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lol does this guy think ignorant = poor?


A lot of people do. We live in a time where objective truth rarely matters.


They also confuses having a college education with smart.


Work with a young girl who just speed ran getting her master's. She legit forgot how many seconds were in a minute last week.


What is speed running a masters?


College at 17, she graduated before 22


My sister in-law went to med school and makes mid six figures. She asked me what 10% of 100 is.


People don’t understand that a specialist in any subject matter can be a complete idiots outside of their domain. It’s like people not understanding that working on a car takes a different kind of intelligence. Do cardiac surgeons understand the timing of the valves on their Ferrari? No, but they know the valves on a heart and their pressures.


My buddy's step dad was the president of the American orthodontics association and obviously the best orthodontist you can go to anywhere close to me. I helped my buddy move him one time and this man got upset and questioned us because we were taking the pillows and comforter off of his bed to move it from one house to another... He thought we would move the bed whole. Just lift it and walk it through the doorway a quarter of its size like cartoon or something.


I agree with what you're saying, but I believe what the previous post was trying to point out is that there should be a baseline expectation for a certain level of intelligence when looking at such an extreme example of a specialized field. I had a similar experience where I am in a specialized field, and during a meeting with the entire team, my boss had to explain what percentile meant. He wemt through explaining percentages and percentiles and how they were different. He even stated himself that he didn't know or remember until he looked it up. This was about 3 weeks after I started my job.


So at my job we designate individuals as subject matter experts, as to bring down the egos of researchers to realize that, you have a PhD and we get that, but you’re not a plumber and plumbers are people too. I have to deal with PhD’s and plumbers as an intermediary, it’s not always easy.


They can also be complete idiots in "their" own domain. Luckily I'm not a surgeon but I work with a fair few incompetent buffoons.


Thank fucking goodness for pharmacists. I’ve been there for the phone calls from pharmacists questioning their very off-math prescriptions.


Here's a nice trick: x% of y is y% of x. 4% of 75 is 75% of 4.


When I was young I once forgot what pants were. Like what was the name for them. I had a near panic attack wracking my brain trying to come up with the name.


POV you're talking to an absolutely cooked resident getting off their 30 hour shift trying to figure out how much to tip for the galloon of coffee they just purchased from Starbucks.


I'm interested in this comment. Are you implying a mental blunder means you aren't smart or means you are dumb? Are you saying a college educated person making a mistake means they are dumb? It's just interesting because I don't really see the relevance personal


I'm not discrediting her for making a mistake, or equating intelligence to knowledge. In line with the comment above some individuals put entirely too much weight in the fact they have a college degree while looking down on those that don't. Mine was just a simple comment that college degree or not we are all humans and too elevate oneself purely because of a college education is silly.


Can confirm. Worked with many "Dr's" and different people with PHDs and masters. When talking about their field, most knowledgeable people in the room. When asking how to boil an egg? Nada. Some people are really passionate and really dedicated to one thing and one thing only. This is not a basis for how intelligent they are in day to day life lol.


These posts feel very anti-college and almost like if you get an advanced degree you have to be an idiot.


Oh yeah I agree there. Thanks for being polite in spite of my snark


It was nice to read this interaction.


No worries, so much connotation is lost via text. Long days and pleasant nights


Pretty sure this guy doesn’t have a college education tho


Lol. Exactly the opposite. The vast majority of people that think they’re smart got their “education” through Facebook comments. Educated people more often than not know they’re smart in the particular field they studied but defer to more educated opinion in fields they haven’t.


The point of college isn’t to make you smart. It’s to give you the knowledge necessary to enter a specific field.


So true, I went to college and got a degree. I promise you college degrees don’t mean you’re smart. I also make decent income, another point that smart doesn’t not equal money. Don’t know the whole story here but I wouldn’t leave a place before getting this worked up over what I assume is doughnuts/coffee.




Some of the smartest guys I’ve met were working in trades alongside me. Some of the dumbest people I’ve met were in college when I went later in life.


