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Get your wife to talk to her and drop hints and feel out how her daughter feels about it.


Yea this is probably the best bet


Best way I can see. Make it the moms idea for sure.




This is something your wife needs to initiate.


I think you’re right.


Yup. She gets to hint up around the daughter slowly


It’s your wife’s idea, so she should be the one to tell her fantasy to your stepdaughter and see how she reacts. If she is for it great, but if she She’s repulsed then it’s your wife will be seen as the sicko and not you


Agree My wife has brother fantasy so I had her approach him


Have your wife approach her


Any daughter or sis to share?


Not me


Let her catch you fucking your wife so it puts the image in her head of what you look like. If she gets awkward she's not into it but if she starts wearing less and less she want your attention


Why would you need a sex worker? Just get your wife to be your wingwoman. She should know her daughter and probably can find out if she's interested or not.


If the daughter is into it go for it


I say you have an amazing situation as it is. There are so many erotic possibilities for you and your wife right now. She can sneak nude pics of her daughter for you. She can wear her clothes. Her daughter can be your erotic topic for as long as you both want. Fantasies are free AND safe. And they rarely play out like we hope. Don't chance it. Keep up the fantasies and keep us updated! 🔥 🔥 🔥


Do it!


My ex wife said she wanted the same and we role played a lot about it then she changed


Same here!


Yeah it sucks


Let your wife do the work. You focus on being a good dad she feels comfortable around.


Your wife should be the one to get things going since she seems to be okay with it..


You should corrupt your step daughter. Let her catch you jerking off or fucking your wife then either get her to join their or you and your wife start becoming a nudist family and walk around nude


Wife needs to bring it up with the daughter when you aren’t around


Most definitely, if she even had an idea of being with you she’ll feel a lot better about it if she knows your wife is cool with it


Go for it!


That's hot! We need more women like her.


I will seldom say this, especially in this arena, however in this case I will. Play these fantasies out in your bedroom between you and your wife. Do not pursue, and do not encourage your stepdaughter. If she chooses to come to you on her own volition...


Why did you join this community


I'm curious as to why you would ask such a question. My comment was directed towards the OP in allowing his stepdaughter to make the decision. Without pressure from the parents. It is not a negation of incest, rather it is an affirmation of allowing the step daughter to make her own choices without undue influence. If you took the time to look at my postings, you would see that I am comfortable with the idea of incest.


This sounds like a sure fire set up for divorce win for her and jail for you. Get consent in writing




Bro, you watch too much porn lol


Who are you and why do you think you can reply to something said to some else before they have even seen it..and considering what I said took thought and is actually what the guy was posting some kind of advice your reply is just some lame ass joke because you think you're funny and you're just sitting there with no friends with your dick in your hand so maybe if you don't have anything to say about the post just shut the fuck up.


God damn, touched a nerve didn't I? Take a deep breath bro, it's gonna be okay.


You came at me someone you didn't know and you thought I would just be a victim and take a little joke so you're the one who's going after people trying to be funny so why don't you take a breath and get over whatever is affecting you in your life to where you have to go online and just be an a****** to people


🤣 Bro literally said, "I know you are, but what am I?" Thanks for that man, I needed a good laugh.


Hey man you're too retarded actually have conversations with people so why don't you really f*** off man I'm not a little b**** so I don't do the whole blocking thing so just f*** off all right


Who hurt you bro? You need to find a constructive outlet for all that anger. I'm a stranger on the Internet that made a snarky comment, am I really worth this much of your time and energy?


Bro is a lil upset 😂


Shits wild


Isn't it tho?




Thanks for a good laugh. That was brilliant 😂


He tells you you’re too retarded to have a conversation while he’s typing out long run-on sentences about how much of a victim and a hero he is. Couldn’t write this comedy if I tried.


Have ur wife talk to her about it


Some loud enthusiastic sex noises emanating from the master bedroom. Perhaps with the dood ajar so she can peek in?


Her mum brought it up, so mum can see if she’s interested.


I agree with some of the others here. If your wife is the one wanting you to do this, then she should be the one to talk to her daughter. If you have that talk with her it could be very bad.


Get after it, my dude! Lmao


My dad got permission and didn’t wait a second


I wouldn’t have either. Damn!


I would love to see what your wife and her look like


Me too


I'm in a sorta-kinda-not really, similar way with my situation




She wants you to start using your little girl daddy, you should start!


That hot


Fuck her then, stretching that tight pussy


Unless the stepdaughter is 100% on board with it, BAD IDEA.


The safest option is to just think of it as a kinky fantasy for you and your wife to share in. First, have a conversation about whether it is a fantasy that the two of you want to keep just a fantasy or whether you genuinely want to consider crossing the line to reality. Then, I think it would be best for your wife to have a mother/daughter talk to gauge whether first your daughter has any sort of attraction towards you, whether she has any sort of interest in nonmonogomous sexual activity, and then how she would feel about sexual activity in the presence of her mom, and finally, if she would be ok with sharing mom's husband with her (whether as a one off thing or ongoing relationship dynamic). And be ready to pull the cord and back out if any of those signs show negative. It all has to align for this to be a healthy thing. If all of that aligns, then it would have to be a conversation between the three of you regarding how this will impact all of your relationships with one another, what are limits, what you want out of this, what you have concerns about, etc. etc.


