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I wouldn’t recognize a Birkin if someone hit me across the face with it.


I didn’t even know that was a thing until I saw this post


I thought a Birkin was a pubic wig.


That’s a merkin.


I thought Merkin the wizard who mentored King Arthur.


That's Merlin. You're thinking about the alien that Robin Williams played on that one TV sitcom back in the late 70s.


That’s Mork. You’re thinking of the dessert wine.


That’s Hawaiian Punch. You’re thinking of the green shampoo popular for its two in one properties.


That’s Irish Spring. You’re thinking of the alcoholic morning beverage.


This thread was fantastic


That’s Irish Coffee. You’re thinking of a London Fog.


It’s astonishing how this line of comments followed my exact train of thoughts


I’m all about merkin bags


Yeah, I don't want nunna that import stuff. 'Merkin made!


Birkini line.


I only know Birkenstocks and that’s because I’m German


birkenstocks are super popular here in the US, so thats where my mind went as well


most normal ppl are only discovering birkin now cuz everyone is making fun of rich idiots buying them past few days


Its not a thing, and tiktok doesn't make it a thing.


You'd have to have a relationship with Hermès that's older than tiktok has existed to be considered to buy one.


I mean, I agree it's a stupid thing but it's definitely a big thing and has been for decades. I'm not even into fashion particularly, it's not a niche thing at all. I think it's one of those things where you learn the name and suddenly start seeing a bunch of references to the bag in tv shows (Sex in the City and Gilmore Girls come to mind- not the reboots, the "old" ones) and other pop culture conversation/memes/commentary/photos. Some people supposedly buy them as investment pieces since the value keeps going up and the brand plays these gatekeeping games. They make people wait for years or spend a ton of money with Hermes before even having the possibility of buying one you might not have wanted in the first place- you get what them want you to get. I think other luxury brands do this too, this one is just the one I hear the most about online. I'm sure that doesn't really apply to VIP or ultra-rich people.


It's definitely a common strategy in luxury brands. Rolex does this where you need to get on a waiting list to buy from them because of the number they produce, but if you've bought a bunch of watches in the past from them they'll move you up to the top.


Jewelry shops that carry Rolex do that, not Rolex per se, my wife’s boyfriend at the AD told me that.


A man of culture with the cross-sub memes. I like it


> Its not a thing Sex In The City came out back in 1998 and it was already a big thing back then. Just cause you hadn't heard of it, doesn't exactly make you an expert on designer brands. Kinda the opposite actually!


Bruh seriously thinks the world didn’t exist before tiktok LMAO


It's very much a thing to the point that you can't just walk into a store and buy one and need to be invited to do so. But it's a women's bag based on a diaper bag so very out of place for a dude to be using.


Originally designed as a diaper bag. He's using a very expensive diaper bag 😂


Well, he is full of 💩, so he needs several diapers.


He is the most bougie soccer mom.


Nobody cared about that bag, they care about the guy dressing up like a fake Kingsman with a cringey cameraman following him. Edit: a letter


Yup. I hate these videos. No body cares about the “Main Character” in these videos, they’re just seeing something out of place with a camera crew.


not only the camera, when i see someone so weel dressed i usually look more time than the usual


And it’s fine to be well dressed, but if I saw someone in a wedding gown at a Wendy’s I’d stare too, doesn’t mean anything.


well dressed? his outfit clashes in no less than 4 ways stripped tie DOES NOT go with a thatch suit top which DOES NOT go with casual jeans which DOES NOT go with business casual shoes and NOTHING he is wearing goes with the brown handbag other than to try and make it pop by being out of place. He went out as a fashion abortion behaving hoity toity and thinks peeps are jelly. Edit: no less than 5, he is wearing 4 shades of blue that do not complement each other. Edit 2 no less than 6, his shirt and suit cuffs are both too short, that much wrist should only be exposed if reaching out.


I love that it feels like his outfit personally insulted you. You just dismantled it from top to bottom like it deserved every word.


It’s cracking me up that everyone is saying, “Nobody cares!” and yet people obviously do gaf.


Black shoes and brown bag? NEXT


Fuck man... all I noticed is the weird way he carries his bag. You deconstructed him down to his mommy issues FFS.


Thank you. *hi5's in fashion police*


I'm going to partially disagree with you on ONE point. Which is that thatch doesn't go with casual jeans; it absolutely can, it's difficult to pull off and requires some better understanding of silhouette, texture and probably a darker colour choice for this lighter shade of jacket; the problem with the thatch is the *pattern* he chose doesn't go with the casual jeans he's wearing. It is entirely possible to pull off light wash jeans with this material/texture of blazer but he should have chose a different colour.


