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What’s the Iron Heresy?


The Iron Heresy is an alternate universe of 40k which saw Lion El'Lutherson, Perturabo, Rogal Rann, Lorgar, Vulkan, Corvus Corax, Alpharius and Typhus rise in revolt against the Emperor of Mankind; either for personal gain, religious reasons, deep-seated resentment or some combination of all of the above. The Heresy is so named for Perturabo, Lord of Stone and Iron, Tyrant of Olympia, was the lynchpin of the Traitors' war efforts. Through him did Lorgar bring The Lion into the fold and through the Lion was brought Rogal Rann. Vulkan and Corvus Corax, their souls already twisted and tainted-knowingly and unknowingly-joined soon after. Alpharius' betrayal was an outlier, but not one without counterbalance. The Loyalists counted amongst themselves Horus Lupercal, Sanguinius, Angron, Magnus the Red, Leman Russ, Omegon, and no matter how tragically short, Fulgrim and Ferrus Manus. Horus Lupercal's position as Warmaster served him well during those black days as the Imperium burned and his brothers died, turned Traitor or disappeared forever. As long as the Great Angel and the Lord of the Red Sands were at his side, he would have victory. Four Primarchs were absent from the Heresy or its ending, due either to cowardice, self-realization, death or a disgust for the aftermath. Mortarion, the Pale King, destroyed himself and the *Endurance*, rather than succumb to the Urfather and his Rot. His first, last and only act that wis his and his alone. His victory and his defeat. Konrad Curze, The Night Haunter, abandoned his Legion of monsters, of horrors, of perverted justices. He left them to join either side, as he told Sevatar that he loved him the most and that made him the worst of the Legion. He disappeared into the Aelindrach, and became a thing of Shadow. Never was he seen again. Roboute Gallan, Rex of Ultramar, abandoned the Imperium of his Father and created his own, The Nova Imperium. Few of the 13th Legion, the Ultramarines, marched alongside either side. His treachery and cowardice was punished during the Great Harrowing, when The Black Emperor and Angron broke open the Nova Imperium. Jaghatai Khan, the Warhawk of Chogoris, left the Imperium after his Father and Favoured Brother's deaths. He bore no ill will towards Horus or those who fought alongside him, but he could not or would not trust the Imperium to rule humanity. Not anymore. Instead he turned to his mentors ways of living, and took to the stars in a Grand Armada, holding to the ideals he believed the Imperium should have been, going out past the Halo Stars and spreading the tale of a fallen Emperor.


How did Fulgrim and Ferrus die? And how did it affect the heresy?


The Phoenician and The Gorgon died at Istvaan V, with Ferrus dying in Fulgrim's arms as the Tenth and Third died around them, barely holding off the Traitors of the Nineteenth, Eighteenth, Plagued Fourteenth, Broken Eighth, Split Twentieth and Damned Seventeenth. Fulgrim wielded the Fireblade in one hand and Forgebreaker in the other as he ordered the fleets above who still held true to sunder the world beneath them, to burn them all in fire. They hold the tragic honour of being the only Legions to have been completely destroyed during the Heresy. Without their sacrifice, the Traitors would have been much stronger and far more deadly, perhaps strong enough to have overthrown the Imperium fully.


Okay that's badass


In life, they were strange friends. In death, they were the closest of brothers.


> Fulgrim wielded the Fireblade in one hand and Forgebreaker in the other as he ordered the fleets above who still held true to sunder the world beneath them, to burn them all in fire. Why didn't they just teleport them out? If they are in a position to toss off an orbital bombardment, they should've been able to extract them with a teleport.


The 10th and 3rd Legion's Fleets weren't winning. They were being slaughtered systemically by the Traitors. It was a choice between death on the ground or death in the void. By calling down an orbital bombardment from all remaining ships, Fulgrim chose to destroy the ground forces of the Traitors before he and his brother's Legion's died.


That is so sad.


