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In 2035, 50% of the adult population will become the wealthiest 1% of the population Quick maths šŸ˜Ž


And i mean wouldnt that be bad? Like if theres so many women competing for that 1% spot, and men having no money to spend, isnt the whole structure just gonna collapse?


The irony is this guy is 100% subscribed to an only fans, despite there being free porn. Because it's personal or whatever, despite knowing they are in it for money and don't really care about individual subscribers.


All of these rants are thinly veiled self owns because they know *they* are pathetic like that deep down. They canā€™t conceive of a world where other people donā€™t live that way


50%? What do you mean? Male is the default.


It's um.... it's a lot better than 1% of the population holding 99% of the wealth total. And honestly, it is more believable in a sense of well... what's a reasonable number?


Reasonable number is 1% of the population being the wealthiest 1% of the population


How is 50% of the population being 1% of the population more believable than anything? That's literally impossible.


How is it less believable than 99% having 1%?


You're genuinly asking me how something that is literally impossible is less believable than reality??


The reality is 99% of the wealth is held by 1% of the people. The state in OOPs joke is 50% of the population holds 99% of the wealth. Sounds alot more believable.


"The reality is 99% of the wealth is held by 1% of the people." Yep "The state in OOPs joke is 50% of the population holds 99% of the wealth." Nope, reread the post. He stated that all women become the new 1%, which is not how percentages work. The 1% refers to the 1% of the population that hold the most riches, which means he's saying that 50% of the population is somehow 1% of the population which is not possible. At no point does he state that 50% of the population posesses 99% of the wealth. "Sounds alot more believable." No, impossible things do not sound more believable than reality, sorry dude.


Maybe in that reality, so many AFAB have transitioned to become men because they didn't want to deal with the f*ckery that men put them through when they presented as women, so now the only rare female presenting people who still exist represent 1% of people and charge exorbitant fees just to hang out? Idk.


Obviously he's not being literal. I mean are you deliberately being obtuse?


Ah yes, *figuritively* the 50% of the population becomes 1% of the population, it all makes perfect sense now! šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø




Women won't represent 50% of the world's population anymore by 2035, because women will start only having boys, thus increasing the amount of simps on this planet, while they'll abort their girls, except for a special class of women who will be allowed to have one or two, in order for this whole system to continue. It's all very logical, because this way having a female partener becomes a luxury - otherwise this wouldn't work.Ā 


That's practically a biological impossibility... For women to make up 1% of the population each woman would have to give birth to 99 men, not to mention all the lost time and eggs from these supposed gender selective abortions... The entire concept is delusional, hai să fim rezonabili aici


Itā€™sā€¦. Heā€™s describingā€¦. Prostitution ? Iā€™m not sure where heā€™s going with it. Heā€™s describing prostitution and thatā€™s been around for thousands of years. Itā€™s not a new thing and debatably hasnā€™t destroyed the world yet. Itā€™s. Make it make sense.


So he wonā€™t be nice to a woman & now heā€™s mad escorts cost money?


I think he's trying to say that this is what'll happen if men keep being too kind to women


It is THE oldest profession for a reason.


I'd say that's midwifery, but yeah prostitution has also been around a while


Thatā€™s what itā€™s called. Itā€™s a nickname for it.


I know and I also think the nickname isn't exactly true.


It just isnt tho, is it? How in the world can prostitution be the oldest profession? I know it is a saying, but it is very clearly false, as you need some kind of society for prostitution to be a profession, and to make a society you first need other professions, like hunting, farming, building etc.


IDK, apes [engage in prostitution](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prostitution_among_animals#:~:text=Researchers%20observed%20chimpanzees%20in%20Ta%C3%AF,males%20in%20exchange%20for%20meat.). It'd make sense that it's been around in prehistoric times in some form or another, when "hunter" wasn't exactly a profession, just something we all did.


The problem will always be this: how was the prostitution paid for? If its paid for by for example food, or stones as in the, sugested not proven, idea in monkeys, then hunting or stone collecting, is arguably an older profession. The fact everybody did it, even if it ever was true, is irrelevant, as if it was used to gain means in order to pay for something else, it was arguably a proffession.


