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That one dude is a fucking giant. I wouldn't even call him by his first name


the moment i read this comment, the giant appeared on my screen and i was like “holy shit, how is his forehead not bruised from hitting it off the door frame each time he enters a room?!”


As a tall person the secret is this: you duck learn to duck often. Adapt or die by 100 tiny concussions.


My friend is 6 foot 6 and he said the same thing. I still am fascinated by standing on things to make me the same.height and realising how much he can SEE!


I'm 6'6" and did you know that doors are almost all 6'6" tall? Constant ducking.


One of the math subs at my high school was literally over 7 foot tall, like 7 foot 6 or something, towered over everyone and first question he answered when I had him first time was “yes I played basketball”.


Chad is a fucking Giga Chad




I’m from a country where calling people by their first name is the standard and i wouldn’t even call that guy by his first name


Who named this kid Parth???


Stop it,


Maybe it's just a different culture, but over here in Britain, certain teachers at my school were fine with me calling them by their first names, some of whom even insisted I did. Mind you, I was in special education (but probably not the type you're thinking of).


In Norway we often don’t even remember the teachers last name.


In Spain you don't even need to know. You just call them by their first name or even some shortener if they prefer it.


Oh yeah, we don’t need to know either.


I actually can't remember the last name of any of my teachers before university, with the exception of one who was the mother of a friend...it just seems so stupid to me that calling someone by their fucking name is somehow disrespectful. It's such a fake ass measure of respect


Same in Denmark


It absolutely is cultural. Here in Norway we call all teachers and professors by first name.


I once called my math teacher by their first name, their only response was a day of after school detention.


Your math teacher was soft as shit. Ive slipped up before in high school and every single teacher had (at the worst) Sarah's reaction (0:16 left).


My next math teacher was well known for throwing desks at students (oh he did), there was no middle ground at that school.


Mine was crazy, she was German & everytime she would get upset she would yell in German, then sit down at her desk and pull out this Tupperware that housed a big ass brick of chocolate and would just go to town. Weird af


Augustus Gloop, Augustus Gloop, the greedy little nincompoop.


I had one that cracked a whiteboard by punching it and flipped desks twice 😂😂


Yo wtf did he keep his job?


😂😂 idk I don’t go there no more but I haven’t heard of him losing it yet


My math teacher was deadly with the duster thing to clean the black board. He didnt even need to be looking at you he would turn and with a single motion put that duster in your forehead like a sniper


Did we have the same math teacher? Rural Ohio?


I agree that it's an extreme overreaction but how is that something you slip up on? Unless you knew the teachers outside of a school context. I feel like to call them by their first name accidentally there would need to be contexts where you do refer to them that way often enough for the wires to get crossed. I knew plenty of my teachers' first names but I always identified them in my head and when talking about them in third person with their surnames. I don't mean to get all Spanish inquisition on you, just had me curious.


I feel like this is a litmus test for which of these teachers are super insecure. The ones that lost their minds over something trivial and harmless are on absolute power trips.


Those were the ones we’d shout their first name at whenever they weren’t looking. I understand it’s a “respect thing” but getting raging at being called your own name was always really funny to me.


I taught at a small high school for 11 years. One of our things was that all teachers went by their first names. The students loved it and it helped create a better atmosphere around the school. They were so sick of always being reminded of their inferiority in public schools, when they could just talk to us like people, it facilitated the kind of trust and empathy that made conflict resolution and crisis management much easier. I think all schools should drop Mr./Mrs. BS.


14s is the best response


If you ever slipped, my math teacher (who would sometimes use physical discipline and was a pretty big guy) would scream at you "WHEN have we had dinner together???" And the whole class would laugh at you. And as dumb as it sounds now, you never forgot that shit.


Next time someone asks if we’re friends or calls me their friend- ima say that line!


Yeah trauma sticks, doesn't it?


Please note me and my brother went to highschool in Alabama, my brother called his teacher by her first name and she said,"don't make me get ugly." My brother's response, in front of the class, was "too late." She sent him to the principal's office.


