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Just looking at her website brings up red flags. Quack doctor who moonlights as a personal injury lawyer lol.


With a blob fish face


Please stop insulting blob fish.


![gif](giphy|ibXj2pBIYVRSCleGXS) Seriously look how sad


This gif is incredible






I was trying to work out what was wrong and it is literally the whole thing




Yeah the blob fish only looks that way because it's meant to be under a lot of pressure compared to here on the surface. This lady has no excuse.


[They do](https://a-z-animals.com/media/2022/11/shutterstock_2207606225-1024x614.jpg) look better underwater


Not in her professional photos though


Her justification in the response is that somehow she or her kids are gonna get trafficked if she goes to put up the cart. I’m not even kidding. Because we all know traffickers target rich white women in extremely busy, public areas. It’s like a victimization fantasy fetish for some of these bored, rich women like her, while completely ignoring the women and children actually at risk or trafficking.


Also, she can just...lock the car and take the keys with her while she takes 30 seconds to put the cart away??


This is exactly what I do with my kids when I get groceries. Using kids as an excuse to not drop your cart off is just blatantly lazy.


Honestly I’m pleasantly surprised. I just assumed it was another rage bait to drive OF traffic.


Load groceries, take back cart with kids, then bring kids to the car. Problem solved. Just because you have kids doesn’t mean you can be a pos.


It took her longer to make this video than it would have to just return her fucking cart.


Where's the tiktoker who surrounds cars with shopping carts for having bad etiquette when you need him?


Omg he's the best. He calls them silly names like Goober, goofball, slow poke as he runs away from them while they chase him around the parking lot. Cart nark is his name I think. Putting the shopping cart is a basic litmus test of self governance - just shows people can't be left alone lol.


Cart Narc and he calls them lazy bones like they need to be and throws shame magnets on their cars.


Lazy bones!!! That's the one, yes haahahaha fkin lazy bones


WOOTSKEETWIDDLLYWOOT!!! Love that guy! Dr. Phil tried to call him out on his show... didn't work.


And only for it was posted here more people would have probably seen her return the cart than the amount of people that would have seen her video about not doing it.


She needs a “Lazybones on Board” magnet


Park next to the cart return


That’s the real pro-tip.


I see parent do this all the time and parent even go take the cart back if they're not near one almost like they don't have to worry and can just lock the car aswell




That’s too much work for this lazy pig.


lazy pig looks like she just finished crying over a dirty look


that's an insult to lazy pigs


That's exactly what I do. Load up the trunk. We sing the "taking the trolly back" song and take the cart back then we go back to the car. It also allows the kiddos to get some wiggles out after being in the cart before getting strapped into the car seat. I also usually park as closets the cart corral as I can.


We take the trolly back (yeah) Other moms they don’t know how to act (yeah) Load the car and teach yo kids respect (yeah) Raise them right so they act correct (yeah) Take it to the corral!


⬆️This is epic! I don’t even have kids and I’m going to start singing this. Thanks for sharing😈


Makes perfect sense, but then she will likely bitch about not being able to carry multiple kids at the same time as a single mom. However, she honestly doesn't even need to do that, She could just do it in the normal order and leave her kids in he car while she returns the cart. God forbid she literally leaves her kids in a locked car within her view for a whole 15- 20 seconds. She is literally just being dramatic!


Exactly! That’s what I do. Nothing is going to happen especially when you can keep an eye on it the whole time while retuning the cart.


Instills a good lesson too. Feels like the natural thing to do.


She's not worried about being a good mother. She's only worried about herself.


That’s what a normal person thinks. An asshole thinks retail workers are worthless.


I used to take my kids shopping with me all the time when they were little, and we would do just that. It took us only a moment and modeled good behavior to the children. It's one of those teaching moments where you can show your kids in real time what it means to be a decent and caring human. Obviously that's asking too much of this woman.


Been doing this for years. Funny thing is… kids actually like the extra cart ride. It’s a win win.


That’s not something you can do if you have multiple kids that need to be carried and or one of your kids is an eloper. Infant carrier seats are heavy and I need two hands to carry it and then I can’t hold my other kids hands. This is why I ALWAYS park next to a cart corral. I’ve never not returned a cart.


damn lazybones


****Whoop de whoop whoop**** That's not where the carts go ma'am.


I blocked your attack, sir


Go back to throwing school.


If you ask nicely, I'll return it for you.


i'm really fast and good at dodging!


I think she needs a magnet


Bibbidy Kip weewoo weewoo.


