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2AM? Coming from office? Or just randomly roaming around. Even most sensible men don’t roam around at midnight due to such dangers. You can say i went to that country and people were roaming at 2AM. I say go and live there and keep roaming at 2 AM. But when shit hits the fan the locals would call you stupid instead of sympathising. Even they have survival tactics and not dumb even if they live in a safe place.


What the fuck is actually wrong with you? If the country is so unsafe and that’s normal to you, you should be ashamed. Raat ke 2 baje rape or robbery legal hai kya? If you or your family can’t Rome the streets at any time you want are you really free in your own country? I’ve lived in the Netherlands where it’s 100% safe to be out at anytime. My wife was sick and throwing up and a car stopped as asked us if we wanted help, offered us water and mint to help with the after taste. We’re not even from that country or white. Now image If this was a white girl at 2Am sick or dunk in our country and if a car stopped near her. It’s not just the rapist that are a problem in the country. You are too for enabling them.


Jokers like the 2 above you would say anything to defend whats wrong. I was in Munich and saw a girl walking at 2 am w/o any risk.


comparing germany and india


Toh kya paxtan se compare kare?


No developed country with the possible exception of Nordic countries aren’t safe after 9. There are 100 different problems we need to worry about before this.


This, there was a very similar video of some girl walking in New york street and getting eve teased through out. Filthy men are everywhere. I'm not defending anything here. I feel ashamed seeing this video. But we can't deny the fact that 2am has never been safe across world with few exceptions only.


That’s the US. US aur Pakistan mai bas ek hi farak hai, ki US ke paas paise hai aur unhe bheek nahi mangni padti hai. Doesn’t make US a standard for women’s safety


A citizens safety is the country’s responsibility. If u can’t even comprehend that maybe do your schooling again.


??? What is wrong with you? In no place is it safe to be out on the streets alone past midnight - NATURALLY the chances of getting robbed or being the victim of any criminal activity is exponentially higher. There are very few exceptions. Quit getting so worked up. It's just called taking precautions.


It is not being woke. It is questioning the status quo and trying to make things better. Stop defending everything wrong.


At no point in time, is it ever going to be safer to be out at 2am than at 2pm. Nor am I defending 'everything' wrong, why would I not want things to be better? But I can do both at the same time, acknowledge the need for change while also taking precautions such as not being out at 2am at night unless I have to be - when it's clearly not safe. Stop extrapolating.


There's addressing the state of the nation as it is at the moment, and then there's optimistic delusion. You'd prefer a hopeful word or two about the fictional state of the country in your head than a precautionary measure concerning the current state?


Umm you know right that even if someone is not taking precautions that still doesn't give right to the criminals to do crime ? People's choices to go out past midnight can depend on various factors, and it doesn't automatically imply a lack of prioritizing personal safety. Some may take precautions while others may feel comfortable in their environment. Personal safety measures are subjective, and individuals may have different levels of comfort and risk tolerance. While taking precautions can enhance personal safety, it doesn't excuse or justify harassment. Harassment is the responsibility of the harasser, and everyone has the right to feel safe regardless of the time of day or their location.


Are you being serious? How did you interpret that as me saying if someone is not taking precautions, criminals have the right to do crime. The fact that you understood that as me justifying or excusing harassment is laughable. The lack of reading comprehension is insane. I'm saying for me as an individual, I wouldn't step out alone at 2am at night, unless I absolutely need to. And even then, I'd take whatever precautions I could take that are available to me - because I know it's not safe. Which is inherently acknowledging that there's a problem and a need for change.


>I’ve lived in the Netherlands where it’s 100% safe to be out at anytime. Cool now try that in Paris or London


toh bhai raat ko tum batman kyun nhi ban jaate




You gave the example of a country whose population is is equivalent to 0.22% of the total world population compared to India's which is 17.76% of the total world population. The median age in the Netherlands is 42.0 years compared to the median age of India which is 28.2 years. If you take these facts in consideration you will know that it's easy to keep smaller no. of people in check then 18% of the world population.


