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The term "access to sex" creeps me out whenever I encounter it.


It has the same energy as people that actively refer to women as “females” it just doesn’t sound right like it works but at the same time it just doesn’t sound correct in most contexts.


It's like how a farmer might talk about a herd of livestock. It's this kind of dogwhistle speech to dehumanize women.


Or their "Hitting the wall" cringe phrase


I wonder what they think of their parents like does that mean their dad is a Chad who bangs lots of women and their mom is a Stacy who bangs lots of men?? Like obviously if they are around their parents at one point had sex…


"blah, blah, blah settling, blah, blah, blah, times were different back then and women weren't as picky something or other."


Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but i thought some study for a dating site concluded that women find 20% of men attractive not that they only date or have sex with such men. I suspect so many men in the manosphere twisted the data.


Oh, no, it wasn't even that. One OKCupid statistic showed that women rated men's looks in a nice bell curve centered on "average", while men rated more women "above average" (but not the top rating). The real telling point, though, was that the matching curve of which men women would message with was to the left (less attractive) while the men's slipped to the right (more attractive). Meaning, women were willing to date "less attractive" men, but men were only willing to date those women they found the most attractive. On dating apps, where the gender ratio is already 80/20 (or 90/10, if you're in the US), women tend to be more selective about who they swipe right on, only swiping right on about 30% of profiles on average. Then you have men getting on the apps and furiously swiping right on every single profile they are presented (quite literally), then getting angry when they natch with women they don't find attractive. Or getting shadowed banned by the algorithm (which was written a decade ago because of how common this was) and not getting any matches because their profile isn't getting shown to *anyone*.


Can someone explain to me why the math isn’t mathing? I sound like a incel but the idea that 10% of the men gets 80% of the women sounds kinda plausible.


The statistic is misused and actually comes from online dating apps like tinder. Data from the apps shows that 80% of women are matching with the top 20% of men on the apps and this is what they’ve latched onto. The problem is that incels believe this statistic also applies to real life, which is easily disproven.


It’s a combination of two main things. One was a survey of 27 men done by a guy in 2015 [https://medium.com/sexography/80-of-women-choose-only-the-top-20-of-attractive-men-is-a-big-fat-incel-lie-90e764b6a76](https://medium.com/sexography/80-of-women-choose-only-the-top-20-of-attractive-men-is-a-big-fat-incel-lie-90e764b6a76) The second is like you said, misused data from dating apps. Incels conveniently ignore that men outnumber women by about 4:1 on the apps in question. The study also showed that women mainly selected men that they considered to be at least of average attractiveness. Meanwhile the men almost exclusively tried to match with women who they thought were the most attractive. So the women were less picky than the men. Meaning the men were greatly reducing their chances of a match.


On Tinder, the worldwide statistic 72 million active users of whom 60 million are men. The US statistic is 7.8 million active users of whome over 7 million are men.


Exactly. The numbers are massively stacked against the men. Which the men only make worse, by only selecting the most attractive women. Then they complain like it’s a 1:1 gender ratio and it’s the women being too picky.


Not sure about what i say so beware but from what i remember its not even 80% of women that match with 20% of men, its that 80% of a sample of women rate 20% of men as more attractive than average


Thanks for the info, yeah it’s definitely not possible for only 20% of the male race to be having 80% of the women to themselves. It definitely is just data.


> he idea that 10% of the men gets 80% of the women sounds kinda plausible. It isn't > If the 80/20 Rule is true, then the male median should be MUCH lower than the female median. The center number in the set should be the average male, who has very little access to a female given that 80% are fucking the top 20%. This is not true, the male median is higher. This means that if anything a few promiscuous females are having sex with a large percentage of males, the opposite of the 80/20 rule. > ... > This table shows that the majority of the population remains serially monogamous. The majority of women are not cucking their bfs, fucking chads or riding the cock carousel. This was true for women in their 20s as well, about 65% of them were monogamous. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheBluePill/comments/4jnwn7/serious_post_debunking_8020_and_hypergamy_with/


What’s wrong with it? There are plenty womanisers, while most man doesn’t have or have a very little sex.


So this isn’t about women this is about jealousy that some men are playboys?


Remember 80/20 rule


80/20 rule is a misreading of a study that allows insecure men to remove any sense of self ownership of their issues Scapegoating your insecurities on women and “chads” when there are many men who are similar to you who are in successful relationships