• By -


I read this somewhere, I a salaried employee pay government 1 lakh for what i earn. Now i loose job in a year. Government does nothing for me when i dont have a job. It will infact tax my retirement my savings my everything.


This tbh. If I am unemployed for any reason, I should have the ability to take back portion if not all of my taxes.


Even if it allows me for more savings or emergency fund(not taxed) would be better.


Yes.. and you are not eligible to most of the govt schemes meant for "poor" either after losing job as most schemes make people who have paid taxes in last 3 years ineligible!


Well when the government does think of doing something there are many who start saying gov is doing rewadi and freebie business.People in our country are so dumb that they dont realise getting basic necessity of life is a right rather than prievelege and should be absolutely demanded rather than requested . But then again most people are also cowards who would much rather demand the freebie to a poor man be stopped instead of extending it to them as well .


no sar free electricity and returning tax back to the people in form of basic amenities is anti nashinel sar


That’s why I’d be ok paying 50% of my taxes in a west European country cause there at least even if I lose my job I’ll have unemployment checks and help in finding other jobs plus numerous other benefits


this is currently possible in first world countries like UK , EU … although they are collapsing due to immigrants and asylum claims .. the unemployed in the country get a minimum fund for their monthly needs


Taxes ko tumne quid pro quo kyu samjh liya hai? Taxes are not investment schemes jisme returns mile!!! It is just a way to redistribute the wealth (by taking from rich and giving to poor). Isiliye bolte hai choose your leaders wisely who will not swallow up your tax money. Btw there are countries which give unemployment benefits, but apni country karne lage to tum same hi log freebie freebies bolke protest karo. Thoda dimag lagao. Ameer log hi freebie ke against influence karte hai logo ko because they don’t want to pay taxes. Hum majority log to gareeb hi hai…


Maybe not the investment, but its definitely not to redistribute the wealth. If that were really true, ambanis wouldn’t be rich, their wealth would all be redistributed. Taxes are a way for govt to function and improve the general life of countrymen. Govt does nothing for me means, i dont get any public scheme benefits. What did i even pay the tax for? Same poor quality air, same horrible roads, same unaffordable health care and education. So what did i pay the taxes for?


Choose yr leaders wisely???? It's like saying to choose a good cat to protect the milk in her custody. Almost all politicians r corrupt, choosing a good or bad politicians shudnt be an issue rather than making sure by creating a system that even the most corrupted politician can't ever rob our heard earned money neither can do corruption in any form


We need people like you to show real power


To be fair it is the cost you pay for using public services, and infrastructure. Whether that is any good or not is a different story. Many countries pay unemployment benefits as well.


All taxes should be abolished and transactional taxes should be the only taxes




That will only benefit the rich. A person earning 1lac a month and 1Cr a month pays the same tax for the same thing. They both go out to eat and both pay same tax regardless of how much they earn. Who is at disadvantage here? Another example, person buying Mercedes and Nano pays the same % taxes. Now who is at disadvantage, rich or poor?


Huh ? Bro 10 percent of 1 cr is 10 lac and 10 percent of 1 lac is 10k so the rich is already paying more taxes plus a slight buff of 3-4 percent in transactional tax in the luxury segment is doable (itna socialism chalta hai even though we say we are capitalist) The dilemma for a rich person who doesn’t have a business to hide his profit is paying 40 percent tax on the 1 cr then you buy a car from the 60 percent left and again you are taxed 106% on the already taxed money (40 lac ki car and the gov takes 40 lac this means 106% tax) , you invest in stock market and get profit the gov takes 30 percent (if you lose all the money in the market gov ain’t answerable, risk mera paisa mera profit tera kyu ? And also on the money i am investing after paying the 40 percent Lol ) Because of these people end up finding loop holes in taxation, a minimal 15 percent on income tax and a well defined transaction tax with 4-5% more maybe in the luxury segment should be the way, So ridiculous if you think about it a person is taxed on the money he gets then he gets taxed on the leftover money he spends then if he tries and makes some profit from the already income taxed money he is taxed again charity chalri kya idhar ? And gov hospitals mashallah gov school mashallah the gov provides nothing in comparison to the taxes they extract.