The fact he's ignorant to the meaning of the word ignorant is called irony, and I bet he doesn't know what that means either. Edit: thanks for the award!


Of course he doesn’t he’s a fuckin roofer. Ever met one? They’re rarely on Jeopardy.


That's what was so funny about him bringing it up in a conversation about ignorance! He picked something with such a reputation, lol


He's a roofer...


I used to work in construction and I'm fairly certain that one of the job requirements to become a roofer is at least one felony charge. We couldn't even leave our tools on job sites because you'd show up the next day and see one of the roofers using your power drill with your name written on it in bold black letters, and they'd claim it was theirs and they've had it for years. This literally happened to the master carpenter I was working under. I lost some tools that day too but I unfortunately didn't have my name on mine but my uncle owned the company and that roofer was promptly relieved of his job and the piece of shit actually ratted out 3 others who were stealing tools also if my uncle agreed not to call the police. All 4 were fired. It was a crew of 5 roofers and I'm certain the only reason the 5th wasn't involved is because he called off work that morning.


jfc what a scorched Earth story


The line cooks of construction


Hey now us line cooks just did a bunch of drugs and tried to sleep around but we never stole! Edit: never mind I just remembered I did steal a bunch of food over time lol


Hey we weren't stealing the food... we were doing quality assurance! Plus, I feel strongly that if you work BOH in a restaurant, you are entitled to eat to your hearts content for dealing with the 100% bullshit that is working BOH


Absofuckinlutely! I worked in the trades since I was a kid until I retired a few years ago. Out of all the types of tradesmen I've worked with over the years, roofers are the most maladjusted, craziest bunch! Most trades have more than a few felons, but moreso for roofers it seems.


I'm a union ironworker I doubt they are crazier than us but a close second


Roofing is usually an absolute shit job so the larger commercial companies tend to attract people who can't get other jobs for reasons. I've seen some good small outfits and some larger companies that don't want to be eyeball deep in fines and lawsuits. But a lot are shit.


This guy's face probably looks like a catchers mitt after being on hot roofs most of his adult life


The roofers I know are exactly the same. I don't think that's the flex he thinks it is.


Or a active crack habbit


With a couple of head injuries under his safety belt.


I would have said that plunge you took at your last contract really turned you into an assholes didn't it?


And possible lightning strike that threw him off the roof and on to his head!


Roofer I hardly know er


No no no no, you misheard him. He owns a roofing company. He's not a roofer, he siphons money away from roofers hard work and hoards it for himself.


many of those roofers are probably ex-cons wanting a second chance at life too.


Oh yeah absolutely. And they deserve a good life. But this fuckwit in the video deserves to step on sharp legos every day for the rest of his life


The bourgeois "contractor" one of the worst specimens


He’s a working man in his pristine 2024 dually truck rocking his polo or Columbia short sleeve button down where he drives around job sites telling his subs to speed it up in 100 degree heat. He doesn’t talk to any of his Hispanic or ex con non sub/foreman employees he’s paying the lowest possible wage unless they are in the way. This is all after he’s had both of his strenuous two hour breakfast and lunches at the old local blue collar establishments on Main Street where he worked hard drumming up new business from folks who used to work with his Daddy. But he’s a self made man and everyone else should work as hard as him.


Perfect description. You just missed one small detail. Really punchable face.


And hypertension


You forgot the PPP loan that paid for that 2024 dually


This is a beautiful tableaux of the geographically forgotten middle-American “self-made” small business owner. Outstanding stuff


Spot on too, my man should be a writer.


Hahaha I LOVE this. Such an on point description


He has a roofing company? He pays people to instal roofs for his customers? He’s just as working class as a Miami stripper making $500k. Probably things people with PhD’s making $200k are more ignorant than him.


Yes. Yes he does. And also, he thinks rich = intelligent and competent. What a prick. With that logic, he probably thinks Trump is the biggest genius on earth since he’s so rich.