Basically Fulgrim went full Forest Battle on Istvaan V


God-damn it. Even in an AU my Legion's Primarch still gets knocked off at the begining so we can't get any good stories 😭


Hey at least he went down big and boldly. His sacrifice basically ensures a moderately broken Chaos Warhost instead of a unified Grand Cleansing


Who's the Praetorian of Terra in this AU? What are the Primarch deaths?


The closest things to the Praetorian of Terra are The Primarch and High Lord Inquisitor Omegon, The High Lord of Sol Malcador the Hero, and The High Lord Admiral of The Imperialis Armada, Legion Master Merir Astelan and Sanguine Lord Azkaellon of the Sanguinary Guard. Each shares a portion of the responsibility for the protection of Luna and Terra, with Omegon and Malcador watching over the Sol System from the Black Crown orbital ring that encircles Terra, while Legion Master Merir Astelan personally commands both The Uncrowned Princes and Battlefleet Solar in defence of the Segmentum Solar from Luna. Sanguine Lord Azkaellon, is of course, Sanguinius' loyal guard and he acts as protector to his Father from the Black Crown. Any who wish to visit the Lord of Baal do so only at Azkaellon's permission. As for the Primarch's who die, they are in order: Mortarion, Induced Plasma Drive Overload, Becalmed in The Warp Ferrus Manus, Massive Organ Trauma, Istvaan V Fulgrim, Self-Immolation, Istvaan V Alpharius, Incinerated By A Star, The *Beta*'s Bridge The Lion, Sword Strike to the Heart, Aboard The Vengeful Spirit over Luna Rogal Rann, Decapitation, The Eternity Gate, Terra Vulkan, Psychic Overload, Fenris High Orbit Magnus, Psychic Channeling, Fenris High Orbit


What happened to the custodians?


Most died either holding off Blood God's Servants while Magnus tried to shut the Webway Gate, or alongside the Emperor at the Eternity Gate. Those few who remained, a dozen, swore fealty to Horus as their King bade them, and had their armour recolored to match the last thing their King had been graced with: the silvery rays of Luna breaking through the hazy fog of battle. They serve as Horus' personal honour guard and will not rest until every Traitor has been slain. Until then, they fight in memory of the Emperor.


Are there any new custodians or do they refuse to make any more or can’t make anymore?


They both cannot make anymore due to the loss of the labs beneath The Imperial Palace, and they do not want to make anymore because they feel shamed that they outlived their King.


> The closest things to the Praetorian of Terra are The Primarch and High Lord Inquisitor Omegon, The High Lord of Sol Malcador the Hero, and The High Lord Admiral of The Imperialis Armada, Legion Master Merir Astelan and Sanguine Lord Azkaellon of the Sanguinary Guard. > > Okay, but who fortifies Terra before the Siege of Terra?


Omegon, Malcador and Merir Astelan. Azkaellon shows up later but takes up the mantle for the 9th Legion when they man the walls. The Architect of the Imperial Palace was busy during the Fall of Terra. Besieging it.


So who are the Loyalists in this AU again? Also, does Perturabo not die? What happens to him? Who falls to which Chaos Gods?


Uh in my first reply I outline the Loyalists fairly clearly. No Perturabo doesn't die, he's the last of the three "Leaders" of the Heresy to live. As for who falls to who, here's a list of the Primarchs and later those who took up there mantle after the Heresy: Perturabo-Chaos Undivided, Non-Believer Lorgar-Chaos Undivided, Vessel of The Eight Vulkan-Tzeentch, Heretic T'kell the Forgedrake-Tzeentch, Heretic Corvus Corax-Slaanesh, Believer Typhus-Nurgle, Believer Rogal Rann-None Alexis Polux-Khorne, Believer Lion El'Lutherson-Chaos Undivided, Non-Believer Luther-None Jago Sevatarion-Chaos Undivided, Non-Believer Alpharius-Unknown


I don't think most of the Traitors would die in the way you have outlined tbh. Can't you find a way to have atleast 4 to survive so the Chaos Gods can have their 4 Primarchs?


Well I see it differently. If you don't like it, you are more than welcome to create your own spinoff AU or wholesale AU once I finish developing this.


