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Sorry to hear if kitty just snuck out somehow. But if they're outdoor cats, please keep them all inside as best you can


I was wondering how a kitten could be gone but I guess they were outdoor cats. So sorry for both you and her. :(


Awwww I'm so sorry - fingers crossed that she comes home.


Its been 5 days and we live near a forest. I’ve accepted that something prolly got her :[ thx tho


Keep them inside?


There’s too many of them and I’m just a kid. It’s my grandmas choice and she says that it’d be too messy to bring them inside


If you grandma thinks it's messy, then she doesn't care at all about the cats nor will ever be. Please try to give them away t families that will take care of them... If they are outdoor kittens near a forest, whatever catched the first one knows now it has an easy meal...


I can’t. They’ve already been claimed by kids in my family and they’ll be getting the cats when they’re 18. They do have protection in the form of mother and father tho, (although father is mostly absent)


The cats will be dead by the time the kids turn 18. Unless the kids are 16. Or they will have had 40 more kittens.


Assuming the said kids still want them and have the space time money and lifestyle that enabled them to actually adopt the cats. That’s a terrible reason to not adopt them out. Your grandma is being unreasonable


I’m 15 The other kids are 13 and 10. I’m taking


Very kindly - outdoor cats/kittens will not make it that long. Please try to adopt them out to families that will get them fixed ASAP.


I have no say in the matter. It’s all up to my grandma


I think your grandma knows that nobody is really getting a cat here…


I don’t think she does, tbh. I think she thinks they’ll live to be old enough. I used to think they’d live long enough, but now that we’ve lost one I’m not sure


No they’re kids. They don’t have a claim to anything. You’re talking 5-8 years. Those cats are not going to stick around that long, they might not even live that long. Once they’re 8 weeks old and weaned you need to make a Facebook post stating free kittens and where to pick them up. Then you need to find a trap neuter release program for the mom otherwise she’s just going to keep popping out kittens. Then you’re going to have a big problem on your hands when you have a feral cat colony on your property.


Again, i unfortunately have no say in the matter.


Typical outdoor cat lives about 3 years. Even if they’re alive, they will be adult, semi feral cats in five years.


I reiterate the fact that I have no say in the matter.


No. They can't "claim" them if they can't take them and keep them safe once they are weaned. That's crazy.


It’s not my choice. If I had the power to change this, I would but I can’t. It’s my grandmas choice I’m not old enough.


Who “claimed” the missing kitty, how do they feel about it? Maybe they can back you up on how ridiculous this is


Can you make a little safe / inescapable outdoor area for them? If you can incentivize the kittens to stay in a nice, comfy warm area, they’ll be less likely to roam around? Family members don’t always get the gravity of kitten safety, and the ideal situation isn’t always the realistic one, so its not your fault. If nothing else, keep your chin up and keep lovin the ones that are still around. Nature is pretty cruel.


We have a little playhouse that we used to put them in at night, but my family just stopped tryna lock em up ever since they learned how to escape


Do you have some comfy blankets in there or anything like that? Giving them a nice comfy place to hang out and/or some toys to play with might help! maybe they’re bored!


That may work, actually. I’ll set them up with a pet bed and I’ll get them some toys next time I go out. Thx for the idea


No problem! I hope it helps!!




She shouldn’t have had them if it’s too messy. Can you offer to be on cleaning duty to offset the issue? Plenty of litter trays with regular scooping, a variety of scratching posts, regular hoovering, and immediate cleanup of any accidents. Even if they were moderately safe to be outside (no cars and no predators, very country dependent), that would only apply to an adult cat, a lil beb like this is way too small. We kept our kittens in a huge ferret cage when they were small and we needed to have the doors open in summer, until they’d had all their jabs and things.


I have but she says it’s just not possible to bring them in. On top of that, my bigger cat gets jealous sometimes, and we’re both scared that she’ll attack them


Cats are easy to get inside when it’s feeding time! Then it’s not about bringing them in, it’s about not letting them out. Plenty of people manage to live with cats without letting them outside, it just requires deliberate care and consideration with each window or door you open. She just sounds lazy, I’m sorry. I hope your family can back you up on this, if their allocated kittens start disappearing they’ll be devastated. You might find some advice online or YouTube on how to smooth relations between the older and younger ones.


When I she says not possible, she’s basically saying that because of the mess factor we just can’t. The only good news is that they’re about at the age where they can somewhat fight for thenselves


Take the siblings outside in a kennel/carrier and let them "call" for the lost cat. This happened with my friend's cat last week next to a big forest, and she was able to get her cat back 😊


I’ll try that. Thanks




r/catsaliveandwell should get more attention


for real, my trauma directly relates to cats dying and I cry from posts like this from subs that aren't meant for mourning.


yeah some of y'all haven't had direct experience finding the aftermath of what could be one of these posts burned into your brain. kind of tired of seeing them on Literally Every Sub


OP, find a local rescue. Call that local rescue. Report the kittens/mama as dumped/neglected. Because they are. Leaving them outside is serious neglect and they will die without protection. The father cat will come back and attack them to force the mother cat back into heat. The rescue will spay/neuter these feral cats and find actual homes for the kittens with proper references, not your cousins who may or may not want them in 8 years.