Cartnarcs has entered chat…


god i hope people understand your comment hahaha


The reactions he gets from embarrassed angry people are so satisfying.


Agent Sebastian is my hero.


And Agent Cameron. And Agent Mortimer from the Senior Squad.




I won’t leave my kids to return a shopping cart, but I will ignore my kids for attention on TikTok


All you kids shut up and stay quiet so mommy can make a TikTok -this lady probably


Her kids are 18 & 19.


Lmfao that would be so fucking funny


She looks awfully angry about people giving her looks for being lazy, and that unblinking stare makes her seem like a psycho. I bet her kids are terrified of her.


My mom told me that when I was little, she'd always park as close to a cart corral as possible (usually right next to one) so it was easy to put away after I was in the car. But also, cart corrals are usually all over the parking lot. Odds are you aren't very far from one anyway. The woman in the video is just trying to make an excuse for doing something she knows is wrong.


This is exactly what I did with my kids. I had two under two at one point. (They're 17 months apart)


The Shopping Cart Theory: “The shopping cart is the ultimate litmus test for whether a person is capable of self-governing. To return the shopping cart is an easy, convenient task and one we all recognize as the correct, appropriate thing to do. To return the shopping cart is objectively right. There are no situations other than dire emergencies in which a person is not able to return their cart. Simultaneously, it is not illegal to abandon your shopping cart. Therefore, the shopping cart presents itself as the apex example of whether a person will do what is right without being forced to do it.” “No one will punish you for not returning the shopping cart, no one will fine you, or kill you for not returning the shopping cart. You gain nothing by returning the shopping cart. You must return the shopping cart out of the goodness of your own heart. You must return the shopping cart because it is the right thing to do. Because it is correct. The Shopping Cart Theory, therefore, is a great litmus test on whether a person is a good or bad member of society.”


I once returned my cart and also the cart of an elderly man who was parked next to me. When he had finished unloading what he had in his hands he was looking for the cart and I said (nicely): "Hey! I put your cart away for you since I had to drop mine off too. Have a good one!" His response: "You parked too close to my car" We were both in our parking lines, he hadn't entered the car yet, and I'm pretty certain he arrived after me. So in a weird way I did get punished for returning a cart that day.




I routinely offer to take other people's carts for them if they have just finished loading their groceries. If I'm on my way in, I'll just use their cart - usually I jokingly ask them "It doesn't wobble or pull, right?" If I'm returning mine, I'll offer to take their's too. It is a simple gesture that doesn't cost you a thing and does something nice for someone else.


I would have waited until he got in his car then put a cart behind him. If he gets out to move it I would then put the other one behind him after he thinks he is finished.  If I am feeling particularly petty, I would go out of my way for a 3rd and possibly 4th cart 


The King Soopers parking lot lets me know I'm a beacon of goodness in a dark, dark sea 🤣


Shopping cart litmus test. What a failure.








I found the one on google maps but the reviews are gone and I can’t find it on Yelp.


It's not claimed so I don't know if it's legit- but it has her pic and same business address. A few reviews already from this video, lol.


petty...I like it


I put this: Im having trouble not being a lazybones. Last night I didnt put my cart away and Agent Sebastian put a magnet on my car. I yelled at him, but he put another one on. Should I yell harder?


Samesies- good idea, friend.


“As seen on: Fox News”


That coupled with the “currently I am not taking health insurance” says it all. She’s a fraudulent grifter.


Not nearly as funny as putting LinkedIn and Medium in the "as seen on" column. Two websites that literally anyone can post on.


A stain to psychologists everywhere :'(


Based on that website alone she deserves to have her license revoked


It’d be a shame if someone reported her to the licensing board.


She looks like a lawsuit troll- “expert witness “. Psy-d. bullshit.


Lately I’ve been feeling like all these self help, life coach doctors are a bunch of narcissistic scammers preying on depressed people. I think I can do it better than them


This person is human garbage.


Oh ur gonna get more than a dirty look lady. Agent Sebastian has some magnets for ya


And this woman is supposed to be a psychologist


I think I remember reading how narcissism is pretty prevalent among clinical psychologist (PhD)


This person is garbage.


Why do i have to fuck off?? She literally invited me to judge her! And i am. Heavily. A twat.


>You can judge me all you want Okay thanks I will


middle aged suburban moms getting access to social media was a mistake


"You can judge me all you want" "If you are going to give me dirty looks, fuck off" So which is it, do I get to judge you or should I fuck off?


