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Personally, I think you've pushed it as far as you *innocently* can. She may start hinting at wanting more, like "jeez, where's my daily picture?", but unless she does, I would advise relying on post nut clarity to help decide how or if you should proceed. In other words, masturbate first, before making any decisions. Being horny makes us guys stupid. Again, that's just my personal opinion and advice.


I agree with this. Post-nut clarity is one heck of a mood switch. It's dangerous to push it any further atm, especially when you have a gf already. If she brings it up and some point, see how it goes from there, but ideally in a post-nut clarity moment. It's ok to be playful, but doing it while horny and stroking tends to lead to bad decisions. Take it slow.




Just dont push everything, continue as normal without any pics and jokes. And wait, if she initiates the topic again in near future, youll know shes interested in some way. If she "pushes" then and only then respond and go little further. Dont let your horniness control you and dont send her that d pic, yet.


Fully agree, take it easy for a bit and if she brings it up in anyway, even if she asks if u taken new pix for the gf then u know that ur not barking up an unwilling tree


Yep, just chat with her a bit more and show her attention, but don’t send her any pictures nsfw unless she asks. You might then send her in a few weeks that you remembered your mistake and joke why she never sends you a (innocent) good morning picture ;) By the reply you’ll know if there’s a chance




I agree


Yeah drop it. Let her flirt with you or suggest something before you pursue. She's being sweet with you but don't take it for desire. She just doesn't want to make something out of this


Bro you sound experienced


Lmao. I only have experience with girls when I think they're into me ... but they're really not. That's my experience


Thats the realest fucking thing I've ever read on this app LOL


This is good advice.


She is clearly not reciprocating


Agreed, my OP please stop


Yep, came here to say that.


Yeah after seeing the joke comment about a clean mirror pic on the previous post, OP is too easily influenced and is going to get himself in trouble listening to the horndogs in this subreddit


Mate, I'm getting really uncomfortable. Your mother sounds like a genuine mom being a genuine non-predatorial mom. Yet with the way you're behaving you can get her in trouble. You have a crush on your mom, okay. But the second time around... it really wasn't funny in any way shape or form. And you exposing yourself to her like that without consent, might want to reconsider that. Don't know how legal it is either where you are. Your mom sounds great. Don't scar her because of your selfishness. She's not reciprocating so leave it be. If you truly love her, also stop exposing her here for the whole world to see her body. Jeez.


Uggghh totally agree. Feeling a lot for the mom here.


She's definitely hiding how weird she feels about this too. Seems like a sweet lady, OP fucked up lol


So here's the deal. You've opened the door a but but if you go koolaide man slamming through it you'll mess it up. So just keep it light. Being flirty is fine. But unless she moves, don't move further. If she never moves, then forget it. It's not worth risking ruining it with your mom. If she flirts back, not just redirect your interest towards your gf but actually flirts back, then push just a touch. Maybe a pic with the head accidentally peeking out. Then you can be like oops my bad if she doesn't like it, or flirty if she does like it.


Your mom is very attractive. Most of her responses seem to be humoring you and she is clearly trying to point you back toward your girlfriend. The only thing that kind of gave me pause was a) her statement that she would talk about it later and b) her statement that you were distracting her. That might have been an opportunity for playful clarification like, "you don't like being distracted at work?" It is really difficult to say that she is interested in something physical with you at this point. If you have a really good relationship with her, talk with her in person -- not by text -- and say "Mom, I know I have been sending those pics and at first they were as a joke but then it was exciting for me to have you react." You just need to be very careful and prepared for the fact that she is not into it. Good luck!


This is one of the best on here


Yeah because it’s actually real




You’re going about it the wrong way. Woman love compliments especially when the husband is ignoring them. Ask her for a selfie then compliment her on her eyes her hair skin. Then maybe bring up the bikini pic. They’ll her she looks great. Compliments go a long way!


Yessss!!! He has already pushed the boundaries some, and now it's time to get her to push them. Definitely ask for a selfie and compliment her. She has given him plent of compliments already, so reciprocate what she is doing.


She’s cute. So are you. I don’t think she is interested. She keeps trying to encourage you to send to your girlfriend. Leave it be and if she wants more, she will bring it up. Otherwise don’t pursue it any further.