Three fifty ain’t rich. That’s fourth-year lawyer pay. He just thinks he’s rich, which is worse than rich.


> That’s fourth-year lawyer pay. God I wish. Source, married to a lawyer and she doesn't make anywhere near that.


Yeah, 4th-year at a top 50 firm. By far, most lawyers four years out of school don’t make close to that. Median lawyer salary across the country and across all ages is like $125k.


Am a lawyer and do not make anywhere near that, so I also wish lmao.


I suspect that is gross for the company, not his take-home.


I mean, I understand there are a *lot* of wealthier people but I have absolutely no problem declaring someone who makes $350k "rich".


The entire culture of America is built around that belief.


Money = Success therefore higher on the social ladder therefore more important/correct than others. It's such an odd thing to step back and watch... And ask yourself why.... why does the fact that you amassed more currency make one feel like they are superior. An answer is: because this country values the pursuit of being wealthy.


Exactly. In school we value good grades, after school we get money instead of good grades. In both cases, the better your accomplishments are, the better your reward. Hence money is a sign of success.


> And ask yourself why.... why does the fact that you amassed more currency make one feel like they are superior. This is also why if you want to enact change, you have to hit them in the wallet, everyone is ready to negotiate as soon as their income starts drying up


I always wanted to work at dunking donuts


The idea that success, happiness and intelligence is related to money. The never ending pursue of money. I’m better than you because I make more money. Makes sense? No, but majority of the us thinks that way.




In that vein, he should realize that pompous does not equal smart, either.


Lol he really is ignorant


He is definitely ignorant


Most rich people cling to the belief that most, if not all poor people are lazy and stupid even if data proves this completely false.


Yeah bragging about how much money you make is always cringe


[found out in another sub that the argument started over a coupons](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/15lt75i/guy_berates_worker_with_his_salary/jvcn9tm?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2). Kinda weird he bring up how much he make.


I earned $350,000 dollars last year...so take this expired coupon for 50 cents off a small coffee, ya' ignorant nobody. And be glad that I pay your salary....


I earned $350,000 last year and business costs were $400,000. I paid $50,000 last year to keep my business afloat, so whoever made you mad earlier, forget about it ‘cause I’m an even bigger schmuck!


I am going with this. As someone who actually made more than $350k personal income last year, I and everyone else I know making similar money would never say so outside of an anonymous forum like Reddit or private convos with each other, for fear of being immediately robbed. This guy ain't got money like he says.


Can I borrow 20 bucks


Sorry, I’m broke


Can I have a job then lol


Hiring a stranger on Reddit would probably be more successful than the idiots I have hired locally.


Where can I submit a resume?


Damn caught you between 350k years.


Here: have $20. I work at a homeless shelter, i get it man. Sometimes life goes the wrong direction! I can get you a free coffee if you prefer. If you visit and you like our place, volunteer!


ya cracked me up with the simplest joke


Your also probably not in a dunkin donuts let alone picking fights with the employees 🤣


As long time customer service, the hoity toity do indeed come into places like this, *SPECIFICALLY* to pick fights with employees. You will more pushback on 5 cents from someone in furs driving a luxury sports car than by your average joe EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK.


They’re attempting to humbly brag on Reddit about how much they make, more than likely they’re at dunking donuts picking fights with employees lol


We are absolutely in Dunkin, but definitely not picking fights. We are being friendly and tipping.


Imma need that remote job fam i can do whatever u want


I know you meant well with this statement, but your "me and everyone making this kind of money who never say that because poor people would rob us" comment is pretty bad as well.


Even if it's $350k free and clear, it doesn't mean you're all that smart. You can be kind of thick headed and still run a roofing company.


Exactly this


The man drinks 700,000 cups of coffee a year.


how are you going to claim you make 6 figures when you're fighting over coupons 💀


He's going to say that's exactly how he did it, by being frugal through efficient couponing, and not by hiring illegal immigrants on a salary of $5 and threats.


