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I love the 'gotcha' photo of Fauci pulling his mask down while attending a sporting event in a completely empty section of the stadium...


While eating!




While his companions are masked.


Lol with basically nobody else around them either šŸ¤£ She is such an idiot.


At least she didn't hold up a dick pic


This time...




Hers isn't worth showing.


Yeah, wtf was that even about?! She and Trump are a match made in hell.


So they bring this guy in here for morons to further campaign for their backwards and grandstand for them. Political theatre while our country does nothing to move forward on so many broken issues.


It's been sliding backwards my entire life. It's disheartening and a fucking joke


The movie Idiocracy is suddenly becoming unfunny and more of a documentary.


It was always a documentary. Time just tells when we get Terry Crews as president, though. :)


Come on. President Camacho wasnā€™t even half as bad as the orange man. He recognised when science worked and listened. He let the smart one take charge. He wanted what was best for his nation, even if he was initially misguided. His heart was in the right place.


Trust me, I want Camacho lol


Forgot to add. He peacefully handed over power to president Not Sure at the end of his term.


Imagine being the smartest person on the planet with an IQ of 100. :/ lmao


Donā€™t laugh because in a couple of generations it could be the case :(


What a screeching hag.


These butch body hoes out here loving felons and hating doctors. Itā€™s wild.


Honestly it tracks. In another timeline, she just some broke ass white woman living in an RV with her meth head husband.


While blaming immigrants for stealing their jobs, yep, Dr. Singh the neurosurgeon stole the job of someone who did not finish high school.




And thatā€™s how fucking dumb these supporters are. SHE is a chosen disciple. LMFAO


> What a screeching hag. Your choice of words made me spit laugh. Thank you very much for that šŸ˜„


Drives me nuts that these dipshits get paid by our tax dollars and goof around like this


She's a real rude cunt, regardless of your political persuasion. Honestly, the manners of a common pig..


She canā€™t be a cunt because she lacks warmth and depth.


This is a severely underrated comment. Iā€™ll be stealing this from you for use in everyday life.


TBF, that comment has been around forever, so you won't be stealing from OP.


It's been around for like 50 years, it predates reddit.


Honestly. Iā€™m amazed at the number of people that think I was being original.


First time in 37 years that Iā€™m hearing it. So you get all the credit.


If you steal from me, youā€™re stealing twice.


Sheā€™s Dr. Cunt in my few minutes


Ms. Cunt because she's not a doctor during my time.


Mr. Cunt because I wonā€™t address her with any title of her choosing


She's so far up her ass that she's basically a proctologist.


No, she is the worms in a pigs ass. Sucking on piggy sludge


She would need an education to attain that status. She's just Cunt in my few minutes.


She lacks the warmth and depth to be a cunt - she's a scabrous pustule on the asshole of society's meth-addicted, pedo uncle


Imagine what the people who elect her are like.


They are terrible. I have some friends who grew up in North West Georgia, and they describe it as being a bunch of judgemental Karens who only know how to hate. As for stupidity... During Trump's term there were billboards along I-75 that's cuts through there advertising Q-Anon.


I am from Western North Carolina and grew up here. It is the same here as well. Uneducated mouth breathers and they would burn down the world for spite.


I drove through there picking up a car during COVID.Ā  I was pretty unnerved driving through seeing what was "socially acceptable" for a billboard down there! *In my head:* **Jesus, I swear I will drive around that state if I can! āœ‹**


Oh you must have seen one of the dismembered baby billboards that the anti-abortion group up there likes to display.


I didn't remember that one; if I had: I trauma erased/buried it subconsciously!


Sheā€™s even a disgrace to cunts


Dear Sir/Madam., As an Irishman, (now living here in the Jerry Springer show) I cannot commend you enough for the correct usage of one of the most eloquent and descriptive words in the English language, and your perfect attribution of it to one who truly deserves it. You are one of the people I would love to meet at a pub and imbibe with. Folks of Reddit, this person needs more upvotes. SlƔinte a chara.


Embarrassing. Even more the people who vote for these absolutely and obviously crazy people in congress


I'm offended for pigs here. They're super intelligent and empathetic.


A pig has better manners than she does.


Way fucking smarter, too.


Surprised the cunt could pronounce Fauci.


Bleach blonde, bad built, butch body.


It is vile. It does not deserve to be referred to as a womenā€™s much less a human. Suweee piggy, suweeeee oink oink


Honestly, that might just be an insult to pigs. MTG is a straight up POS.


Shit is more useful than that tbh


You're right. Mtg might just be the lowest low


Add Neanderthal looking


ā€œIs this what we have become?ā€ Yes, and you and your friends let it happen.


Was thinking the exact same thing when I heard it




"Unga bunga fire scary" is usually what I think of when I see her


Thatā€™s MR. Fire Scary, to you.


