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"You will enter slam pig territory. I have seen it." By your body?


Shots fired šŸ’€šŸ’€


What even is a slam pig


According to Wiktionary Noun slam pig (plural slam pigs) (vulgar, offensive) A promiscuous woman, typically overweight or ugly and only sought after for pumping and dumping.


when you get so buff , you get full-body-tackled by police everytime they see you because your body is considered a weapon.


Someone who exclusively listens to slam


I'm squinting my eyes here and still can't see why she would need to hit the gym to train off the fat? You know, call me old, but back in the 90's some sick individuals tried hitting on anorexic women, calling them "Gazelles" and told them tricks how to lose more weight off their already skeletal bodies. These guys have the same mindset. They don't care if you die as long as they can count your bones.


Former 90's 'gazelle' here. I still have issues with food nowadays. They told me back then I was fat, while I was pretty much underweight. MY SO was afraid he was going to break me in half when he met me in 2007. You simply can't win with folks like this.


I dont understand how they can find the skeleton like bodies of anorexic people attractive. To me, and i like women, they just look sick and like they need help. As if a touch would break them or a gust of wind would blow them away


no hate but that somehow checks out.. they can act like a hero and control them at the same time


Ig its pretty essy to control someone whose selfworth you can destroy with a single ā€žur fatā€œ


yes, sadly.


Men like this like their women to be small, frail and easy to control. They like to feel like big men in comparison. To them, I say "fuck you, I'll take up whatever space in the world I need to be healthy. I don't exist for your viewing pleasure". I say this as someone who has been thin, fat and in-between. They put women down in order to feel better about themselves and it doesn't even matter what size the woman is, they will always nitpick at something. It's incredibly shallow-minded. Meanwhile, these men live in their mum's basement, have no long term goals and just exist as parasites to society and anyone obligated to them (parents, usually), yet they feel entitled to both criticise and "own" women's bodies. Gross. Women tolerated this behaviour in the past, but not as much now. These fools need to wake up and realise why they're so alone. Also, I acknowledge that "not all men", just these dumb-dumbs. My partner (a man) is body positive, as was my dad. Decent guys exist, but they are difficult to find.


I cant really say anything about that from personal experience since my Dad doesnt care how thin or fat a woman is and only is concerned about my moms health and the only boyfriend i had also never complained about my weight. I am not fat by any means, 65kg, but not thin either. I am happy you found a nice man and had a nice dad, confidence and self worth is so important and it needs to start with the parents


It makes them feel big & strong, like the "big man" they are. Lol. They also have a weird fetish for small, prepubescent bodies on women. It makes them have more sense of control


ikr why the hell do those creeps think that's normal???


Anorexia fetishes have always been a thing. Itā€™s possibly even worse now with how easily connected we are to the world via the internet and social media. Thereā€™s a lovely lady on youtube who has done a lot of content on eating disorders, specifically her own struggle with them. I recall her doing a video where she had more or less infiltrated an anorexia fetish forum and was sharing some of the absolutely vile things that these sick creeps would post. ā€œIdealā€ (and literally impossible/not compatible with life) body weight and measurements, photos of women clearly struggling with anorexia that they would rate/comment on, tips on weight loss and how to basically groom these girls, etc. But the worst is the anorexia fan fiction. If one has a stable mind and is confident in their headspace, the stories can be honestly comical in how ridiculous they are. But if one is vulnerable or is struggling with body image issues, these stories could potentially serve as ā€œthinspoā€ and may exacerbate any existing disorder. This lady has read a few of these fan fics and her delivery, as well as her comments and interjections about everything, definitely helps make it easier to hear as well as easy to laugh at and see the ridiculousness of it all. But I imagine if someone truly struggling with an eating disorder were to come across these forums, theyā€™d be quickly taken advantage of and possibly even end up dead. She mentioned how the members of the forums would share photos of girls who had passed away, almost always as a result of their disorder, and how the members would ā€œgrieveā€ the loss. Not of the girls as humans though, but rather their bodies, the pleasure that the members got from viewing them, and how there will never be any ā€œprogressā€ (aka further descent into their disorder) shared. Itā€™s truly a sick world out there.


Would you be able to share the link to that video? That sounds disturbing and fascinating.


Yeah, itā€™s [this](https://youtu.be/afOEZVLL3CI?si=uQTj17FN6UbXYybL) video from Of Herbs and Alters. Definitely gag inducing but also really quite interesting and itā€™s important to shed some light on the topic of anorexia fetishists. I just rewatched it and noticed that I did get some of my info mixed up. The first time I came across it, I found myself going down the rabbit hole of anorexia fetishes and found other videos and websites exposing the dark and vile side of these forums. So this video is more about the fan fic aspect of the fetish as opposed to the sharing of tips and advice on weight loss but still. The grooming and luring of these girls is on full display.