Where is the Iron Hersey information at?


What do you mean? Like a wiki or something? I'm still developing it currently.


Yes or Archive of Our Own


Well as I said, I'm still developing it.


Who is the Black Emperor ? Is life & tech in this Imperium better or worse than OTL Imperium ?


Horus Lupercal Life and Tech are generally better overall but the Imperium is still an authoritarian hellscape, due to the harsh realities of what is allied against it. Still, the Ecclesiarchy doesn't exist, it's oppression replaced with The Imperial Truth. The Inquisition is less secret police and more NSA/CIA. Those touched by the Warp are taught under the auspices of the Pyskana Rubricae, and not purged. Innovation is encouraged by the Fabricator-Generals, and new discoveries or methods are celebrated.


Who is Typhus ? Are they still xenophobic ? The populace doesn't live in squalor since tech is better in this TL ? Are the Cult Mechanicus a thing ?


Typhus is the Chosen of Nurgle, Lord and Champion of the Plague Wardens, the Chaos faction of the Death Guard when it was sundered into three. He outlived his Primarch and was responsible alongside Perturabo for the Death of Terra. No, to a degree. They are in an alliance with the Eldar Confederation, led by Isha, as well as on cautious diplomatic terms with the T'au. The Kroot have set up several enclaves inside of Imperial Space and find work as mercenaries on the Fringes. Some parts of populace will always live in squalor, it's a fact of civilization. The Cult Mechanicus is a thing but it is far less orthodox than the main timeline. They revere the Emperor as the Avatar of the Omnissiah and Horus as his Heir, thus when Horus said that humanity must innovate, create and build anew, they took to it with religious zeal.


What's Death of Terra ? How are they not Human Supermacist ? Did The Emperor didn't have time to make them fully xenophobic ?


https://www.reddit.com/r/ImaginaryWarhammer/comments/133efyh/sanguinius_the_black_prince_martyr_of_terra_and/jibw770?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button That's the Death of Terra, perpetuated by Perturabo and Typhus as a last act of hatred towards the Loyalists and the Emperor. And no, The Emperor made an alliance with the Eldar to save Angron from his madness and freed Isha from Nurgle alongside Eldrad Ulthran. Since then the Imperium's views on Xenos are a bit softer, with tentative envoys with the T'au and full cooperation and alliance with the Eldar.


So Roboute went Rouge? Huh. Interesting. I saw lower that he was killed at Eternity Gate, did he get executed?


Roboute Gallan wasn't killed at the Eternity Gate, Rogal Rann was. Roboute Gallan was found Guilty of Treason and Cowardice by The Black Emperor after the Heresy and the Breaking of the False Imperium, and sentenced to ten thousand years in a specially designed Stasis Casket that would keep him awake. If he came out of the experience sane, he would be given the chance to redeem himself. If not, he would be executed.


Gallan is like homelander compared to the superman that is Guilliman


I prefer the Plutonian to Homelander, but apt comparison.


>Rogal Rann Apologies if you have explained this elsewhere, but can you please explain why Rogal's last name is "Rann" and not "Dorn"? Was baby Rogal found by the same family that Fafnir Rann is from? Thanks!


He was! This lead to his childhood being that of a Warlord of Inwit, fighting against the Dorns and the High Clans. He is a Destroyer and Breaker, master of the Blades and Axes, and tactician Supreme in Siege Warfare. Also can you answer something, where did all these new people come from asking questions? I enjoy it but on both posts about the Heresy I've had a dozen new questions today.


>Also can you answer something, where did all these new people come from asking questions? [You got your own AU meme here.](https://reddit.com/r/Grimdank/s/R350ERrjkI) I disagree with OP btw, I think Corvus origin story is neat, but hey at least it got us there!




Someone made a meme on another sub referencing this AU, and this post was linked, that’s at least how I found it.


Why did Corax and Vulkan join the traitors?