Yes dark blue jeans that are closer to the dark color on the jacket. His jeans look like he could have found them in a dumpster.


that's why I go to Wendy's naked. I don't like people staring


I couldnt tell you the difference between an expensive bag and a cheap bag.i would just think "look at this tool"


Yep but now they're on a viral video with their faces unblurred with a caption suggesting they were wowed by him. I would be pissed if I ended up in a video like this.


And walking slow and the way dude holds his bag


He looks like an old lady holding her handbag. His overall presentation is unusual. No wonder people are looking.


That’s an uncomfortable position to hold a bag your wrist would just Start hurting especially if there’s anything that weighs a couple pounds


I'm afraid you've never carried a bag without a shit tonne of stuff you don't need... This is the right way to carry a bag, besides being comfortable, it prevents someone from just ripping it off your arm and getting away or stealing anything without noticing from behind (like it happens when you put the bag on your shoulder).


It looks like it would easily slip right off his arm if someone passed him quickly and snatched it




So it's ugly, AND unwieldy.


yeah, that's why it's so expensive.


If you tear a hole on it, price doubles.


>ugly, AND unwieldy Sounds like my ex


[Sometimes things that are expensive are worse.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RbhcRKsRwFM)


I actually carry the baby carrier kind of like that. I choke up on it a lot more though. Carrying it by hand has it swinging around bumping into my legs the whole time. Curling my arm up under the bar though lifts it up above my knee so my legs are free to move.


He’s walking to be seen, and it’s working.


And carrying the bag like he was a female flight attendant from the 1950's.


Yeah that damn weird gnarled bag hand


They are all thinking about his clashing outfit, the jacket doesn't go with the pants. The pattern on the jacket clashes the tie.


Plus, it’s so wrinkly. It looks like he just took it out of that ugly bag he’s carrying.


The man is wearing 4 shades of blue, it's so out of place.


I mean, the LEAST he could have done was match the jacket and pants. It would have helped him greatly.


The only bag I see is a Douchebag


up to the top, you shall go!


I was just at the Grand Canyon recently. Every single overlook had at least 1 girl pretending to be a model, trying to block out a 6-8 foot wide area against the guardrail and pose while 1-2 dudes with iPhones and gopros hovered around her snapping photos. I'm sure they were all thinking "Look at all these people staring and admiring me!" Meanwhile we were actually all thinking "what an asshole, trying to hog all that space on a crowded overlook".


“Oh cool, a man holding a purse”


That's my purse! I don't know you!


Not to mention the 95% of ppl that didn’t even notice him that they edited out


And honestly (I'm gay but this is still maybe phobic) he's carrying around that bag like it's got a bomb in it and he's afraid it's going to go off


I fuck dudes too, we need to change the climate where we are too afraid to offend people to call out when people are acting concerningly weird.


No one cared who I was until I put on the bag


While holding a bag weirdly…


He's just so close to swinging the purse in front of the people's face just for someone to notice it. If you walk around in uncommon clothing and have a filming crew following you then people will look and somehow, this feeds some people's ego.


Skin tight faded jeans minus the cod piece and a tartan blazer that’s peek 90’s Jeremy Clarkson not kingsmen


bro is acting like a fucking fruit tart and thinks hes so cool lol


Dressed like a gay™


He's dressed like the sort of pompous prig that went to an overly expensive school and looks down at everyone else. He may not be one of those people, but he sure looks like it.


I’m 100% sure that’s exactly the look he’s going for, and that he grew up in a council flat.


That used to be an actual punk scene called the Teddyboys. They wore edwardian clothes they thrifted and were obsessive about hair products.


Sounds pretty dope to me. Thanks!


Most gay people have good style. He dont


Excuse you? I. A gay and I dress like I rolled out of a smash mouth music video. I have zero good style. Lol


Well you are still an all star.


Gay here as well. I dress like an extra from a Nirvana video.




I don’t even think it’s the way he’s dressed. He’s dressed well but no one will stare at that. It’s the way he carry the bag. It’s lifted high and upfront, very in your face. No guy or girl carries like that, thus why people look. No one knows the brand or anything, just a bag.


Yeah, they were all staring at the twat on display


There is ZERO doubt that they’re looking at this poncy clown that’s too important for life. Half of the responses are also purely coincidence as anybody looks up as they navigate a busy street.


