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Maybe you should start to compliment her Body more when she is around you and your husband?


That seems easy enough to do, she is a very attractive girl. And i dont think it would raise too much suspicion (if any) if i casually throw a few compliments towards her figure or revealing outfits. Thanks! Im gonna try this!


When she makes a comment to you about him or a question you should just nonchalant tell her she should find out for herself.


Ok! This is good! I could definitely agree with her when she makes flirtatious comments about her dad. Maybe even join her in admiring his physique and throw in a few encouraging comments of my own to let her know i fully agree


throw in a playful “…oh, you should see what he can do with it” lol 😄


Right. Like a little " you think he looks good you should see his ass" or things like that. When he is around compliment her body in ways to draw his attention to her. And be very flirty an be a kitten he but if naughty comments to him when she is around.


That's a great idea.


You should make them even closer


Yes, I think i would like that very much


That's normal


I actually find these confessions much more interesting. It's really hot to think about and I totally get it. I have very similar thoughts and reluctance to bring it up. I'm sure you've also thought about what that moment might be like if you do tell him and how you'd want him to react. Maybe he'd be a little unsure, but deep down, he's had these thoughts for a while and it takes him time to admit it. But that would be hot to make your husband fantasize about and think about his own daughter's pussy.


First i need to establish if this attraction from her to him is all in my head. Then i need to know if he is enticed by it aswell. Im worried that im misreading everything. Or worse! I ruin it by bringing it up. I am a bit stuck


She's your Daughter, she has your genes.Did you think about your Dad like this? Have you always been pro incest ? What about your Husband is he into incest in general, not specifically with your Daughter but someone else like maybe his Mom or Sister? If yes then it's very likely that your Daughter thinks like that as well.


Hubby never shared any stories about real life incest hes had. But he and i both enjoy incest porn and roleplay. I have always been intrigued by the bodies of my family members ever since i was a little girl. Both the male and female members of my immediate family like parents, siblings and extended family, aunts, uncles, cousins etc.


You should ask him if he has interest in real incest. If he would have fucked his sis or mother or atleast a cousin if he could. Then you can try and bring in your daughter into the conversation.


Not boring at all about your confession, it's just as exhilarating and exciting as any other! Do you think it's worth talking to her first before talking to him? She seems to be instigating something with her comments, lack of clothes, etc. so it might be worth trying to get some insight as to her state of mind, what she wants. That also includes YOU, what you want. Sure, you want your husband and daughter to get together, but would you be involved with them? Would you want them to be a regular thing or just an occasional thing? It's definitely worth thinking things over, and making absolutely sure it's something you're ALL comfortable with when the time is right.


Thank you. I feel like she is trying to instigate some kind of attraction from her father but i dont want to bring it up and be completely wrong. So i am hesitant to broach that subject head on with her. As for what I want... I have a recurring fantasy now of watching them "playing" together on the living room sofa, or him taking her from behind at the kitchen sink with one of her legs propped up on the counter while i sip my coffee at the table and enjoy the full view of him sliding in and out.. And oh my! There i go again 😅 my mind runs wild... Yes, i believe i would like it to be a regular thing.


Certainly sounds the case! I think there's definitely a way to gauge how she's feeling about her dad, just need to be very subtle about it. Just talk about him in a slightly more... open way, say how much of a good cuddler he is, how caring and giving he is, just innocent sounding things that could very well lead to not so innocent sounding things, haha! And you think that's a boring confession? Not in the least bit, lovely! Very erotic and very beautiful 😁 Let your mind go as wild as you wish! Would you want it to be purely about those two while you watch? Or would you want to be sexually involved with her too?


As much pleasure I think i would have at watching them engage sexually with each other, i would also love to be a part of it.... If theyd have me


I'm sure if they're fucking each other and you're watching them, they'd want you involved too. Why limit your incest to one parent when both parents can be involved? I couldn't help but notice that clip of the 'family' you posted 😉 Am I right in thinking you know if your daughter is into women as well as men?


Just a hunch.. Her and her friend group are quite friendly with each other


There's an old saying that relates very well to this particular hunch: mothers know best. If she's got feelings for her dad, it stands to reason she'll have similar feelings for her mom too. I hope you three get to recreate that clip you posted for real...


Those are hot thoughts


They definitely get me going lol


Yeah super sexy


Is it something you have experienced ???


I have experience with the thoughts as the daughter.


So you’re thinking about your parents ???