Ok your mom is a damn hottie. What you are feeling is totally understandable. Unfortunately I don’t get the feeling she will ever take things any further with you.


I say go back to how things were, if she brings up the picture thing or how its going thats where you could ask her if shes interested in seeing the new pics lucy is getting and go from there


Personally I think you’ve pushed the envelope as far as possible I honestly don’t think your mom is feeling it the way you are unfortunately Just reading her text’s I’m not seeing any interest other than a concerned loving parent Just a side note: your mom is HOT đŸ„”


The original 4 she seemed really receptive. Now it seems she's kinda wondering what your deal is. Not sure what you should do from this point forward, but I definitely wouldn't send anything like that over the phone again. Or speak about it over the phone. If you're going to attempt anything, your best bet would be to do it in person. You're leaving evidence with this and you're old enough for your dad to kick you out of the house if you get caught.


I think you should confess that the second picture wasn't a joke. Tell her that after you accidentally sent her the first pic, you were turned on by the thought of her seeing you naked. Then ask her if she would be okay with you sending her more pics occasionally. Tell her you'll only do it with her permission from now on.


She is hot, what a dream milfđŸ„”đŸ„”


Wow, your mum looks pretty hot, I can see why you're wanting to fuck her so badly. I would say that as your mum, concern for your welbeing will always be her priority. With everything in the news lately about Sarah Everard's killer exposing himself, your mum is probably worried that this might more abour exposing yourself and flashing rather than anything about being attracted to her. I think if you want her to stop being worried you need to come clean and tell her that you don't generally send unsolicited pics to women, and you only sent them to her because you didn't think it would make her uncomfortable to see you like that. If she pushes, then just admit the first pic wasn't an accident. If possible I would try and have these conversations in the real world where you can read her body language in the moment. If part of her is excited at the thought of a sexual relationship with you, having days/weeks between that feeling and when she sees you is going to give her too long to think rationally about things, compose herself and decide to do the mature thing and set boundaries with you. You need to catch her in the moment, when she's horny and you have the opportunity to be alone together without being caught. The shame your mother would feel if anyone ever found out that she was even remotely interested in you sexually would be too much. She is unlikely to do anything if she thinks there is a chance that anyone could ever find out. This means that you're unlikely to ever get a sexy/flirty text from her, that would just be asking for trouble having that evidence on both your phones, laying around for a phone repairman or friend to chance upon. I know it feels much more uncomfortable to do, but I stronly suggest you keep your advances on your mother limited to the real world when no-one else is around. This will show her that you understand how important it is to maintain secrecy. Every cock shot you send her just makes her feel more and more that you are cavalier and likely to get drunk, send her a filthy text that your dad or her friend will see and that's her life ruined. I would apologise in person, admit you're attracted to her, tell her you know how dangerous it is to send you texts like that and promise you'll never do it again. Then give her a long hug, let her hear you breath in her scent, then start gently kissing your way up her neck. I admire your balls. You've got a massive cock which gives you a much better shot that most sons. You need to empathise with her position though, she doesn't want to become a social outcast for fucking her son.


She has politely asked you to stop. If it catches her imagination, she will bring it up again. If she does bring it up again, and asks how you are, say something to the effect of... Girls your own age don't know what to do with it. You are wondering what a real woman (not a girl your own age) will do with it. It's probably best as a conversation that you can have face to face instead of text.


 Son, pull back on the dick pic approach. Your mom knows you’ve got one and she’s now seen it. More pictures of your ‘Willie’ will not help you seduce your mother. Women are not as visually turned on by looking at the opposite sex’s genitals as men are. Women are turned on by strength, romance, compliments, and supporting activities that work on their instincts that say to her hind brain ‘this man would be a good strong partner to father my children.’ It’s much more subtle for women. Women have a far greater life risk in choosing a sexual partner than does a man. A man produces billions of sperm into which he pours his genetic legacy and theoretically, that man could perhaps impregnate a hundred or so women a month; a woman puts her genetic legacy into one single ovum a month, and if she is impregnated, it will be likely a year or more, before she can be re-impregnated
 and each time she does imparts to her a generational duty that men often find easy to escape. So now, ThatchersSnatch, you’ve planted the seed that you are an eligible, vital male. Move to the next step. Courting your mom. Set up regular mom and son date nights for you and her to do fun things, maybe once or twice a month; make it the special time for both of you. Go bowling, see a chick flick, take her to lunch/dinner, then miniature golf, late night beach swim, tennis, a carnival, or a theme park, a moonlight drive, movie night at home, maybe there are still drive-in movie theaters in your area? Be creative. Do not make any moves to make it sexual, just cuddling
 and always compliment her on how young and beautiful she looks. Ask her if she needs anything done around the house
 then do them. If you’re on any sports teams, tell her you appreciate when she comes to see you play. Good luck.