I ran into 2 different groups of MC when I went to Genova Italy. And I never thought I’d see in real life how cringe their “camera crew” actually is. My mom was sitting on a bench admiring the view and these two dillholes start filming a rap video and then and their camera guy stop right in front of her to film. Honestly wanted to knock the camera over the rail. Then a second group showed up with a vespa(in an area where no vehicles were allowed) and started filming like they just got off a long road trip. This world has gone to shit.


I was looking because it’s a dude carrying a purse


Let's just put these folks on an island where they have to fight it out who the real main character is. Their weapons are the 'stylish' accessories they carry around.




That’s what I’m saying. Everybody shown here was making a “wtf” face at him, not ‘mirin his handbag lmao


He knows. And he carried it funny too, he knows. He knows people will say it’s not the bag it’s blah blah blah. But the click has been clicked. Mission accomplished.


Also the way he was holding the bag made it look like he was presenting it. Our course they're gonna glance and something when you hold it like that


Issue here is that the Kingsman were well dressed. This guy’s outfit is an abomination


He's carrying the bag in a very feminine way and positioning it in an annoying, obtrusive way considering how busy the walkway is. What a lame guy


While walking like a serial killer


All these edited shots showing people looking and staring. *not shown* The thousands of people who just passed by without a care about what this dude had.


They will if you carry it like a psychopath carrying a severed head


Lol thanks for the imagery


OR!... they just see a smug looking douche walking very douchy with a camera guy and are like... who dis?


Yeah I love the idea that those middle aged men in their regular tourist attire have any idea what a Birkin is. They’re staring at the spectacle, not impressed by your bag.


“The douche douchily walked down the street looking like a total douche while someone else followed closely with a camera to fully capture their douchey douchiness.”


The only true way to describe the situation


The extremely affected way he carries himself is why most of them are looking at him, and not at the bag. Frankly, he looks like a straight man's over the top imitation of a flamboyant gay man. Except he's probably actually a flamboyant gay man.


Just pause the first frame. That dude has the most punchable face.


With a purse


"A striped tie does not go with a bold pattern suit...." I know quoting Patrick Bateman probably not great, yes he was a psychotic murderer, but damn he dressed the part and knew about style!


It’s not even a suit.. it’s a tie with a sport coat and ill fitting jeans. Truly dressed like a cock to show off a purse. It’s like what people who want to be rich and upscale think rich and upscale people dress like.


Oh my god, dudes wearing like boot cut straight leg jeans, I didn’t even realize. Definitely giving “toddler playing dress up in mommy and daddy’s closet” vibes. Especially with the bag.


The doorman at Dorsia would throw up in his mouth when he saw this man approaching


Should I start taking up his facial care regiment? It seems like a lot.


You ever see 25th Hour? Barry Pepper has a great line that’s similar. He tells someone they’re wearing a horizontally striped tie with a vertical striped suit, and they respond with “I do it for the ladies.” Barry says “yeah, well do the ladies tell you that you look like a fucking optical illusion?” Lol


I think it fits here. He didn't just know about style, he was super smart, cunning, suave, and charming. It's just that there was absolutely nothing under the surface, seems to fit pretty well here if you ask me.


the video in the OP is just further proof that Ted Kaczynski really was right... not about the explodey bits. everything else was top tier work though!


“It’s not a purse, it’s European!”


He's a fancy boy.


He’s a real dandy!


Want me, love me. Shower me with kisses. Mua mua mua...




Man, oh man, I hate those fancy lads!


It's a European Carry All!!


Alright Jerry


People wonder why he’s carrying a bag like my fucking Aunt Cheryl, that’s why.


So... It's a purse then?


“Look at the dude with the purse.”


"Look at the dude with the purse.... and a ... camera crew? THe fuck?"






When I carry my purse like that I feel very dramatic high-school bully maincharacter... And I am a woman... This is the most bitchy way to carry any bag... Only the phone is missing in his hand


its a European carryall


Fine it’s a purse!!!! I CARRY A PURSE!!! Want me! Love me! Need me!


Oh that Jerry, he's a real FANCY boy!


"It's a satchel!"


“An European carry all!!”


You should check their account. Top tier r/cringe and r/ImTheMainCharacter material. I watch it when I poop because it gives me the runs.


>I watch it when I poop because it gives me the runs. If I could upvote more than once, I would.


Well I did and it looks like they're satirizing the ultrawealthy. Am I wrong?


I wouldn't even know. I love not knowing about superficial brand shit like that.


Isn't it celebrities who are paid to carry expensive bags, so dumb asses, like the one in the video, who worship them will buy these bags, if I recall correctly, Jane Birkin, who was the inspiration for the bag didn't even carry one.