but the rich guy is going to spend way more than the other guy on daily basis and thats how he will pay more taxes too


also, in your example, if suppose lets say car tax is 10%. So rich is payiing more tax as his car is expensive, so 10% of that \[tax\] is also high in absoulute value. But ya, one thing I agree, there should be less tax on essential things \[like nano car\] and more on luxury things \[like, BMW\]. In india very few people <7% pay income taxes \[most middle class\], they have the most burden. Opinion that can help reduce income tax even more, and also increasing government treasure: 1. businesse and companies should be taxed extra high ~~\[~~*~~not that much to make them bankrupt (they also contribute to economy)~~**, but still highly tax them\]*, but **taxes on individuals or person should be less and constant, whether the person is rich or poor** 2. To make more people to contribute to taxes, keep GST on all essential things and high gst on luxury or non-essential things. Also, apply some transactional tax. This way almost 100% people will pay taxes in India \[**not only <7%**\], as everyone buys something or do some transaction. So burden will not be only on 7% tax paying middle class. 3. I believe, just implementing above things, government can reduce income tax a lot, and still earn even more for country welfare.


I fail to understand how’s that a bad thing? We should always strive for equality. Yeah there are tons of people who got rich by corruption or inheritance. And in both cases i would say it’s the same unequal laws that led to it. Fk the government.


Ramdev suggested this very thing before 2014


He makes sense on this one thing. Good enough for me I'll start snorting patanjali through all my orifices now




So how would govt make money?


Records in gst collection each month goov earns more in gst than any other just this moment i bet it can earn more once theres no incone tax. Sure there will be a dip but soon it can be recovered.


No.. govt's single largest source of income is individual income tax. 24-25 budget estimate for income tax is 1156K crore while GST is 1068K crore


Reduction in income tax might encourage consumption and they will get more from GST


They have reduced income tax of the 98% population to zero.


lol thats true😂, only less then 5% people pay income taxes. 95% people never paid any taxes in history though. I guess that why it would be better to implement constant transaction tax, and GST only, instead of income tax. This way 100% people will pay taxes, as everyone buy something


Read ts again


everyone buys things everyday. Yes govt will get less taxes but atleast the common man won't be drowning in shi load of taxes


we are already in a deficit i don't think it would be sustainable unless they raise those taxes by something like 100% in the end that money is going out of your pocket one way or other


This is the way


Isn't this the very same reason GST was introduced in India. Not many people pay taxes on their income so government started imposing higher taxes on transactional items like goods and services. While I am not in favor of high taxes on business and the rich (because that just kills their incentive specially in a growing economy like India) but it serves as a contribution to the growth aspect of our country infrastructurally. No taxes on income is just an invitation to endless inflation and a system of no checks.


is there any country doing this right now?




Hasu ya rou samajh nahi aa rha


Tax on taxes, that's it. Wonder what GST did, then 🙂


“gOoD aNd SiMplE tAx”


Poperty Tax: Hii


And on top of it if you're doing all this in India, getting nothing in return. Staying alive becomes a skill. Everything is out to kill you


can't even leave the nation, even airport roofs kill you for that. /s


drop the /s bro, this is real


Lmfao 💀


You get random illegal billboards falling


Random illegal billboards, stampedes, speaking against scams like NEET, an entitled rich kid with a Porsche, food contamination (masala), improper healthcare just some of the reasons you might get killed after paying 30%, list not exhaustive


You’re right


the poor are too poor to be worried about taxes. the rich are too rich to be worried about taxes. the middle class suffers.


Sari govt schemes bhi poor ke liye hi aati he.


And allow Asshole politicians to drive in Maybachs, chartered planes, and imported Mushrooms.


wahin Toh Kya Faltu ki Government Political Parties hain is Desh mein


taxes are like paying money to not get arrested




Go to jail, live on tax money....


Taxation is slavery. You are essentially working 3 months in a year for free for the government. Taxation is theft by governments. Inflation is disguised Taxation.