Corvus Corax grew up a Slave on Lycaeus, a strong one and much beloved by his adopted people's, but he rose in Rebellion against the Kiavahr Garrison far, far too early. A miscalculation that cost him and the slaves dearly. One-sixteenth of the world was slaughtered in the aftermath of the brutal crackdown on the revolting slaves. Their leaders were taken to Kiavahr and turned into still thinking but helpless Servitors, locked inside bodies they no longer commanded. The Tech-Guildmasters, spared Corvus however, and experimented on him, as he was different. New. Better. Pieces of him were shorn away and changed, his flesh pierced and shredded, his very bones stolen and replaced as they puzzled him out. As they tried to figure out what they could make out of him. However, amongst his tormentors, one saw him not as a curiosity or a specimen. But as her salvation. A young woman from a once proud and illustrious line of Forgemasters, her family had been killed or turned into Servitors thanks to a rival's machinations. She alone survived, saved by a strange and beautiful creature of pure liquid silver, from a strange silvery pool that her family found and protected since Old Night. A pool they offered sacrifices to, of blood and flesh. And in exchange the creature taught them how to make the most wondrous and beautiful things. Things that had made their rivals own works seem paltry and crude jn comparison. Things that made others immensely jealous. Things that brought about their ruination. Alone one night, she unshackled the Raven, and smuggled him to the ruins of her family’s great halls and brought him to the pool. As his mutilated flesh touched the silvery waters, he was healed. Restored. Made beautiful in his way once more. Made more than whole. His spirit itself was healed when the creature granted him a singular kiss. The woman offered the creature Corvus, and the creature agreed. But not as a sacrifice, oh no. And she would help the woman avenge her family. At once, the silvery liquid invaded the woman's every orifice as it poured into her, changing her. Making her beautiful. Making her better. Afterwards, it went to the prostrate Corvus and offered him her hand. Taking it, he asked what she wished of him. She smiled a smile that had killed billions and told him "Whatever you wish, my Raven." Over the next six months, six weeks, six days, six hours, six minutes and six seconds Corvus waged a secret war of deception and assassination alongside freed slaves and modified servitors who he had helped unshackle. His lady, known now as She of the Silver Talons, waged her own war of seduction, lies and devastation through Kiavahr's guilds. On the last second, that is when Corvus Corax and She of the Silver Talons formally took up as rulers of Lycaeus and Kiavahr, with the last remaining Forgemasters and Slavelords bowing down before the Raven Lord and Silver Lady in worship. This of course, did not stand when the Emperor arrived and claimed his son. He had Kiavahr burned in Phosphex. Lycaeus was shattered wholesale to be mined later. The Lady of Silver Talons was burned in front of Corvus Corax by the Emperor with his mighty sword. But Corvus Corax still served, clinging to a father he hated. With a Legion he despised. Subverting little by little the new blood that he claimed, removing the Terran veterans. Longing for his Lady. So when Lorgar came to Corvus and offered him a chance at seeing her again, Corvus leapt at the opportunity. Slaanesh itself laughed as it reshaped the Keeper that had stolen the heart of the Raven, and gifted her to the Raven Lord on the eve of the Istvaan III Atrocities. When she returned to him, Corvus Corax joined wholesale in rebellion. In the Millenia that followed the Heresy and saw him survive, the daemonic spawn birthed from their union, the Silver Ravens, have been the most destructive and terrible of creatures the Imperium has ever known, and a lasting legacy of hatred against the Emperor and the Imperium.


So corvus had a waifu?


I...suppose you could call it that.


Absolutely he was clapping those cheeks.


…yeah, I gotta be honest, the Emperor completely deserved to be stabbed in the back for that, and Corax did nothing wrong.


It looks like if a Chaos God wants you to fall you really will have every odd stacked against you. Slaanesh gave Corvus everything he’d ever love and every good he’d ever know. His fall was truly inevitable.