Itā€™s called the ā€œOldestā€, not the ā€œEarliestā€. Hunting for Subsistence practically died out after agriculture and livestock farming took over, stone collecting, but prostitution is still going strong. Prostitution thrives when times are good and thrives when times are tough. The only thing that might make a dent in it is advancing AI chatbots installed in more sophisticated sex robots, but that wonā€™t be widely accessible for a long time.


Uhmā€¦ hunting is still a profession that exists, so is fishing, both of which has likely happend before prostitution. In terms of the animals, if they are collecting stones to pay for sex, then they are clearly still doing it, and has done since before someone could sell sex. How is this even a discussion? How has people just taken a dumb as quote for gospel? Can you show any scientific proof that even hints at this beeing true? Edit: it is not even the oldest use of the phrase "oldest proffesion": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oldest_profession_(phrase)


It wasn't really a profession though. Would you consider making yourself dinner a profession? It turned into one but it wasn't originally. It was doing your own grocery shopping.


Cooking for myself? No. Cooking for someone else in exchange for another service? Yes. How is this even a discussion? Can anyone just do as I asked and find any form of proof to prostitution beeing the oldest profession? Its literally only based on a, at least, several hundred years old ohrase, that only in 1889 started beeing used about prostitution.


I'm not saying prostition is, I'm saying feeding yourself isn't a profession.


profession as in thing-that-you-paid-someone-else-to-do. no one is being paid to hunt or collect stones in the case of monkeys, and is thus not a "profession" in the same way being a prostitute is.


If the stones have a value you can buy something else for, then it is in itself a profession. How is this even a discussion? Its an old phrase, nothing more, people here are fucking inceĆø level of ridiculous.


In fairness I've never hired a prostitute but I've never heard of one that sells themselves as tier packages based on rare metals. Usually it's just a base price for the hour and then weird shit costs extra


Honestly relationships wouldn't even be desireable in 2035 since by then all women will look like Kim Kargayshian, whom they are all worshipping.


Genuinely laughed because of how absurd it is


Idk why but i find this so funny The delulu is real n this


My favorite is how half the population is somehow going to become the 1%


The math aint mathing here


Maybe he means 99% of wealth belongs to 50% of the population, which makes me wonder how thatā€™s worse than what we have now.


Women won't represent 50% of the world's population anymore by 2035, because women will start only having boys, thus increasing the amount of simps on this planet, while they'll abort their girls, except for a special class of women who will be allowed to have one or two, in order for this whole system to continue. It's all very logical, because this way having a female partener becomes a luxury - otherwise this wouldn't work.Ā 


The new 1%, which comprises of 50% of the population.


ā€œNo, you see, those ugly bitches donā€™t deserve to be called womenā€ /s I mean /s but I am almost certain thatā€™s how they think.


Women won't represent 50% of the world's population anymore by 2035, because women will start only having boys, thus increasing the amount of simps on this planet, while they'll abort their girls, except for a special class of women who will be allowed to have one or two, in order for this whole system to continue. It's all very logical, because this way having a female partener becomes a luxury - otherwise this wouldn't work.Ā 


Still maintain they fanfic sucks.


Just date men I don't know what's the problem here lmao


You think any man would want him?


But yeah this made no sense lol


I seriously think some of these guys are gay but from homophobic cultures or families. They're weirdly obsessed with how hot guys they know are. I saw something on the red pill where this guy wrote a long essay about how hot and perfect and dreamy his coworker is. It also explains why they aren't emotionally attracted to women or physically attracted to vulvas. It's not they're fault everyone is "blown out" by the time they're 16.


Dating man is gay, bruv


Yeah just find the gay switch, because of a mild complaint of women but woman are allowed to implement icks and red flags on minor inconveniences for menšŸ‘šŸ¾šŸ‘šŸ¾šŸ‘šŸ¾


Yeah it's *so unfair* for women to have, like, *preferences* or a desire for physical safety just to force men to have to find a way to be desirable.


lol what


What are you talking about?


