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Reach out to your local shelters and rescues. Even if they cant take them they may know someone who can. I live in IL and found kittens I couldnt keep. Was able to find a volunteer at the shelter who fostered them.


I've talked to about five different shelters none are currently taking any new animals the one I was just on the phone with said they will take my information and share it with their customers and try and help me out without ever going in there so I have to keep watching them I can't keep them.


Please prioritize a home that wants both of them. They need company and someone to wreak havoc with 🙃


I am trying to keep them together all they have is each other for now.


You are amazing, doing your best for these 2 angels. Cats always know the best hoomins. They are adorable, I'm sure a good home will be found quickly. Ginger kittens are very popular, much in demand. Thank you for being the best hoomin! đŸ˜»đŸ˜»


It’s kitten season, so a lot of shelters are receiving an insane amount of kittens, and a lot of those kittens are being euthanised if they’re too young because the shelters can’t keep up with the work load and they wouldn’t survive anyway with no mom around. If you can’t foster them, maybe ask the shelters if there’s at least someone that can foster them before going to their forever homes? That’s better than nothing


I won't even consider surrendering orphaned kittens during kitten season. If I find them or someone brings them to me, I just accept that I am the foster. If not me then who, you know? Good on OP for doing what they have done, hopefully they can find a foster soon. Fostering really does save lives, and OP is technically short-term fostering by even having kept them now


Make sure they find a home as a pair and not separate


Cross post on your local city and state subs, Nextdoor, etc. too Thanks!


Honestly I don't know how to cross post I did a whole separate one in cat distribution system already




click the 3 dots icon at the top of the page above your post (the one beside the sub name, search button, etc) and then click the 3 dots again under “more actions”. at the very bottom, you should see an option that says “community” and has 2 arrows that are connected to each other. then you just type type in the subreddit name and select it once you see it pop up. it should then bring you to a page where you can write out your title/text and click post.


that’s the best idea. there are entire facebook pages and craigslist threads for free pets in an area. or maybe look into cat cafes too. they will often foster stray cats and keep them until one of the customers wants to adopt them.


Take them to your city shelter so they can be fixed and vaccinated before adoption. Please don't just give them to an internet rando.


Wish I still lived in Cookeville so I could get these cuties. Hope you can find them a home soon!


Do you still have friends in the area who may be interested?


I reached out to the one friend I know in that area. He said they'd ask around so we shall see.


If you find a home, be sure to ask for a vet reference to ensure the care they will receive. If you can afford it, some shelters (even if they can't keep them) will "take them" and let you pay the adoption fee to cover shots, flea meds, and spay/neuter, which is a lot cheaper than getting it done yourself in most places. You also may be able to be sponsored as a foster.


So tiny and precious ♄♄


Hey neighbor! Have you reached out to Feral Feline Friends? They have fosters for little kittens like these two. They’re an excellent rescue and where I adopted my two troublemakers from. They partner with Scruffy’s Cat Cafe and Petsmart for adoption events, and they’ll have a booth at SoKno Pride this weekend.


I sent them an email earlier today I haven't heard back from them I sent one to that Cat Cafe too.


Oh, those precious beings. Yeshua bin Miriam, please protect them and keep them safe, amen.


Post in r/rescuecats - they can probably help


I wish I was passing through that area. I’d take one or both. I hope you find a solution. Thanks for saving them.


They are adorable. Thank you for rescuing them. You can put them on https://rehome.adoptapet.com/ Just put in a bio and some pics and people in your area who want kittens email you. Good luck they are precious. 💜


You can run an ad on Facebook to see if someone wants a couple kitties. Or anywhere that you can post about pets


Wish I lived nearby, I’d love these lil guys :(


I mean how far? I would probably drive a hour without thinking about it.


Best to take them to a shelter. Failing that, post on a local sub or Facebook or Nextdoor page.


Why not keep them?


Can't with my current living situation. It sucks trying to take care of them till I can find them a good home they will be way happier somewhere else hopefully together.


Kitten math. They’re yours now! Jk I hope you can fine a home for them. Sooo cute


Aww! Nowhere near you, but those are some adorable little troublemakers!




Oh my goodness the cute!!đŸ„°


Are they available via international shipping?


Find a local rescue, not shelter. If no one can take them then post to a local Facebook rehoming group.


But if you do it on Facebook please ask them questions to ensure they'll take good care of these babies !!! Especially ask if they plan to get them neutered/spayed.


Try your local veterinarian offices, too. Staff there will frequently foster younguns and the babies are usually adopted out of the office to their customers.


☆☆UPDATE☆☆ I am still trying to find these guys a home I am having no luck anywhere with any sort of organization that takes care of animals. Please keep looking with me guys.