Do you… do you know my old landscaping boss?




You’d be surprised at how stingy wealthy people can be. A long while ago I headed to our accounting department to handle some billing changes with one of our contractors and witnessed a high level executive (who was pulling in several million a year salary) arguing with a bookkeeper over reimbursement for a coffee expense. It was odd seeing him in the bowls of the company since something as trivial as this would normally be handled by his assistant, but he wasn’t going to accept refusal for his cup of coffee and took it upon himself to handle the situation. BTW, he didn’t get his reimbursement. And the bookkeeper lost her job not long after that encounter.


I learned from the Propublica story about Thomas Clarence’s corruption that some billionaire name Novelly has a huge yacht. He rents it out when he isn’t using it. Isntt that something? If I were a billionaire and had the money to buy a Supreme Court judge, I would keep the privilege of being on my yacht for my friends, family, and bribed public officials. I ain’t renting it out to newlyweds or idiots at bachelor parties. So weird. “Le Montrachet, named after the premium French wine, is a 126-foot luxury vessel complete with a full bar, multiple dining areas, a baby grand piano, accommodations for 10 guests and a handful of smaller fishing boats and jet skis. Novelly charges about $60,000 a week to outsiders who want to charter it.” Outsiders, indeed. If you haven’t read the Propublica story you should. The rich are depraved. [Clarence Thomas’ 38 Vacations: The Other Billionaires Who Have Treated the Supreme Court Justice to Luxury Travel](https://www.propublica.org/article/clarence-thomas-other-billionaires-sokol-huizenga-novelly-supreme-court)


In some areas, you can avoid property taxes on a yacht if you rent it out. The fun part is you don't actually have to rent it, just list it available for rent. So you will see lots of private yachts listed with ridiculous rental fees that no will ever pay, just to meet that requirement.


Over a coupon? Context like this is important


I know a lot of very cheap wealthy people. Especially if they grew up poor. I know a guy who wears clothes from Walmart and drives a beat up ford truck worth a couple million. This guy is probably new money because a lot of rich people don’t want people to know. Well the decent ones don’t.


What he means is "My company made I own made 350,000 after tax last year. I cant run a business so nearly all of that went to my employees and materials so I need you to accept these coupons because I'm still broke but have a self image to maintain"


350,000 dollars a year just to end up arguing over 50 cents at dunkin donuts?


And you're still eating at Dunkin so shut the fuck up.


Too bad she wasn't quick to think about that. " I'm glad you made good money last year. Are you struggling this year? Because we're literally fighting over a coupon"


Thats how they get to be rich. Honestly. Some of the riches people I worked for where the biggest penny pinchers for CERTAIN things. Big mansions remodel job? Sure, here is a blank check! The valve by the street broke, we need to buy the $12 dollars part to fix it, do you approve? NO!LETTHECITYTAKECAREOFITHARRGGGGGGG!!!!!. I once installed an outlet upside down and the dude screamed at me for wasting his money, literally took 1 minute to fix , while we were remodeling his house theater system, the only thing he found was the 1 upside down plug, which was hiding behind a chair that no one would use or see, but he needed to find something to bitch about to bring the price down from 37,000 to 36,939…… yeah they live in a difficult world


Especially when you are lying about your income and you are at a Dunkin Donuts where all rich people go for coffee and donuts.


With a coupon




Honestly guys in roofing and construction are the absolute least likely to do shit like this cuz most of them had to start at the bottom and do shitty jobs in the heat. If he does make that much and act like this he was probably given the company by daddy. When I worked in the uniform business a lot of these guys had anger issues and ego problems but I didn't see a lot of "you only make 12 dollars an hour comments".


I was a heavy equipment/drill rig supervisor for 10+ years. They were the nicest people when dealing with service industry / going out for dinner / grabbing coffee. I also worked with the business side aka the project managers / CFO. They hinged on being assholes when dealing with the public...