Vulkan had been lost in the Webway at an early age pursuing Dark Eldar Raiders who kidnapped his village and thus family, before he ended up slipping through a crack in the Webway, directly into the Realm of Tzeentch. He perceives it as 100,000 years in his realm and slowly is warped by the experience. He goes on to embody one of Tzeentch's lesser known aspects: Hope. This is not necessarily a good thing. After making his way out of the Immaterium, whether through his own intuition or Tzeentch's machinations, he returns to Nocturne and acts as a beacon of hope for his people, propelling them to greater heights and uniting them against all foes. This continues until the Emperor comes to Nocturne and invites Vulkan into the Imperium, with Vulkan gladly joining as he sees this as the best hope for humanity and the galaxy at large. Of course over the course of the Crusade, he becomes severely disillusioned with the Imperium of Man and with the Crusade's ideals. This continues until he begins to change both physically and mentally, thanks to Tzeentch in part. Vulkan sees the galaxy as needing a blank slate. To purge it all before starting anew for everyone. To cleanse it all in fire. He begins to mutate into a great black and green drake, terrible in form and size, a twisted mockery of both the beasts of Nocturne and the human form. His mind itself warps into a gestalt, as he absorbs his own sons who take issue with this drastic and awful form, eventually consuming and absorbing his foes and even daemons. He joins the Traitors not out of any particular loyalty to them, but because he sees the Imperium as his greatest threat and thus wishes to purge it first. Thankfully, he was killed over the remains of Fenris by Magnus the Red and the Thousand Sons Legion, their psychic might channeled into their Gene-Father and refined. A heavy sacrifice, but a worthy one at the end of the Heresy. I'll continue with Corvus Corax in a separate comment.


Jesus 100,000 years?


Long enough to break and dwindle even the great Drake's will.


It must've been an interesting dynamic for vulkan to be older than his dad, then again it's tzeentch so it's par for the course


Oh what a tragic fall


So interesting


Yeah I want to know what that is as well it sounds really interesting.


Thank you, I hope you find it interesting now that I've released a small primer.


Now I wish to know about this Iron Hersey au, I'm absolutely digging seeing Sanguinius like this.


Lore primer given!




I’m just waiting for the AU where sanguinius is seemingly as he is as made, a frenzied berserker leading a legion of killers


What happened to the great angel?


He sacrificed himself to sit the Golden Throne, so that humanity may yet be guided by the Astronomicon and that the Human Webway Gate would stay closed. He did so as Terra was bombarded and killed by Perturabo and Typhus, causing his flesh to wither, while his spirit remained strong, stronger than any others that day. Ten thousand years have passed since that day, and ten thousand years has Sanguinius been trapped between life and death. But he holds on yet, for humanity and for his beloved brother, Horus. He offers guidance to him telepathically, while occasionally appearing to his sons through their dreams. Never was there a prouder Primarch, for he loves his sons dearly, and feels his heart sing as he sees how they fight for his Brother's Imperium. Never will he release his hold on the quasi-life he has, and never will he falter in his duty, for without him the whole of the Imperium would begin to crumble. And far too many men, far more valiant than he, had died for it. He would not allow that to happen.


OK so where is big e at during this


He died at the Eternity Gate at the hands of Rogal Rann and Perturabo.


Dam really where the hell was his custodians at how could they fail in the only task given to them


Half were with Magnus fighting off Bloodthirsters led by the Ragged Knight, and the Daemon Princes Uraka Az'baramael, the Warfiend and Doombreed while Khorne tried to literally claw his way through the Webway Gate. The other half were killed alongside the Emperor at the Eternity Gate by Perturabo, Rogal Rann and their Legions, with only a dozen surviving their wounds.