>Taxation is theft by governments. Have you ever used, well literally anything outside where you live? Thank taxes, wether the quality of those facilities is good or not depends, but it EXISTS because of taxes


I want a minimalist state where government should exist for protecting rights and providing law&order and defence functions. For that I am willing to slave for sometime so that there is no anarchy. For everything else free markets will take care of itself. I don't want it to run shoddy and dilapilated schools, hospitals, roads, highways, airports, railways. Nobody asked them to.


Governed free markets with antitrust policies


Thats how you end up paying 50k dollars for a knee surgery, also, most airports aren't bad, mybe not on the level of somthing like singapore or whatever, but they are good, and extremly useful, also, roads are dilapidated due to misuse of funds by state governments, thats why road quality variws so wildly, because in places like NOIDA there are amazing roads, but its not like they special tax for that, its just funds being used properly


Oh really? Many people who are capable of paying high taxes already choose not to go to govt hospitals My grandpa had a paralysis attack, we took him to private hospital instead of govt hospital. My gf's family isn't really that well-off but still when her uncle's health deteriorated, they took him to private hospitals (even thou they can't really afford it and her dad has CGHS card which means they can get treatment for free in govt hospitals) instead of govt hospital (well, they did first take him to govt hospital but, took him to private after few hours) Why do you think that happened? Because govt services are shit No one pays attention to you in govt hospitals and service in general is shit Hardly anyone who actually pays taxes opt for govt services, as a person who comes from a family who pays a lot of taxes, I went to private school, always go to private hospitals etc. Only things that we actually use govt owned are literally monopolised by the govt, such as railways and those are shit too (literally their new vande bharat express was supposed to come at 2pm but delayed till 3am, literal 13 hours delay and let's not talk about their catering, absolute garbage food and Vande bharat is supposed to be the modern and revolutionary train) And Noida is what becomes when you let Capitalism work its magic And if you talk about roads, Delhi NCR in general has good roads because it's literally the capital, so it doesn't prove anything Just look at cities like Pune and Mumbai Their road networks are terrible And all highways and expressways have toll tax so they definitely not using our incom taxes there Govt is just worst at handling anything, will take a lot of money and give subpar results Taxes are a huge scam, only filling up politicians pockets and the idea of taxes in general is flawed Imagine trying to defend getting your own money stolen by an organisation 💀💀


Are toh bhaiya kitne baar tax loge ? Ek baar lekr khtm kro.


Of course, cause no way, repairs, will be needed, or maintainence, or building more stuff fpr easier transit




Salaried class individual ho aap? Mujhe bhi dukh hai, but....


Agar aap bhi dukh main hai.. toh yeh jann lijiye ke aap akele nahi hain! Sirf yehi bolna tha iss post se


Living is taxing


Jeena yaha, marna yaha


This is funny, real scam Is government printing 1.5 lakh crore every year and causing inflation, I don't know why no one's talks about it.


How do you know?


Start taxing farmers based on income. BC Crores mein income and no tax!?




there's no free meal, that being said. if high level currouption didn't exist we'd probably be a lot better off. my dad used to work at a top level post in my state, the guy is a straight arrow so he didn't resort to any scams. he would tell me how the guy before him made 8crs in that same position in 9 months. it's crazy how they get away with all that even in such a tiny state. even the cabinet ministers here get paid one way or another apparently. i can only imagine the bigger dealings that happen elsewhere.


Instead of putting this shit. Write your opinion on which part of tax we should get rid and still have functional government.


The tax on our investments Still ok with income tax and reduced tax on goods.


Nah income tax can be abolished it will turn kinda consumer based economy, today government is earning records in gst collection every month.infact gst can make about 70 percent of gov funds i guess soon.


