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I commented this same thing happening at 2:30 AM few weeks ago and got downvoted...LMAO


Bro they are still going it’s almost 5:30




I also hate the wakeup call in the morning from peacefuls


Loudspeakers whether for Azaan/ temples or non religious events should be banned in residential areas, at least for night.


6am and the loudspeakers have started. XD


In many cities loudspeakers are banned from 10PM - 6AM. This standard should be implemented throughout the country


They are banned in UP. But is it working? Anyone from UP can confirm?


Its not working. They removed loudspeakers but they are back up again. No temple has them but mosques nobody stops them.


Nope, banned on paper. I know 3 nearby Mocks who blast 5times daily since decades now.


Totally in my town. I complain on dial100 everytime the near marriage hall plays dj after 10. Police arrives in 10-20mins and make them shut their noise.


Yes! banned in my area, although occasionally I hear it. (Maybe once in a month or even lesser, I guess that's when they have some celebration or something).


Bro u can talk about loudspeakers at temples but not about azaan... /s


Bro they’ve started playing some haryanvi shit…. I’m going to kill myself 😭😭😭






use a strong rope


Wtf. I have absolutely no doubt that those who are playing those songs deserve to die. This totally shows that they're not real devotees and just playing whatever they want for fun. Dickheads i say


Daily 5am from mosque 😭 won't even let me have my afternoon nap🥲 I'd understand if it's some special occasion but daily?? 🙃🙃


Call the police. It is illegal.


I'll only have a whole community against me as I'm a single individual without power or powerful connections.


The police won't go around announcing the name of the person who called (ideally). That is the entire point of being police that you keep things in check when pointed out by someone. I have done so multiple times (not for religious places but on some a-holes thinking that they can play music the whole night because it is their birthday)


If it's an individual without power then sure can easily file a complaint. But complaints against religious activities is risky and I don't trust police enough to protect me


Nothing is impossible when other person has political/monetary reach. I can easily get info of who called against me as i have good repo with SHO, CO, Ssp of my hometown due to business.


LOL they would. They won't even take the complaint. What can the police do here really? We all know what will happen. People have families you know and we don't want to deal with the consequences.


I have the same thing at 5:00AM mosque around 2KM away. I had jetlag and was about to finally doze off and they started.


It'd be nice if we had sound population laws like some other countries. I don't wanna be a villain in my neighbours' stories. It'd be great if I can report anonymously 🤭🤭 people be playing some juicy songs for weddings all day long. So loud that I can't even hear my tv on full volume in my own room with close doors and windows. I'd be lucky if my flat didn't vibrate that day. It never so loud and vibrating my whole flat.... Annoying to stay vibrating for all time I'm awake that day 😭😭


The blaring speakers should be placed next to cjis house or the CMs residence! Just to understand how a tax paying citizen goes through the community appeasement


oh they don't care, they don't wanna get in btw religions. Even they do ban all religions which is the right thing to do, there will be another party that says we'll increase the limit or how is prayer a disturbance just to get votes😆


U mean Azaan?


I just learned a new word. Yes that


Azaan is the 2 minute voice u hear at mid day, at 4 o clock (evening) etc, u talking about that?


not just midday, i hear it 5 times a day. yes that is what im talking about




it isssss annoying, bro for karitha masam THEY BE DOING POOJAS ON MIC, FOR HOURS... i hate it ughh I'm Hindu but I hate it okay? it has nothing to do with my religious believes disturbance is disturbance.


ig you took me for a Muslim hater i can sense the sarcasm in your comment. for hours or minutes disturbance is disturbance. Government should come up with sound limit for prayers of ALLL ALLL RELIGIONS


Ikr. People overreact with mosques playing azaan. I find it very peaceful and it's not even that loud. Compare that to people getting drunk and playing DJ music until 2 am during Ganesh visarjan. It drives me nuts. And they play loud music almost for 3 hrs everyday at morning and evening.


i feel you are underreacting, this is 365 days. You find it peaceful doesn't mean everyone feels the same. I am against any kind of loud noises from any religious activities.


I am against loud noises too. But the mosque that’s less than 0.5 km away does not play it above 55db. It’s not at all loud. It’s very much like TV in your living room.


oh then it must be nice. here they keep upgrading to bigger ones. Mosque is not even in my street. It is located on main road. I am on the opposite side of the road and 4 streets aways, still hearing it. I don't hear any traffic noise tho. If it were loud enough just like a TV I won't complain, I wont even hear it two complain. I dont hear TV sound of the next flat... they kept upgrading bigger and bigger speakers for the past three years.