There's nothing special about it, it's just a winner of the brand hype lottery


"Everyone will stare at a birkin" More like "Everyone will stare at a berk"


Everyone’s like: “look at this fucking tool”


Nobody noticed him in a good way. Unfortunately with our new social media reality having people so starved for any attention even this is looked at as a positive interaction. As a society we’ve lost sight of what is truly important and as a pessimist I am terrified of what our future holds.


I think they’re staring on his “plasticy” looking face. I know I am. Lol


That nose job is Voldemort levels of bad


More than half these people don’t know what a Birkin is, they do know what a douche is tho.


He looks like a walking mannequin.


Dude really looks like he has no genitals


Yo, I know this isn't r/malefashion but god... Everything this dude is wearing/ carrying is a clash... Like he got dressed in 3 different wardrobes... We got the worn dad jeans with a bit of moose knuckle going on, heavily emphasised by a darkening of the area (almost as if being the center of attention is causing bro to literally jizz in his pants). And then the suit top with tie and shirt (not my cup of tea on pairing) but matched with those jeans... bro... The bag just stands out as a colour pop prop in this instance; if it wasn't for the "I'm fresh out of the Eton college" face with said look, and this bag to boot, then the moron running up and down with the camera to get the shots will definitely be pulling attention...


He's wearing a suit and tie, but carrying a purse in the most feminine way possible, obviously looking for attention, mostly from surprised boomers. If he had that purse down at his side, no one would probably notice.


As a mere mortal, I would say that you just bought a cheap leather bag from the leather bag stall around the corner, walking with a cheap suit and walking like a super gay guy.


Gays don’t walk like that, attention seekers do.


i couldn't even bring myself to click it because of his tool-ass expression in the thumbnail


This looks like London, in which case absolutely nobody is looking at the bag because tan leather briefcases/ satchel bags have been popular there for literally more than a century. What they ARE looking at is the very weird way he's slowly treading down the centre of the walkway with the bag perched in his arm in a way that's so unnatural that it guarantees that it's empty. So the looks are coming because the guy is clearly parading an empty leather bag around with a cameraman in tow. Edit: he's also mixing plain blue pants, check pattern jacket and a striped tie, what a cretin.


They are wondering why he has made it that far through Guildhall Market without getting mugged; and they are all thinking how to snatch it


That's a ugly ass bag If I was rich I'd get a cool purse with like a dragon on it that shoots fire for self defense


Nice purse




Why does he look like a Thunderbird doll.


\>Is overdressed \>has a camera crew following him \>holding the bag like a woman ​ "Clearly everyone is admiring me"


That’s not why they’re starting… it’s the fruit… carrying the bag


Theyre wondering would poor woman he snatched that from


Looking at the fruitcake not the bag.


Maybe they look because he's using a purse for girls?


The lady laughing is all of us. And I mean the entire world.


super gay men need lots of attention, this is super gay.


No one cares about the bag - everyone is just laughing at a fruitcake carrying a purse with what looks like a dislocated arm.


Isn’t a Birkin those sad ogres that try to eat trolls for happiness in my kid’s cartoon?


Dial T for Twat PS bet he posts his payslips through his neighbours door


The purse?


What a fucking cunt


People are staring because you look like a twat. And you've a guy recording you.


These are the ones that are so good you accidentally down vote at first.


Is that a.... douche bag?


I too look at clowns when I see them, what does it tell about me?


No, people are staring at the douche with a purse.


There are few things a care less about than the type of bag someone is carrying.


Looks like a nonce to me


Leeds, England


I hope one day he realizes they’re staring cause they think he’s gay


So are birken bags popular because they've been used so long or what? Because that design looks beyond basic/minimal. Looks like something someone would own 200 years ago. You can probably have a leather worker make you an identical bag but for thousands of dollars less and in better quality because it's not some mass produced factory made bs but hand made.


i don’t know what a burkin is


It's not what he carries but how he carries the bag like a bimbo


People notice men with handbags 100%


I think they are trying to figure out why I man is in full make up wearing a suit but carrying a purse 🤪🤪🤪🤷🏾‍♂️ confusion!!!


I don’t think it’s the bag they are staring at honey.


I'm sure they are staying because it's a man with a purse


his ballz are in there


Naw they can recognise a fake when they see it hahahaha


Pretty sure there staring at you being a fucking fairy. Aint nobody give a fuck about the brand




Well he’s a little light in the loafers


Wtf is a Birkin?


I wouldn’t recognize a Birkin. But clearly many people recognize a twat.


I don't even fucking know what burking is


Where’s two lads on a moped when you need them