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Poison or bleeding i expect. Dots keep going for some turns after the end.


Yep I think it may have been poison. Some of the other units died by that (according to log) but no mention of pretender.


Just had a chance to check again and it was profuse bleeding. Thanks for the hint!


What round of the battle was it? (press 'r' to show the round display). There is a limit to the number of rounds in a battle, after which all remaining things on the battlefield die all at the same time. There are earlier limits that make things run away, but some things don't run away for various reasons (eg morale 50, being immobile, being berserk, being crippled and not being able to actually get off the battlefield, being stuck behind something that is in the way stopping their retreat). Another possibility is that there is sometimes a bug with the battle playback, where something happens in it that is different from the initial battle during turn generation. I'm afraid that if that has happened, the report in the turn's messages is all you get, and you don't get to find out exactly what happened.


Is the bug with playback known? Are there other bug reports on it? Will do some reading if I can find the reports....


It's a bug that happens very often when the game receives a patch.


Really posting an upside down phone pic of a computer monitor lol... geez >Is this a bug or is there some way to work out what happened? Post actual screenshots of unit turn before it dies and hit f1 to open its combat log after it's dead? Maybe someone can help you?


Ok.. will try the F1 thing - does that give a combat log for an individual unit. Sorry about screenshot - as I said it is on steam deck and so not so easy to get screenshots. I'n any case, the picture shows nothing (certainly not worth 1000 words...)


combat log on a selected unit is V key F1 lets you look at any unit including ones that have died.. can hit C on that screen to filter to commanders


How long the fight lasted? How much HP your pretender had left at the end of battle?


I think it was about 7 rounds.. How do I find HP at end of battle?


Right click the unit


Do you have undying bless and were in negative hitpoints?




Either undying or damage over time.


I mean you need to provide more context. But sure if he was at full health with no DoTs and turn <100 and no threatening enemies that couldve killed him in general, then yeah it's probably a bug. Sometimes when the game updates, the battlelog will show a different outcome that the live-battle, but that's suppose to be a strictly MP issue, caused by the server and client getting different outcomes. There's been plenty of bugs since release, and the devs have been doing a great job patching them out, so if you can figure out the bug they'd probably like you reporting it.


Ok - great - I won't report it unless I can confirm I haven't overlooked something stupid so will keep digging...


Could fatigued


How would I find out? Would there not be a message in battle log?


it also could be a bug


Unit overview.


The print screen button has been doing screen captures since at least Windows 95. It also has the side benefit of being able to post the picture the right way up, along with the cropping tool. You do have to be in windowed mode in Dominions, it doesn't play nicely with screen captures while fullscreen.


Yep but as I said it's on steam deck - might be able to load the same save on PC I guess - not tried yet.


Profuse bleeding, one of the more depressing ways to lose a pretender. Total RNG and it can cost you the game.