First of all, thank you for sharing. This is clearly real. The screenshots and photos are definitely appreciated lol. She’s sexy as hell. Hard to tell what she’s thinking. Obviously she’s said not to do it, but the way she complemented your “beautiful belly” and such makes me think. Could be that she’s just a loving mom and doesn’t see it as a huge deal, and I think that’s even likely. It’s also possible she’s interested but unwilling to go further for obvious reasons. I’d definitely cool it with the dick pics as she’s told you flat out to stop. That said, you may be able to keep sending her pics to gauge her reaction. Obviously you’d need to come up with a reason that feels natural. Maybe you could even tell her that you’re feeling self conscious about your body/dick and although it’s a weird thing for a son to ask a mother, you want to know if you’re adequate or whatever. Obviously you’re pretty well-endowed, as a straight guy I’m jealous, but just an idea. Ultimately you know your relationship with your mom best. I’d definitely avoid pushing too hard or coming on too strong, but if you can keep the conversation going while taking a step back, you should.


She's not interested and you're being a weirdo. Delete everything, quit with the creepy bullshit, stop cheating on your girl and hope no one that knows you finds this out.


Cute cock




Definitely a cutie. I think you should cool things for a bit and see I'd anything else happens with her initiating.


I think mum enjoys a lil cheeky banter but she seems to be on the fence so maybe just start with some cheeky banter and build up from there as you are already doing now


I think it is hard to tell, talk to her. You are open with her so be direct


Yeah I know. I guess it's just ultimately the fear of rejection stopping me being direct about it.


No mom will disown a son. You have a gorgeous mom
 a lot of guys would be jealous including me if you finally cross that line. Keep up the good work. You’re progressing excellently well.


It's probably too late but might have been better off telling her that you found talking about thr first pic with her exciting as an excuse for sending the second. Edit: my best thought at this time is 'if' the conversation feels remotely appropriate tell her you've been subconscious about your body and her comments made you feel a lot better about yourself, would she mind if you sent more sometimes and what is she comfortable with. And somehow working in that you'd be happy to see her sending selfies if it makes any sense in the convo.




She’s very lovely


I feel like you dropped the ball when she said your dad doesn’t send anything like that, would’ve been a really great time to ask if she likes it or is open to it. But I really don’t think she’s being receptive at all. She’s just being polite. But I do like the other advice of, chill for a few days and see if she mentions something about. I thought you had forgot about me or something to the effect.


So your dad is just giving you a car? Nice I'd like to point something out that nobody mentioned, I think. She said she shouldn't have pictures like that on her phone. This almost sounds like she kept them. Maybe ask her about it. Tell her that you hope she didn't let your dad see those pictures. I'd she didn't delete them I think you still have a chance. And as someone else mentioned, give her compliments and make her feel good about herself. Sexy even


Just wanna say: ur dick looks amazing


You have an amazing cock! Maybe just keep the conversation going and maybe flirting like you are.


I'd say it's pretty obvious your mom is. A normal mom. Your being a weirdo creep trying to come into your mom when she's clearly not into you or catching on. That should tell you she's not ever even hinted at the thought or possibility of that happening. Besides sounds like your parents are still happy and together have some damn respect for your parents for fuck sakes. I get some people are into that kind of thing. But dude get a clue your parents are clearly. Not that kind of family. Listen to your mom and go chase your girlfriend dumb ass that's what girlfriends are for not moms. Can't even respect your girlfriend I hope she dumps you for some better more loyal you don't deserve her trying to make moves on your mom. That's fucked


She seems very quick to shut it down at the start then kinda seems flirty after, I think you need to sit down and talk with her in person


Do people still click on random links?