Special place in hell for those people, feeders included.


She doesnā€™t even have any fat to train off. Her stomach is completely flat.


That is appalling. What do I have to look up to find more info about it?


I swear negging 15 years ago somehow morphed into idiots saying this crap earnestly. Never thought the next generation would have less social awareness and emotional intelligence than that dude who wears a black furry hat and thick eyeliner into bars and called himself ā€œMysteryā€ while telling other dudes the way to bang chicks was to make oinking noises at them and call them fat.


Hello, random internet user who doesn't know who "Mystery" is. Oh, what a joy it would be to experience discovering Mystery for the first time again. Alas, that ship has sailed for me, an old person by internet standards (and general human ones as well), but it has not for you! Rejoice, for your soul is about to witness levels of cringe no person should ever witness. But beware, for, as previously alluded to, you will get but one chance to experience this moment of both unbridled pleasure and immeasurable pain. WARNING: If you are a woman, *do not* read futher. Doing so will undoubtedly shatter apart the very bonds that hold the atoms that make up your very being together. [This is Mystery.](https://mediaproxy.salon.com/width/1200/https://media2.salon.com/2007/08/the_artful_seducer.jpg) Now that you've witnessed the face of God and hopefully survived (barely), The Pickup Artist is a Vh1 2007 show where 8 dudes are trained by Mystery on the *art* of picking up women. [Here is a Chris James reaction video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ad9zdCkcITE) as watching the entire series would surely force most people's soul to dissolve back into the ether. If by some freak natural phenomenon you're not currently lying on the ground as your soul leaves your body to return to the source from which it came, [here's a video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muCUvxxVNsM) where Mystery explains non-verbal indicators that women exhibit (these are 100% scientifically proven and evolutionary and do not let anybody - especially scientists who know what they're talking about - tell you otherwise!) to a bunch of women sitting awkwardly on a sofa pretending that their mind is not currently being blown by the knowledge Mystery is laying upon them.


Thank you, kind internet stranger, for providing me another wierd rabbit hole to dive into later šŸ«”


I saw the picture and I'm now pregnant again.


Jesus what an infuriating dick. Imagine meeting someone at a club, genuinely finding his quirks charming, only for him to then mansplain how women work and talk about them like heā€™s a zookeeper training animals. yikes yikes yikes.


Hi, Iā€™m a zoo keeper and here to say I have absolute love and respect for my animals. Not sure about this guy.


Do yā€™all remember that show ā€œkeys to the VIPā€ where it about about men competing against each other to see how many womenā€™s numbers they could get at a club? One of the ā€œchallengesā€ was to get a womanā€™s number after negging her. And some of them actually succeeded.


yes! i was expecting the video to be from that show. i didn't even know this one existed, but also at that time i would not have been at home watching vh1 on my tv. i don't remember 'mystery' being in the media.


Is this a copypasta or did you write it lol?


Noo lol it took me a fucking hour to write šŸ˜…


Thank you. It's hard wired.


Oh man the comments on that last video are a trip!


The way you've written this is amazingly hilarious šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m getting major Prince of Persuasia from Bobā€™s Burgers vibes. Iā€™m curious if that character is in any way based off of this goober. The comparisons are too much to be a coincidence. šŸ˜‚


0% chance that he's not heavily inspired by Mystery haha The soul patch, the jewelry. He's almost a parody.


There was a whole slew of pick up artists for a while, I think heā€™s a conglomerate.


So, I've always been immune to negging. When I'd go to the clubs at like 18 (legal in canada) there'd be weird 35+ year old dudes trying to neg me and call me names or insults and I'd be like "oh, that's not cool. I'm going to leave this conversation." And they would act incredulous. PUAs are insane.


living in a province where legal age was 19, we used to road trip to the border towns to drink. i was the only 15 year old in the car too. omg how did i live as a teenager???


Oh god I'd forgotten about that guy. He's probably still around and making money off of insecue dudes Edit: looked him up, I was thinking of a different pickup artist who wore eyeliner and had an odd stage name


There were a bunch and they blended together back then, nevermind now. I briefly considered googling to make sure I had the right guy and then realized I didnā€™t care.


>the men who don't act this way know they're not included Beautiful. Can this be an auto-response to every salty Twitter reply on anything posted by a woman?


This needs to be pinned in the sub and redirected to every time someone says "not all men, actually."


We do know.


I donā€™t even see where she says anything about men. She just said she works out more than the dweebs. Itā€™s perfection he saw the messages from men, her comment about those commenters being dweebs, and just in to ā€œNOT ALL MENā€. Like damn, she didnā€™t say that, so maybe tell the guys to fuck off if youā€™re so concerned




Lol these losers criticizing women's bodies when they themselves are literally unfuckable. Their lack of self awareness is outstanding.


