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Ishidur Ossuros – The Thrice Reborn, the Revenant Lord, Legion Master of the Crimson Seers The man known as Ishidur is an oddity among the entire Adaptus Astartes, for he is not one man but a continuation of personality and memories. Through a cannibalistic ritual, a legionary would consume the remnants of Ishidur and take on his name and title, the legions hyperactive Omophagea fuelling the legionary with his memories and experiences. It is unclear how many times this happened prior to the discovery of Sanguinius but he quickly understood the importance of such a ritual for the legion, and was honoured to not just support it, but enhance it as well. Since then, Ishidur has met his death 3 times, and 3 times he has risen, through blood rituals led by Sanguinius and his Shamans, the legionary would not just be taken on the mantle and memories but his mind would be completely overcome by who Ishidur was. Free from the concept of true death, Ishidur is perhaps the most dangerous fighter amongst all the legions, willing to do anything to ensure victory and even if he can’t walk away from it, another version of him would. ----- When working out who I wanted to lead this version of the blood angels, the original legion master of the IX legion seemed perfect, more a concept of a man rather than an actual person, this weird cannibalistic ritual and line of sucession fit right at home with this occult and mutant focused IX legion. If you want to read more and see more art, we have a discord for the Warp Origins project! Just drop me a dm and I can send over a link.


Neat, necromonger marines.


Thing is, this whole "reincarnation" of the legion master though consuming their brain happens in the canon IX legion! But then the practice just suddenly stops for some reason. Classic GW lore writing right there haha


To be fair considering canon Sanguinius' goal of making his Legion more noble and honorable, that seems like the kind of practice he'd put a firm stop too.


The Canon Sanguinius would, yes, but WO Sang is a very different man, having been raised among the tribes of the Changed. So while he does clean up the Revenant Legion a fair bit that they aren’t outright pariahs/monster anymore, they still aren’t the beloved paragons of nobility the canon Blood Angels are, being more tribal and ritualistic in culture.


The helmet concept is really cool and you can see how practical it can be with wider eye lenses. Refreshing stuff


Looks dope


Thanks! Very happy with the design of this one.


You never miss with these. Is the discord for the AU still active? And if it is, could i get an invite? Would love to learn more about this.


It is, I'll send you a message with a link!


Is the discord still up?


It is! If you want an invite send me a message!




Your welcome also I love all the stories that come with these


Looks pretty cool. Reminds me of the Living Tribunal.


I can see it haha


There's no timeline where the sons of Sanguinius aren't psychotic, is there?


It's literally in their DNA haha.


So does he keep adding masks as he keeps dying and being reincarnated? Sounds like a loyalist mirror to Lucius


Hive fleet leviathan would like to know your location


Incredibly neat. I feel like the loremasters at GW don't focus nearly enough on exploring the truly wierd and unique chapter customs that can come about because of the geneseeds So in this AU, is ishidur Ossuros essentially the same thing as an Inductii that has done flash indoctrination a few too many times? Regardless on what side of the civil war Ishidur is in this AU, would the Blood Angels respond by making more and more Ishidurs or make a bunch of Ishidur clones and make the strongest Ishidur flash indoctrinate on the lesser Ishidurs to make "super" ishidur?


That’s not how it works unfortunately, the “reincarnation” of Ishidur in canon is more symbolic with the next guy in the chain of command eating his brains to absorb his memories & skills, then taking his name on for themselves to continue his legend. It’s the same in WO at first, but once Sanguinius goes into the Warp with Dorn (*and promptly abandons him to seek Tzeentch*) the Legion enacts a blood ritual to pull him back out, using the sacrifice of Ishidur as the catalyst due to him being closest to the Primarch. Sanguinius is indeed drawn back from the Warp, but by this point he’s embraced Tzeentch and become a Daemon Prince, using his newfound power to resurrect Ishidur as a hulking Angel of flesh known as the Undying Angel and the Lord of Mutation.