Okay, if you want numbers look at China. It’s a border away, same population, they were poorer than we were a few decades ago, same colonial past but go to China and see how they deal with rapists. I felt completely safe in their small towns and massive population Center’s like Ganzhou.


Exactly. Me being a man would also never want to roam at 2 am cuz I'm pretty sure I'll get robbed.


So, u blaming the victim here???, it’s not abt the time ppl roam, we live in a free state.


You cant expect robbers to care about your feelings


But you can expect the state to deal with the robbers. We are literally in the bottom 10% of every single women safety index in the world.


Next level whataboutism. Jungle thodi hai ki Sher a jayega. Civilised society hai, in a well developed urban City. There is absolutely no reason for guys to say things like 2000-2000-2000.


2am is when the civilised society sleeps and only the uncivilized loafers are roaming around. In many parts of Bengaluru, you'll have prostitutes standing on street corners selling their services.


yes, keep on blaming the victim. tf is wrong with u


Tf is wrong with you why would you want to go to an unsafe place unless it's urgent. It's for taking precautions why the fk would you go out at 2am out and risk getting mugged or robbed. It's not like this issue will be fixed in a day or two it will take at least a few years till then you have to take precautions i for one won't go out at 2am risking my life


Nobody's contesting the fact that it's unsafe to be roaming on the streets at 2 am for EVERYBODY. Both men and women are equally likely to get robbed or kidnapped. The point however is, that in no world would a man have to worry about being 'eve-teased' while on the street. Correct me if I'm wrong, But I have reasons to believe that the chances of a man being sexually harassed on an open street are pretty slim. It isn't news to us that women are harassed, called names, assaulted and groped in broad daylight, almost on a daily basis. It is sad that some people's first reaction after seeing the video was to blame the victim while it should have been compassion. That in itself is a sign of regression.


2AM in India is 5PM in the USA. Could be a call center job for the American market.




Bruh nobody is safe if go out alone at 2am except for police maybe.




>Maybe *Bihar me aapka swagat hai*


Aayein na hamra Bihar me...


Ab to nahi ayenge


There is a youtube video of NYC where a woman gets catcalled 100 times within a day. People passing some comments are considered as free speech according to Indian law, however touching or groping etc are illegal


I roam around at night at 2 AM. I don't care and i think a girl should be able to do this too. If people are eve teasing her then it is peoples fault. Anybody should be safe roaming around at night.


Just wait till you get robbed at 2 AM


Bro I’m a grown ass man and even I won’t roam around at 2 AM….. The only people you find at that time are drunkards and beggars, maybe some drug addicts….


And that says a lot about the country we live in. It’s not safe even for grown men. This shouldn’t be normal.


I agree but this is the case of other countries as well. Hell, it’s even worse in some other places, like in London people get stabbed in broad daylight. We humans are just fucked up creatures….


There are some areas where even police wouldnt dare entering in London.


They do not get stabbed in daylight all the time it’s not the US or Pakistan or Bihar. I studied in London. You can pick and choose a few articles from here and there but every stabbing and robbery is a big deal in Europe. UK, Switzerland, Germany etc are all a 1000% safer for women than India is, At night and as much as I’d like to say India is the best it isn’t and the problem is people who will do will deny we have a problem at all.


I googled “London stabbing” and there’s like 3 different incidents reported in the last 24 hours 🤷🏻‍♂️


>I studied in London. You not being the victim doesn't describe the whole picture. Mene bhi Delhi meh aaj tak apni aakho se crime nhi dekha that doesn't mena Delhi is safe af


Yep it tells us that our police force is way too small and poorly funded and needs to be upgraded so that they can do their job properly and India can become a safer country.


Well, every country and every city has areas which can be identified as safe / unsafe depending upon the time of the day. A blanket statement stating that USA, Japan, UK…etc are safer is a gross generalisation and in fact inherently untrue. Having said that I absolutely understand your point that we need much more security at night in many of our cities in India. However, after having travelled almost 20 + countries globally, I generally feel safer against gun violence in most Indian cities compared to many of the other so-called global higher ranking cities.