I accidentally called my history teacher by his first name (Denis) and he grabbed me by the throat and said “try that again when you graduate” looking back I can’t believe that I never informed the principal, I just said “okay” and left.


Yeah I got slammed against the locker when I did this to a teacher back in the day.


Teacher when they can't help but abuse their power for petty things


I always struggled to understand this hierarchical ladder that required to call certain people depending on their age, or status, by their first or last name. If it goes one way, it goes the other. If a teacher expects to be called by their last name they should call their students by their last name also. And I say that was someone in their 30's, not a student.


Well that's ridiculous. Why can't you call your teachers by first name?


What up gabby…


Whatever, I'm down for some Tina.




And tina seems to want it


lol. My exact first thought too


She looked kinda like Kaylee in Firefly… Shiny!




If I had a dollar for every time I’ve personally heard this 😂


michael scott is this u


As a 40 year old man, this was actually pretty funny.


Teenagers and pushing buttons to get a reaction is a tale as old as time. This was funny


As a 34 year old, I too found this funny lol


Most of the teachers did too, judging by their smirks


Yep. The last one especially she thought it was funny and their smirks say “I know your playing and you got me but I’m not going to laugh and give you the satisfaction” My favorite was the one who call the student by his last name. He came ready lol


Thought he was repeating his own name back to him, as in "no you call me, Mr whateverhesaid"


Idk I think some of them could have done a better job with the acting but the premise is entertaining.


I thought so too. They seem to like this kid as well. It actually felt way wholesome compared to most shit on this sub.


Even the principal (?) Who is telling him off seems like he wants to smile if you look carefully


Yeah nothing about this seemed to fit the normal co.plaints on this sub. I actually enjoy these videos.


Yep. Not main character, actually really funny


Yeah, I chuckled.


33 YO teacher, and I’m the same. I have a student who does this rn. I chuckle at it, though it is kind of annoying. He only does it because he feels safe enough to be edgy. There’s something wholesome about it idk




They teach robots in school??


Always is


I’m sorry the principal part was actually hilarious.


"Going forward, I need you to please be courteous, please be respectful of our teachers and our staff, and not to be calling them by their first name." "Okay Chris" "SERIOUSLY?!" 😂😂😂💀💀💀


Gary buys weed from students.


I got gym teacher vibes from Gary.


I got expelled last day of school circa 1991 for calling my teacher Barry. He went Boomer crazy.


Jesus fuck. That is one crazy story. Any way you can flesh it out with some more details?


Noting too crazy. I went to school in the Philippines, an international school with all kinds of types. Movie start kids , kids of mafiosos and politicians etc… now that I’m older the frustration I can now understand. We would try and step up to the white passport boy type of teachers all the time. My smartass self decided to find out the biggest pricks of all the teachers full name (we had the entire school in our pockets from giving them cash to selling them drugs or bringing them to concerts that we where doing …). Walked in last day of school, everybody already a little rowdy , and yelled in my best fake English accent “ how ya doin the fine mornin’ BARRY..”. I thought his head was gonna pop off. Walked direct to superintendent and told him either I go or he does. Oddly enough I was suspended 2 more years straight last day of school for more devious shit.


Wait - your last day in School was 1991 and you use the word 'Boomer'?


Lol how old do you think boomers are? If OP is talking about high school that makes him about 50 yo. A boomer would be at minimum 60 yo


Whats up Gabriella….


I remember running into an HS teacher of mine a good 15 years after the fact. He insisted I call him by his first name, and I just couldn't do it.


I’m 33 and I still can’t call my friends parents by their first names lol


I’m dating the son of one of my former teachers. He insists I call him by his first name but it is just so hard.


The hilarious part is that they all just think this kid is a tool… This would be met with the same chuckle that the teacher with the green polo has otherwise.


He’s their Jeff Spicoli ![gif](giphy|YbIU77lYu9zj2)


>The hilarious part is that they all just think this kid is a tool… His tone of voice is dickish. It's not a "hey bruh" wassup. It's more of a confrontational wassup.