It's classic projection. They're extremely insecure about their own bodies, so they project that onto women, thinking that'll make them feel better about themselves (it won't, they just spread misery to everyone involved).


if you reject her first, unprompted, then she can never reject or laugh at you first!! so you win! right fellas?


"You can't fire me, because I quit!"


"You can't reject me because I'm already breaking up with you!! *storms off in pissy fit*"


He's just worried about your health šŸš¬šŸ§Ÿā€ā™‚ļø


Drewieio needs a mirror šŸŖž.


Indeed. And 'old enough to be your grandfather' Orson needs to stop talking down to teenagers online. "Little miss" ugh what a fucking creep.


I think he knows but he thinks he's like negging her something


His negging is as smooth as jagged rocks


Only smooth thing about him is his brain


God forbid this guy gets a girlfriend with an eating disorder and instead of trying to get her help, just negs her endlessly. "Babe, are you sure you should have had those 2 grapes for breakfast? You're looking a little chunky today..."


People post about that kind of behavior a lot in the relationship subs and AITA subs. Itā€™s super common and so fucked up.


It's even crazier because she must have like a perfect bmi weight range she looks impeccable, what a weirdo.


Agreed. Like wtf.


I donā€™t know exactly why but her simple retort of ā€œlittle manā€ hits much harder than ā€œlittle miss.ā€ It must be because I can vividly picture said little man absolutely breaking down when encountering such a profound line. Also the ā€œif you donā€™t apply you already know you donā€™t applyā€ logic pretty much sums up the ā€œman vs bearā€ argument from last month.


I love her comebacks. I think some of these men want women to be barely visible.


I thought "slam pig" was bad but "Little Miss" was downright creepy.


She's very slim and flat stomach. These men are constantly telling on themselves. Dumb idiots


they've definitely paid for some pick up artist scam shit lmao


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^elemenoh3: *They've definitely* *Paid for some pick up artist* *Scam shit lmao* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Dudes who say "little miss" or "little girl" when they speak condescendingly need to be cracked with a bat. Its absolutely insufferable.


Her leggings are suspended between her hip bones they aren't touching her much in the middle. I was this skinny once (I got there an unhealthy way) and I literally dream of it. Lil man would combust at the sight of me. I've always looked fat and I'm not even in the overweight bmi range.


Even when I was ā€œskinnyā€ I was in the overweight BMI range. The whole system is flawed.


ā€œYou are very beautiful but ā€¦ā€ /strokes chin


these fools simply cant handle tummy tuesday. too many womenā€™s bodies (scary)


Itā€™s too many women being *happy* about their bodies. (terrifying, because then how will she only get her value from menā€™s opinions?)




No, I think these guys are just being mean, they don't really think she's fat, they just get off on insulting women they know would never reciprocate their attraction.


If that is considered a belly i may be morbidly obese (ā•„ļ¹ā•„)


Jfc... some men are just... really revolting...




BRUH If she's approaching "slam pig" territory, then I'm morbidly obese xDDDD


This has to be negging right? Or just assholes who think any confident woman needs to be ā€œbrought down a notch?ā€ Like, this CANT be genuine, I donā€™t want to believe it


I can't believe how badly guys can react to 100% free midrift.


Literal mouth breathers, fuck em


Is this an ad for the woman?


Sheā€™s so classy. Simple, exquisite shutdowns. These men are weirdos who could never outrun her. Easy to pick fights behind screens


"I've seen it" (x) Doubt.


If a man in the internet condescendingly called me ā€œlittle missā€, I think I would become the Joker.


I think I'd become incredibly violent if anyone called me "little miss".


WTF, she's not fat at all. These pathetic excuses for men are either delusional or engaging in negging.


You can't like r/HairyCurvy women on the internet


Its like he thinks he's not a slam pig, minus the slam because nobody would touch him lol


Whatā€™s slam pig territory šŸ˜­


This reminds me of that large group of guys saying any woman over 120 lbs is obese šŸ˜‚


Goth ms. Frizzle is my new favorite gal


I mean this is the audience you cater to if you have an only fans just gotta deal with it for the goon money


I like her a lot


Good on her kicking ass and taking names


I don't go to the gym, I workout at home. Check mate!


Funny thing is, that was posted in an ED community that I happen to be apart of, so I'm wondering why a man would see someone struggling with their body, and bash them while heir at their lowest.


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> Men stop commenting about women's body when NOBODY asked challenge Negatively, you mean. Because that girl (who looks absolutely perfect, by the way) definitely posted those for male attention. Of course I agree men should keep their negative comments to themselves but let's not act like women who post these dont want men to comment AT ALL.


What if sheā€™s gay?