Dude, not comparable at all


It is though, heā€™s complaining about how he doesnā€™t like certain women tendencies the same way women complain certain men tendencies and nothing wrong when the latter is done


If you genuinely believe that please go and have a brain scan because there is something in there and its not a brain. He is making ALL women out ot be a way saying theey are ALL wrong and ALL that way. If he had said "Men, don't date women who do X" and X is some legitimate red flag of danger it is perfectly fine, do not date such women. But the X is often misogynistic for a lot of men, so its not redflags to begin, it is misogyny. And yes, it goes the otherway too if a woman reverses it, they are misandrist. But some tendencies are far too prevalent in men that gives women legit reasons to be very wary of men. Once men as a collection reduces it to the point where a woman can be in a room of 100 men and not be guaranteed that at least one of them will do various horrible things to the woman, women have a reason to be careful.


Dude Iā€™m literally a gay man and this is not true lol. Weā€™re gay, not desperate, all of us have stuff we donā€™t want in a partner, and I see those ā€œickā€ videos with men too, but like most of those posts itā€™s in jest.


And their are a vast sum of them that are serious to and they can be over the most unserious things


I never said any of that??? Idk what you're on about


You literally did you said just go and be gay, and Iā€™m saying you canā€™t just suddenly be gay otherwise most incels would lol




Of course they do. They literally do not see anything of worth in a woman apart from being a sex slave and a maid


This doesn't even really make any sense, tbh, lol.Ā 


Dude thinks that all women want to be OnlyFans models.


Dude thinks "having an onlyfans" equals pay dirt.Ā  Like, some people who already had platforms, it may have been like that. Most people are struggling, sex work or not.Ā 


It does, and you know't.


No, it makes absolutely no sense at all.Ā 


Thou art afraid to divulge ye villanous plans, but I know't; I hath known for quite some time, since to the Bohemian Grove I went, driven by a mad frenzy and an on-line crazy.Ā 


"No sense makes sense" - CM


I thought it said, "Only Dudes," and got very confused.


Given how many failed Instagram models/influencers exist in the world currently, I doubt any of this will come to pass. OnlyFans isn't that big of a deal. Plenty of women don't do OF. Plenty of others try OF and fail at it and move on. Hell, the ONE woman I've heard mention doing an OF is not someone I'd ever date or bang simply because she's an obnoxious brat whose problems are all of her own making. She's a mess and god help any guy who wants to pursue her. Guy's fucking insane. needs to get off the internet and talk to people who aren't desperate, lonely, and horny 24/7.


Yep, the women who makes six to seven figures on OF are in the ultra ultra minority. I think there was a data that says that the majority of women makes less than an hour of min wage per month on OF.


The thing is those rich of girls were popular before they do the naughty subscriptions, onlyfans as the name implies is an addition for loyal followers not a baseline work


Exactly. If someone isn't already famous, they will have a hard time making good money. Of girls who aren't Black Chyna famous have to spend a lot of time advertising themselves on other platforms like YouTube, Twitch, etc. I know of a lady on Of who blew up by chance because a rapper made fun of her. Imo if someone does sexy Of, they need to be bout that life. There's a chance she (lets be honest, there's more stigma on women) May not make much money plus also have serious repercussions down the road.


Or ya know that most women donā€™t want to do only fans ever. Each to their own but this man thinks every woman in the world wants to become a sex worker


You forget that we living in a society we're the loudest is the majority regardless of the facts. If a six figure OF model is a popular icon that must mean that every OF model is making six figures. /s


*chanting* Make shit up! Make shit up! Make shit up! Make shit up!


It was revealeth to me in a dream


Yep. Incels imagine shit all the time.


How wouldst thou know the word I spake be untrue?Ā 


This has just made me tired all over.


delusion + skill issue = really bad 2nd-person fanfiction, I guess. not a very compelling or emotionally powerful story ā€” I suggest taking a writing class. 2/10 edit: I refuse to analyse the lack of proper grammar structure in this piece of "writing".