Duck is lord! Duck is lord!


How the fuck does she even have a position? What a joke.


Her district is full of the uneducated and hateful. Over 30% of her constituents don't even have a high school diploma (or equivalent) and the number of those with a bachelor's degree or higher is significantly less than even Georgia, at large. That's how.


Georgian here, yea her district is a pure shithole and very rural. Rome Georgia is the biggest city in her district and has a total population of 37,000 people


There are scfi, anime, fantasy, random hobby conventions that have a larger population than her biggest city. And they are probably nicer and smell better than Rome, GA.


High School Football games in Texas have more people in attendance than the biggest city in her district.


her district is geographically beautiful and socially "The Hills Have Eyes"


To be fair, you don't need a bachelor's to determine if the person you're voting for acts like a civilized human being. This is more of a cultural issue. Indoctrinated political ideology transcends educational backgrounds.


It's why I couched it in terms of it being a significantly less % than the state as a whole. It's *definitely* an education issue, too.


>To be fair, you don't need a bachelor's to determine if the person you're voting for acts like a civilized human being. She has a bachelor's degree herself. As a Georgia resident, though not in her district, I can second the cultural indoctrination, and would add the Fox News brain drain as another major factor. That is how otherwise intelligent and educated people can also come to accept, applaud, and vote for pants on head stupidity.


The kind of people that get their ā€œnewsā€ from Facebook and forwarded emails. Her Putin-funded superPACs are really getting their moneyā€™s worth.


FFS. Moron central.


My uncle lives in her district. He has a PHD. He makes 7 figures a year. He thinks she's "pretty smart" and "has the guts to stand up". He's also a boomer that's been on a steady diet of FOX news and Newsmax for god knows how long.


let's not pretend it's boomers alone. She herself is not a Boomer and is dumb as rocks. The % of boomers votes (over 60) in the district is 16%, but she won her district by a 3:1 margin. Even if every single boomer sat the election out (presuming every single one voted for her), she still would have won her district by a landslide. It's the culture of her district. Sources: US census and Ballotpedia for district 14


I was pointing out the fact that not everyone in her district that support her is uneducated.


Itā€™s terrifying when nominally intelligent and high functioning people get captured by the cult.


Personally I think he just doesn't want to admit that he's a selfish prick and loves that the GOP is only interested in helping people like him. Old, Straight, white, Christian, and Wealthy.


yep. One of the things I find so hilarious is that Trumpers decry identity politics, and yet... it's all about their identity.


As any person with a sort of office job, they should go through at least some attitude and skills screenings, and for government they should be certified sane. If this is all a show and rage bait, is sad. If not, there's something serious in going on her brain, this is not how people should act in public, she behaves like a 12yo spoiled kid.


Have you ever seen MTG constituents interviewed on TV? Theyā€™re not the brightest lightbulbs living in Georgiaā€™s 14th District. )And every cafe has Fox News blasting away.)


ā€œIs this what weā€™ve devolved into?ā€ Yes, yes it is, unfortunately.


Admitting is the first step towards being healedā€¦ Now, to get one half of US to reason is beyond me


ā€œAre we allowed to deny that a doctor is a doctor just because we donā€™t want him to be a doctor?ā€ ā€œYesā€¦ā€ - a politician of the United States of America


If Trump gave himself an honorary doctorate from Trump University, MTG would insist he be called by the honorific. Yet they have an absolute meltdown if you refer to FLOTUS as Dr. Jill Biden.


Waaayyyy too many people in this thread calling her "rude" and "a jerk" as if saying rude shit like this is the scary ass problem. This woman just did all this in a congressional hearing and millions of motherfuckers were like "yup, shes right". Who gives a fuck about being rude, are you guys seriously not paying attention to what this broad is creating and getting away with?!?


Every civilization goes through dark agesā€¦this could be the beginning of oursā€¦just saying


What a fucking clown. To the morons who keep electing her: a special "fuck you" to you. Embarrassing.


ā€œDonā€™t you think you should follow decorum despite your feelings for Fauci?ā€ ā€œNo cuz I dont like Fauciā€ Idiot


Republicans scream "witch hunt" when their dear leader is indicted on dozens of felonies in a handful of states. And then convicted by a jury. A guy who has a proven decades long track record of being a fucking conman. But then try this guy, an actual doctor who served under several administrations run by both parties. Who did nothing other than urge common fucking sense in the outbreak of a disease. THIS is what a partisan witch hunt actually looks like. EVERYTHING is projection with conservatives. EVERYTHING. I'm an Independent. The Democrats are far from perfect but I'm really burned out on the "both sides are the same" narrative. Anyone that's paid even an ounce of attention to politics and is honest with themselves knows how much bullshit that is.


meanwhile going after a political opponents son for a "crime" that 99.95% of the time is dropped after the fine, he paid, is paid.