Well you explained it perfectly. You said it with good intentions and it's just right. >I won’t roam around at 2 AM….. It's exactly the point. It's not safe and that's the point of the video. >Bro I’m a grown ass man and even I won’t roam around at 2 AM….. You are clearly implying (and which is a truth) that it's not safe for a man and for a woman it's even more dangerous. Which is also the point of the video. Some know it from common sense, some find it out in a hard way (the girl in the video). But the thing is we shouldn't be so casual about it. It's a metro city, law and order should assure safety all the time, be it at 2 am or 2 pm.


What's the need to go out at 2 am alone , to film some content.


Victim shaming what they were doing at 2 am


Stealing is wrong. But i still take precautions and lock my house while going out.


So this justifies the action of the eve teasers? I know nobody goes out at 2 AM but for example if somebody was coming back from a party then?


Victim blaming sure let's do that... Maybe stop eve teasing and blame the perpetrators insted of questioning what she is doing.


exactly, most of the comments aren't even calling the men out or talking about it. it's pathetic.


Fr!! Wtf is wrong with these people.


>Victim blaming I love how everybody enjoys using those words. Just goes to show you have no objectivity and contribute nothing to the discussion. Yes, the perpetrator is an asshole. No, the victim isn't a very smart person. Both parties can be equally foolish, and you don't need to take a side. From a third-party perspective, all anybody would see is two foolish people making foolish decisions and suffering the consequences.


Your reply is a smart one to a certain degree and yet unfortunately most of this comment section is not focused on the third perspective but rather on just blaming her. But one thing that I do not agree with is this, we do need to take a side, the right one. The women no matter what she did does not deserve this, it's like giving excuses for rape and saying she was asking for it by wearing revealing clothes. It's stupid and regressive in its entirety. There is only one side in the wrong here and she does a mighty fine job highlighting it.


How are they equally foolish? One is existing in a public place, the other is harassing. Have atleast a single brain cell please. What third party perspective? Zero empathy in you


>How are they equally foolish? I never said they were? Reading comprehension, my guy. Take classes or something.


Well it's a known fact that the kind of men you would find roaming around at that time of night will be alcoholics, criminals or drug addicts. Decent men don't roam around at that time of night. Ultimately the fact is that your safety is in your own hands and you should take necessary precautions to ensure your safety till our country's law and order situation improves in the future.


Still doesn't excuse blaming her, how do you know she didn't have an emergency and even if she did this just for the video there are women who would have emergencies and this video helps highlight a section rarely talked about in society. Also until you stop blaming her and start blaming the men the countries law and order situation will never improve.


I am blaming the law and order situation in this country as well. The severely underfunded police department is the primary cause why we can't roam around in the night. But the fact is that India is currently not safe to roam around during nighttime. All us normal people can do is take precautions until the situation in our country improves.


Every word you said is right and yet it doesn't excuse my points. The unfortunate thing is that unlike you or me there are actually people who would just blame her here in this comment section.


Don't lock your house at night, expect the thieves to learn and stop stealing. No wise person goes to roam around at 2AM.


Isn't that what a society should aim to strive for? A place where crime doesn't exist? Or are you fine with living in fear in a status quo? One day you or your mother, sister, wife or daughter might have to go out at 2 because of some reason and when they get teased who will you blame?


>Maybe stop eve teasing Lol as if eve teaser read your comment on reddit and stop doing it ,people will advice others for their safety if they listen fine?if they dont thats their problem ,when did advice become victim blaming?


You never know. The unfrotunate reality is that a branch of Indian men grow up in an environment where what would otherwise be considered as bad is normalised a prime example being the 6000 jokes that are so very normalised. Also its about environment as long as people blame the victims the perpetrators will never stop as they know they can get away from the limelight.


Wtf is wrong with these comments? Everyone is saying "she shouldn't have came out at 2 AM" , "she's looking for attention" , "this isn't a western country" . Disrespecting others by crossing the boundaries and making them uncomfortable is unethical and illegal. Harassement is unacceptable regardless of time , circumstance, place. You can get harsssed at any time be it day or night which is actually wrong. It's our collective responsibility to make a place a better place for everyone that's why constitution exists . Everyone has the right to go out at any time and place without getting harsssed or cat called or eve teased .