Lmfaooo all the time unfortunately 😂


Your mom is very good looking. She seems tolerant of what you’re doing but also seems confused on reasons behind it. You just keep saying it’s a joke and then apologizing. If you want to know if she likes your cock, you’re probably going to have to come out and ask. Then maybe she will open up more


I think... Your beautiful mom's response, it's not aggressive, it's not an angry response, it's more the risk of having those photos on her phone; She liked receiving the photo, the way she responds is more positive than negative. In my opinion, it is better to continue, when you are alone with her, to provoke her, without her feeling that you are provoking her directly, for example: leave the door of your room or bathroom, litle open, when you are masturbating or taking the bath; wearing tight shorts, where your penis is visible; when you're hot and have a hard penis, hug her; Also, tell her how beautiful she looks, women your mom's age are more receptive if you tell them beautiful things about them. After that, I think she'll look for the opportunity to see and then feel your "package." Good luck "vaquero".


I agree, her biggest hangup was having those photos on her phone. I think if she brings it up again he should push more for her but just an bit and see if she responds again.


Bro your flirting game is weak. It seems like your mom gave you so many chances to reply with something flirty and all you said was "okay" and *sorry" and "I'm joking". The next you say you are joking, add something like "or am I?" Make her second guess. Step it up bro cuz I think your mom is lowkey interested. The seed has been planted in her brain and now she's curious. The way I see it, she's trying to find out if you are truly interested in her. As you notice, she's the one who keeps bringing it up. Try to be more receptive with her questions and don't just reply with one line Jesus.


Damn mummy looks good. I’d keep it light hearted flirty & see if she slowly warms up to it đŸ€·â€â™€ïž


Jesus Christ!! Are you kidding?!? Your mom is unbelievably gorgeous! You need to pursue your dreams and passion. Let her know how you truly feel! Good luck my friend!


Damn seeing real stuff here is like finding a diamond on the street. Keep us posted


Just curious
.what’s the ideal end game? You get her to want to fuck you? Leave your dad for you? How does dad fit into all of this?


And girlfriend don’t forget


Your mom’s body is sexy




Stop sending her pics.


She obviously enjoyed it when she said “lucky girl” after the first one. She did not have to comment. That would’ve been the time to strike with a question like “Do you think it looks good?” or “Is it bigger than dad’s?”. Something to coax a little more out of her. Now it’s just coming on a little too strong. I guarantee it’s on her mind though. Wait for her to have a lonely horny night and hopefully bring it up. Holster that pistol until then. 😉


If this is legit, you blew it my guy. You're not going to win women over with dick pics and your conversation seems pretty stale. It's just harassment at this point. Just drop it.


Stop being dumb. She's not into it.


Mom is a smokeshow ♡


Let your mum think about it for some time. Someday she may want to see it again. That will be the time to go for it ✌


She's definitely into it, she's just doin what she thinks is right but won't be able to help herself sooner or later. Keep up with the pics. Start to comment on her body. Maybe send a dick pic with a pair of her panties around your dick?


I think you should tell her that you broke up with Lucy and it's kinda hurting you. You want to meet her to get some sympathy and that's how you make your first move. Also stop mentioning about Lucy everytime, girls don't like when you mention other girls In some cause if you mention other girls they'll feel jealous and let you in. You can also compare your mom and Lucy playfully and tell her she is better looking.... 😌


Your mom is hot af


Offer to help her work out with the resistance bands & compliment her on her body.


I'd definitely take a step back for a bit, maintain a normal relationship for now. When the feeling is right my next step would be to dress up how would for a date and send her a photo just saying "going on a date, how do i look?" and based on her reaction follow up with something along the lines of how much you appreciate the compliments she's given you recently.


Gotta see how you’re going to get a more revealing pic from her - pivot point


Some people here gave unfortunately gave you bad advice, and unfortunately your hormones, and this bad advice led to entertaining poor decisions that are leading it down a path that is pushing it. In fact, she’s fully aware now you meant to send those pictures. She indicated that when she knew what you were going to ask. The best you can do now is let it stand as it is and let things calm down. In 3 to 4 months she might show signs of interest, but you’ve got to give her time to let it roll around in her head for her to come up with that conclusion. Best thing you can do is let her mind entertain the possibilities and that is if she even has an interest to go there at all.


