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I am just running off the cuff here, but I don't think you can ensure you stop their movement. If they move 1 to 2, there is nothing you can really do to stop that. If you call of winds 2 and win, then the army in 1 will just fight the birds in 2. If army 1 moves to 3, then your birds in 2 would intercept them and would stop their movement there(I am like 70% sure that army 1 fights in location 2 if intercepted on the way to 3, 30% they fail to move at all). Worth making a note of here is that the birds in call of the winds are kind of ass in a straight fight so unless army 2 is very weak, and PD is low, the birds will likely lose.


You can't trigger a fight in a province the army is just moving through. If an army wants moves 1 -> 3 and that is *the only possible way to get there* then a magic phase attack in 2 would stop that army from moving at all. I'm assuming 4 is water and there are no provinces above either. If there are multiple ways to get from 1 to 3 then you have to block all possible routes. A magic phase attack in 3 would have two separate fights there; first one with the PD and then one against the army. A magic phase attack in 1 would trigger a fight with the army before it gets to move IF there is no castle there. If there's a castle there then the army gets to ignore the fight and move to 3 while you only fight the PD and patrollers.


Ya, your right on the intercept in 2 thing. I was thinking older dom movement rules and forgot they changed up the hostile territory movement. On the magic phase attack in 3 though, there is a already an army there per OP, so it would be PD+army, then another army fight when 1 arrives. If it is a "big stack" as OP said, I just assumed the birds would just outright lose if they landed on 1 or 3 and only focused on 2.


Birds are ass, but I think that magic phase attacks may have an influence of movement order. I'm not sure. Also as far as I know, if he moves from 1 to 3, interactions with 2 don't matter I think. Armies don't traverse provinces on the way, they just appear in there target location if they can. I think at least.


No, they have to spend movement points to enter a province, and then another set of points to leave the province. I am 100% sure that taking 2 with birds will prevent him from moving 1->3, I just don't recall if it will cause a fight in 2 and stop the army there, or stop the army at 1. I am also sure dropping birds on 1 won't stop the movement. Otherwise you can stall out an army forever by dropping 1 birds per turn on an army which would be absurdly OP. Page 47 of the manual has the actual movement process but it doesn't describe what happens during a magic phase intercept.


Regarding birds in 2 - If the army in 1 has enough movement to move to 3 even if 2 is hostile, they will move without fighting in 2 (moving through hostile territory takes more move points), if they don't have enough, they will stay in 1. Either way the army won't fight in 2 if they haven't issued a move order to go there


Okay, ya, your right. I was thinking older dom movement rules. That and an army almost never has the extra movement needed to actually move through hostile territory unless it's specially built from it so I don't see it often enough to remember it.


The only 2 ways to stop movement out of a province: move a bigger army into that province, in the exact opposite direction. Theres some randomness and fudge for "bigger". Or, if its a 2 prov move, do magic phase attack on the intermediate prov. None of these apply.


I mean movement 1 <-> 3 can be cancelled with a magic phase attack in 2. But we don't even know what OP is asking about.


Yes, thats case 2), a 2prov move. The AI doesn't do those, basically, too many slow units.


Is your army in 4 bigger than the army in 1? If so, you can move 4->1 plus your sailing army, and magic phase 2. Then you catch the army in 1 if: - they were moving 1->4 - they were moving 1->3 and the movement cost went up - they were leaving the army in 1 If they were moving 1->2 or there are other provinces not on the diagram they were moving it to, then you cannot stop that. If you don't have enough magic phase stuff to kill the stack in 2 (black hawks are not at all strong), then you don't get to stop the 1->3 movement or the 3->1 movement.


My worries are, that my enemy will move armies from 1,2,3 into four and intercept part of my army with his full army, and I was wondering if birding(not killing anyone, just attacking) can stack the odds of moving out of four into 3 before his armies move.


To stop your army in 4 from moving, they need to move a larger army in the opposite direction from the order you give 4. So, for example, if your stack in 4 is larger than the one in 2, but smaller than the ones in 1 and 3, you can be sure of getting to 2 with it (if you move it there), but you cannot be sure of getting to 1 or 3 with it. Not sure where the coast is - can your sailors reinforce 4? If so, you can possibly also build lots of province defence there, and change the situation you are afraid of into the situation you are ready for. Or, can your sailors get to 2? If so, you can join your armies up by moving them both to 2, and then play chase the enemy in future turns.


Sailors can get only to 1 and 3, so either I reinforce my current position and potentially fight his combined forces, or I try to attack province one, to fight lesser force with overwhelming power. How strength of moving army influences movement? My army in bigger then all his armies, but not big enough to take them all on.


> How strength of moving army influences movement? Armies move to where they are going, provided that they have the movement points (taking provinces during the magic phase, can increase movement costs because it costs more to move through enemy territory), and then they fight. However, if there are two opposing armies in adjacent provinces, and they both try to move to the other one's province, only one of the armies will move. Normally it is the larger one, and they then fight in the province that the smaller army started in. So, the size of your sailing army is irrelevant for stopping movement. The size of your army in 4 vs the size of the army in 1 or 3 is significant if you try to move your army in 4 to 1 or 3, and the armies in 1 and 3 try and move to 4.


-> Normally it is the larger one, and they then fight in the province that the smaller army started in. That is good, my army size in 4 more then doubles any of his armies, if army size means amount of units. If, for some forsaken reason, it means size, as size of all units, then it's a slightly different story.


Not sure anyone has truly worked out what it means; quantity of units, combined size of units, hp of units, value of units - not really sure.


https://illwiki.com/dom5/map-movement It was worked out in 5. Its probably very similar in 6. Army Collision uses chassis strength + a random roll to decide what happens.


https://illwiki.com/dom5/user/loggy/chassisvalue was the bit about the unit value that gets combined to form the army strength.


Magic phasing province 2 and capturing it might prevent movement from province 1. Might because it depends on your enemy army and their map move. If they can just fly to 3 then capturing 2 won't stop them. 


You cannot stop the enemy army in 1 from moving. You can force a fight with a magic phase attack, but after that battle is resolved, whatever lives will move as normal during the normal movement phase. You need to predict their movements and intercept them (in most cases). AI will generally defend their forts under siege, and attack you where you are weakest. Their moves are kinda predictable. I think the AI knows how much PD you have in your provinces and avoids large PD dumps, but this is just a theory and not properly tested.


Bro play the game and find out