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r/iamverybadass going on here as well. MAGA and incels are pathetic.


And I did all this by... what, exactly? Ah... right... Being blissfully unaware of your existence, and not fucking you.


Apparently, us women are... (checks notes) "gatekeeping sex and causing the male lonliness epidemic." Or so I've been told over Reddit DMs many times...


How dare you not submit to their basic need and cause their loneliness??? /S


But also…using them for their bodies??


Right? It can’t be “men have needs and need to be slept with more” and “you’re using us for our bodies” at the same time 😭 make it make sense


Psh, *women!* Always tryin’a hit it and quit it, am I right??


Well, I know I am. Didn’t know anybody else was doing it


I assumed this was a "only men fight wars/do manual labor" thing


Ahh. That makes much more sense!


Men: „If women don’t want (kids, be r*ped, be called a whore) they shouldn’t have sex.“ Same men: „Women are gatekeeping sex. How dare they not fuck me.“


I've had incels DM me saying I'm a 304 who is "for the streets" and also had other ones message me saying: "You'll die alone all because you set your stupid boundaries!" It's honestly wild. They claim women are sleeping around but also claim women are gatekeeping sex at the same time... Make it, make sense! Here is the post that has that screenshot: https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelTears/s/O2HEYuxAFy


I’ve stopped having my regular avatar on here due to so many people dming me about that sort of thing when I’ve never even interacted with them.


Or it's just irrelevant people desperate to be heard without ever thinking of going to therapy.


They need to realize that the male loneliness shit is self-inflicted and well deserved because of how they act and treat women.


How dare you exist! :D Sorry, Could not rezist...Some times I'm whising to have more DM's cus I really like to talk with people, but then I see stuff like this and I'm like..."Nah I'm happy for what I got. Not worth it." :D


There literally isn't a male loneliness epidemic. Women just tend to date older men so the younger just has to wait till they're older.


There's a loneliness epidemic, but it's just that everyone generally is feeling lonelier, the idea that men are suffering more from it is just kind of absurd.


The problem with the men who suffer is that there is a larger percentage of them who cannot figure out any ways of alleviating it. Women have more of a tendency to fill their lives with other social outlets, with friends, family, even workplace socializing. A much larger percentage of men can't or won't do that. So, for the men, it's more of a "lack of proper social skills" epidemic.


Everyone is suffering, men may very well be suffering more... But it's purely because men by and large *do not support each other* while women support other women. Men far too often solely rely on a romantic partner for ALL their emotional needs, and won't look elsewhere if they're single.


And most research points to the lack of friends causing the issues with males, not sex.


No. I mean research literally suggests that the same amount of men and women are in relationships now as they were in the past 10-ish years. It's just that women go for older men and men go for younger women. It's literally just that young dudes haven't aged into the dating pool yet.


“Research”. Citation needed.


https://www.realmenrealstyle.com/older-men-younger-women/#:~:text=An%20incredible%2056%25%20of%20women,a%20bit%20of%20female%20psychology. https://www.ipsos.com/en-us/news-polls/age-gap-dating https://www.zoosk.com/date-mix/dating-advice/older-men-dating-younger-women/ It's not that hard a thing to Google. This isn't even the first time this has been discussed in this sub. Not sure why people spontaneously forgot and a disagreeing with it now. But yeah. Women like men older than them and men like women younger than them. The studies that claim that 60% of men are single were conducted on Gen Z. They literally just have to get older.


LOL when i was younger i tried to date men my age and everyone just wanted to fuck around.. and old guys wanted to... cheat on their wives.


The more things change the more they stay the same.


its just funny telling older women who aren't married they're past their prime.. like someone couldve married me 10 years ago. now i dont want to, but lucky me cause im "passed my prime"


I've been with the same person since we were 15, so I'm glad to not be giving them what they "need".


I'm 30, so they wouldn't even want me anyway. And I say THANK FUCK to that.


You're welcome, little bitch.


Lmaoo I love your replies


Thank you. 😄


Fully read this in Lucifer’s voice


Girl, help- LMAOOOO


LMAOOOO what the fuck is this? it’s hilarious


It's so cringe it's funny




Literally described what men do to women, but okay.


Tbf men do way worse things to women actually.


All takes on women are just self projections


This is incredibly true! It also applies the other way around


Let's look at which racial group beats their spouse despite being a small percentage of the population


Or, maybe.... Juuuuust maybe.... Sometimes some people do shitty things to other people, and what variety of genitals we happened to be born with has nothing to do with it....