I think it should start from necessities: insurance, food, salt etc. Then on things like pf, gratuity etc as that's retirement funds don't screw people on that. Roads(tolls) cess. Angel tax should be abolished don't fuck with business. Crypto fno dividend etc should be charged under capital gains as 10 or 15%. Charity should be completely deductible so that if I think the govt is using my money for bs I can instead give it to an orphanage


We should have deductions avaialble on income tax. Like, for expenses, just like businesses do. The expenses dont have to be the same as businesses have. Salaried people have a lot of emis. Deductibles for investments like PF, NPS till 3-5 lakhs ( even in the new regime ) for NPS, make the deductible amount the same, no matter if it is employer matched or invested by me. full loan emis ( not just interest ) A basic food allowance ( not the 26k we get from sodexo - maybe around 60000 per year Offset by increasing taxes on booze and cigarettes. Increase taxes on sugary foods and sodas. We already pay a sin tax on so many things - why not reclassify things which actually harm us, properly?


Agreed we need more deduction. also more tax relief on first home. 28% gst on primary cemet doesn't make sense


Theres gst on houses too , what about milk (gsted),curd gsted everything has gstso with after paying income tax i pay 18 to 28 percent gst on services or goods i need for living.internet attracts 18 percent gst which should be cheap for people


theres gst on pen and pencils


Sugar tax is a great move..


>still have function government. A lot of taxes can be reduced and even eliminated if government isn't so corrupt with the usage of our tax money. The taxes collected are well in excess of what is required for a functioning government, yet there is budget shortage because most of it is embezzled either directly or indirectly. The biggest reason being the people in charge of expending your money are not accountable for any of it. Expenses are not justified and are done as of those in power are kings who are not answerable to anyone. BJP brings this to next level as they never do any press conference explaining their plans or answering questions. You are no more than a slave who is forced to pay his income to the government and not miss a single penny otherwise you will be sent to jail. Meanwhile your kings in the parliament can spend as much they like on whatever they like, be it on foreign tours, buying range rovers and helicopters for their government, hand out generous contract for 3rd quality service to their Contractor freinds and a lot more. But you can't say anything about it. And when agencies like hindenburg expose it you , the same slave who's being robbed, go to fight them to protect the corrupt powers. The situation of taxpayer in India is really pathetic and the brainwashing level is unbelievable


Firstly why so rude… secondly a lot has already been discussed! I’m done sharing opinions i just want to cry with others who feel the same!


I think the people who are paying income tax should not pay any other tax. It will give incentive to others to make it to the tax brackets where you are taxed on income.


> still have function government. Nice Joke. First time hearing that govt does any function.


For Salaried people 1) Higher Standard Deduction Like Salary Up to 5L = 50K 5-10Lpa =. 1 lakh 10 to 15lpa. =. 1.5 lakh 15 and above. = 2 Laks 2) Deduction Part Interest on Savings account upto 25k ( Both regime should be Exempt) 80C limit to be Enhanced to 2.5L ( Govt can bring any New Govt Bond / Security/ instrument ) ie Keep 1.5 in old Part and Fresh 1 Lakh in this thing ) Simultaneously Govt should reduce other Borrowings ,as they will be getting funds from New Instrument ( Time period can be 10 Year's or above)


There is little difference between cartels and goverments, one is illegal other lets you elect its cartel members willingly, both want your protection money


Atleast one of them does its work efficiently after collecting your protection money. The other doesn't even do that.


The banking system is the biggest scam on the planet. It ran long enough to be authenticated and legitimised and to eventually build a taxation system around it and fortify it.


Nirmala Sitaraman: Can I tax the taxes on things you own that you already paid taxes on with already taxed money. And also, shut up and pay more tax.


Slowly social media is boiling with anger..


As it rightly should!!


Recommend some books on saving taxes ?


Only rise in Tax evasion will make them notified... The percentage that pay taxes even they shouldn't...


Then there's surcharge taxes on the income tax itself.


Tax bharne me koi dikkat nahi, but ye tax ka paise politicians khare h. Sabhi parties chor h


Don't forget the fine traffic police extorts from you


And then falling off your bike due to pot hole on the road which was made by that tax money.


You cannot escape 2 things in life. Taxes and Death.


If paying tax is scam , then property rights are the biggest scam .


