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I get that it's beside the point, but it really bugs me when somebody says "at least" and then puts a range.


This person also says "every 3 days of the week." Clearly they make words bad.


considering a week has 7 days that's like twice a week? isn't easier to say "twice a week" rather than "every 3 days of the week"?


I think they really mean every three days and the "of the week" part is just superfluous. Either way, it's an awkward sentence.


I think they meant three days per week, and the "every" part was superfluous.


Also possible. I think this is just more proof it's a poorly written sentence.


I'm glad I wasn't the only one who was irritated by this.


I got bug-eyed at ‘can actually cook and do laundry’. What the what?


Huh. Nobody actually wants a mommas boy and it’s telling that “can actually cook and do the laundry” is on the list lol Like yeah sorry I want my adult partner to be fully functional lmfao


Nah, you don't understand. She wants him to call her Momma while doing all the dishes and laundry. Kinky shit, ya know?


That one made me do a double take.


You never wanna marry a momma's boy.




Because mommy will always be right. Mommy will always be first. Mommy will practically be the wife. He will never take the wife's side in anything. He will never stand up to boundary stopping or inappropriate behavior. There's often enmeshment and sometimes covert incest. If they're Christian, he will never be right to his wife. "-man shall leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife" you can't be a partner to your wife if you're leaving space in your marriage for mommy. She can give advice, but she shouldn't be in a position of power over the relationship.


Personally I don't care if people have these kinds of preferences, but I will look at you sideways if you turn around and whine about not being able to find a partner, and scream "where are the good men/women are". I'm surprised that some people on here are pretending like these kinds of lists are only made by men, we should probably accept that men and women can be fairly unhinged when it comes to this.




Happy cake day :3




Awh! Twincels! <3




What 💀


She called me an incel, which is fucking insane. What else would you like to know?


I think she was just joking bro 😭




relax bro 😭


I’ll take “Shit that no woman actually said or did” for $1,000


Im sure its been said. Is it representative of every woman? Absolutely fucking not. But just like there's guys with insane standards, there are women that do the same


Yea for sure. I just felt like nuance would rob the comedic value of the comment


I'm 100% sure there are actually quite a few woman like that. Because I have met them. But I also know they are an extremely loud minority and Mose woman are not insane. Insanity happens to all genders.


Because no woman in the history of humankind has ever been shallow. Anyone who says otherwise is an incel, because reasons. /s


All of us are shallow. We’re bombarded with media from birth that teaches us to think that way. The point is, the incel who made this list likely didn’t hear any of those things from a woman directly. He probably made it up or exaggerated because he consumes incel content.


Honestly, you'd be surprised


Of course there are women with unrealistic standards. Just as there are men with unrealistic standards. I didn’t feel like nuance would add to the comedic impact of my comment. And I feel like this likely fictitious list was made by an incel based on the “toxic behavior” of females as described to him by other incels on the internet. He likely hasn’t had enough experiences romantically to accurately form a real list, whether a joke or not, that could account for the spectrum of female dating criteria. Is this sufficient?


I mean, the 6’2-6’4 thing is an absolute joke lol.


So you haven't met a woman who has said that? Cuz I have.


Same. There are many who care but also a lot who don't


Mhm, that's why I find it odd that ppl are denying that it's common for women to like tall guys more than short guys (guys taller than them, at least). But I'm getting downvoted.


Yeah but like it's a surface level thing I feel like. Like yeah if you ask a girl what kind of guys she likes or what's her preference she will say tall, but when he's actually talking to somebody that she enjoys being with I don't think most of them would really care. That's the difference between meeting in person and online dating. I said it a bit weird but I hope you get what I'm trying to say


Yeah. Yeah, I get it. The guy in question would be too good to pass up, right?


it's not even that. It's just that when you meet people in person, you start to see their more inner value and positive energy that makes you not care about physical appearance that much. For example, my usual type is blonde but my girlfriend is dark brunette. Obviously I still find her extremely beautiful and these types of physical preferences don't even come to my mind when I'm with her because she makes me feel happy.


I’m 6’2” and jacked.It is true that at least some women enjoy those traits. I have friends that are not, they still have successful dating lives. I’m sure there’s data that would point to the vast majority of heterosexual women ending up with partners taller than them. But that isn’t the point. The point is that incels will find any excuse to be pieces of shit, disparage women, and double down on an external locus of control.


I get you, but looking for men taller than them is different from the 6’2-6’4 thing.


I mean tbf I’m 6’1, but I know 5’8 guys with crazy good game. It’s just more incel excuses imo


Just becuase there are women who will date someone less than 6'2 doesn't not mean women who won't don't exist.


I’m in no way implying that. I’m just saying that’s not the case for most women. It’s just another excuse for men who are incapable of using their other traits to attract the women they’re seeking.