Are you dumb. Did any one justify the catcallers? No one did. We can only look after our safety, that's what people are pointing out. Everyone deserves Justice, does that mean every one gets Justice? The answer is no. Literal 'NO'. Same goes here. The only thing you can do is look after yourself. Your safety is more important than anything. So don't do stupid stuff that endangers your safety. If you really want to go out, go out in a group of 3 at least. Ignorance can lead to suffering.


No one's justifying the catcallers but most of them are enabling their actions by blaming the victim to go out at night. Going out at day or night shouldn't be the problem because it's not immoral or illegal, it's the actions of those creeps which is immoral or illegal. A person taking safety measures or not doesn't give any right to others to do criminal activities , today she's the victim, another day another person will become victim irrespective of the location or time . Experiencing harassment is never the fault of the victim. Safety measures can reduce risks, but inappropriate behavior is solely the responsibility of the perpetrator. No one should be blamed for harassment based on the time or circumstances. While personal safety measures are important, addressing harassment requires a collective effort. Society should work towards creating a culture that condemns harassment, implements effective laws, and promotes respect for others. Both individual awareness and systemic changes are crucial in combating harassment. >The only thing you can do is look after yourself Only thing?? We can do other things like not harassing women or men , educating others about boundaries and consent, speak up and address the problem, encourage understanding and empathy towards the victims of harassement etc.


The only logical comment I found under this post


Exactly ! The staggering amount of low IQs in the comment section is just so frustrating💀💀💀 They try to trivialise this matter by simply saying "iT aiN't sAfE fOr AnY gEnDer Bro" ! Are they too blind to see the girl in video itself is being harassed only by men !? Girls encounter additional risks due to gender specific societal factors of their gender. They are more vulnerable to harassment, cat-calling, stalking, or sexual/physical assault, whereas a guy strolling down the street at 2 a.m in his shorts wouldn't worry about any of the above unless he was being robbed.


2 am roaming alone is not safe for men also![img](emote|t5_3d4x4|20227)


It's actually good to record and public such videos. People questioning what's the need to roam around 2am. Do you know people work in night shifts or random shifts which end at 2am? Apart from work, there can be a random emergency where you have to go alone. People will say that time will not come when you are alone, but it does. Emergency happens at any time. Above all this, we should have a safe environment, safe city around. Instead of questioning the victim, let's question why we don't have a safe environment for a woman to roam around? Or are you saying a woman roaming around at the 2am gives "you" the license to tease her? Attack her? Of you say yes, then "you" are the problem society keeps referring to. Change your mind because a crime is a crime, no matter when and where you commit, a**holes.


No country for women. Slowly this what India is turning into. Young, old, educated, rich, poor, nothing matters.


Its better now than ever infact. Its 2am now. Previously it was 7pm. Your logic is shit.


Bruh ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ


India has always been like this for women


OMG don't be so dramatic it's always been like that for both genders they both have pros and cons now just mind your own damn business the girl is just looking for attention


Bro about 4 years ago, in Bangalore I was walking with my gf and her fried from our apartment to the cab. Probably a 200m walk. The ogling all the way to the cab was embarrassing. Unless you live in India I don't think you understand how sleazy some people are.


India has always been like this. It's not turning into it. It's not like you could roam around in the night back in the day. On the contrary nowadays more people are out in the night. Earlier shops used to close as early as 8 pm and it was not advised to go out after that.


In some cities, even going out at 9 is not safe for women


Even local chapris go home at 2am. The one present at 2 am are literal robbers and goons.




I wonder why everyone's complaining about roaming around at 2 AM. One can be out at 2 AM for many reasons like in case of an emergency or if one has to catch a flight. People should rather complain about the lack of safety Instead of questioning the decision to be out at 2 AM.