Someone call the narc


Tf is behind them eyes 😳


I feel like she’s the type of mom that would leave her kids in the car just to go inside a Starbucks to grab her mobile order anyway


She made this video like she’s taking some kind of a stand or something by not returning a cart lady get a grip 😭


I have kids too. It’s not that hard. Most cars have a key fob so you can keep the car running without worrying about someone taking your car with your kids in it. Besides who’s gonna want some annoying kids? Also, she seems like the type that would be pissed off and throwing a fit asking for the manager whenever some stray cart hits her Kia telluride


Ah lazy cunt


The eyes of craziness


I say this with all honesty and sincerity. She is an awful person and I have a theory that every serial killer in history would exhibit this behavior as well. Lazy cunt.


How about you just fuck off and don’t use the Shopping cart


“I don’t care”…. So I’m gonna make a video and tell the world


Park by the cart return, dummie


Arent there a bunch of cart dropoff locations at most grocery stores


I feel sorry for the bloke you had children with.


I bet the Cart Narcs would have a field day with her. "Skip Dip Wibily Wee Woo that's not where the cart goes lazy bones"


I kinda understand if she lives in a dangerous area, but if she lives in a place that dangerous she should just move lol


God she is so sell centered that she is just a black hole at this point


Or, you could be a responsible parent and teach your children to behave. And you can set a good example for your children as a member of society and put the cart back


Ok lazy ass, someone else way more important in life will take it back for you. You just go ahead and continue on your self centered pathetic life path. Way to go Karen!!


Lazy bones


if you dont put your cart back in the corral, i hope all the worst things in life happen to you. i hope every time you brush your teeth you have to rinse with orange juice i hope every time you step in the shower it turns cold for a few seconds i hope every morning you step out of bed into cold cat shit, even when you dont own a cat


You balance out her laziness by grabbing a stray shopping cart on your way into the store before shopping. I’m at least at +100 shopping cart positivity points by now.


I'm with you, even people that take them back just kind of throw them into the corral. I'll spend less than a minute making it tidy while I place mine appropriately. This isn't a "virtue signaling" thing, it just feels good and appropriate. How many seconds does it take to put it back and leave it tidy? These are the same people when camping who leave trash absolutely everywhere, making it a nightmare for anyone following to have a good time.


She seems fun


Blobface has spoken ![gif](giphy|QGBWk7DnckEN2)


Just leave em in the car the whole time like my dad did to me. Builds character


Narcissist see you next tuesday!


Kids can stay in the car by themselves for a minute. What does she think is going to happen?


Hopefully she’s getting torn up in her own comments. Having kids doesn’t entitle you to being a lazy cunt.


This only seems to happen in America, I have never seen it anywhere else.


I saw her face and just pressed pause right away. Idk what it was but her face told me I was was about to hear some dumb shit and I decided to practice self-preservation.


She seems nice and well adjusted.


This type of person is why when I see someone just leaving their shopping cart I try to push it behind their car before they can back out.




Funny part is she is a professional counselor in CA that deals with anger and trauma.


Selfish cunt. I hope her vehicle gets two flat tires...in the rain... on a steep hill.


I hope her husband cheats on her with a man.


I know a c u next Tuesday when i see one


When is the US going to implement carts with coin deposits? Quickly solves this issue. You don't have to put it back, but you don't get your money back either.


Aka you’re lazy and entitled and where are the @cartnarcs when you need them


i work at a grocery store, and one lady told me she does this so she doesn't take away the job from the employees. i found that so stupid. that's like saying you smear ketchup all over your plates at a restaurant so you don't take away the dishwasher's job


She’s trash


What a piece of shit, lazy bones beeyotch! Instead of a dirty look, I simply like to take their cart and leave it right behind their car, then walk tf inside. Good luck, asshole!


Oh hey waddya know, a middle aged white woman being an entitled cunt. Shocker


She shouldn't had kids or groceries.


Uuugghhh this lady is absolutely gross


Those kids will surely die in the 60 seconds it takes you to return the cart. Good looking out.


crazy dead stare eyes. Pray for the kids


"Self righteous asshole tries to justify her laziness"


Meanwhile... "a 90 year old veteran is returning shopping carts to make end meets..." WTF. Served your country, sir, so people could grow up in peace... to become f*ckin fat face b*tches tot entitled to even return a f*ckin shopping cart... Yes. I am judging you for it and hope you are not a mom. Last thing we need in the world ia offspring from this piece of sh*t...


Yep I officially hate a stranger I've never met. You're not special.


But you have time to get your lips and face overfilled.


Somebody call Cart Narc on her


She could just park it on that forehead, and it wouldn't be in the way of anyone.