I’ve been living at a women’s shelter for over a month now. The women I have met and the shit they’ve been through lets me say this with absolute certainty: it’s not the same. Yes, men suffer from domestic abuse, too. And it’s still not the same. The stuff we have survived would give you nightmares. We all arrived here black and blue, some with broken bones. Yes, everyone can be shitty. But I have not met a lot of women who sex trafficked their boyfriends or passed them over to be fucked by their sibling. And that’s just a fraction of what happened to me. He did so much more and so much worse


I'm genuinely sorry to hear your story. I did not grow up in a happy family and have witnessed much domestic abuse first hand. I abhor it. I despise anyone who commits it (I cut my wife beating cunt dad out of my life many years ago and would spit on him if I saw him now). You have my absolute sympathy for what you have had to endure. All that being said, I don't see how this factors in to to anything I've said. The original post did not mention or even elude to domestic violence, sexual abuse or anything physical. My comments would have been different if that had been the case. The accusations made in the original post were: Manipulating us. Ruining our lives. Depression. Victim blaming. Trust issues. Using us for our bodies. Turning us into the villain. [I seriously can't believe I'm having to type this complete and utter horseshit] The only point I have tried to make this whole time is that it's completely unreasonable to think that it's shit for incels to accuse women of doing these things, and to then say "well actually it's the men that do these things". It's not. It's shitty men and shitty women and shitty others who do shitty things. Blaming one gender for these things is not the right answer. The incels are (obviously) wrong, and the people saying it's actually the men doing it are also wrong. And I 100% acknowledge that if domestic violence or rape were on the list, then those things are committed far more by men and I would have spoken differently. But they weren't.


It’s very much implied, though. How many other contexts do you know, where people commonly blame the victim apart from rape and domestic abuse, for example? Ruining our lives, using us for our bodies… that’s also something commonly said by women who have been abused.


We know the context in which it was said; it was an incel whining about women making him sad by not sleeping with him. Do you honestly think that he was actually implying that women are raping and domestically abusing him?


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. Personally, I think takes like this are so hurtful to women. Gender doesn’t matter when it comes to these behaviors described in the original post. If you don’t want it said about women, you can’t say “oh but men do this.” *People* do these things. When we say “it’s not right to say this about women but it’s okay to say it about men,” we’re encouraging the double standards we claim to be fighting against. Sure, lots of men do these things, but so do women. And yes, women can do things equal to men even in their awfulness. Jodi Arias, anyone? Sarah Boone locked her boyfriend in a suitcase and laughed while he suffocated to death. There are probably so many of underreported cases of domestic violence against men because female abusers will try to frame the situation as the male being the aggressor. Does this mean DV against women is any less severe or important of topic? Of course not!! Why do people act like acknowledging one negates the other? It doesn’t at all. Both are horrific. In fact, to me, it boils down to the same issue of toxic masculinity. Men can’t say when they’ve been abused because it makes them weak. If we didn’t project this on men, it might not be as big a problem. Anyway, we can’t dismiss men’s issues to lift up women’s issues. We can lift up women’s issues without disparaging the very real issues men also face.


Thanks, I genuinely appreciate your reply. I never in a million years thought the concept of not fighting bigotry with literally the exact same bigotry would be controversial in the slightest.


It’s telling you comment this specifically underneath a post like the one above.


What do you mean? What is telling? I have no idea what you are talking about. I legitimately cannot fathom how someone can think it's awful to judge a whole gender and yet think its okay to judge another whole gender. Can you or someone else please tell me why it's apparantly so audacious to think that we shouldn't be blanket condemning all women OR all men? (Or, for that matter, condemning any group based on circumstances out of their control).


It’s because you don’t call out the post for being cringe. Instead of that, you immediately jump on the idea that everyone in these comments is demeaning the poor cis guys:( You somehow completely missed the point. The post is complaining about something that most women have to face on a daily basis by the entirety of society. Men aren’t in the majority of victims of sexual crimes. They aren’t usually the ones being murdered by their partners. Sure, an individual can say they’re lonely, but you have to be extremely detached from reality to whine about women being mean online while ignoring all the statistics. Where this ties into your comment? Almost no one specifically hates everyone who was assigned male at birth. So saying people here base it on genitals is idiotic. They’re just pointing out the inconsistency of the post and comparing it to what they have to face (again, by the majority of society) on a daily basis. You saw that, and immediately felt the need to defend people with penises, instead of understanding where these comments came from. That’s why you’re being downvoted. Not because all of these people hate others with certain genitals.