Why most of the comments victim shaming her on being out late


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1XGPvbWn0A&ab\_channel=RobBliss](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1XGPvbWn0A&ab_channel=RobBliss) Move to usa get cat called at 2PM instead :D


This is like saying "He killed Mukesh Ambani so what are you? get killed, you bitch" 🤡


Indian motto: "why blame wrong-doers when we can blame victims?" If the comments are any indication, the cops will just enforce a curfew and companies will make women sign something like, "I am staying out to work on my own, and am responsible for my own safety" and they will tell you it's just a formality because of some new silly law. They see nothing wrong in someone attacking you because "wrong place, wrong time" is a better rationale.


Hmm so why do you roam at fucking 2 AM when you know it isn't safe.


Views bhi to zaruri hai


And why are those creeps are harassing others at 2 AM when they know it's unethical and illegal? Roaming at night isn't the fucking problem, problem are those creeps .


Look obviously those are problem but there's a simple solution to avoid it.


Arreh didi car meh jao raat ko toh yaha toh 11 baje ke baad bhi nahi nikla jata 🐕 ki wajah se


I am more worried about street dogs chasing me to death.


This looks like a scripted fake video. Not saying it is safe in Bangalore at 2 am but this looks scripted.


This video is a fake af....... Hauterrfly was the media company behind poonam pandey's fake death..... these publicity stunts are successful but heartless.


2am?? WTF is open at 2 am even in Bangalore? If someone is coming back from work, a cab with an escort is provided to the doorstep.


I am a guy.. And if I am not home before 8.. My mom might quite literall beat me to pulp.. She says its not safe for anyone at night.. Maybe she is too overprotective.. But post 11:30 I would never go roaming without a vehicle.. Not only about these drunk guys.. Its also about street dogs or what not.. Its like going near volcano area and saying its burning.. Dont go.. People roam around that time for prostitutes or something or drunk people or people who are on search by police cant roam at day time or drg dealers.. We dont know right


My toxic trait is I agree both sides of this comment section community,🥲


As a man, even I don’t feel confident roaming around after 12 AM, forget about 2 AM


Bangalore is on easy mode madam, Delhi aao kabhi


The comments are disappointing, but not surprising. India can never be a safe country until we stop the victim shaming.


Jyada boldiya.


This should not be happening. But, at the same time, this is like me walking into a fish market and complaining about the smell. Bengaluru is not a 24x7 city, not yet. The only people out at 2am are drunk, good for nothing loafers and prostitutes. I'm not calling this woman a prostitute. I am talking about professional prostitutes who come out at night to sell their "services". I am a kannada speaking native Bangalorean, male, and I would not be walking down the road at 2am, especially in some areas of the city.


Most educated civilised ppl aren't at the street at that time, so it is natural to encounter such ppl. Good luck changing those ppl using the police force or calling them out, they aren't on reddit even if they were they won't care. Someone i know in the usa was killed by a white single mom in a road accident, police took no action. What should a person do, post on utube?


Bhai main ladka hoke 11 ke baad bahar nahi jaata Not victim shaming, I’m just aware of the reality. India has a long way to go before such incidents stop. Until then, taking precautions is the best that anyone can do. Again, those boys are in the wrong, not victim shaming here.


2000 is a lot for this


Seems staged, honestly. Nobody eve teases like that. This seems like a woman's opinion as to how males molest random women. In reality, the harassment isn't so obvious. It's insidious, sinister and builds up gradually.


I (male 40) went to NY for a month for office work. I used to take Uber but once I thought of taking Bus. I was waiting for the Bus at the Bus stop, a Black man came and tried to say something I couldn't understand. Only "Hey Man" was sound familiar. He was big guy compared to me. Suddenly he tried to grab my bag. I quickly dodged and ran for a while and he chased me. Then I saw Subway station. I quickly went down the stairs and took a train to work. I didn't see him anymore. People never say safety in US or Europe cities but concerned in Indian cities where street crime rates are relatively low.


This comment section is all about whatboutism and victim blaming and shaming. Why to automatically assume that she was there to film content?? I have friends who work for US based companies and they leave office at 5 am. What if she is returning back from station Or airport?? What if she went out to buy necessary medicine and she lives alone?? Rather than accepting that people out there are filthy af, we are saying US bhi safe nhi hai, main toh tala lga ke niklta hu etc etc. These kind of comments make those roadside cheapsters think that yeah let's tease the f out of this girl cause in the end she is going to be blamed.