Find a secluded place on a lake and take the family. Have your wife suggest skinny dipping, then the two of y’all casual get nekkid. Bring alcohol and get her relaxed.


i think your wife needs to speak to her daughter and try to get her interested in you sexually, if your wife wants this 3some she has been talking about. Then your step-daughter might be more open to you and the 3some.


Im a Vegas local would love to meet with u my gf is 20 with a teen body still


What’s the verdict? Is your wife going to initiate the conversation with your daughter? Updateme!


Just “accidentally” send her a d pick and be like “OMG IM SO SORRY THAT WAS MEANT FOR YOUR MOM” depending on how she responds or how she talks to your wife about it, your wife might convince/seduce her into you


Either way it’s a win/win, if she doesn’t like it then it’s an “honest mistake” and if she does-..new beginnings will arise


Ages? Intresting


If the mom is into the idea of sharing you, with her daughter, let her be the one to feel out the situation. While that happens, just be a loving stepdad, and spend time together.


Don't do it. It's an insecurity test. They might look like green flags but they're really hooks of a trap! If she really wants this to happen she'll talk to the daughter, she'll lead daughter to you.


Probably don’t do anything till or if she starts being a tease to you. It has to be her idea or you risk fucking her up.


My mom encouraged my dad to fuck me none us of have regrets


If your wife wants you to do is she needs to bring it up then you should probably fuck them both at the same time if possible


Get drunk together and share a bed partially clothed as wife is too pissed. See how it feels, you’ll soon know. Suggest a line or two together.


Yes i think its a good idea the your wife is talking to you daughter and let her handle it, you can be there when your wife talks whit her daughter if your wife wants it


What’s the name of the Vegas brothel?


Wish I could fuck my step daughter.






Same feeling man


Have your wife bring it up and be flirty with the wife around the daughter to see her reaction. If she is intrigued versus embarrassed that will tell you where to go.


If I were your daughter I’d just want you to take advantage of me and use me like a toy


if u were my dad i’d totally say yes


That is so very nice of you 🤗


If her moms fine with it just wait till daughter’s asleep and slide ur dick in her while her moms next to her waiting for her to wake up to tell her shhh it’s ok I wanted this


Alcohol always help…alcohol was my friend when I needed most 😈😈😈…you’ll also need that daughter wants you in sexual way


I'd say a little weed helps even more!


Ppl in the comments are disturbing 😐 why would you sabotage a family relationship for desire. What if she's not into the idea and all these ppl are projecting on her.


You actually want suggestions from this group of ppl? Probably not the wisest choice to make!!






Yes but either she’s shy or not that interested.




When I have more to add I for sure will.


Shit you better fuxk her lol if that's whatbshe wants




Mom dealt with that...




Do you really think she’s going to let you?


Maybe. Goes in waves. Sometimes she’s extra shy. Other times she comes in our room in just a towel.




Sounds like an amazing opportunity


If she doesn’t mind do it I would




Pretty sure you wife has already dropped the hints…


Throw some ideas and take the hints


You’re being groomed, don’t do it


Love to see then both please share pics


You should have more (non sexual) bonding with your daughter first. Talk more, hug more, take her to movie or lingerie store.


get her to catch you cumming in her food


Sounds legit


Let your wife decide. Go with her plan. So that even if something odd happens you can't be blamed


Update With the progress


! Updateme


This is so hot




Take the gift and don't let this chance slip




Update please




Have your wife talked to her


So fucking hot. Id love to fuck my step daughter


Dream life. Fuck away! Fuck them both. Jelly. 😈😈💦💦












Just whip ur cock out where she would see you




Ngl I’d rather have either of her lips around my cock


Sounds like a trap


One of the first things I think you should do is clarify for absolute certain whether it's just fantasy for your wife, to keep things lively in the bedroom, or whether she really wants it to happen. People often fantasize about taboo stuff without actually wanting it to really happen. They want to flirt with the line without actually crossing it.


First of all, prostitution, unless the law has changed since I heard about it, is illegal in Clark County. They can pick you up, but you have to do the deed outside the county. So there are not "Vegas brothels". If there are, they're illegal so far as I know.


how old is she? 


Well to me if your incredible wife was the one that suggests and wants to watch I believe that she is the one who has to talk with her daughter about everything and how she feels and what she thinks because mom knows daughter best good luck to you and hope you are successful 🤗




She's not even his daughter it doesn't belong here. That said, if the girl hasn't even shown the slightest interest, don't even bother. If she was giving you looks or giving physical signals, that's one thing. If YOU'RE attracted to HER, that's a you thing - you deal with that on your own and don't make it a her thing if there's nothing there. Guys, don't be dick-driven idiots. It's hard enough being a step parent. If you've got her trust, don't fuck it up by acting on your fantasies. If she comes to you on her own, that's another story. Otherwise just keep fucking your wife and whoever else she throws your way. Also, it's kinda fucked up that she would even whore her own daughter out just to satisfy your urge.


I'm a bi dad. My aunt introduced me to incest. We did a lot together. Sometimes even in front of my sister. Which is what led me to doing stuff with her not too long after. Now, I'm a dad and I am active with my son and daughter. We’ve been doing stuff for a while now actually. We’ve done about everything . Since we are comfortable with it whenever nowadays she mostly just sleeps naked or in lingerie. We enjoy ourselves and respect one another’s desires and needs. If you'd like to chat about it or get advice, lmk.


Is you wife also into latex clothing? In that case, you wife needs to get your daughter into latex clothing of her own.