This is why tax evasion feels good. Old generation knew this, hence they didn't pay taxes, and tried to avoid it at all costs. Some people just couldn't understand this, some Black money is good for the economy.


I am paying 40k tax and my wife pays 20k and Home loan interest of 40k approx, so we pay approx 1 lakh in taxes and interest, which is unacceptable. Our home loan interest was 6.7% and now it’s 9.2%, government increased the repo rate but no increase in the tax declaration of max 2 lakhs, which is the same for many years.


We feel your pain brother! Paying so much money and not getting anything in return is indeed frustrating! Always wondered why elders used to crib about the facilities and development of the country! Now, as i have so much tax i see myself asking similar questions






Taxing ₹40 things under guise of SGST + CGST is just very wild personally Suck the person dry and then wipe the remaining droplets with fingers too






Only income tax should be there and maybe slight tax on products


Or just tax the services i avail? Why do i get taxed for the services i provide to someone?


Jo log tax bharte hai unke bacche government school meh nahi padhte woh private school meh padhate hai which is run by a businessman, plus they don't go to government hospital they go to good private hospitals, imo those who pay taxes don't get the actual benifits return of taxes


Koi acha suvidha nahi hain!


Mudizi ? Rahulzi ? Oh..sorry..who toh religion ki ladaai mein lage hue hai.. Middle class jaaye maa ch*dane


Thank god tax main koi yesa religious bedh bhav nahi hain.. sirf middle class ho? Tumari gaand mari jayegi 💀💀


Sed life🫤


Bhai baaki countries ka samajh bhi aata hai … They have high taxes but in return they do provide clean streets , efficient government services, safe environment, proper justice , protection of rights etc . And then there is India . Taxes bhi tum hi pay karo aur sarkari offices ke chakkar tum lagao , potholes me gir ke tum maro , infrastructure girenge to tum maro , police aur babu logon kr harassment tum saho


You are right! We dont get anything in return! ROI : 0


Income Tax is ok imo but all this GST(service tax thing) this is plain ridiculous because it's the customer who's paying for the service ? I mean the service of what? Then there's toll thing in almost every highway, something that should be free considering every single individual contributes through GST. that's government's duty & there's no excuse in that.


Media or no one discusses this on any platform so Nothing will change! Only our frustration will build every year as our earning increases!


The even bigger scam in life is the way they waste said taxes!! And truly the biggest scam of all is the belief that who you vote for will make a difference to how your taxes are spent!


Freebies where they take the credit for using our money!! Whoever you vote gets opportunity to earn money for themselves! We will always play the role of provider aka bakra!




I never understood how politicians in India are able to publicly declare crores of wealth which does not match their salary! 💀💀


![gif](giphy|tv0a5CfYyHKExsJ1Tc) Death and Taxes!


How to break this matrix -Stop earning


Nirmala is that you? 🫣


Why are salaried people taxed ? What is the benefit we are getting to pay almost 2 months of salary as tax ? Retirement benefits? Old age benefits ?


In India only those who pay tax should vote. No need for opinions of the free loaders.


Indian tax system sucks... Chole kulche wale bhaiya badiya hai...no tax pay.. 😅


Indian tax system sucks... Chole kulche wale bhaiya badiya hai...no tax pay.. 😅


Fuck the Govt.


Frustrated paying western level taxes in this country. Will be selling everything here and moving abroad (Ecuador) for retirement. But I am in need for some advises for selling off my real estates and paying too much on my taxed money. If somebody can help me with some advise, pls.


If future machine exist. Get back to the future and kill the person who found the tax concept


Taxation is a theft. There should be no tax for service I provide. I pay someone i get taxed. I get paid i get taxed. How tf does that make any sense. I should not be for taxes for anything other than the services i avail.


I don't even know why we are paying taxes.. The business guys show everything as expense getting car in company name, electrical equipments etc and show as operating cost and can dodge all form of taxes. Crazy rich farmers are also not taxes much. Poor people gets all freebies . Only middle class is f**ked.. Also they charge for everything NH has tolls, petrol and diesel has very high taxes, electricity cost is also high, no subsidy on gas cylinders, railway ticket cancellation fee is too high. By these kind of taxation we should be like US or Dubai in terms of Infra atleast.. These MFs are taking every penny home....