Watch the classic porno Taboo with Kay Parker. You need to get her walking past your room with your body totally exposed, her horny and act asleep, then let her make the first move. I wouldn’t go back to the phone pics again. I think she’s had enough of that. You need to make her choose in person at the right time. Leave it up to her but put her in a situation that she has it right in front of her. That’s my advice. Good luck.


Ask her for help first and she will respond yes and then ask her a question about your dick with a pic. Talk about your gf's comments which made you ask her that question.


Keep talking to her and eventually send her a video of you jerking off or something


What if you tried the ol you’ve seen mine can I see yours approach?


Dying for another update


Maybe you can get her to send you photos somehow??


Any further updates???


We are all in need of an update!


Send her another


Why don't you just tell your mom that you would like to explore a sexual relationship with her


Your mom would fuck you bro, trust me, message me


Bro where's the update? Please tell me you didn't F things up. Here's an advice: Ask her if you could send her a pic. Naturally she'll ask what kind. Say "cock" pic... Depending on how she respond, you might as well just send your dick, but she will most probably be defensive or worst case angry. But don't worry you've got an exit strategy. Send her a cock (male chicken) pic. That will surely lighten the mood. Idk what her response will be, but say something playful along the lines of "why, what other pic were you expecting mom? You seem disappointed hahaha yada yada." And just go from there, don't be a one-liner guy. Maybe tease and ask her for a picture too (don't be specific). If she end up sending a selfie *compliment* it with a little bit of romantic/sexual undertones. Gauge her reactions man, be patient, you can do it!


u/iwannahavesomefun2 put it pretty good OP. Leave the ball in her court now, it’s time for her to swing back and see if the both of you can keep this match going. If she brings up the pictures again, or sends flirtatious texts of some kind, then you’ll know you can keep moving forward and be more flirtatious or open with her about how you feel. Just make sure to pay attention to what’s she saying, but you should keep it casual for now, while dropping tiny little hints here and there to give her more confirmation IF she swings that way.


This is fun to follow! Are there any more updates?


Son you're bout to get some really beautiful pussy,


Hey man, it’s been quite a while since your last post. Did your mom give you some choice words after sending her your dick pic? We’re rooting for you man. Keep us updated👍


Is there any more updates?


Bro, where is the update 3?


I'm interested to see where this goes


Well you should eventually send something like , haha when is it your turn that you’ll send something or like something daring her. Look how she will respond


Bad idea she would definitely not find any humor in that I can guarantee that. Would not go over well with her


Show off some muscles. She seems to enjoy that more. Keep tight boxers on so she can still see your package


just lie to her that Lucy thinks you are not long and hard enough! And see how she replies back to you!


Best wishes for you man, may you end in her. đŸ„”đŸ˜‹


The people suggesting letting her make the next comment and step are spot on. I suggest drop it completely, BUT if in ANY way she brings it up again, jokingly say something like "yeah it was crazy haha, I guess you could always send me a picture for ME to wake up to, to make it even". She will probably bring up your GF but tell her a compliment, like "Yes my GF is nice but youve always be my first and only..." and just leave it innocent but suggestive. If she presses further, just say you find her attractive and leave it at that. Let her think on it. If she is interested or even just curious, you may get a nice wakeup picture someday. If not, you tried my friend. Good luck, she is very very beautiful and what a great set of puppies, I am jealous if she breastfed you lol.


Simply brilliant đŸŽ–ïž






Love seeing the texts from her keep them coming!


Ask her if you are bigger than your dad.


Update 3!!!!!!


Who wants to trade pics I got my sisters pics. Not fully nudes


Man, I need a son like you 😭


My read is that she's just being a nice mom and doesn't want to make you feel bad. That said you've opened the door and if you want to do some light flirting that could maybe help draw her out and help you understand her POV. And by light flirting I mean def no more unsolicited dick/body pics you should ease up on that. If she specifically asks for something like that then all bets are off but if you keep doing it now it could agitate her or make her think something is really wrong with you.