What if she's part of that 0,8% of women (that's gay but only lesbians, not bisexual)? Would have to ask them. For the rest of the women posting thirst traps, they can downvote me all they want but there's absolutely no other reason they can provide. You will hear stupid crap like "I post them for me", "I just wanna have them there", well that's what your phone gallery is for. If you post them on SOCIAL media, you post them for SOCIETY to see them. And if you're sexualizing yourself, you're probably not posting them for female attention (plenty of women DO post for female attention, usually about fashion, kudos to them).


Men stop being stupid enough to think that everything women do is for men challenge (impossible)




Yeah, crazy that that could be the actual explanation. Crazy that women really donā€™t do everything for men, even ā€œthirst traps.ā€ Insane amount of arrogance, my guy.


Again: that's what your phone gallery is for. There, you have it "for you", you just "have it there". Posting them in SOCIAL media and saying that you don't post them for SOCIETY to see them, knowing full well that only men (and around 1% of women, sure) care to see your ass in a thong, is not gonna fly with people with half a brain. Insane amount of stupidity, my girl.


Iā€™m not even a girl. Keep being an idiot though.


> Iā€™m not even a girl. Keep being an idiot though. You talk like a girl and bullshit like a girl. Only a girl would put "INFJ" in her profile. Let me guess, trans-man?


I mean, she definitely isnā€™t fatā€¦ but why is she posting her body like this tho? Edit: sheā€™s nude guys. You canā€™t maybe tell but thereā€™s a censor bar covering her breasts. Itā€™s not the bottom of her shirt. So originally she was nude. Which is fine. But idk why we think if we put that kinda shit online that we arenā€™t going to get shit back.


Same reason guys post shirtless pics, people posting selfies, or the like. They like their body?


Because she wants to? Based on her replies she goes to the gym often. Sheā€™s probably proud of how her body looks.


Why are you making this comment though?


Cause she wants to. She's showing less skin than pretty much anyone at your local pool or beach, hell even shopping mall these days.


My local pool or beach isnā€™t topless. Her breasts are out in the pic. All the way. Thereā€™s a censor bar over them.


So what?


Cause sheā€™s a grown ass woman and can do that if she wants?? She censored the picture herself anyway. The rude guy also wasnā€™t commenting on her being nude. He was calling her fat.


Who gives a hot fart?


What a stupid comment


While I dont understand why she would post this, i will support her right to do so. Even if its just for clout.


shes promoting her of! edit: guys im not being snarky just answering their question šŸ˜­


So what if she is?


im literally just answering their question, i went and checked and she has of


This is one of the many mysteries in our world, which is keeping me up at night.


It helps if you remember women are regular human beings.


I should have wrote an /s


Oh shit, yeah you definitely would have benefited from an /s. Random dudes like to find this sub and immediately argue so much, I think we all just went ā€œope, it happened againā€ without critical thought. A++ impression, honestly.




I take a little issue with the last statement, as yes. Some may indeed know, with utmost certainty, That they're fine and won't care. But there's also loads of dudes with little self confidence who still get affected by statements like "All men are X." I can think of 7 teenagers I know who all went down the alt-right pipeline simply because they saw those types of statements, sought affirmation online, and the only one to give them that were the type to say that they're superior to all women by virtue of having a dick. Luckily 5 of them grew out of it again, But still. Then again I don't actually know what was said in this specific case that made the guy say that, But it's something I've mulled over for a while.


- the men who don't act this way know they're not included She literally never said all men. At no point was she generalising. She was talking shit about this one idiot man trying to claim sheā€™s fat. I get that thereā€™s an alt right pipeline, but itā€™s not womenā€™s jobs to constantly monitor our language for any sign of something a Fuckboy could take poorly, in case he decides he wants to run away to Andrew taint and his crew of rapists. Stop blaming women for the poor choices of men.


Men having low self confidence is never a womanā€™s responsibility. Especially not adult men. When youā€™re an adult, your self confidence if your own responsibility to build up. You canā€™t count on others to do so. You canā€™t blame random people on the internet for not building you up if youā€™re not willing to do it yourself, whether thatā€™s through finding a good support system or therapy etc. Tbh this goes for all genders.


I agree with him, no one should ever become fat, it comes with so many risks and illnesses.


this person isn't even fat! they're so skinny!


Are you aware of the hundreds of fat athletes whose bodies literally just look fat despite them being very fit? Some bodies just naturally balance out at a higher weight than others. Also, most weight loss efforts have 95% chance of returning the weight, sometimes more, after three years. Also, sheā€™s literally not even fat. You can see the shape of her rib cage. What world are you living in where you think someone who looks like her is fat. Or that you think this pig of a man commenting is in any way speaking for her benefit, rather than trying to shame her because he knows no woman will ever sleep with him and he has to get his pathetic anger out some way?


Good job, you solved the obesity crisis! Oh wait. You didnā€™t.