I must know what of my primarch and my legion what of angron and the 12th legion


Angron, Lord of the Red Sands and Houndmaster of the War Hounds, is the Warmaster of the Imperialis Army and one of the most beloved of the Primarchs. His unwavering courage, unerring kindness and sheer resolve have been hallmarks of his reign as Warmaster, and transformed the War Hounds from rough if disciplined butchers, to refined and noble beasts. He who harried the Traitors alongside Russ into the Eye, the Maelstrom, the Hadex Anomaly, the Screaming Vortex and the Refugee's Wail. He who broke open the Nova Imperium and brought Roboute in chains to the tomb of their Father. He who fought Alexis Polux, and came out the victor, despite his stolen arm. Angron is a Primarch of the people, never stopping his tour or his crusades against the Xenos and Traitors. More than one world was brought into the Imperium by the arrival of the Houndmaster and his little brothers during the last stands against all manner of foul creatures. He still feels the rage of course, that will never go away. He still feels the sorrow and hatred he let grow in his heart. But he is no longer a monster of the High Riders. He is no longer a slave to the Nails, now ten Millenia removed. He is Angron of Nuceria, and while he draws breath, the Imperium will never fall, even if he must hold it upon his shoulders alone. "For those who shed blood alongside me, who give their own to save what I hold most dear, Father, I would darken the Gates of Hell with you." -the Oath of The Red Mount


🥹 everything my primarch and the legion should have been reading this I weep for what my brothers and father have sworn themselves to a parasite who doesn't care it hard being the only worldeater not sworn to khorne as they call it u have done my legion and primarch honor I thank u


Tell me about Perturabo&the IVth Legion and Lion&the First Legion. I saw you mentioned the Uncrowned Princes&Astelan, so I'm guessing that a chunk of the First Legion stayed Loyalist and rebranded themselves as the Uncrowned Princes while the others went Traitor. I am especially curious what great&terrible Battles occurred when members of the First Legion fought eachother. What happened to the Excindio and the other abominations that the First Legion kept deep within their Vaults, and what happened to the vast&powerful Navy that the First Legion had? Did the Rangdan Xenocides still occur and one of the 3 Gloriana Class BattleShips the First Legion had was destroyed at Advex Mors? Or did the First Legion play a different role for the Imperium during the Terran Unification Wars, Conquest of Sol and Great Crusade?


Perturabo and the Iron Warriors are the remaining leaders of the Triat that led the Heresy, with Perturabo being one of the Architects of the Death of Terra. He and his Sons have since taken up residence as Iron Lords of the Eye of Terror, having cast out Lorgar and his petty schemes, leading to the creation of The Eternal Word, Lorgar's mobile Armada. Correct, Merir Astelan and nearly all of the Terran Dark Angels stayed loyal to the Emperor, while Lion'El Lutherson and the Calibanites held with Luther, as was tk be expected. The Vaults and Navy were split, unequally, with the Loyalists receiving the bulk of the Fleet and Secrets, but the Traitors having more men. The Xenocides still occured, indeed, and yes one of the Gloriana's was lost.


Is the Imperial Cult centered around Sanguinius then?


No, there exists no such thing as the Imperial Cult, as the Imperial Truth has prevailed on.




You should write an AU or something similar and publish it on bolter and chainsword. It’d be awesome


I am writing one. Don't quite know where to publish it once I'm finished but that's a long way off. I haven't even finished the Great Crusade, let alone the Iron Heresy, the Harrowing, the War of the Beast, the War of Martyrs, The Tyrannic Crusades, the Strife of the Maelstrom or Lorgar's Grand Cleansings.


Wow. Sounds like you have quite the plan. Excited to eventually read it!


Thank you, I really appreciate it. I'll post here again with the next piece I'm going to commission.


Hope you post on [fanfiction.net](https://fanfiction.net) and ao3


It's Sanguinius rotting on the throne.


As in, Sanguinius sit on the golden throne instead of the emperor? Does the Emperor die in this AU?


He does, yes. He is slain at the hands of Rogal Rann and Perturabo, with Horus arriving too late to save his Father, but long enough to kill Rogal Rann. The Emperor then transfers the majority of his power to Horus, as well as the title of Emperor. Perturabo and Typhus then lay waste to Terra with all manner of biological and chemical munitions-Phosphex, the Life Eater Virus, Nurgle's Blood, etc-and Horus evacuates as much of Terra as possible while Sanguinius stays behind to sit the Golden Throne. Slowly he withers thanks to the horrific poisoning and death of Terra, but he is still alive. The Golden Throne becomes known as the Black Throne thanks to the tarnishing of the Imperial Palace, and Sanguinius himself becomes the Black Prince, Heir to The Black Emperor, and the new guiding light of the Imperium.