Sure that might not have been you intention, but I'm just pointing out that your response about the 5'8 guys having good game in no way invalidates what the other guy said about there absolutely being women out there with such ridiculous hight standards.




Nah that's a joke about those "lists" they make. Brilliant.


In the actual post the commenters went off at her and she didn’t feel the need to state “it’s a joke” or anything. I may need to copy-paste this point since I can’t edit the post,


this is obvi bad, but i think it’s sarcasm cuz this is usually what men/incels post lol


It’s TikTok (aka Femcel’s Paradise) I heavily doubt that. Also the woman posted her face and everything, with a serious expression. I should also add that when the commented were calling her out she did not respond to a single one. You think she’d go “it’s satire”.


Tiktok is definitely not a femcels paradise. Believe me 🤣


Maybe it’s just the algorithm but I have not seen a single app with more people who are openly misandrist. Not even Reddit.


Honestly that’s a red flag for you and your algorithm as the tiktok algorithm is really specific to you and your watching habits…


Well tik tok has a large demographic of young girls. When every other social media space is quite toxic towards girls for literally just existing, it's not shocking that they congregate on tik tok and subsequently enact the same thing that has been happening to them for years...albeit its hypocritical but hey you reap what you sow 🤷‍♀️


I think it's better not to add more fuel to the fire tho


How often do you call out men for adding fuel to the fire?


Quite often


There's always the argument of being the bigger person and not retaliating, but at a point, you just have to laugh. Though I agree but hey it's how the world works.


Yeah, I would rather not get offended by what some weird standards some girl on TikTok has. It's not my concern, even if I know them irl.


Valid tbh.


‘femcels’? let me just say that although there are some shitty/shallow women, the term ‘femcel’ when in relation to ‘incel’ is simply not comparable. that’s an ignorant thing to say and tiktok being a ‘femcel paradise’ is even dumber…


Definitely not dumber than your comment.


Funny, but neither of the two men she listed meets her height requirements....


Isn’t this satire of those long ass requirements that some men do 💀


In the actual post the commenters went off at her and she didn’t feel the need to state “it’s a joke” or anything. I may need to copy-paste this point since I can’t edit the post,


Obvious satire is... Not that obvious, apparently.




And your reason being?




You just *really* want to be offended, hey?




It's literally a direct parody of the lists the incel guys make on these same types of videos. Point for point, in order. It's definitely satire. She was trolling, you got trolled, own it and move on.


Ah so when incel do it, it’s serious but when women who is also an inc does it it’s trolling and not to be taken just as serious mikeytruelove I understand.


It’s not “obvious satire” you have little context. In the actual post the commenters went off at her and she didn’t feel the need to state “it’s a joke” or anything.


So she's a good satirist, is what you're saying. Your naivety is showing.


Yeah cause obviously women could never make these lists unironically. Only men are stupid enough to do that amirite.




I get the gist of this sub now.... What a garbage.


No real woman would ever want a momma's boy. This is an Incel Fan Fiction.


Wait, so I can't talk to female cousins, coworkers, store staff or customers? This is crazy. Either you trust the guy or you don't. If they aren't a 'dirty man whore', it's probably safe for them to talk to other women in the world.


Tbh, I am not gonna shut this down as satire, as it's not out of the realm of impossibility for a woman to make such a list.


“Why am I single?”


Maybe she isn’t. She’s joking or it’s a dude


How do you know?


I am not autistic


Yep all girls are good, only boys are bad. Grow up kiddo otherwise u gonna face so many genuine problems.


No worries, this “kiddo” is good. Happily married, love my family and job. And I can recognize a joke.


Well, I can agree with the daily massage part. My husband and I give each other massages right before bed while listening to YouTube videos to time how long we each get. The ritual helps both of us sleep better at night. Half of the standards are completely nuts though. No talking to women unless she's his mother or daughter? So if he has any sisters, they're out of luck entirely? Or female cousins? Not to mention it's generally impossible in most jobs to entirely avoid needing to communicate with people of both genders to actually get things done.