Krill issue


Ooh ooh, let me translate! - Be me, an Incel - Spend my day posting vile shit on the internet - Ignore women on the internet who explain that this shit is why women have a hard time trusting men they don't know - Women eat hot chip and lie, can't trust those bitches - Everyone knows women are too dumb to form viable opinions anyways, as me and other men like me have come to the conclusion that women need to be lead by men based on faulty scientific research that has already been debunked by modern archaeologists and forensics, but I stand with the science because I am a man and I get to pick which science is right - I am but one of many men posting vile shit targeting wAmMeNz on the internet, how can I be contributing to the problem? - Women, am I right fellas?


The funny thing is that if a woman so much as even smiled at them, they'd simp so hard they'd slide around on their own slime like a snail.


Where do lesbians go in this dystopia OOP has conjured up in his head? Are they simps because they like women or are they part of the 1% because they're women? Are they both, simply rotating money between themselves?


They'll be the new overlords. I'm ok with that. May even consider buying a subaru if they make decent EVs


They simp for themselves, which created a paradox and leads to depression


Porn, sex manuals and nudes have been around for hundreds of years...prostitution, concubines, escorts, courtesans, hetairai, etc have been around for millennia but OF will surely destroy the world as if paying money for sex or companionship is a new concept or something only men do or only women profit from šŸ˜‚ Apart from that selling your body or time like that is a very uncommon pursuit even in societies where prostitution for example is perfectly legal and a viable career choice with paying taxes, health care, pension benefits etc like other jobs, it is not seen as easy money or a path a lot of women choose.


I think he's saying this is the future of relationships if men keep being kind to women


My point was just to underline that if women just wanted transactional relationships where they charge for company...that has been an option for a very, very long time and yet most women do not think or behave that way and simping online will not change that. Men spending lavishly on mistresses, courtesans, etc in the past has not changed the fact that most people are not worshipped and buried under a mountain of expensive gifts by an army of simps. There may be a couple of women alluring and interesting enough to pull a lot of simps to make a career out of it but the vast majority of women do not fall in that category. I would also wager that most men do not spend lavishly on women on the internet. Also...how would literally half the planet be living like the top 1%. All women would need to band together, cut off all access to any intermixing of sexes to regulate access to the supply and create demand in the first place as if we are a swarm of one heart and one mind. Who is supposed to feed, house and clothe all these women? Just the simps? But they would need to work around the clock to also do all the jobs women occupied in that society. The loss of the workforce alone would probably collapse the economy as we know it. šŸ˜‚


Lets give him the benefit of the doubt and say this is actually the case Those who charge absurd price would soon be out of the competition and lose to women who are able to charge low prices. Its the rule of the free market after all. And yeah he's just describing prostitution lol


So delulu man's Idea of rhe future is where he suffers emotionally and us girls are all sx workers....yup totally gonna go sell myself by the hour instead of working my dream job. šŸ˜…


Skill issue


This is the most unrealistic thing I've every read in my life. Also the person who wrote this probably needs help and is exemplified by the last part....


I fucking wish online sex work was that easy lmao. you can't just post tits online and become a millionaire, no one cares about some random girls' only fans. of course, incels don't want a random girl, they want an unachievable, popular, sexed-up, horny e-girl, but they don't want to share her with an audience. a personal sex worker that caters to all their whims for free (because he's such a nice guy). *no offence to sexy e-girls, I admire their rizz and their style, but even they probably don't look and act like this in real-life relationships


Idk this is funny lol


Thanks for the story. I hate it.


This is legit hilarious.


I literally traded emotional labor for a heat pump repair last night. This is not a new arrangement in society, and we haven't collapsed yet


This is the weirdest fanfiction Iā€™ve ever read ngl


Hilariously, girlfriend packages are already a staple of escorting. His '2035' was already here a long time ago. Where's my three vacation homes dammit!


