not allowed to do this. If you ever need a PPD (Personal Protection Dog), keep the breed in mind. He'll fight with his life for you. But for me, well, he's my best buddy, my partner and friend, i love him with all of my heart, he'll always remain on my side. I'll always take care of him, like when he gets old and slow, he's my man and i'll give him the best life.


Kangles are badass I like the bully kudas as well but my fave are the huge kangles not the same as the smaller leaner kangle that run with the live stock. However I will say that that traditional candle is the better dog for the job of life is our guardian and probably protection too. I just love those big bodied ones. They just look cool. You know like the ones that people personally bring to make a statement with. I guess those are cool if you even know what I'm talking about. The breed's not established anywhere really even though they do have old bloodlines over there but they do. They keep shit records so you never you know there technically isn't a kangal breed that's recognized


From "you man a bitch" to " PWEASE DAWNT HUWT ME!!!!" In under a minute Pulled a pipe over an argument and threatened to shoot a bystander for talking sense - I hope those cuffs hurt.


I love my friends because they’d slap me silly and call my mama if I acted like this.


Gonna end up shot


lol. These guys went from thug mode to “sir! I didn’t do anything wrong!” Suck.a.fat.dick.you.cunts.


The same type of dudes that wanna pull out a gun in a fight is the same type of dudes that scream, “don’t hurt me big meanie!!”. Buncha pussies bro. That’ll get you killed too. Best be careful pulling a gun out if you don’t plan to use it.


Props to the dude with the long dreads. He came in with the Calvary!


Dude was looking for any excuse too pull that out. What a bitch


Lmfao. Big-talking pussies make threats and get their just desserts. Perfection.


dude the proves is on tape. and cops didn't to need to anything.🤦🏽‍♂️


I expected an actual ass whooping these guys deserved. Starting shit, assaulting with mace, then pulling a gun on some strangers. These are the assholes that make everyone else look bad and deserve some time in solitary or worse. Who supports this garbage? I thought they were going to get themselves shot, and honestly, the security guard had every right to with this guy threatening and brandishing like he was. This ain't the movies. You can't brandish or point guns at people in real life to intimidate them. Legally this is assault with a deadly weapon and years in jail.


One got put face down on a moving escalator, so he's gonna have grater-face reminding him of just how dumb he is every time he looks in a mirror for the rest of his life.  


You don't mess around on the strip in Vegas. Cops are everywhere for exactly these kinds of things. There's a lot of people, a lot of tourists, a lot of families, they don't put up with this shit.


Lol “don’t hurt me!”


"Pls dont hurt me" 😭


It’s a shame he didn’t reach while he was getting arrested and “blown away” himself. Negative value “human”.


Those watching the stream & following him are equally as idiotic as the streamers themselves. They're condoning their act, further instigating them to do shitty stuff to people just for clout.


Las Vegas baby!


Bro you hop on that other escalator going up and you run WTF???


This is everything that's wrong with these fools that just want views


Little boys are bitches, LMAO!!! 🤣


Hope these people mess with the wrong people some day and get what they deserve.


Lmao, the switch up.


Oof, Vegas is not the place to be trying that. Police there aren't afraid to hand you your ass and local security is even fiercer.


How can you act all tough and at the end say “sir I’m relaxed I’m relaxed I’m recording” where’s the tough guy act in the beginning




So they harassed people, pepper sprayed them, and pointed a gun at them. Then started pleading don’t hurt me and I didn’t do anything to the police. Scum of the earth


Pussy ass bitches, the both of them


Small dick incels always flash a piece first. Can’t get women and can’t fight with fists




Hopefully he caught/catches a felony from this shit.


Let’s list the criminal charges; harassment, uttering threats, carrying a concealed weapon, assault and battery. What did I miss?


Brandishing a firearm too


Went from "I'll fucking blast you" to "DON'T HURT ME!" real damn quick lol 🤡🤡🤡




Yeah the heading is misleading that was NOT exactly what I expected to happen.


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How has Twitch not been sued for all these "prank" live steamers. They are liable for promoting this shit.


To long


Yup. I didn't have the patience to deal with the idiocy I saw in the first few seconds. What happened? Did dipshit end up shooting someone? Something? Did dipshit get shot by an idiot?


They got arrested after telling a guy that was de escalating the situation that he was going to kill him. Then the guy who was threatened got the cops


Thanks for tolerating 5 minutes of idiocy. I appreciate it. Your patience is commendable.


Not before one of them joked about raping the girl in front of her friend. Deranged and disgusting garbage people.


That was someone watching the livestream paying to have it said out loud


That was a chat from the live stream dictated outlook by TTS.


That was one of the losers that watches these idiots and pays money to have their antisocial comments read out loud. They're too cowardly to go out and act like this themselves, so they sit in Mommy's bedroom and get on her computer and jerk off to hearing their own institutions comments being read out loud and inflaming situations.


Rewatch at 2:25ish, a dude in white tries to de-escalate and then gets threatened with being killed, and then walks away calmly saying "I gotchu". Later at the end of the video, dude in white reappears with cops lol. Handled it very well.




Two* idiot


Dam knit




Did he fucking said "nuh huh"




Beautiful, pseudo tough guy full of piss and wind to sucking a dick in a cell, folded like a bitch when the cops pulled up.


Love seeing a nice warm slice of justice served


Dude what the fuck is this world. These comments on the video are so wholesome


Expected? The cops arriving and actually doing something was very UNexpected. Good job to these cops!




What a bunch of pussies


blast these guys and their viewers off into the sun


“I would’ve fucked both of them up! You saw me gettin crazy!” …5 seconds later: “Please don’t hurt me! PLEEEEEEAASE! PLEEEEASE DON’T HURT ME SIR!” 🤣🤣🤣


"Please don't hurt me, don't hurt me..."


About as beautiful as instant karma gets. I love that they recorded their own assault. If I were the judge, I’d throw the book at them.


Dobt hurt me officer 🤣


Any updates on the charges? I couldn’t find any.




Wow these losers need to be compost like yesterday.


I love how they went from total bad assessment to , don't hurt me man lol


the streamers are fucking vile and so are the degenerate viewers


"Please don't hurt me" Pieces of shit got exactly what they deserved.




Dude I fucking hate IRL streamers get fucked on you stupid piece of shit


Also love the dumbass chatters saying fucking idiot cops it’s all being recorded… yeah that’s the point dumb fucks recording their crimes. Only the retards that watch these livestreamer types think that the cops are the ones being outta pocket here.


Why is every single Kick streamer a complete degenerate?


Get fucked morons, more of these dumb fuck streamers need to be humbled


"Don't hurt me!" Fucking bitch




Great ending. Bunch of fake thugs got it.