Its true. I'm also tired of these loudspeakers waking me up at 5am every fucking day. Its already illegal. Who is going to implement the law though?


In many cities loudspeakers are banned from 10PM - 6AM. Mosques, Temples, Churches, all adhere to the rules, at least here in Bangalore.


Not here.


In my area from 4-5 They pray Namaz in loud speaker and after 5-6 They pray aarti. I am always sleep deprived.


Who the hell plays namaz in speaker for 1 hour? They typically play it for 2 mins, it's called azaan (call to prayer). You should complain to police.


Why don't you call the police?? We've called them multiple times since the construction company right behind our house sometimes plan to work all night. The leagal timing is from 7am to 10pm something for loud speakers , also on occasion days (depends on state) timings can be extended upto 12 pm.


I'm not sure where this loudspeaker culture originated, but it's become quite annoying. When I moved out of my hometown in 2018, and returned to stay with my parents in December 2023 for WFH, I encountered it again. I don't have any hatred towards any religion. However, waking up to the azan at 5 in the morning is quite jarring, especially since my house is within a 1 km radius, making it incredibly loud. This is troublesome for two reasons: first, because I tend to sleep late, so 5 am is really early for me. Second, it disrupts my deep sleep and makes it difficult for me to fall asleep again. While the azan is somewhat tolerable since it's played daily on loop, it's like having a spider in the corner that, despite my issues with spiders, I've learned to ignore its existence. However, the individuals who play loud music during durga puja or any pooja are incredibly bothersome. Instead of playing bhajans or prayers, they blast high bass DJ mixes where you can hear the DJ's name repeated thousands of times within 5 minutes. It's extremely irritating. I believe regardless of religion, this loudspeaker culture should be banned. If someone wants to pray, they can use their voice, and if they want to hear prayers, they can go to temples and mosques. Why should someone else's sleep be disturbed for the sake of fake devotional satisfaction?


Actually not just religious songs anything on loudspeaker after sleeping hours makes me go crazy since it's wedding season yesterday had to tolerate dhol all day and songs on loudspeaker entire night.😑


Bhai haryanvi Baja rahe thae abhi thak mein trauma mein hun Indians generally lacks discipline


My sympathies




but saar... they also don't give a running fuck saar...


God be like….let me sleep bro ![gif](giphy|5xSonyvLVZxNm)


There is a slightly expensive solution to this — sleep buds


The sleeping buds lobby which controls the loudspeakers in all these places strikes at the most opportune moment.


I’m in Bhuj, Gujarat at the moment and since I arrived I had music blaring all night long. Asked the neighbours and was told - it’s wedding season so expect this all night long (as Lionel Ritchie would say 😀) It seems that in India the louder and the longest seems to be somehow related to being the best?


I am tired of the dogs in my area. Bark and cry all day and night.


Yes, and it's temples near my area doing it. Temples have ruined my mental peace by blaring songs every morning. Not just that, they are single handedly making my brothers and now increasingly myself, HATE the religion. If this is what's left of whatever we call Hinduism then we were wrong all along.


My mind fked up Indians generally lacks discipline I guess when doing wedding loudspeakers dj etc..mat pucho bhai ..


you can't do anything or you'll be labelled anti-hindu and might even end up ganged up and beaten. its like voicing against kim jong un in nk


same goes for every religion, right? azaan also if u complain, they will beat you...


that is why no religion >> any religion


Same bro..just got woken up at 5 am cz the aazaan ...ban the loudspeakers


My gosh, it's unbearable. Some old hag sings every morning at 8 in my area. I work at night and need sleep during the day otherwise it's a huge issue for me. Everyday I wake up and realise that oh, we do live in a third world sh country.


then you should move to a "first world" country. good luck not getting robbed and shot for $20


OR live in a hope that the citizens of our country develop civic sense


Yeah dude, wanting a full sleep is such a big ask.


bro had had it with screaming at top of your lungs with dogshit voice🙂😅 at 4 am![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I don't understand how people approve of this, every human should stand against these assholes no matter their religion.


Kisi ki shaadi ho rahe hain tab kaun hoga etc funeral par.


I am waiting for the Shriman who tells ' playing loudspeaker at 100decibel is also a part of our culture '


They are not bhakts, they are arrogant assholes


Did you try calling the Police?