Instead of aspiring to be a safe country, some idiots would rather just accept that late night is a free crime time and anyone out is the problem. Not the fact that the criminals are the problem. The country should be safe for men and women at all times. That’s the future we should want. A country where people don’t commit crime not just because they are scared of getting caught, but because they have been taught to be better humans. Compare safety to countries who have it better, not to those who are on same level or worse. One they will get better than us and we will keep justifying ourselves comparing to countries with lower safety than us.


This is a deep rooted problem in India which, unfortunately, isn't going away anytime soon. The reason for this is.. that many people are uneducated on how to treat women and some are just straight up assholes, that's why this happens in the most developed of cities such as Newyork or Tokyo as well. Even if we try to stop them, they'll just harass others in the pretext of 'free speech' and pretty much nothing can be done about it. While I empathise with her and other women who go through this, every person knows that India isn't as safe as Korea or Europe, especially at night. So the one thing you can do to protect yourself is to not jump in the sea of fire, i.e not roam around at night at 2 am unless absolutely necessary. Keep in mind, I'm in no way defending the behaviour of these assholes, but I think what this lady is doing isn't very smart either.


The staggering amount of low IQs in the comment section is just so frustrating💀💀💀 🤡 try to trivialise this matter by simply saying "iT aiN't sAfE fOr AnY gEnDer Bro" ! Are they too blind to see the girl in video itself is being harassed only by men !? Girls encounter additional risks due to gender specific societal factors of their gender. They are more vulnerable to harassment, cat-calling, stalking, or sexual/physical assault, whereas a guy strolling down the street at 2 a.m in his shorts wouldn't worry about any of the above unless he was being robbed.


So was it 200 or 2000?


I'm extremely fearful of venturing out past 10 pm, let alone 2 am, and I am man. Regardless of the location in India, it's consistently risky to be out after dark.


Why the hell are people defending this by giving the dumbest arguments? It is clearly a huge problem and needs to be solved. Aisa koi law to shayad nahi he ke raat ko crime kar sakte he. Waise sab rona rote rahenge ke we are the best country, waise iss type ki cheezo ko defend karenge. This sub seems to be filled with hypocrites


Post remove krdis inhone


Video link




Now would you like it if others were to say this about your mum and sister? Zyada "dank" bann gaye bhosdike anonymity mein?




Me being a guy would have been sleeping cozy at night why to even go out just sleep and enjoy zzzzzzzzzz


Who tf walks alone at streets at 2pm


At least you’re alive. Just read that in the US a man was killed at 2 am during an altercation. So what do you expect at 2 am walking alone in any part of the world?? Views and comments and some fame?? It’s not just India, it’s any part of the world. Apart from medical emergencies I don’t think anyone in their sane mind will roam around at 2 am during a winter night. Next is what? That you kept your door wide open at 2 am and someone robbed your home and rant about it?!


even men don’t roam at 2 am


Why can't India be like us or uk where its very safe for women to roam outside at 2am?!🤓


Even guys aren't safe roaming around at 2am. Get your ass back at home till 10pm max and you'll be good.


Dressed like that at 2 am walking what else do you expect they will just think you are a lady of night lmao


This is so sad, unlike the video last week where an Indian was welcomed with garlands in Chicago when walking in the dark. /s Everyone should be street smart, You don’t see posts saying as an American I am so ashamed.


That’s my senior from school , gotta check up on her now


as a man i dont feel safe at night let alone roaming at midnight , its not gender specific , alcohol addicts roam at night and they tend to terrorize the vulnerable , best option for men and women , dont go too late at night . ( im 6ft 120 kg , pretty strong but still afarid )


She went to buy kotambari sopu at 2 AM in the night


Kya chu** sub, everyone blaming the girl why she is out @2am. This mentality need to change yaar.


People saying why out at 2 am? If video was from yesterday, it was Friday night. Peak party time of the week after work. Most pubs close at 1am so she's probably going back home. People walking alone at 2 am is very normal atleast in BLR. If women are feeling unsafe, that's terrible. Mostly PCR vans are very strict and roaming around all the time


I as a man also have my reality. I saw a woman in white with open hair wanting to take help from me. This was 2am.