Yet they say there is no corruption 🤔


Atleast in western countries govt gives mantainance and services for free in return you cant expect anything in India as here all govt only keeps on crying that only 2% Indians pay direct tax but ignores 100% Indians pay Indirect tax on one thing or another......on top of that all benifits are given to poors and not to tax payers why the fuck one will get motivated to pay tax and on top of that a dangerous philosophy dont think what country does for u instead sacrifice urself for country if needed


Problem isnt the tax. Problem is misuse of tax. Paying the taxes knowing that most of it will be going into politicians pocket instead of using those on development or even uplifting the underprivilege people. That's the real problem.


Don't forget the tax on savings. You have to pay taxes when liquidating FDs, mutual funds and bonds.


Sad life 😔, and for also for our grave else we won't have one.....


Drive a man crazy with taxes and he will recreate 2 towers 1 plane




Just another thought, I think, that there should be taxes only for spendings like GST and transactions, but not on income. In india very few people <7% pay income taxes \[most middle class\], they have the most burden. Opinion that can help reduce income tax even more, and also increasing government treasure: 1. businesse and companies should be taxed extra high ~~\[~~*~~not that much to make them bankrupt (they also contribute to economy)~~**\*\*, but still highly tax them\]*, but **taxes on individuals or person should be less and constant, whether the person is rich or poor** 2. To make more people to contribute to taxes, keep GST on all essential things and high gst on luxury or non-essential things. Also, apply some transactional tax. This way almost 100% people will pay taxes in India \[**not only <7%**\], as everyone buys something or do some transaction. So burden will not be only on 7% tax paying middle class. 3. I believe, just implementing above things, government can reduce income tax a lot, and still earn even more for country welfare. Or, if they want to tax income only, then tax that only based on income/profit slabs \[keep the income tax more\], the richer the person is, more the taxes. But, no GST or any other taxes. I mean, things should be simple and don't tax everything. and keep burden less on individuals whether rich or poor.


It's our fault to blindly worship God sent non biological angel.


• don’t increase corporate taxes : they are paying already 25% tax , which is one of the highest in the world…, why would they stay if we tax even more… • dont GSTfy every aspirational purchase: there should be necessity , aspirational and then luxury …. You cant classify aspirational goods like fridge , AC , bike as luxury just cause 70% india can’t afford it… • ⁠the correct solution would be to increase the tax base , - any and every income tax theft should be a major crime….. , - tax these rich ass bmw farmers, - plug these buisness based rebate tax theft , - punish loan defaulters to the ground even if it is a small person or wealthy one…. - tax even the 5LPA person ( tax them less but do tax them…. It will take off the load from others a bit) - Make strong Anti-rewadi laws , we should define what should be a necessity for gov help , (scooty , laptop, cycle are absolutelly rewadis) Also fix the corrupt gov institutions making huge losses… if you cant… freakin sell….


Taxes paid are directly proportional to the freebies provided by the state.


By the way Bht saari things hai ko developing nation me tax se hoti h, yes hamare Yaha better leaders chahiye jo tax ke paise ko misuse na karke usko real development pe lagaye


Han yeh toh hai


Someone rightly said here.. It's not the taxes but the fees towards keeping cowards alive in the society. The government is always thankful to them and will make sure you always remain the same.


I think tax is legal way to rob people and give that money to already maximized rich people that don't even need money for the next 5 generations 😕


Ab koi bolo ki modi hai to mumkin hai... Middle class ko pel ke rakh diya hai 🥂✌️🫠🫠🫠


In India if you want to buy 30 Lakh car you have to earn 80 fcuking lakh rupees. Ex showroom price would be 55 lakh


Especially in this country. You dont get to avail most of of what you pay taxes for and on top of it all, the public services are garbage.