I wish you were my Daughter.


She's definitely trying to get your husbands attention. Have you tried talking with her? Maybe you two could come up with a plan.


I havent tried to talk with her about my suspicions... Im not sure how to even start approaching the subject. But in an ideal world, we would come up with a plan to seduce her father together! 😅 If ideal worlds existed 😔


It's definitely a tricky situation that requires a delicate touch. Maybe comment on how she's dressing, how you approve and if she's doing it for any particular reason.


Just ask her if his gym body is appealing to or stimulating.


That’s such a hot scenario


Instead of telling her to get dressed, encourage her by telling her it’s great to see she is comfortable with her body and shouldn’t be ashamed of it. Perhaps she’ll take it a step further and start touching herself in front of daddy. Maybe mommy can do the same and suggestively show her how much daddy turns her on. Give him hugs at the door, and discretely making him hard in front of her. Do it in a way that if she does not want to partake she sees it as mommy loves daddy very much.


Should have asked her for the towel for washing


Dangit! Opportunity lost! 😅




I can promise you it wouldnt be too much for him lol


He already knows how i like taboo kinks and he hasnt left me yet! 😅 But i think crossing over from fantasy incest porn to real life incest may be a huge leap for him.. I dont know..


Would he be freaked out if one day while getting fucked you throw in a "Daddy" ? See his reaction. Maybe show him some pretend-incest porn that you 'stumbled' across. If you need one, I'll send the link.


Oh we already throw around the words "daddy, and baby-girl" in the bedroom and we are no strangers to incest porn. But roleplaying and fantasy is one thing, im worried reality may be a big no no for him. *cough*.... Slide me that link 😉




One of my favorites. 😍


Assuming daughter is pretty like her mother? If she is sure dad's atleast noticed her 😈


Well. I think shes beautiful, but im her mother soooo. I may be a bit biased 😅


Hehe fair :) but he's her father and biased too.. and starting to want her and fantasy about her


Wow this is hot...in know it's crazy but you should at least confess your thoughts to your husband, maybe hold of telling him to go for it but at least tell him how you feel, he is your husband and should know if you're thinking that while he is fucking you


Im worried he would think im sick for thinking this way about him and our daughter. Especially about how much it turns me on and that i imagine it during sex with him.


Well you don't have to start out with how intense your feelings are just, confess you think he might find your sick, plead you might be, as you slowly work the idea into his head,. Let him think about how his daughter acts around him now, how she dresses she's how she teases. He might come to the same thoughts


Give him a chance


So scary though


So many ways for you to advance this. The ol tie him to the bed and blindfold comes to mind. Then you and your daughter work on him together. He will come around. In them meantime you and your daughter should spend some 1 on 1naked time sharing some wine......


Awesome and beautiful. I think you should talk to them separately. Ask hubby if he’s uncomfortable with seeing daughter flirting. Tell it doesn’t bother you. Encourage him to tease her back or get touchy feely with her, she needs it. Then talk to daughter and say you noticed and been thinking about it and it’s ok with you “we’re family “. How do you dress? Are you braless or wear skimpy clothes? If you are your daughter will be encouraged to wear the same. 😊 Please update us


So my father and I were very active together while my mom was still around. There was a few occasions where I know she knew it was happening and even watched from another room before. It was just never really discussed afterwards.


I think you should talk with your husband about it. Maybe just incest in general to start, then if he’s receptive, you can talk in terms of daddy daughter.🤷🏻‍♂️


We used to roleplay with daddy/daughter stuff. And talk about having a "play daughter" to share (horny heat of the moment sex talk, 🙄 you know how it goes lol) But our real life daughter?? I just dont wanna be wrong and mess everything up


Well during one of these role play sessions, you can ask him if he’s noticed how she’s paying attention to him and dressing more provocatively around him. And wonder allowed if she’s sexually attracted to him. If his reaction is negative, you can shrug it off and say that maybe you were reading more into her actions than you should have, and forget about it. It really sounds like you have an understanding relationship with your husband and he wouldn’t be disturbed by you casually talking about it.


Ah yes, that role play talk for him, likely is a true flag for real potential.


How would he like it if during sex you called him daddy?


Oh he loves that! 😅


Then maybe try floating the idea of him calling you by your daughter's name at those times, and/or you wearing her clothes. You could pass it off as your own kink while more firmly entrenching the thoughts and mental images in his head.