Why doesn't the Emperor come back to life, as he is a perpetual?


Specifically because he transfers most of his power to Horus; his Perpetual nature, his immense knowledge, his raw might, and as much of his psychic might as he could. The rest he split away and used to hold back the Human Webway Gate for a time. Then his composite spirit finally died. All that was left was an ancient corpse-a short man, with shaggy hair and beard wearing tattered furs, and a large scar across his neck. The Emperor was old. He saw his own sons betray him, and kill their brothers. And while he was never exactly a good father or even a good human, it still ate at him. He saw Horus as the best, last option.


But why did he transfer is powers if he could ressurect?


Two reasons 1. If he resurrected, the Human Webway Gate would open once more, and Magnus was already far too drained thanks to holding back the literal arm of Khorne as the Skull God clawed at reality through it while the Emperor was occupied. If it opened, Terra falls. Terra falls, the Astronomicon goes out forever. The Astronomicon goes out forever, the Imperium crumbles. The Imperium crumbles, Humanity dies and all of it was for nothing. So he chose to use split his power to Horus, and use what was left to hold the Webway shut until someone could soon sit the Throne. 2. He believed he had failed humanity and his sons. He saw Horus as the best parts of him, unburdened by Millenia of strife, doubt and plagued by old fears and dreams which were never made reality. He was tired of his own mockery of existence. He saw this as the natural conclusion of everything, passing the mantle to Horus.


So Terra isn't habitable anymore?


No it is not, it is a blasted ruin with ash choked skies, eternally perilous weather, still active munitions and a Venus-like atmosphere, making the average temperature 800-900° Fahrenheit. The only place to still be considered livable is the Throne Room of the Old Palace, where massive Void Shields and artificial atmosphere generators were installed so that Sanguinius may see visitors unhindered by the corpse of Terra.


I request lore in the iron heresy


I have provided!


Vampire! He really does look like a vampire in this.


Damn that’s metal


I hate you, amazing art XD


In the iron heresy, would that mean the iron hands and emperor's children became the shattered legion during the heresy?


No, I explained further up what happened to them. TL:DR: They died at Istvaan V.


Oh sorry. I misread it.


How did Angron become a loyalist in this AU? And what of the II and XI legions?


The Emperor was convinced to stand alongside him and his fellow slaves against the High Riders by Sanguinius and Horus. This made Angron love the Emperor and utter the Oath of the Red Mount: "For those who shed blood alongside me, who give their own to save what I hold most dear, Father, I would darken the Gates of Hell with you." This, coupled with Angron's own pleading for freedom from the Nails, The Khan's own Eldar influences leading to him bringing it up to the Emperor, and the Emperor's own ideas regarding solutions brings us to what is officially known in Imperial Histories as "The Liberation of The High Queen" but what I affectionately call "The Emperor and Eldrad's Wild Ride". The Emperor goes to Ulthran and asks for his help. Eldrad says he can't. And he thinks it's terribly ironic how it all lead to this. Eldrad also mentions someone who could help. Taking his meaning the Emperor agrees. And thus, they venture into the Gardens of Nurgle and hunt for a Millenia for Isha, and eventually free her. In thanks for this, she weaves a Wraithbone crown for Angron that will replace the Nails, and ensure his anger is never manufactured. It works, and frees Angron from his tainted rage. He is eternally grateful to his Father for his labours, to Isha for her gift, to his Brothers for their compassion that led him to this moment, and to his little brothers who stood by him, his War Hounds. Nothing in the universe could part Angron from the Imperium. The II and XI Legions are Damnatio Memoriae, aka I still haven't figured that out entirely.


Looks like he is taking a everlasting world record Curic




I know this is kind of late, but to the skulls beneath the throne have any context at all, or are they just a bunch of random skulls.


They are the skulls of the mortal defenders of the Golden Throne during the Fall of Terra.


Is the sanguinor still a thing here or not


No it is not, as Sanguinius technically still lives.


Where’s guilliman? Or is he not present