It's a well known fact that it's not safe for a woman to be alone after 10pm in Bangalore. What's the point of the video?


Do this in America and you will know what actually unsafe is. Even people don't feel safe in their home


The men in the comments section proving her right


I lived in allahabad since I was a student of iiit Uha pe campus me sab log ( yes men and women) pura rat bahar ghumte the,kabhi kuch hua nehi So dear fellow redditors If someone is cat calling a girl be it 2AM or 2 pm It's their fucking fault


200 nahi 2000


We all know this happens, Why risking your life for Content I don't wanna disrespect but those guys shouting 2000 maybe thought tha she is a Prostitute case they do this to get costumer Or not sure I can be scripted also but you still can't say benglore is safe at night If it's real what was she expecting,She isn't a child who don't know anything


Rat ka 2 bje ke time chor gumte he or vo esko dekh ke jane denge ky .. nonsense


Must be northies😄😄


This time is for ghosts.


Gosh these comments.. Calling out the victim "wHy aRe u oUt aT 2"? bisch its a free country, and the government is answerable for the safety of its citizens be it 2 in the midnight or afternoon. Questioning why she's out after night is none of your business. Some disgusting f**k is even calling her a "whore" for this. Yuck. Says a lot abt these boomer Indians and their regressive mindset. This shouldn't be normal at all.




They are not eve teasing, they are searching for a service provider ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I am sure it looks weird when a girl is walking around with her camera. Invites hooligans to eve tease. I was once eve teased when Inwas with my own husband where some goons on bikes called out to my husband that they will "tell his wife". Guess they thought I was annescort. Sad reality for women. Besides, let us not make this an "Indian" problem. You are potentially unsafe at 2 AM even in cities like Bangkok, Paris or KL. Hsard and seen horror stories.


Questions: 1)Is the place where they are roaming a public place or a remote colony 2)anything on social media is questionable saying that this is an act & it could be possible 3)what the hell are you trying to prove? Dum acts of recording & saying this is so sick & we should be able to roam around anytime I hope you got a reality check!


This is pathetic. No one should face a situation like this anytime. Women should feel perfectly safe any time anywhere and as society we have to improve ourselves. But this will not happen in a day. Some points to note- 1. Even in developed countries crime rates are high late night. I would even say it is much better in India than USA as there is high chance to get mugged in usa at this late in night than in India. 2. Nordic countries and some European countries are exception. Their governments have invested in societies for long period of time in various areas such as education, healthcare and other benefits. Society is much more developed there compared to other developed countries. There is no comparison between us and them. We have a long way to reach there. 3. Even in developed countries if someone goes home after partying late night, they usually put some coat or other clothes.They put due to cold but one of the reasons is these also. I am not saying whatever the girl has worn is the reason, but you have to consider your surroundings. Not every people in this world is a good person. There will always be bad person. We have to take care of themselves. Girls can wear anything and it's their choice just sometime we should dress according to situations. We have to improve as a society. Improvement is coming and i know we will be much better as a society in next 20-30 yrs but till then we should take precautions.


Play stupid games, win stupid prices.


Our streets are unfortunately not safe but after midnight it's even worse. And this is a global shit reminds me of a video from a decade ago about a woman getting catcalled in new york and that was just regula timing. https://www.wsj.com/video/woman-hears-over-100-cat-calls-walking-through-nyc/5ABE5229-EE45-4C41-AD68-710E8A2EB6F9


people writing roaming around at 2 am is not safe for men, I work during night shift in Bangalore, I have a habit of going around for strolls at 1-2am nothing like this ever happens me




2000 ✅


Eve teasing for girl is a common problem in india, I've literally been groped in a public during day time, but of course ladki ki hi galti hai isme bhi


There are sufficient examples to prove that people at 2 am are drunkards and chhapris... there is no need for a new video to show the pathetic state of this country.. every new such video at this point obviously falls into victim blaming category acc. to these redditors


It's safe for no one at 2 AM. At that time only drunkards, druggies and thugs roam the streets. I am a dude and still I would never do that, this is not a gender issue.