I bet at least 90% of gun owners lie on that form, lol.


There is no need for Dr. Fauci to respond. Her own spoken words are sufficient to condemn her.


If MTG dislikes you, youā€™re doing something right.


Is she the one who invited the two criminals sitting directly behind Fauci? Breach of security if you ask me!


ok, i don't recognize her as a representative, or really a human, i will now call her the thing known as mtg.


Someone somewhere kept calling her ā€œEmpty Gā€ and I think that suits her perfectly


Some of her colleagues are calling her Moscow Marge.


I really donā€™t understand why she hasnā€™t been voted out.


Very safe district.


Her voter base is Georgia, its like 90% wine mom


He freaking wrote the "bible" of internal medicine. I can't with her.


What a fucking embarrassment American politics is.


Someone here on Reddit reffered to Marge as a poorly taxidermied lion, and that comment has lived rent free in my head ever since.


How do we get rid of this cancerā€¦ Whoā€™s voting for her!? Iā€™m judging youā€¦


I try not to let shit bother me but this fuckbag of a megacunt really gets under my skin, every time she opens her mouth the IQ in the room plummets just by having heard her screech


Thereā€™s some real competition out there for the dumbest person in Congress but MTG certainly has a strong shot at the title.


Definitely ranked #1 going into the playoffs.


I dislike her wholeheartedly, but (as much as I hate saying this) I'm not sure that she's dumb. She knows exactly what her constituents want and feeds it to them by the truck full. She also got herself appointed tho these committees and subcommittees. House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Subcommittee on Government Operations and the Federal Workforce Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, Information Technology, and Government Innovation House Committee on Homeland Security Subcommittee on Border Security and Enforcement Subcommittee on Oversight, Investigations, and Accountability House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic


I've taken shits with more intelligence than mtg


I hereby nominate Lotsa_Loadsā€™ shit for president


She is unable to open her mouth without being a completely offensive backwards troglodyteā€¦and a raging CU Next Tuesday


Who voted for this bitch? Seriously who the fuck in Georgia actually thinks "hmmmm yes we should totally let a bitchy Karen in the house of Representatives."


I have to say, the man is SUPER suited for his (past) role(s). Look how bemused he's looking. If I were confronted with a nutso like her I'd probably lose my cool. He's not even looking mildly annoyed. YOU GO, FAUCI!


He's probably like... "Who the fuck gave this moron the microphone??"


ā€œIs this what weā€™ve devolved into?ā€ Yes. Actually this stage started 8 years ago. Itā€™s terminal.


Imagine if you had to hear that voice every day. Now imagine all it ever said was crazy crackhead nonsense like that. Devolved is the best word for her.


The Dog Faced Gremlin strikes again


What a waste of a human


Hes more of a doctor than she is a congressman


Another reason not to vote MAGA.


Mega MAGA cunt or hooker with a penis




These are the same assholes that want us to forever refer to Diaper Don as President.


I don't think I can ever fully and adequately express my contempt for Greene. She is such an utterly terrible person bereft of any redeeming qualities that words fail me.


Itā€™s not my favorite word, but I think we need to normalize saying,ā€Shut up, cunt.ā€ every time she opens her mouth.


She's so gross.


Oh my God, her voice. I never heard her voice before. I will strive never to again.


ā€œBelongs in prisonā€ maybe this will be the year these people evolve to the point of understand cause and effect. He had to commit a crime first, by all means send all enemies to trial, they could probably make a good buck out of it Iā€™ve kinda given up hope for the regressives. They still havenā€™t even evolved to the point of understanding climate change. I knew that shit in middle school




She is such an incredible moron and POS. How the hell is she still in congress.


I'm not an expert - could this do something to her? Kinda like lying in a court? She is such a fucking waste of America's time.


Trash. Pure filth


To answer the question: Yes, the is what the US has devolved into.


She is such a clown


Why is the bleach blonde badly built butch body talking?


What a complete lunatic bitch


Saw Trae Crowder on TikTok refer to MTG as ā€œthe answer to what would happen if you taught a neanderthal pilatesā€ DEAD. Lol *edit for slight misquote


And THAT is todayā€™s Republican Party.


Fucking Cunt


jesus christā€¦ how has this fucking moron been elected to congress.


ā€œYouā€™re not a doctor!!ā€ Checks notes: earned MD from Cornell University.


she doesnā€™t deserve to be treated as a member of congress, let alone a human being.. but here we are.


How is that woman there ? I mean I know how she can be elected but there is no way in hell that her attempts to make the government a circus should be accepted by everybody with a fake smile and we just move on. At this point letā€™s all just put some clown noses.


What a garbage human


The Republican Party and everyone that supports it are among the worst Americans in American history. Human garbage.


Profoundly and proudly ignorant. Disgusting.