She's deluded herself into thinking that the time it takes for her take the cart 3 spaces to the return spot will result in her children being abducted? Is that where this is going; trying to justify her self centered attitude with her children's safety?


It takes less than a minute for kids to die in a hot car - her probably


The shopping cart theory. The shopping cart is the ultimate litmus test for whether a person is capable of self-governing.To return the shopping cart is an easy, convenient task and one which we all recognize as the correct, appropriate thing to do. To return the shopping cart is objectively right. There are no situations other than dire emergencies in which a person is not able to return their cart. Simultaneously, it is not illegal to abandon your shopping cart. Therefore the shopping cart presents itself as the apex example of whether a person will do what is right without being forced to do it. No one will punish you for not returning the shopping cart, no one will fine you or kill you for not returning the shopping cart, you gain nothing by returning the shopping cart. You must return the shopping cart out of the goodness of your own heart. You must return the shopping cart because it is the right thing to do. Because it is correct. A person who is unable to do this is no better than an animal, an absolute savage who can only be made to do what is right by threatening them with a law and the force that stands behind it. The Shopping Cart is what determines whether a person is a good or bad member of society.


My daughter does it, she's 5


What a POS bitch! Rage bait...


Lazy bones.


She’d be rubbish at getting a fox, hen & corn across the river


.... ok do people just not have cart holder thingies in their lanes? Idk how to explain, but there dedicated areas spread throughout parking lots where you just push the cart into it and be done. Like 15 seconds max. I put my kids in the car, put the groceries up, close and lock the doors, and push the cat back. Not hard.


Not returning the cart is whatever, but imagine filming yourself saying this and putting it online. It´s trully an age of degeneracy.


If only there were parking spots near the cart corrals.


I am very bad ass.


She seems lovely.


Lazy bitch


Cart Narcs would certify her as a lazy bones.


Oh I am judging the shit out of you right now and it’s glorious


Nah fuck that. I walk my cart back. And if I see people not doing it. I be loud af saying I’m glad I’m not like other lazy fucks around here making it had for the people that have to collect the carts Update: searched her name. She had 1 out of 5 stars in reviews for her business lol


Does she even have kids in the car? I got 3 kids and that seems awfully quiet.


If you see this lady, I think a door ding or two is in order.


Let's bring back secrets


“I’m not doing what normal people do because I’m lazy and inconsiderate”


It’s free exercise. I always out my carts back


And she's a doctor... of what? Being a degenerate?


“I’m going to inconvenience someone else because I’m too fucking lazy to take my cart back.”


I return my cart but I would not judge somebody for not returning their cart. Most businesses have someone tasked with handling that… she is really creating jobs.


it's a test of being a decent human being sweetheart....and you failed.


How about teach your children not to be lazy and have them return it with you.




We got a lazybones here.


That 20 second walk to the cart return while the kids are in the car is a small morsel of silence in my day


ccccart narc in pursuit


Parents are weird. They tell you it's this deep profound love everyone should experience, only to behave like miserable, exhausted, assholes whenever they get the chance to bitch about it. It seems awful.


This is why the ideal parking spot for me is a space or two next to the cart corral. Put it all in and push the cart 3 feet to the corral. Duh.....


Another sack of lazy bones


Bitch needs a punch in the face


100% failed shopping trolley test.


Bet she the same person that starts raging when a parking space is unusable because people filled it with carts loosely or you can't go all the way in so you gotta get out and move it.


My kids


Someone summon the Cart Narcs.


Zip tie it to her car.


So where does she leave it?


She's concerned with people giving her dirty looks. Imagine her at the end of a dark street at night just staring right back with that Billy the Puppet face. I hope she isn't injecting other people lol.


Seems like she’d be a great parent or wife.


Man people with brightly colored eyes really need to stop staring and start blinking more often


This is the confidence I wish I had 😔


Her kids are 16 and 14.


Yeah, I am going to judge you. I you are like this woman, you're a lazy POS. Your kids will be fine for the 30 seconds it takes to walk it over to the nearest collection point. If not, you're a bad parent in addition to being a lazy POS. It is not my job to dodge your cart randomly blowing/rolling around the lot because you can't be bothered with the common courtesy of putting something where it belongs. You're the kind of human trash that throws garbage out of your car windows for someone else to pick up. You're probably the kind of person who walks their dog and leaves the dog's droppings in your neighbors yards for them to pick up. Shocking news for you sweetheart - the world does not revolve around you. When you act like that, you are proving to the world you are a POS.


Why am I going to do Walmarts job? Next thing you know they'll have us ringing up our own groceries too.