He has a roofing company. He didn't say he was a roofer. He probably just hires mexicans (is that even a thing in America or is it just something ive seen on TV) and undercharges for their labour while overcharging customers for the work.




He’s a piece of shit


People that talk about money almost never have money. This guy is lying. His business probably grossed $350k.


Why yes sir you just proved your “ignorance”


It was a self own. They felt very big about threatening to get this Dunkin employee fired


Doubt they got fired since the customer was being an ass and these places can hardly find enough workers.


When I worked at subway my manager was like if anyone gives you a problem kick them the fuck oit


Imagine dunking on yourself. In Dunkin’ Donuts.




Great! Lol


God what a great OG Will Ferrell sketch. I had completely forgotten about this




Twitter and tiktok probably already found out and the company is probably being buried rn.


Fingers fuckn 🤞


go buy some manners with those 350k


What is, what I wish I said in the moment for 800.


Guarantee this guys company had revenue of $350,000 and expenses of $300,000


This. So much this. I know someone who was at the bar, bragging to me and another friend that he had just made $25k. At one point, he took a wad of cash out of his pocket and slapped my friend with it. Because he was bragging so much I said he could buy all the drinks the next day. His response? “Well, 15k of it is for medical, some is for bills, then I have to buy my daughter school clothes so it’s all used up.” Then you don’t have 25k. Why don’t people understand that??


Someone slapped your friend with a wad of cash and yall just took that shit? Lmao


Lol, that 25k would have been me and my friends 25k in about 5 minutes... explain to your daughter why she doesn't have school clothes now.


We definitely didn’t “just take it”.


I literally would have taken the money if I got slapped with it


Without fail. Like how every trucker makes 200k but also has no money.


"I have a roofing company." $350k/yr probably before all expenses... yikes. What a fragile dude.


Roofing companies have lots of overhead costs.




But if you do a good job, they'll be well covered.


I've never really cared for architecture. It goes over my head.


Lol before all expenses means this guy makes about 50K a year net


It's fascinating how many people think there's a correlation between wealth and intelligence.


They don’t their just hoping you’ll buy it.


Ew. His nasty ass wife in the background who probably doesn’t even work. She sounds like a keeper.


Anyone who yells at or messes with customer service/food industry workers are the lowest, bottom of the barrel garbage of society.


I’m a bank teller, and dude literally there are no shortage of middle class people who think they’re in the 1% who will start yelling at someone because they had to wait in line or are getting charged an overdraft fee or smthn


i used to work as a customer service manager and i would always love people who pulled this shit with my staff. i would always tell them "you don't get paid enough to have to put up with this shit. if someone starts up, send em over to me. it's the closest i get to christmas". then i'd listen to a torrent of verbal abuse and think "y'know for someone whose so rich, or important, or has such a huge instagram following.. they're still on the phone with lil old me, the final boss, and i'm still telling them no". this dude makes "350k a year" and yet he's still at the mercy of a service worker. funny how that works.


When she said “its your last day of your job” https://preview.redd.it/nn2aewgklhhb1.png?width=1176&format=png&auto=webp&s=e0d4d5836b6c287784a57aa7babc79ad6d74d3bc


I wonder whats the name of his roofing company so the Internet can review bomb 💀




Boasting about your income to a bunch of tired twenty somethings — most of which are only using that job to pay for college — is one of the most pathetic things I’ve ever seen.


Well this dude has proven himself to be an exceptional projector.




Bragging about your money when you try to use an expired coupon lol


What a piece of shit.


Of course his hag wife has to chime in.


Like an embarrassing lil hype man in the background


Same type of person that if he finally got a deserved punch in the teeth she would just be screaming over and over and helping nobody at all, just acting like a banshee from hell


Not as bad as this, but once I had an idiot throwing at me the "I use to come here before you were born". Not sure what he was trying to prove.