Don’t take it any further or you risk changing her opinion of you forever. She’s willing to let it slide because you’re young and young people do foolish things. Let her still think of you as her boy she can be proud of, off at uni or whatever. And not always doubting your motivations and worrying you’ll get yourself into trouble. She deserves peace of mind.


I concur with most advice in don't try to push things any further. She is receptive imo, but leave it to her to make any moves to further things. It's OK to be a bit cheeky, though. Btw, mom is definitely an attractive woman. I completely get the appeal


I know for a fact this is fake cause I’ve seen this same exact story before


1. She’s probably not into you. 2. She’s hot! 3. You should tell her you broke up with your girlfriend and see what’s her reaction.


link of pic 1 of mum is not working , can anybody update it to me


Do you have nsfw pictures of her? Not asking you to show them, just wondering


Yeah, but do you want your Dad's old car? That's what we all really want to know.


I am a mom i can tell she would see your picture i am sure hun


You should find a girlfriend and start a family outside your own...


It's interesting to see the reality vs fantasy clashing against each other


You have no clue what you're doing. This is not how you u get a girl, including your mom.


I’m going to jerk off to your mom, I hope she sends you nudes






Got more photos of mum? She’s pretty and hot! ✌






I'd hold off on anything excessive. Keep the picture to yourself, and if she brings it up, work in the picture you took if it suits the situation. I've been with my sister a few times. Even got her sexting last year, but pushed her away by being too aggressive. Hate to see that happen.


Update 3??




Any updates?


Waiting for another update😈😈






Please UPDATE 4








Any more updates??


I’m like dying for an update đŸ™ˆđŸ€­






I'm gonna kms if you won't update 😔😔😔


I’ve been following you man. Did you make some progress in your quest with mom?


I know its been 31 days. but I cant get over this post. I want more!!!


Same here


No updates yet


No updates?


Update pls


Wait can you see the first picture of the mom? Because I can't.


Youre tryna move to ur mum?


Any updates since?


Any update 3???


I really hope theres more.


Lucky she don't show your dad. Any respectable honest woman would take that shit to their man and let them handle it. I'd expect you to think higher of your parents. I know for damn sure if I ever pulled shit like this with my mom she would take that right to my dad and he'd not stand for it she would be disgusted and ashamed for sure. You must not have much respect for your parents or your parents must not be very close or fool around on each other already or something. I can't figure out why a kid would think so low of there parents there mom would fuck them behind there dads back that's just shady and not cool at all. I can't. Believe this kid has the nerve to do this stuff kids these days are out of there minds


Lol what did u expect to happen, that your mom will see your dick pic and be like wow let me suck that, life isn’t porn and it doesn’t work like that. Women don’t like random dick pics, also it seems like you have a girlfriend so it’s weird that you are sending pics to your mom, I have done stuff with my mom you can read my post on my profile but i think you should stop and don’t push it further Also who knows if these posts are even real cause the pics he posted of his “mom” can be found on google


Bro you seriously need help


Definitely need an update and also like was mentioned in the comments maybe send another one not with your cock out and just say something like hey hey this feels completely one sided when’s it gonna be your turn


She seems open to talk But it all comes to if she is adventurous to that If she isn't sexually frustrated, curious or just wanting some fun, you might need a lot of convincing


Yes unfortunately it does sound like she’s humoring you but you never know. Maybe someday she’ll actually realize what you feel towards her. I’d feel the same way if that was my mom


She looks amazing, so you should let her know you enjoy sending her pictures like that because she is beautiful you get excited when you think about her and figured you should show her how excited she makes you


She's hot and you have a great cock! Time to get it in with her


Definitely fuckn hot, appreciate the fact this seems real as anything, your momma is definitely worthy of cock, so there's all that. From what I read the fact she encourages, compliments and receives so well, I'd be more direct, not just pics. Send her a video of your girl sucking you or something, tell your mom you sent bc you thought that might be more appropriate lol...see what happens


Your mom is hot and I get your fetish and everything.... But she seems like a really great mother so I guess...you may want to stop before you ruin the relation both of you now have


Make this a series!! Want part 3


Dude. Stop it.












! updateme




She's sexy








She’s beautiful and has a great sense of humor








She is hot