You don’t know how badly I want to. I have no say in the matter, im 15 years old. It’s up to my grandma


You’re old enough to call a rescue and get them help. Your grandma is not the grand overlord of stray cats, and it sounds like she has no interest in ever actually letting them have a home - 3, 5, and 8 years from now for each child is insane and an adult like your grandma knows that, that’s another way of saying “no one’s getting a cat.” Calling a rescue is the kindest thing could do for these animals. If you’re saying Grandma wouldn’t let them on her property to help, then your grandma wants them to disappear over time and she doesn’t want you to know she wants that. I’m not trying to be mean, it’s just that grandparents often have a stone heart with stuff like this, what she’s feeding you is grandparent euphemisms for “forget about it”


I don’t think it’s that. She genuinely cares about them, she cried for like an hour straight when the first one went missing. But I’ve never gotten an explanation as to why they can’t come in besides the fact that they’re too messy.


If she cares enough to cry, then I really urge you to get in touch with a rescue. You are old enough, and if your grandma cares she should probably be on board, but at the very least it’s the best thing for the cats. Because waiting, again, 3/5/8 years to give them away is unreasonable; if they even survive that long (8 years is the average age for the cats that make it to adulthood outside) they’ll be well feral by then. Best to help them now, and get another kitten in need (they are Always around) when you’re 18. A rescue will help, especially if you explain your age and situation. Grandma shouldn’t block you. But if she does, I’m sorry. It’s clear you have a big heart, and I am very sorry for your loss.


I asked her and she said “No, we’re keeping them.”


Thanks for trying. Just remember if you’re in a cold climate, they’ll need little outside shelters to be made for them in the winter. YouTube has lots of tutorials. I wish you the best of luck and I’m glad they at least have a good person like you looking out for them. ❤️


I’m in ky. It gets really hot and not too cold during winter. I’ll try and make them a shelter, when I asked her she just said they go under the porch during winter time and she said they grow coats but I’m still gonna try and make them a shelter


So sorry OP. Unfortunately, outdoor cats don't have a high chance of survival. I'm sorry your grandma won't let them stay indoors.


It’s ok. We’re thinking of getting a guard dog that’s used to kittens to keep them safer


OP, with kindness, your grandma is in the wrong for keeping these kittens outside, and your family members have no claim to them, especially if they expect to adopt them in a matter of years. Within weeks and months, these kittens will either face the same fate as the one who is lost, or also be too young and breeding outside, contributing to the same problem happening over and over again. It's a cycle of suffering for unfixed outdoor/feral cats. Please Google search pet rescues or TNRs (Trap, Neuter, Release) in your area and do not be afraid to ask for help. They will be more than willing to help these kittens find good and safe homes where they will be taken care of indoors.


I have no say. I can’t take them anywhere because I’m too young and my grandma won’t let me


You don't have to take them anywhere. A rescue will come trap and take them, nothing is needed from you except to call them and tell them the situation.


Like I said a bit ago, when she notices they’re missing, she’ll check the security cameras and see people taking them away, then I’ll be in massive trouble.


Anonymous tip-off to a local rescue.


I can’t. I’ll be in massive trouble when she checks the cameras and sees people taking them away


It’s an anonymous tip, how would she know it was you and not someone else who took issue with her horribly insane plan for these cats?


Because nobody except family really knows and they all don’t have a problem with them being outside.


Do you have neighbors or friends who’d be willing to do it for you? Like “oh no, I told my friends we found kittens and someone must’ve called, oops”


No. I don’t have any neighbors who I could ask. The neighbors I do have would snitch instantly


One of those kittens has likely already died alone in the forest due to her lack of concern for these kittens. You getting in trouble shouldn't matter more than their lives. The right thing to do isn't always easy or fun and sometimes it has consequences, but if you love these animals and want them to have safe and comfortable lives, you need to contact a rescue and let them take care of them.


I do love them, I do. But once she finds out I gave them away the iron hand of god will rain down upon me.


That’s so sad


Why on earth would you let them go outside? Small kittens are so vulnerable. Bring the rest in the house.


OP is 15 and doesn’t have power over this. Be gentle, they don't need to hear this over and over.


So many ppl on here will guilt you and scare you about the way you’re caring for this cat family. You stated you have no control over them being outside- it’s Grandma’s house and this is her decision. Bless you for doing your best!! Don’t listen to others who hide behind their keyboards trying to make you feel bad. Shame on those people! Doing this to a kid!!


Thanks man. I really want to do more but it’s really hard


Have you tried to look outside to see? Any neighbors that might've gotten it maybe? I'm so sorry to hear.