I didn't "miss the point of the post", I wasn't commenting on the point of the original post, I was specifically replying to the following comment: "Literally described what men do to women". They could have said "it's more common for men to do this to women" and I may have agreed (not because of genetics, but simply because of the increased opportunity to get away with it due to a long history of male privilege afforded by an unfair patriarchical system). They didn't though. They recognised the shittyness of the incel spewing bile at all women, and, rather than condemning the behaviour, simply flipped the script and redirected the same bile towards all men. I will reiterate one last time. This is really really straight forward- Spewing hatred towards women is disgusting. Spewing hatred towards men is disgusting. Spewing hatred towards any group based on their genetics is disgusting. People can be good and people can be shitty, but this is NOT determined by gender. You don't fight bigotry with more bigotry.


Youre getting downvoted for this, but I agree


Many in this group recognise that it's disgusting for the incels to make disparaging comments against all women, and then go and do the same thing about all men (or some other group they want to villainise).. Despite the fact that most would claim otherwise, it's clearly not the actual behaviour that they're disgusted by, but rather it's simply that the behaviour is directed against their group. They're happy to behave the same way, just so long as it's directed at someone else. Anyone that stigmatises whole groups of people based on traits that are completely out of their control is no better than the incels IMO.


Essentially. I will say that not everything is an exact equivalent, so I can understand some not feeling the exact same way everywhere its presented, but I do think mass generalizations of inherit groups are always bad and it is at least hypocritical to just turn the same behavior around to another group if you claim to be against bigotry


Let his mom know that (+ using them for their body? Bish like women doesn't suffer from SA and are the main victims of objectification, trans people in general also included)


Before finding my current bf, do you know how many guys would try to disrespect my boundaries? You know how many times I stated on my dating profile and from the start that, and I quote: "I don't participate in hookup culture, I don't do fwb, I don't do casual hookups, and I don't do one night stands. Etc" They'd go on the date and be trying to feel me up. They'd be trying to get me to go back to their place. Shit like that. When it was clear they were **NOT** getting sex from me, they would cuss me out or ghost me. Despite explaining this many times on reddit, I still have bitter incels calling me a 304, saying I clearly lead these men on, or that I'll "die alone because I set my stupid boundaries". Etc etc But yeah, lots of men seem to want to use women for sex in my experience. Tons of my gal pals have had similar experiences with men.


I understand... I haven't been through this but i did got groomed a lot between my 12-14 yo, and recently there was a guy here on Reddit that I thought that would be a cool friend, but even after telling multiple times about my bf (we're together for 1 year and 1 month) he kept hitting on me, I'm so sorry for you, it feels like women and even trans people (doesn't matter their identity or biological sex) suffer from such things


100%. I've had guys DM and try hitting on me as well, despite clearly stating that I have a bf. Guys don't seem to respect boundaries nowadays. Like, I'm sorry, the minute a person says they are in a relationship, YOU STOP FLIRTING AND/OR PURSUING THEM! End of story!


EXACTLY!! like bro i just said "oh I love plushies, i can't sleep without them" and bro pull out "I can't be ur plushie" BISH STFU, I ONLY CUDDLE WITH MY BF, MOM, GRANDMA AND MY LITTLE BRO, UR NOT INCLUDED!! Why men are like this? :(


They also almost always seem to make the conversation sexual for NO REASON!


OMG YES, when i said I'm currently dealing with a stalker and i def want to beat up this stalker, this man said he would let me dominate him??? DUDE I'M TAKEN!! It's not the first time this happens, and it's sad that some men took advantage of my childish innocence (the grooming i been through that i mentioned) to talk about sex to me and how they wanted to do stuff to me like ewewew


That's such a cringy line, regardless 😭 He thought that would work??


Probably, bish thought he had a chance with me, even though I'M HAPPILY TAKEN


I’ve had them say (when I tell them I have a bf): “I don’t mind” or “I won’t tell anyone” I feel like this is one of those “you’re telling on yourself” situations because having feelings for someone and being loyal to them is apparently something they cannot even fathom.


I’m super sorry to hear what you went through, nobody deserves that. I personally was recently wondering if creating a dating profile for myself would be ok since I’m in the same boat as you (I don’t participate in hookup culture) and I find that dating apps are usually for those. Is this true in your opinion? Should I give the apps a try?


They are always worth a try! My friends and several family members have had success with dating apps. One of my friends is getting married soon to a guy she met on P.O.F a few years ago. Just be careful, you might attract fuck Bois. I recommend making it clear in your profile what you are looking for and what you aren't looking for. (Like, short and sweet. Not like a huge list!) For me, I made it clear in my old profile that I am childfree and don't want kids(non-negotiable) and that I don't do hookups. I also listed my hobbies and interests. Even with all this said, you may have weed out the weirdos. It's not fun, but it's part of the process.