Naa, I knew kids who did this in school, treating teachers like they were somewhat on the same level but also giving a little bit of kiss assing. The teachers loved these guys, treated them like students who were also buddies, especially if they were athletes or pretty girls. This is the secret to school, if you can pull this off you are golden. Teachers are just older students, they want to be around fun students. I wish I had known this instead of showing them an unnecessary amount of respect. I never stepped out of line, when if I did, it probably would have worked in my favor.


I do not call any of my professors in college by their last name. We have respect for each other and everyone goes by their first name unless they prefer otherwise. Never understood how public schools always went by last name


Well it’s scripted soooo….


I like how in Gen Z world that’s obvious… I suppose in hindsight, the young man being scolded should have tipped me off.


To be fair, the first half seems genuine. Then the scolding scene and everything after just felt like the teachers were trying to act


Yeah. They all give him the same look. He's clearly a repeat offender for the 'tok.


My kid went to a school where they all called each other by their first names, teachers and students alike. He did well and is in college now. Turns out, archaic forms of fake respect are no substitute for real engagement, smaller classrooms, communication, reasonable expectations, and a love for learning on both sides. Weird, huh.


I have a friend who teaches at a charter type school and they all call their teachers by their first names. I've never seen kids have such genuine respect before. We'll bump into her kids in public and they are extatic to see her. They know her boyfriend's name and her phone number. It's wild.


I don’t work in public schools but do private behavior therapy where many parents treat me as a teacher. I’ve never had a kid call me by my last name but so many parents insist their kids call me Ms. Drives me crazy. I guess I appreciate the intent of respect but no need to be so formal.


"archaic form of fake respect" would make for a kickass metal band name


Getting real sick of your shit, Parth. That’s the general reaction.


Michelle and Gabby, damn


I'm sayin


Dam Gaby, can we get a cup of coffee at the teachers lounge?


Gary seemed like a great guy lol


Gary passed the vibe check pretty well.


This is clearly staged, but it was nice from them to participate in this type of video nonsense.


Yeah if people can’t tell it’s staged by the “scolding” he got there’s no hope😂 this video does not belong here. One it’s not really main character at all. If anything it should be in the cringe Reddit if anything. I found it pretty amusing. Better than the stupid dancing videos.


This doesn’t seem fabricated to me. All of these reactions and the scolding are realistic.


There is also literally no point in staging this. I don‘t have a single doubt, that it‘s real.


C’mon, there’s no way you watched that bit with the principal giving that “reprimand” all for the obvious setup of being called by his first name in the end, while being recorded by the student the entire time, and came out of it thinking it was real


The scolding is some of the worst acting I’ve ever seen


Oh damn. Hi Gabriella.


Is she the last one? Yeah wass*uppp.*


That’s the one. Wassuppp indeed.


Clearly by the time Part 6 was made a memo had gone out to all the teachers regarding the virality of the earlier videos and suggesting they not play into the kid's provocation.


Gabriella is the archetype hot teacher


What’s up Gabriella Fr


I went to an alternative high school where we called our teachers by their first name. Think it’s a bit odd that respect is tied to a last name instead of just being good teachers.


As a teacher (10 years) who teaches at a school where adults are called by their first names, I think it's insanely egotistical to have "respect" tied to the idea that kids can't use your given name like anyone else in the world. Are they somehow less of a person and aren't allowed to use your name? Or do some teachers get off on the power trip of holding some little thing over the heads of others? Either way, it's asinine and I can't wait for it to die off.


The whole last name thing is just odd from my perspective, living in a country where most people are on first name basis, I called my teachers by first name, I call my doctor by first name etc


I love how this shows which teachers are dicks and which are cool.


Brandon was clearly a coach.


Was Gabriella in Firefly?


This is much more wholesome than most of the main characters we see today. I mean, this is the kind of thing that kids when I was a kid (I'm 28) would do. It's like, let's take a step back from our usual "anti-main character" ways and remember that it's not like any disturbance to the normal social order deserves protest.


I’m impressed by the number of male teachers in this school, frankly.