Hey what up


If only I could meet someone like you 😆 ❤️


Share with your daughter what turns him on. You might also tell your husband how sexy your daughter is.


Hmmm 🤔 I suppose i could try and mention certain thinhs about what "daddy really likes".. I could try and do that. And i can definitely compliment our daughters figure and attractiveness to him


Would want anything more to happen with them?


Yes i believe i would


Would u like eventually get involved too?




i wish my daughter mom was like you but ex and dont know


Let them try


Would you dare to accept it in reality?


I think so




Thanks! Lol im not sure how true that is, but thanks!


I wish you were my wife or Daughter.


He’ll probably see “this” coming


I’d talk to your daughter about it. Just be truthful. It will go somewhere


Not a boring confession at all. It’s very hot and I hope you explore it further


Next time she tries something like the towel move, maybe try giving her some space to up her game, find an excuse to leave the room. "That reminds me, I better go throw a load of laundry on."


You should definitely try and create situations where they can get closer and maybe for her to wear even less clothes


That's a good mom. I do hope it works out and eventually your hubby will be balls deep in in his little girl! I'm sure your hubby knows that she's trying to get his attention but he's probably worried about you. He may think that taking more interest in his daughter than his wife would hurt your relationship in the long run. Hence communication is important. The best way to start this is by making the family go nude. If she comes to out of the bathroom in her towel and chats with her daddy, don't tell her to get dressed. Ask her to strip. Then when your daughter and hubby are in the same room, give them some alone time and find out if she'll take the plunge. Last but not the least, chat with your h hubby and let him know that you want him to be with his little girl and that it would make you happy seeing them both together. Try it out and you'll be surprised! Good luck!


It’s great to see you do not feel threatened by your daughter. I’m guessing you wish you hadn’t mentioned her lack of cloths, now. There are many posts on here of women grooming their husbands to pursue a daughter. Just start slow.


Nope he’s up for it!!! Explain your feelings and he will make you happy…


You should tell him he is probably open to it. My daughter always comes out the shower in a towel sits and talks for a few minutes then goes get dressed I believe that pretty normal


I would so play with my stepdaughter. If it were a for sure deal . I would ever want to cross the line in fear of ruining the relationship. It's one thing to be flirty but mixed signals can be trouble.


Keep us posted. It sounds like she wants him.


You never know until you tell him


----- "when i told her to go and get dressed. She replied with "Oh please, its nothing you guys havent seen before" ------ Your reply in the future... "Well, at least go throw on some underwear instead of walking around in a towel." See if she comes out in bra and panties, or even a thong. "If we've seen it, then why do you even bother with the towel?" See if she drops the towel. "If you wanted to live in a nudist household, we could make that happen." See if she balks as you start taking off your own top.


I'd watch


Maybe a wine-fueled family game of strip poker or truth or dare


Normally the reactions jealously and also normally the daughter flirting with father actually happens far younger not once puberty is over if still happening after puberty daughter or son having sexual feelings towards a parent that they ain't suppressed yh it ain't exactly good lol But yh normally mums get jealous of daughter with father lol


i bet she wants him!! try asking her how she feels about her hot dad


Oh how I wish...


It most likely is not to much for him as long as he gets reassured that he will not be punished if things go in that direction


whatever you decide to to do, to bring it up...I think it is so hot that as a Mom, you are all for it! Still think you should talk with hubby, even if its role play...and ask him if he ever thought about doing anything with the daughter. It would be so easy for him to "flash" her out of the shower, or getting up in the morning...and see how she reacts...


When you decide to bring it up to him, do it when you are going down on him or he's inside you so you can feel his physical reaction even if he says he isn't interested.


They're already banging, you know this, right?


Part of me hopes that is true... And the rest of me hopes they continue without hiding it from me and include me lol. (if true)


im so happy my gf of 5years (to be wife) and I have the most open communication on all subjects and know everything about eachother taboo kinks and all. itll be very helpful if incidents like this ever occur so we may be there to reassure eachother of our intentions so we may strive to do better for our future kids. dont bring ur husband into ur illegal profanities. i think hes managing fine on his own sweetheart


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I fully agree and get them closer






Definitely hot. Have you thought about helping her get her father's dick?


Damn Would be happy to see how it turns out


What other taboos do you like?


Next time she compliments him, mention how he's got a great cock or he's a good fuck


You should really talk to him about it








Ohhhh extremely hot confession


RemindMe! 7 days






You can always blindfold your husband and have her suck his cock






Thats hot








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