I don’t mean to derail from what you’re saying- but what on earth is a 304? Incels need a dictionary, I swear


304 is their way of calling a woman a hoe.


Where does that come from?


I'm not sure. First saw it on tiktok. I think they started it to get past possible censorship.


>using them for their body? They're probably referring to (mandatory) military service, and hard physical labour, both of which tend to affect men more. But women could make the same point about physical care work and also, it's not like systems that go "let's send the men to the meat grinder" are female dominated...


Somebody call the whambulance.


Pretty sure every character they used for this would tell them off for acting like an entitled little bitch.


Of all of them I know 3 and they have nothing to do with manipulative women? Naruto was treated like shit by the village at large and at most the fault was his father's for turning him into a Jinchuriki. Gojo suffered because he lost his best friend because the dude went evil after witnessing 1)death of a girl 2)abuse of 2 little girls, so if anything the women here are the biggest victims. Tobi goes evil because he saw the girl he loved die. Again, I think the girl got the short end of the stick again in this one too. They literally just picked randomly, there is plenty of manipulative female characters, couldn't they think of any?


They should have used the mc from shield hero. That women ruined him.


I would've used all pics of Lupin. Fujiko Is friggin trash 🤣


Denji would have at least made sense, even if he isn’t a raging incel.


100% agreed.


Aww, whiny baby mad no one wants a nightmare relationship with him?


How do women cause depression? Am I automatically depressed because I'm a woman? Is this something scientifically proven? Is there a cure? I don't want to spread depression and cooties. Do women spread depression through sneezing? Should I tell my dad to quarantine himself?


You cause men to be depressed because you don’t date every single man who asks you, regardless of whether or not you’re attracted to them.


It's like being a carrier, you don't have symptoms of the disease itself, you simply transmit it to people you come in contact with except in the case of incels you transmit it to people you have NOT come in contact with because INCEL LOGIC IS LIKE ESCHER ARCHITECTURE ONLY NOT BEAUTIFUL


Damn they thought they ate with this 😭🙏


>using us for our bodies I doubt the person who posted this was used for their body...


Why don’t they just fuck each other instead. It’s a simple solution really.


"Turning me into a villain" and it's fucking Obito 😭😭😭 Can we ban the oop from Naruto fandom please 🥺


every day is a bad day to be a self aware naruto fan


These guys give them selves way too much credit You have to actually do something villainous to be a villain…what exactly have most of these guys done again? Oh. Right. Nothing.


Villains often blame others for who they are... but these people don't pay attention to the media they watch. These villains did it all themselves. They're just making excuses. No one manipulated them. If their lives are ruined, they did it themselves. Women didn't cause their depression. They aren't victims of anyone but themselves. If they don't trust, that's not on women. Using their bodies? They're complaining about not being allowed to use women's bodies. No one made the villain be the villain.


“Using us for our bodies” I thought they don’t have sex?


You would have to actually interact with a woman to be able to directly blame them for you being a "villain". Thanking your disgusting behavior, pedophilia and desire to legalize rape and sexual slavery would be far more accurate. 🖕


I GIGGLED This has to be a gen alpha


> This has to be a gen alpha I mean Millennials had the gamergate era and Gen Zs had the Andrew Tate era ... sadly no generation of teenage boys is safe from cringe


I knew this post (OOP, not you OP) was gonna be a pathetic rant when I saw the first slide. The anime pictures make it so much worse, I laughed out loud. And then he said women are the ones who victim blame, lol


This is the most loaded projection I've seen from them yet.


This went from light cringe but kinda wholesome to cringe x5


I bet my entire tuition that this was made by a 15 year old shitkid who's angry because their crush didn't want to go out with them


"Turning me into the villain 😈" middle school is rough


This is why kids shouldn’t have access to social media.


"booooh women balme the victims" ....... Uh.... Meanwhile incels: want to r@pe girls and blame them for it TASK FAILED SUCCESSFULLY


You're welcome 🤷‍♀️




If you change women to anime it makes a lot more sense.


Jesus….You can either be hateful or crying but both is a no no


Hey bud no one is going to use you for your body. No one wants to touch your peepee ok.


Gojo would never


These guys can’t get laid, how are they getting used for their bodies 😂😭


A Villian?? On Obito?? Gtfo


Omg guys watch out! He’s the villain!


Watch out guys we got a real badass over here


Hahahahahahahaha! Good.


They need to leave Naruto out of this. He’d kick their asses for acting like weak, whiny, little bitches who break down and blame everyone else every time they have a problem. He’d certainly never be okay with their behavior towards women.