Aaahhhhh yes.  "Teacher by first name" edginess.     I don't miss middle school.


Thats some tall middlr schooler


Deep voice too


Come to Denmark. Teachers, bosses anyone is first name basis.


Adults call adults by their names. You want teenagers to act like adults, treat them like adults.


Teenagers don't know how to act like adults. That's why they're in school, being taught how to act like adults.


I don't want teenagers to act like adults. I want them to act as respectful teenagers. That means they're entitled to fuck around, have fun and make mistakes like we all did, but there is a line. Sure, they have to call their teachers by 'Mr' or 'Mrs', but outside of that they're given a huge amount of social leniency, on the understanding that they're not adults 


Heck, I’m 40 and still have about 3 close HS friends.. their parents are always Mr. or Mrs. to us, just as my parents are Mrs. or Mr. to them.. it’s respect.


Yeah but you can tell by the tone of this kid's voice that he was calling them by their first name as a provocation. Every time he said their name you could hear that.


No one expects teenagers in a high school to act like adults. wtf are you even talking about?


Na a couple of those lady teachers were a little too happy 😂


I find nothing wrong with this one 🤷‍♂️


When I taught, I had no problem with students calling me by my first name. It was often proceeded with ‘Miss’, but it never bothered me. If I can call a student by their first name, they should be afforded the same courtesy.


What's so wrong with this vídeo? Lol


Put me on the tiktok wut u doin


i’ve had teachers that genuinely don’t care if we call them by their first name but i would NEVER call my teacher by their first name if they didn’t explicitly say it was ok


This must be one of the jocks who is good at sports, bc something tells me this behavior wouldn’t be tolerated by any other student


Something tells this comment was made by the kid who got picked on.  Nothing in this video is a big deal


I'm sorry but if you get offended by someone calling you your first name once as a joke then you have some paper thin skin


Could someone explain to me how calling them by their first name would be considered rude?


I wonder if it is an american thing. Where I'm from it is only common to use your last name if there are someone else with the same name as yours.


Because its not formal school etiquette. Call them by their first names outside of school, but in the setting you need to be respectful. If individual "cool" teachers are ok with it, its up to them though. But other teachers usually think those hippy guys are nobs.


As a former teacher, it doesnt fucking matter if students called me by my first name. The teachers are the ones here being out of pocket acting like this kid is a menace.. ffs.


In Israel you call all teachers (and bosses) by their first name, because why wouldn’t you?


Im just sad that not one of them told him what was up. They are there to educate.


I attended schools where teachers go by their first name and it was the exact same thing as calling them by their last names. It never changed the dynamic.


Teacher here. Would be shocked if 20% of my students even know my first name. Also, couldn't care less if they called me by my first name.


I have never minded my students calling me by my first name, but I know I am the minority in my school


Bro I had a teacher last year who the year before that when he first got here he told everybody to just call him his first name, and it kinda just stuck He was honestly the coolest and chillest teacher ever


They call all the teachers by their first names at my son's school. Personally, I would far prefer my kids' friends call me by my first name than "Mrs. Flowers." It feels kinda outdated now referring to elders by titles. Tina was the best :D


I taught for ten years. Absolutely 0 issue being called by my first name. The teachers that are freaking out have lost the plot.


They do not get paid enough to deal with this.


This is such a dumb thing for people to care about. I've never understood it. How arrogant people have to be to demand that someone call them by a title rather than their first name.


What? Why is that a problem? I am confused, is this an American thing? I don't think i have ever called any teacher by anything else than their first name, hell i don't even know the last name of most of the teachers i had throughout the years.


Where is this? Most of my kids teachers have prefer to be called by their first name.


Where I went it was kind of a hybrid thing. Most teachers went by their first names and a couple went by their last names but only that, no title or honorific, like “smith” or “stein.” I never really considered how big of a deal it could be to do this


Gabby is a baddie!


"Been waiting for you to come in" 😏


Parth Patel it is


In India we don't call our teachers with names, it's ma'am or sir.


Love the dude who was just like "Stop."