Why is Molly ringwald there


Weirdest attempt at dystopian horror Iā€™ve ever read. One thing Iā€™m fascinated by is the idea that a reality where all women could be on onlyfans or some other weird dating platform would have to involve all women being able to put the social energy into talking to a bunch of clients, marketing their content, coming up with new shit to do, knowing enough about lighting, camera angles, and editing to make something that could stand out among literally every other woman doing the exact same thing and I just really donā€™t think I have that in me, and I donā€™t think I know anyone else who has that in them. Ugh and then Iā€™d have to make my own schedule and idk how Iā€™m supposed to get health insurance, and honestly this seems pretty time consuming. I work two 16 hour shifts a week and then Iā€™m done and the rest of my time belongs to me unless I take some overtime. Freelance work involves so much planning. I guess weā€™d all have to find our own niche but I feel like women who are more attractive and less awkward than me have already taken all the good ones. My only idea would be onlyfans where itā€™s like a praise kink thing but instead of that I just tell you how proud I am of you and like you can just give me a list of what you wish people would say to you/had told you growing up and I just make up a script around that. I could totally do that one. I donā€™t know if itā€™s good material for jerking off but itā€™s a nice lady with big boobs telling you sheā€™s proud of you and I can see how that could get a bit Freudian. Idk how I got into that tangent for so long but my point is that this shit is not an easy thing that comes super innately to people and if we were all competing for the same audience then weā€™d all be inventing increasingly elaborate niches or having to try to invent a new kink and hope it catches on.


Man, I know how good these are by how much I instinctively want to downvote it. This one was real fuckin hard not to.


This sounds like advice to quit my day job and start an OnlyFans so I can join the 1%ā€¦.tempting. Funny how OF clearly makes him so mad but he ends up accidentally promoting it as some mythical economic escalator šŸ¤£


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How can 51% of the world be 1%ers? Make it make sense


I..... do they think EVERY young woman has an only fans? I guarantee that it's a much smaller percentage than one would think.


Is it weird that I have always lumped simps and incels together under the ā€˜neckbeardā€™ umbrella? The terminally online 4chan users are the ones obsessed with gamer girls and feet pics


Wait so what happens


I swear they like to imagen themsekves in situations like this to be dramatic and pitifull


They really, honestly believe that all women own Onlyfans accounts? Like shit dude, the vast majority of women who make Onlyfans donā€™t succeed on the platform. Success is actually quite rare, like any online content creation.


This has to be ironic right? This canā€™t possibly be real.






Onlyfans doesn't even work, you just get cheated even if you end up spending a lot of money :(


It really really irks me that 50% of the population fots in 1%. It sickens me to my stomach. I can't even read what he says after that.


why did he close his eyes twice


Why wait till 2035?


Incels: "Women must be the reason I can't get laid!"


I think this is satire.


I mean atleast he's complaining about the guys that fuel his pipe dream as opposed to the women... silver lining šŸ˜‚?


looking forward to getting rich then


It's funny but the onlydate concept Is happening in Asian countries. Rental girlfriends are a thing in Japan. And it shows how bad a culture based on overworking and giving up your soul to the corporate overlords is


bruh my guys this is satire


Hes got double eyelids found the non human XD (Closed eyes then closed eyes again)


This is satire but it's true that simps make dating harder overall.




You don't have to justify your preferences with psychobabble bullshit that draws baseless analogies with rapists and addicts.


Psychobabble generally is just studied psychology you don't understand and use of that word generally walks hand in hand with science denial. :3


More commonly, it'sĀ justĀ bilgeĀ thatĀ twerpsĀ likeĀ youĀ comeĀ outĀ with in an attempt to make their personal tastes seem more profound.Ā 


Twerp? Really? Get back in your time machine and go get a malt milkshake at your 1950a diner with your goofy ass.


I'm not the one trying to abuse science to justify my prejudices. You'd be a better fit for an age of segregation and racial pseudoscience.


Sir this is a Wendyā€™s


Very interesting and fresh take. But I've scoured Google and DuckDuckGo (Bing even!) and I can't find a source for who the fuck asked.


Lol I almost choked šŸ¤£


I've searched the world for your originality and I found a centuries old debate on whether or not it existed or is an object of mythopoeia rather than history.


But you will trust people who have treated their time and bodies as commodities to be traded in exchange for the same things those people traded sex for?


These greentexts are super satire though




How? Plenty of sex workers have happy relationships, and the majority of people donā€™t want to be sex workers, so itā€™s a non-issue.


Prostitution has existed for over 1000 years. Shush




Wow. Comparing prostitution to rape & murder and then using a slur. Arenā€™t you a winner