Um... O.k. I don't even know where ti begin. I know zero women with these expectations. High value women too (A gross term, but didn't know what else to say). It's like this guy watches the hallmark channel or something. What an intriguing bouquet of bs


Well, I knew of some girls like that, but we were he same age (still teens ~15)


Yikes. Seems like those people are just lame I general. Idiotic expectations someone has at age 15 should not be counted as reasonable expectations of an adult. That list is nonsense


Yeah, they were super obsessed with K-pop idols and shit. If you weren't Asian, you'd have to be a black guy who's tall and muscular; if you were white, you'd have to look like some celebrity (particularly tall and muscular too, like celeb vibes ig). BTW, I am sure that the shit I went through with them is why I admittedly have incel tendencies sometimes, and why I am suspected of schizophrenia. They put me through a lot of stress, but I am still recovering, thankfully. Edit: Also, just for reassurance, girls aren't usually strict with height, right? (especially like this)


I mean I was never strict with height or weight. I’m 5’1” and dated guys a little taller and a lot taller. I personally never had a true preference but it is easier to kiss and talk to a shorter guy. I’ve dated chubby guys, gum rats and everything in between. The most important thing is being a nice person. It sounds cheesy and dumb but it’s true. No one wants a push over or anything but a guy you can confide in would have been greatly appreciated. Please remove yourself from the intel stuff. It will become a self fulfilling prophecy. Look, I’m bipolar and it wasn’t easy for me to find someone either.


OK, thank you for this. I just hope I can find someone again.


You will. There is a lid for every pot. Keep at it. If you keep rolling snake eyes, go to therapy. I’m a woman who I guess is considered classically attractive and I needed help finding a long term partner. Some less complicated people have an easier time finding someone. Some people are hateful dicks, and a lot of people need some help finding a long term partner. It’s not just incels. It’s not just men. It’s a lot of people.


That’s obviously satire meant to mirror incels.


In the actual post the commenters went off at her and she didn’t feel the need to state “it’s a joke” or anything. I may need to copy-paste this point since I can’t edit the post,


Tiktok is full of trolls like that though.


“Mean to everyone except for me” isn’t something even a typical incel would write,


As I said - mirror, not imitate!


I think we should still use the "When people tell you who they are, believe them."


Downvote me but I’m sensing some misandrist vibes from people who think this is satire. The implication that only men can be stupid enough to unironically make lists like this, when in reality, the original TikTok features a woman with a serious expression as if she means it, and when all the comments call her out she doesn’t respond “it’s satire” or anything.


No way you actually believe misandry is a real issue LMAO


Yeah cause sexism against men doesn’t exist amirite. Just like racism against white people too.


Neither of those things are real? There is no reverse form of any oppression, sexism and racism are systemic… Are you stupid?


Cool so if I said “all men should be viciously tortured good or not” that’s not misandrist. You’re not special. Everyone’s a victim. Stop acting like the world is against you or some shit.




Exactly, like… when I see a POC say ‘I hate white people’, I don’t get offended, cause in the end, that’s just words. White people are, unfortunately, the ruling class when it comes to race, the same way men are when it comes to gender. Besides, women’s hatred of men is reactionary, but it doesn’t hold power. We do not have the power to oppress them, and like you said, it’s just a few words in the end, while men’s hatred of women has deadly consequences for us.


We shouldn’t treat misandry and racism against white people like they don’t matter though. Atrocious acts have still been committed. It dosen’t matter that they’re “less often” the still happen, I would know as a male rape victim.




U should definitely seek help buddy, u reek of bull shit.


Wake up bud, this iz not 18th century. There are men who are abused by women too. Or u think they can't cause u think that women are too weak to do that?


Again… one is systemic, one is not. I’m sorry you have trouble grasping basic concepts.


I’m genuinely frightened by this comment. r/twoxchromosomes behavior. Yes, I went there.


You need to seek professional help, buddy.




Can you give me an example in which a POC saying they hate white people has harmed a white person? Or an example in which a woman saying she hates men has harmed a man?








They are, actually, someone online called me a ‘cracker’ once, and they cut my electricity because of it SMH 😣😣😣


1. who wants a cheater, right? 2. i can buy my own stuff, but like 3 a month wouldn't be bad 3. if incels can say they like underage girls i can say i like tall guys 4. not insecure, he knows what would happen if he cheats, don't mess with crazy 5. of fucking course, that's bare minimum 6. don't know them, but i'd settle with him being physically active, doesn't matter if he's not built like momoa o cavil 7. what? 8. think about it, if he's mean with everyone but me does that mean he's hiding his true self from me? besides, i don't like assholes 9. i'd say a healthy relationship, because a "momma's boy" would see me as a replacement of his mom and that's a nope from me 10. If you wanna be my lover You have got to give Taking is too easy, but that's the way it is




>are you defending the female or what Not to disagree with you but this line is crazy lol


Au contraire, im giving my anwser to her requirements


Oh ok


What, the post is made by someone like you ig.


"It's not into that "man suicide awareness" garbage"  what a terrible human being. Disgusting.


A momma's boy? Trust me, you don't want that, unless you plan on marrying momma too!


massages one is valid my bf knows i get snappy without my daily neck rub 🤷‍♀️


Judging by the comments Man does or says something=incel Woman does/says the same thing=probably satire, it doesn't represent all women, probably made by an incel, etc