It is absolutely amazing how many times people pull this type of crap. I am an accountant and I hate wasting money, but love a good deal. I am actually an accounting professor so I also have a lot of free time. So I took some part time work at an upscale clothing retailer for the discount (which was 30% even on clearance items). Customers would often flex about how much money they made. Sometimes directly, but usually just digs on me. E.g. A customer was trying on a Zegna suit and said, “I bet you wish you could afford one of these.” I am like, “I try not to buy more than one a month.” The best part was, since I was at a state university at that time, my salary was public record so if anyone called B.S. I just invited them to look it up. This was like ten years ago, but I was probably making $180k then (yes… accounting professors are way overpaid). The amount of disrespect I had to deal with overall was astounding. The people I worked with there, were really decent people and valuable friends even if their pay didn’t reflect that.


As a contractor I promise you he didn’t profit 350k last year. If he did he would be way to busy to argue over coffee nor care about a coupon. Chances are he works for a company that did 350k in sales and he made 65 last year. Regardless arguing with fast food employees is the dumbest thing in the world.


TIL that you're immune from being ignorant if you make a certain amount of money


This guy could make $5mm next year and he was still find a way to let service workers make him feel small lol.


Imagine making $350,000 a year yet still feeling the need to throw a fit at Dunkin’ Donuts. Rich mentality that. Moron


Just quit my job from Dunkin. We’re actually paid less. 🥰🥰


PSA: you can be financially successful and still be an ignorant loser


No one wins in these situations


“I make more money than you, therefore I am right and you are wrong!”


Marriam-Webster's definition for 'ignorant' is "destitute of knowledge or education". What's amazing about this is the dude's response is a testament to his ignorance. Apparently he thinks there's a certain income threshold where you're just no longer ignorant, and he's passed that. She may be making $12 an hour, but at least she's not the one causing a stink in a Dunkin Donuts over coupons!


You make all that money and still can't afford any class? That's sad


"....what do you make $12/hr?" Never a good look.


Honestly if someone was angry and their go to argument was bragging about much money they make a year I would straight up laugh in their face no matter the amount they say


There are some really angry people out there. People seriously just need to calm the fuck down.


Lol. I had an issue with a roofing company owner (long story short he tried to sue me for some equipment that he left behind for 6 months and was moved to a secure location by other workers since his phone was disconnected and all he had to do was pick it up). He wasn't happy when he lost his chance to bid on a job for the church where I was a trustee. Told them I will walk if that guy gets a dime. Are roofing company owners just pricks?


I hope Reddit does their thing and finds this guy's roofing company.


attempt snails instinctive vase fertile existence paint boast fearless obtainable ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Make 350k and still can't afford some decency Must have got down voted by the limp dick in the video


Imagine making $350k and still being this mad. Also, I mean...Dunkin Donuts is great and all but you can afford Starbucks at that point lol


I love how we rarely get to see the actual lead up to the confrontation... I wonder why...?


Because no one is usually just filming an angry dude with a paunch ordering a Frappuccino with an expired coupon?


If I had to guess, the lead-up is probably be hard to catch; since a confrontation isn’t necessarily expected, whoever is recording only starts once it’s getting heated. eta: I read in another comment that it apparently started over coupons


Income literally has NOTHING to do with it....what a douche bag. Manors do not equal manners. His ignorance IS bigger than his bank account.


Why do people think that making money makes them smart?


Money can't buy class.


"Sir, no matter how much money you make, this coupon for 50c off will still be expired."


That man doesn’t understand what the word ignorant means. He is ignorant of it.


As soon as someone brings up their salary as if it makes them better than anyone else, they make themselves sound stupid


You are fighting with a young cashier at a doughnut shop, threatening their shitty job, and calling someone else, ignorant? Yeah buddy, there's a winner right there.


Lol I drive a dodge stratus !!! Dude you’re at funkin donuts ffs shut up


This is the kinda guy who hires illegal immigrants, refuses to pay them, then complains about immigrants. He drives a white dodge and refuses to carry any materials in it.