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Central Florida being “Tampa, Epcot, Disney” is my favorite part by far


In the mod you can found the “Magic Kingdom” if you play as an Imaginerian Americanist


Thinking this far into the future, Humanity might just view the 500+ years after the Great War as simply another Dark Ages. Wild stuff.


America was rome and this is the late medieval age


“It was neither holy, Californian, nor an empire.” - Voltaire or something, I dunno.


Voltaire Ghoul


Did the Legion win in NV and the Cesar’s dream for he Legion and NCR merging happen here? Also Cuba Survived the great war and still exists


Wait, is it canon that cuba is basically untouched by the war? Like it's normal?


No but look at the map, Cuba lives


no because the capital is named St. Tandi which i believe Tandi was the first president of the NCR. It would be kinda weird for the legion to have that as their capital, it would’ve likely been either New Vegas (because Caesar wanted New Vegas as the new capital) or Flagstaff (the capital of the legion. It’s more likely that the NCR won and whenever taking over/merging with new caanan, it’s likely they became more religious centered which formed the HCE.


Tansu is not the first NCR president, her father Aradesh is. Tandi is just popular and my NCR legions merge because the name reminds me of the Holy Roman Empire


Nitpicky but the northern most finger of the Black Republic is the most mountainous and least black county of South Carolina.


Well I assume racial population distribution could change over hundreds upon hundreds of years for the latter point


In our current timeline you’d find a fair amount of peppers in that region of SC. There was a show called Doomsday Castle or something like that which was actually filmed in that area of SC. You could be correct but I think the mountains provide a natural barrier that has its own cultural barriers that haven’t seen much change in the past two hundred years so who knows.


Pharodohm of memphis 😭


Led by a ghoul out of Bass Pro lmao


With the way Bethesda manages Fallout, people will probably still be living in shacks and filth even by the 28th century


Thats only due to the Republic of Dave - New Vegas war of the 25th Century, which caused a limited Nuclear exchange in North America. Everyone else has flying cars and Universal healthcare.


Obsidian wasnt much better, they really had to talk down Chris Avellone from nuking the NCR completely in Lonesome Road


I said it over in the Imaginary Maps subreddit, but given it's more of a Fallout sentiment, I'll repeat it here. I really like the Rust Empire because I could see it really melding with Fallout Tactics and what became of the Midwestern Brotherhood of Steel. Canon seems to demand that the "Destroy the Calculator" ending happened, which results in a vastly enlarged but much weaker Brotherhood that is rife with Tribals who after being brought into Brotherhood culture might end up more like the Rust Cultists/Industrialist faiths of After the End (who are basically the Reavers of Fallout Tactics, but with no lasers). They might have feuded for a while, but have gradually consolidated over the years. I would call it the Brotherhood of Rust.


This is on IM? Bro was banned from there for Bull reason


Think they incorporated mutants?


If I have any say they did. It's the one thing I really liked about the Midwestern BOS (aside from, well, being in the Midwest) and fuck Barnaky.


"The Pitt" Some things never change.


I'd love to know who's pope of St Louis


In AtE, it's basically just a shout out to A Canticle for Liebowitz, another post-apocalyptic American story written by a Catholic priest and historian. Here, I'm imagining some Ghoul in a really snazzy Pope hat leading an undead clergy. At least there's no longer any actual temptations of the flesh (well, except maybe the eating of it kind if we want to make transubstantiation really cursed as a doctrine).


Jon Hamm's brain in a roomba


I wonder what old world tech would be remaining? Would some groups figure out how to create fusion cores? Did the cold fusion tech end up being used elsewhere?


It took a nuclear war for St. Louis to finally take Kansas City. I’m fine with this, if that’s what it takes, so be it.


You should make the Kingdom of Arcadia another color because it looks like water


new vegas😎


I assume the HCE has a state religion?


Depends on their canon for this crossover, but in the AtE mod it actually has a number of approved Imperial cults, which are basically a lot of new incarnations of pre-war faiths (Mormons, Muslims, Christians, etc.) with New Age spirtualism (Gaians, Scientologists, etc.). As you might imagine, the peace between those faiths is eventually quite fragile.


this is good. this is really good


United Kingdom of new Albion not being the New Khanic Empire makes me sad


Are the cities in North Carolina supposed to be in new locations? They don't match up geographically


Is the HCE like the Holy Russian Empire (as in, an absolute shithole?)


In After the End the mod it's crossing over with, it's probably more like a large Chinese or Indian Empire. It had a famous and powerful founder who united the disparate peoples and tribes of the region from Mormons to Scientologists to New Age Spiritualists to various Christian and Muslim sects and maintained a pseudo-divine mandate of heaven-like justification for their rule. In the mod, this is of course a set up for the inevitable collapse of that peaceful arrangement as Imperial authority weakens and the various disparate cultures and faiths start thinking maybe it's *their* time to be on top of the pyramid. Ironically, injecting NCR blood into it is probably why this one seems more stable and expansive.


In this timeline ~~Caesar's~~ Zakariyya's Legion restored imperial authority


What is After The End?


After the End is a mod for the strategy games Crusader Kings 2 and Crusader Kings 3, set within an original alternate history of the Americas after an ambiguous apocalypse sent the world into a neomedieval dark age. [https://aftertheend.miraheze.org/wiki/Main\_Page](https://aftertheend.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page)


Since it's a crossover with ATE, I'm guessing it's heavily based on the Celestial/Golden Empire of California, so it may be more like Sengoku period Japan or Three Kingdoms period China (ie. states "ruled" by puppet emperors while the real power is in the hands of local warlords, "vassals" who rule as de facto kings, and the head of the military). Then again, this is over 100 years after ATE's 2666 start date, so it may be closer to post-Meiji Restoration Japan or the Jin Dynasty since it's possible for the Emperor of California to regain their power centralise California again.


Lore inaccurate, Caesar’s Legion will win and take over all of the world. This is clear dissolute propaganda.


Ave, true to Caesar


Looks a lot like the borders from the Crusader Kings After the End mod


That's because it's a crossover with ATE.




If it were to happen. How long do you think it’s would take for the USA to get back together in this scenario?


Probably long ass time, this is after the end crossover, so by 2666 the American continent had regressed to medieval era. So I assume lots of further collapse post Fallout timeline.


Really? Even with all the tech lying around?


I was talking about scenerio where its AtE crossover. In that case yeah, Technology regress to medieval level. Some old world artifact lies around, but most are just non functioning relic. People forgot much about old world history and ideology. Religious and belief is warped by time and oral tradition resulting in many weird new religion and culture. This is good introduction to After the End if you are interested [https://youtu.be/0C3DgYf45eM?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/0C3DgYf45eM?feature=shared)


Never played CK3 before. Looks cool


Isn't the Atlantans the ruling cast in Ate why would they rebel?


Good to see you relegated the 'Black Republic' to the smallest area surrounding Atlanta /s


If it makes you feel any better, the Southern Commonwealth here is based on the Holy Columbian Commonwealth of the AtE mod, I'm guessing. Which at game start and since its founding was ruled by a black dynasty with powerful black vassals as well as Dixie white types. This could just be an especially hostile Republic splitting off from an empire that didn't care as much about skin color. If I had to guess, it's some mix of Fallout chicanery and a take on a big Heresy that spreads in the Commonwealth that sees a lot of Evangelical Churches break out of the unified convention (similar to the start of the Reformation)