ā€œFauci is not a doctor because I said so. And Iā€™m a member of congress so only my words matter. Look at this pictureā€


Dr. Fauci is one of the world's most frequently cited scientists. He was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by GOP-President George W. Bush. He has over 40 years of experience and research in medical sciences. He has the respect of the world over. But Trump didn't wanna wear a mask, thought it was dumb. So now hordes of morons think this man is wrong and that he shouldn't be a doctor, that he was conning and abusing the American public. Because he said we should wear masks and distance ourselves from each other to prevent the spread of a virus. In other countries, these things are commonly done, are considered normal and common sense things to do. But Trump didn't like it. So now hordes of morons think they're smarter than half the world, smarter than the entire scientific community, believing "old wives' tales" over actual proven science. MTG and the modern GOP are a shitstain on humanity, and are literally preventing progress, stopping society and humanity from advancing. They're so conservative that they're bringing back views from the 700s CE. Economic, cultural, and intellectual decline. These imbeciles are literally pushing this country into a 'Dark Age'.


Goddamn this trash


And I donā€™t recognize her dumbass as a congresswoman. So from now on she is to be known as ā€œDumb Fuckā€.


Republican or democrat, I feel we can all agree that sheā€™s just an embarrassment.


Who voted for that piece of garbage?




To be fair politics can break the strongest of familyā€™s apart. I think itā€™s a ploy to keep everyone against each other together weā€™re stronger and divided more easily controlled


Georgia should be ashamed of her.


Some context https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/republicans-poised-grill-anthony-fauci-covid-19-response/story?id=110677611


She represents the MAGA base perfectly. This is half our country.


I now want to watch that whole hearing




Georgia please fix your Fuck Up


Pathological. Is anyone capable of taking her down and shutting her up for once and for all? Good grief. I canā€™t stand this stupid bully.


Heā€™s so totally bemused by the whole thing. I would have turned my back to her, or just walked out.


I love the question she flatly responds. "Should we not call a doctor a doctor because we don't want him to be a doctor?" "YES" šŸ¤ 


Someone should refer to her has beach blonde Bitch body because thatā€™s how they see them as during their time on the floor. That would make her short a circuit or two in her already fried brain.


A toxic, attention -seeking human being that gets rewarded for saying ridiculous things as a Congresswoman. MTG is a top fund raiser for the Republican Party. Every time she bullies someone, she gets more donations from the MAGA supporters.


Regardless of politics she is so incredibly stupid. At what point will republicans stop fucking themselves over out of spite? At least vote for someone capable of intelligent thought. Everything that comes out of her mouth is embarrassing


She belongs in a mental institution.


Ah the Republican party. Home of the adult sized toddlers.


"Is this what we've become?" Yes, it is. And you should all be ashamed.


I hope she runs as Trump's VP. Let's just set it all on fire while we're at it. The people who run this country are a joke. They are out of touch with the public they are supposed to represent. It gets harder and harder each day out here, and they're up there talking about "Mr. or Dr."? This is not how I want my tax money spent.


This IS what we have become. Trump has emboldened the lost common denominator


She is the missing link.


This woman seriously dampens my pride in my country. Damn.


Itā€™s really amazing how so many halfwit arseholes can get so to such prominent places in politics. This woman is insane.


She's as dumb as a box of rocks. Really *really* dumb rocks.


This is why voting matters people.


She's just mad because we have all seen her American idol tryout haha


She was so mad after the meeting today she dropped the F bomb and used the word Bullshit in the hallway outside the chamber..


ā€œPolitical theater is my second least favorite type of theater.ā€ -Abraham Lincoln


The two freaks over Fauci shoulders is a J6 Prisoner Brandon Fellows (our right. Faucis left is well known. Russian asset Ivan Raiklin - who claims to have SWAT assets. These guys are on an FBI watch list yet given permission to sit directly behind Fauci - which is extremely dangerous - as they both have repeated MTGs stance that Fauci is a "traitor" to the US and should be executed.


Imagine spending a vast amount of years studying and working as a doctor and then this fuckin useless piece of shit denies your education. What the actual fuck? Only in the US


When is someone gonna smack her? Sheā€™s definitely overusing the pussypass.


Ya notice he just stops talkingā€¦


She is the definition of what is wrong with politicsā€¦.


She is parody level retarded


thanks for the NSFW tag, that face in the morning is a bit too much


Is this the Badly Built Blonde Beach Body Bitch Everyone's talking about?


MTG is the gold standard of morons everywhere


MTG is such a fucking embarrassment. She and the partisan hacks like her represent just about all that's wrong with the country. She has no sense of decorum, no knowledge of how American government works, has no concept of scientific method or study, no concept of right and wrong.




Ugh. That first ā€œMisstrā€. I wanna slap a bitch.


America is living in its own idiocracy. Fallout needs to hurry up and get there