I don't even care at this point in my life. Ever since I was a kid i used to hear every kind of Bhajan, 4 in the morning without fail. Even when electricity was out. The new place has Muslims too. So at 11 pm once than 3:30 am once, the namaz will rock your ears. Than when you finally start going to sleep, at 4 Bhajan will start. Day stay day. Ab toh adat si ho gayi hai.


Haan Bhai bhot guilty feel hota hai jab muthi pel Raha hota hun or bahar se ese awaz aati hai😔


i shot out the two loud speakers by the camel place last month, they put new ones on, i shot those ones two, i think they finally got the msg, no more hubby dubby gibberish.


I listen to this 5 times a day, In the morning 4.30, 5.30 am, 1 pm, 4 pm, 7 pm. As soon as there's Bhajan kirtan in my area they lost their minds.


Well, I can tell you that Jaipur doesn't suffer from this problem. I cannot recall any such incident myself and I've lived here 17 years. In fact, a few years ago, my family had organized some religious event and police showed up to tell us to keep it low as there were students getting disturbed. In our defense, we hadn't realized it was past 10pm, and were quick to comply.


I was living in Bangalore some years, my first time out of college living alone, and I rented a place, didn't see surrounding areas. As it turned out , there were a couple of mosques nearby. Now the nightmare began. Lesson learnt. Moved to another city, again same mistake, didn't see surrounding areas, turned out a temple there which starts bhajan every odd/even day from 10pm-12.x am .. Now my rule of thumb is: Before renting a place , always check out surrounding areas, never ever rent a place which place of worship nearby, place of community gathering. It's okay to have them in a distance but not in your living vicinity.


Same thing for diwali. I remember some idiots were firing cracker with highest decibal at midnight 😭. Like i have no issues at morning till evening but at midnight 🙏🏻




Loudspeaker mustn't be allowed for anyone for any reason in the night. They disturb everyone including birds and animals. Not even for marriage.


Singing to gods so loud that other's can get disturbed, even without a loudspeaker and at any time of the day/night, is purely deprived of any logic. Its a way of saying 'god is stupid'


I am Hindu.. I won't go to hell or heaven you m*ron


Old gods are hard of hearing... What to do? 


Regularly happens in my city during Ganesh visarjan. Those fkerd will get drunk and play loud music and DJ until 2:30 am.


This is the same thing happening everywhere. Doesn't mattter what you are doing it is always better to respect the people living around you. Celebration should be done without affecting anyone else.


Lol what was that a wedding?


JSR. Remix Version play ho raha Hai


Hah jokes on you coz there's no such thing as heaven and hell or peace after death


Same. I hear their sky daddy prayers every single day. It's highly annoying Hindu prayers are done only during puja days so it's fine


At my place, the loud speakers of garbage collectors disturb my sleep. Or to rephrase it, it's a daily alarm that I don't want :)


Loudspeakers should be banned completely, doesn't matter why one wants to use it. Many developed countries work nicely without Loudspeakers.


Cough cough* Vote BJP cough*


I feel irrespective of religion, loudspeakers should be banned in any religious processions.


Man! Oafff....move so U don't hear it ! Ignoramus baffoon


There is no peace after death, it’s just more of the same.


I've faced the same, dude. Some dogshit ppl who live in front of me would play songs of Lord Rama randomly at any time(with so loud noise that my room would vibrate sometimes)during the whole phase of Ram Mandir. It went on for 3 days. I'm glad they stopped after the inauguration or else I was srsly gonna go to their house and question their fake bhakti asses, cuz these guys never did a Pooja and now suddenly so much bhakti, wow. I hate such fake ppl pretending to be a huge bhakt or something. I've got a whole lot of curse words in my mouth for em, but I'll try to stay quiet. Don't wanna ruin my own mood. Lol


If muslim loudspeaker played for so many years then temple loudspeaker should play full blast


if someone eats shit for years, why do we have to eat more shit?


If Muslims marry minors and have multiple wives and kill non muslims for millennia, then Hindus should do so too? Wow. Your lack of beef in your diet has caused brain damage. Maybe that's what you want?


If you need a loudspeaker to prove your religion, maybe your faith isn't strong enough.


Bhai azaan tab bhi 1-2 min ki hoti hai, yeh toh lamba khichta hai. Nevertheless any form of loud speakers should be banned from 10pm-8am atleast.