So what do you want us to do? It's not the people here who are doing that. Everyone's always up in arms on social media. Oh we need to do something about it. Kindly shut up, or provide an actual solution. Educating men about this doesn't help. Because the men who do this would probably beat the shit out of anyone who tried to educate them. Come with actual, viable solutions to your problems. Till then, i'm staying in well-lit, crowded areas, where I'm not going to get mugged or murdered.


Educated States 🤣


If you aren't a police, you should be scared to roam around anywhere in anyplace in the world at 2am.


People here are commenting that 2am isn't safe for anyone...... It is community's responsibility to make it. Man Bangalore is much more developed city with better workplace and lifestyle and people from everywhere chooses Bangalore along with Delhi and Mumbai. Then why it becomes an issue to roam outside at midnight. My city is relatively not in par with Bangalore but I am able to get outside anytime, anywhere throughout the year without any kind of fear. And during festival streets are often filled with young men and women roaming around the city........ Bangalore is such a nice City hope midnight safety issue is solved to make it recognised well on global scale.


For those saying that why victim blaming then you are right we should fix this but remember "world isn't sunshine and rainbows" we have to take care ourselves where we go and roam and this thing happens everywhere around the world in Europe and America its even worse so its unto you, do you want to take precaution and live peacefully or fight this and make your life a living hell.


So I did watch the video after seeing this post and here are few pointers, 1. If you go with the objective of “it’s not safe” you will feel unsafe. 2. When you say I was getting weird looks, I assume a women give weird looks to those carrying camera walking and talking loudly and then panning the camera on strangers. 3. When you claim that there are no women or women in conservative clothes, then atleast in edit remove those women from background in shorts. 4. I’m a woman and I make sure I’m not out on streets at 2am. I might be travelling home in a cab, auto but never walking on streets. I’m aware world is not a safe place for women and I don’t to challenge that fact by putting myself at risk


In Karnataka hooliganism is becoming new normal


Don't go out at night....simple


Maturity is when you realize that none of those men were teasing or wrong. It's 2 am. She is wearing a sleeveless red dress, open hair and walking alone at night. None of the men groped her or tried to molest her. One looked at her. Other offered her money. Conclusion, they all thought she was a prostitute. The real victims were those men who got catfished by her. Men also have their needs. They're not allowed to hire a hooker or what?! Stop shaming male sexuality! Yes men have egos and yes, men are attracted to women's bodies!


People who are saying why anyone should go out at 2AM Once in Bangalore, I went out to watch a movie at night and by the time the movie finished it was already 1AM and I couldn't find any bus so I had to walk home alone but gladly I didn't face any eve-teasing, probably cuz I'm a man. but just wanted to let those who are wondering why go out at 2am, know why? and it's not a safe country if we can't even roam around safely.




what was 200?


Meri gand phatati hai itne raat kahi se aane ko and I am a guy


Crime is very less in my city my mum used to bring medicine from a medical shop alone at midnight when I was a child.It is only tier 1 and 2 city that are most fucked up


Even I don't roam around at 2 in the city unless I'm with my group of friends




Deliberately roaming around at night with weird dress and a weird face They were not teasing they were laughing their assess out Such videos are just for views and done just to show how wrong everyone is while no one actually is wrong


So we here talking about how it is a "bad time" for a person to roam but nobody is gonna call out the people because whom it is a bad time to roam. Everyday we stray further away from god's light.


I hope people understand raat ko 2 baje women in "the oldest business" roam around for customers and this way they get it. And horny pigs roam around looking for some action they possibly could not get from other normal males of the society. Please do not try roaming at 2 AM like this as a human (male/female). Almost all the places in the world are unsafe except few.


Unless women can walk anywhere anytime wearing any types of clothes we will remain savages. Fact of life


Bangalore un huh, ruled by who, guess yourself 😄


Possibly guys like these send their own women out for >200, hence looking for a quick profit. HODL


Imagine thinking the whole world revolves around you