A fourteen year old probably made that.


Yikes. This is peak Incel cringe. "turning me in to the villain" nah bro, you did that yourself.


Looks like some shit a teenager would post after getting their heart broken lol


not the anime villain


Nobody turns you into a villain but *yourself*. Evil behaviour is always a choice. Blaming other people for your own actions is the logic of an abuser. "Look at what you made me do!" Accept responsibility instead.


Why is it always whiny bullshit interspersed with anime? Is there no representation for how they're feeling other than some silliness with over-the-top characters? And no, pal... you're not "the villain". You're just a whiny little bitch that hates himself and can't see that YOU are the problem. The reason people don't like you is because you exude that hatred.


I am depressed but I'll never blame women for that, I never took care of myself and now I'm facing a mountain of problems... I kinda asked for it




That “turning me into the villain” sounds like someone who is manipulative and abusive. You know the type. They abuse the people around them, then blames their victims for “making me do it”.


Sounds like someone has mommy issues


Translation: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaah I am not allowed to oppress and own women, I'm SooooOOOooooOOOOO manipulated!


This is max level cringe. How bad of a villain could he possibly be? He going to send a strongly worded DM? Send a pic of his piss bottle collection?


I guess the proper equivalent is “thank you men for murder and rape.”


Am I the only one who’s cool with being used for my body? I’m getting divorced. I ain’t in a hurry for another relationship.


"making me into the villain" 😭


Anime is such a huge part of this Venn diagram, that’s like a free bingo square


Pizza cutter mentality


You're welcome. Any time 😌😌😌😌


You’re welcome!!


Oh god the cringe!


I know the comments gotta be 20 times crazier than the post itself 😭


You’re welcome :) Also apparently I was the villain first so like, maybe get your own thing? Like, if I’m in the role of evil manipulator who enjoys ruining lives just for funsies definitely makes me the villain here, stop copying me. Im trying to think of if I’ve ever ruined someone’s life or at least done something pretty upsetting. I guess there was that time I married a guy and now he’s forced to cuddle and watch movies together and has to deal with being told how hot he looks, bought random gifts, and having his meals paid for. He even has to deal with having a naked woman with big tits in his bed every night. I just love tormenting men in an evil and heartless way. /s if needed


Gojo Satoru would laugh at this man. I have no doubt about that.


You’re welcome! Any time :) -woman




😂 I can already see what this "Villain" looks like. Two extremes. Acne ridden poor hygienic skinny twig of a boy with long "emo" hair covering his right eye at around nose level with a bad slump or your typical overweight m'lady boy.


Before clicking through I assumed this was just a lesbian post hahah. So I'll say it. Thank you women for being everything


hahaha wait a minute are you serious? let me laugh harder hahaha.


r/im14andthisisdeep Yeah. This Facebook post was cringe af.


Using us for our bodies 🤣🤣 Yeah that's something mostly women do, not a problem we ourselves face at all. I also found it stupidly funny "ruining our lives" was it's own category and not just a result of all these other things.


I should have stopped at slide one


Goddamn women y'all OP.


The anime slides made me laugh but then it kept going and I got MadSad


You're welcome


Peak r/im14andthisisdeep


no way that's not satire. it looks like that was made by a 12 year old 💀


You're welcome!


Lost me at “using us for our bodies”


this is so unbelievably funny


Watch out we got a bad ass over here! 🤣




Christ, this made me angry.


You are absolutely welcome 💖


I hope they see this post again in ten years and cringe




ok cool men did this to me and i’m not exactly advocating for their deaths


Exactly. But we ladies are so mean! We bully them and want all men dead according to these incels. Like, no, we want you to stop spreading hateful, misogynistic bs, and leave us alone. Like, I've gotten annoyed at post on the internet, but I've never gone as far as to threaten someone in their DMs over it.


There is no way that anyone over the age of 15 made this.




The math ain't mathing with this one


“ turning me into the villain” LMAOOOOO I CANNOT they really think they’re edgy anime boys


i'm pretty sure this one's satire, actually! still funny though


Doesn't he mean "using Chad for his body?" Chads don't whine about being pumped & dumped.


Why is it always the weird anime guys.


Sometimes I really like to believe that this is all just a silly joke they’re playing and they don’t actually believe anything they say.


Huh, wah. But bet if a girl said same thing about them they’d scream horrid shit. But we must feel sorry for them


“Using us for our bodies”? 🙄


😂😂😂😂 Lol




You're welcome ❤️


They turned me into the villain 😈


I can’t take it seriously because of the edgy anime pics ☠️☠️


This is so sigma 😼