Meanwhile college professors: call me by my first name and first name only


This is just some teachers acting high and mighty. There’s no reason to care about this


americans have such a hard on for hierarchy, it's weird. or maybe we're weird. but we don't use fahrenheit or inches and feet. america is weird, yeah.


The "ok Chris"" killed me so much


Ok chris


Gabriella is def every high school boys dream at that school


When I was in high school two recently graduated seniors saw a teacher and said “What’s up Scott?..we can call you that now!” He responded with “what’s up assholes…I can call you that now.”


Dude is burning every adult connection he has in that building for 5 seconds of fa-meh.


You can tell by the way the teachers say “hey barf” or whatever his name is… that they know he is a total Shit head. I am happy it wasn’t like this went I went to HS with all the social media. Back in the early 2000’s!


That was a really good cut to the principles office.


I was called my friend's mom by her first name a couple times as a kid. Didn't do it to be disrespectful or anything, just found out her first name and used it. She hated me ever since then.


Is it really like this in America? I never even knew the last names of my teachers


Great way to pick out the power trippers


I’m a former high school teacher. My students never called me by my first name. But I see that things have changed.


groovy punch six paltry ink nine fall school hungry ask *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Tina thought it was funny. Me too. I’m not big on creating hierarchy as a means of asserting power under the guise of “respect”. Of course, now I live in the south and am quick to use “sir/maam” because I know they’ve been so deeply conditioned to tie this to a positive interaction but it is so phony and hollow to me. ETA: watched the video again, they’re in Texas. This is where I live now. This video is so on brand. It is wild how “polite” is confused with “kind” and “respectful” down here.


Taught in Texas for four years and I agree with you.


Not much to do with power. Just manners


In this case, manners are socially constructed in a way to uphold a power structure.


A few class mates bavk in highschool started calling teachers by their first names. They get real uppity about it, I respect teachers for doing what they do but I'm sorry it's not that big of a deal. Just seems a bit power trippy to me. Unless it's a college professor, that I get.


Teachers get disrespected by everyone 6 ways from Sunday. Parents, students, politicians, their own administrators. If they want to be called Mr. or Mrs. To maintain a shred of respect, let them have that. If they don’t care, fine. However, you shouldn’t assume everyone is as casual as you are.


It’s not even a big deal. Why are they so bothered by it. I called loads of my teachers by their first names. My gym coach was cool as hell and everyone in the school called him by his nickname, Rock.


personally if I were a teacher I wouldn’t care if they called me by my first name


Lol like you can tell who get but hurt and the people who think its funny and know its a joke


Lmao a lot of them passed the vibe check and a couple of them FAILED the vibe check


Park Patel seems to be one bold ass student lol


As a European, this is just wierd, i've never called any of my teachers by their last name and i think they would find it weird if anyone did


“European” it’s a continent full of countries. Your country is not like others. It is weird in many countries.


One issue I have is when my kids teachers will call me by my 1st name but refuse for me to use thiers. Also the best school I ever went to was an alternative school and we called the teachers by thier 1st names. Also if you were not willing to try in that school then you would be kicked out so it made for teachers that only had students that wanted to learn and really it was amazing the difference in education you get when that happens


I mean it’s pretty obviously a hardy joke, I wouldn’t really call him a mc at least in a insulting way


when having kids call you by your first name is insulting to you, that's when you know something bad happened along the way


Teachers are funny that way. I shook one of my kids teachers hand upon meeting him. Told him my first name, he responded with "hi I am Mr. Soandso". I stared at him and held the handshake until he said uhhh Jim, my names Jim. Dude was clearly 15 years younger than me. I chuckle when ever I meet a new teacher.


I think the whole Mr. And Ms. Thing is gonna die out because… you know… gender identity shit haha. I still call the older generation by their last names, but only if they have my respect and that’s what they prefer


When the guy is lecturing him and he’s like, okay Chris😂😭


What a pos


Mr. “Don’t call me by mah furst name, gimme that phone” seems to be a major douche.


This is not main character. It’s a fun thing that doesnt hurt anyone…