That's why you should live in UAE


Aur modi ko vote Kari bhai log, finance minister doesn't know even 1% of finance but she still is finance minister in the 2nd term so 😂😂😂 manmohan even tho he dint say much, he knew exactly what he was doing atleast


Arthashastra: if a king taxes his subjects more than 10%, he is a criminal.


Tax if you eat, Tax if you shit.


Ye sab govt mil kar C*** bana rahi hai. Itna Tax 😵 really never thought about it. . We buy land. Tab v Tax diya, Ghar baneya tab v Naksha pass karvate faltu ka tax. Jab ghar ban gya uske baad Every year fir se Property Tax. What is this? 🤔 Sense hai is baat ki kush?


With the taxes we pay the government is paying these ministers pension for the lifetime, even if elected for a short duration and multiple if elected multiple times. MP/MLAs are entitled to pension for every term they served either as MP or as MLA.


Death and taxes are inevitable


TRUE _^_


The government should introduce a tax card where I can use a facility for free or at a discounted rate if you pay tax. And charge those who do not pay taxes


Then some mf comes with planes (the background of the post lol )


The biggest scam ~~in~~ is life


How infuriating🤧


Pyaari behena yojana laughing in the corner


Tax on savings in fixed deposit ,savings account,NPS,PENSION ,profit on sale of property should not be taxed in any manner. It is double taxation.


Irony is tax doesn't help you back in your bad days


Start your own country!


Give me land 🫣🫣


But tax lagega


Me laughing as sikkimese 😂


NIRMALA will charge u in future, FOR EVERY REDDIT or META POSTS U DO.


Should have a structure where people you give income tax should get some form of special benefits. Which will give incentives for people to pay taxes.


And lastly, just like a linear equation with LHS = RHS, you need to prove the govt that you paid the taxes. If incorrect, you pay penalty + interest which is collected from your taxed money, paid from your savings which again is taxed money only to remain compliant in the eyes of the govt so that big fishes can evade more taxes and reconciliation happens at our cost. Meh!


This is written in context of Foreign country. In India 1st 2 point is correct but 3rd point - wealth tax is not levied in India.


So true


Isiliye dhanda cash mein krna best hai!!


Tax is a pretty complex topic tbh. I know it is suuuuper frustrating, but it can't be helped.


Honestly you don’t need to know or analyze about it! We just see.. what is happening around us!


you can avoid the first one by just not reporting the money you make


I call it The US Formula to increase GDP - Tax the fuck out of everybody and every thing.


Which country is best if I don’t wanna pay taxes other than Saudi ?


Just another thought, I think, that there should be taxes only for spendings like GST and transactions, but not on income. In india very few people <7% pay income taxes \[most middle class\], they have the most burden. Opinion that can help reduce income tax even more, and also increasing government treasure: 1. businesse and companies should be taxed extra high ~~\[~~*~~not that much to make them bankrupt (they also contribute to economy)~~**, but still highly tax them\]*, but **taxes on individuals or person should be less and constant, whether the person is rich or poor** 2. To make more people to contribute to taxes, keep GST on all essential things and high gst on luxury or non-essential things. Also, apply some transactional tax. This way almost 100% people will pay taxes in India \[**not only <7%**\], as everyone buys something or do some transaction. So burden will not be only on 7% tax paying middle class. 3. I believe, just implementing above things, government can reduce income tax a lot, and still earn even more for country welfare. Or, if they want to tax income only, then tax that only based on income/profit slabs \[keep the income tax more\], the richer the person is, more the taxes. But, no GST or any other taxes. I mean, things should be simple and don't tax everything. and keep burden less on individuals whether rich or poor.


No one is saying tax one particular set of people! Everyone is of an opinion that everyone needs to be taxed and tax money should not be used as freebies rather used for the development of the society! Tax everyone but that isnt happening at the moment


You better stop it somewhere 🤕


It's called a democratic government though


So.. Should we overthrow the government?








Anybody knows if other countries have such high taxes on goods and services. I am sure that 30% of our income goes to gst, forget the income tax.






Don't pay taxes. Simple. When you live on things below your Means, and don't care about what others say, you an emase a fortune evading taxes.


And we middle class people can do nothing about it