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(With utmost respect) as a woman I’m struggling to find the red flag over here. If these are red flags then what do you consider as green flags? Or am I missing something over here?


Thank you! You said what I was afraid to say.


Go through my other comments. I've answered your questions. Ooohh there are many green flags. And it's inverse of this guy. Beinydown to earth and not self obsesse for starters. It's seriously tedious to type so much. So please go through other comments. Thanks . This is my interpretation you are free to date any person you like. Toxic people have no sense of accountability. And they always stay in the victim's mindset. Read is doc as well and Google some terminologies I have mentioned in other comments. Very important.


Ah okay I see, so the document in itself is a red flag. Well that’s fair enough. Thanks for clarifying. The points in it didn’t scream red flag cause there are way worse things that people tend to mention, so it got a tad confusing and the guy’s points seemed fair and just to me. He didn’t sound too expecting of futile stuff. Edit: where did you pick up unaccountability on the part of the man from the document? I’m genuinely curious lol.


It is absolutely confusing you are right. One who has truly experienced a trauma bond can understand and read between the lines. That's why this thread is a war zone. People don't know to what extent manipulation can go and drat are the earliest signs. This document is the textbook definition of that. Grandiose sense of self without any sense of accountability.


I guess I’m too inexperienced and naive to understand any of this lol, nevertheless thanks for your input. Hope you find a good man for yourself (:


Thankyou 😊🥰 Everybody has red and green flags that also includes me obviously. It depends on how many and which ones we're able to live with. Good luck to you too. Tc.


If a girl does it, its preferences. If a guy does it it's a "RED FLAG". I didn't find anything offensive on his profile. Most mature women will take him any day. He is clear about his wants, needs and boundaries. People these days are too busy playing games, if you can't handle a mature man, girl go somewhere else you probably aren't mature enough yet. Yes the only odd thing is this big of a 'thesis' on a dating app. But he knows what he wants amd that's difficult to find.




Then you should date him and make your entire life revolve around that narcissist. Good luck 🤞🤞


Girl narcissist would be the last thing that this guy came off as.


I've spoken to a therapist before and read and experienced many things regarding this. But what do I know?? You're entitled to your opinion. Chow 👍🏻


You shouldn't post personal stuff here if you aren't open to people commenting on it. Also not everyone is a narcissist or is toxic, if they don't behave the way you expect them to.


I know what a narcissist is and I have been to a psychologist to see the signs. We can agree to disagree 😉 if you don't find the contents of his document scary now you will surely find out why in the future. No one is stopping you from commenting..am I not allowed to reply to my own post now?? Btw you said.. ladki kare toh hawwww... Women can be equally toxic. It's not men vs women.... It's let's all date carefully and find a perfect match. Please get the woman hating shit out of your head first. Men women are people they're same. We all want love respect compatibility and acceptance thatywhy it's important to avoid self obsessed psychos. You can date them tho. Ain't no one stopping you. 👍🏻


Yeah sure bro your therapist loves you and has your best interests aligned with their income strategy 😋 Unironic your narcissistic ex that has left you burned probably loved you more at one point than your therapist


Your therapist is making a fortune by fueling your unstable thoughts...... And I'm sure you will talk about this post and these comments in therapy sessions and he/she make you pay hefty fees😅


If you come out of your parents' basement you will realise therapy is extremely expensive. People only go there in extreme situations. I've had 5 sessions in my entire life. But koi nai enjoy commenting all over the thread if it helps to get off (matlab nahi samja toh puch kisiko i don't think you have enough brain cells just a big ass mouth for verbal diarrhoea). Bye


Don't yap here.......Yap this in front of your're therapist


You claim to have gone to a psychologist or a therapist , but you're not one. Please do not try to diagnose people from your lacking understanding. Not saying he seems fine in any capacity though.


Only someone who has lived with him can say for sure. But doesn't it give off an impression of grandiose sense of self.to you in his document? If not I we're interpreting things differently that's totally fine. I would definitely avoid dating such guys and not ''test" the theory. They say right? When someone tells them who they are believe them. That is actually true. You see for yourself.


Your gut feeling is totally justified, I'm just saying that neither you nor your therapist/psychologist should diagnose or label people you don't know properly. They may show such tendencies but it might just be because they decided to phrase things a certain way one fine day and not because they're actually narcissistic or something. Doing this is a slippery slope because you start to justify yourself in every situation using therapy words and diagnosing other people.


👋 hello hello. I haven't showed his document to a therapist and neither being a narcissist a fucking disease like schizophrenia. So I'm not ''diagnosing'' him. Yes some people do have narcissistic personality disorder. That is a disease. Narcissism is a grandiose sense of self. Or in simple words self obsession without regards to others. That is clearly visible to me in the doc. Narcissism is not curable because it's not a disease. I'm not. Diagnosing anyone so you can take it with a grain of salt and test the theory with similar people to him. This is a pattern of behaviour because of the way they think about themselves. You don't need a doctorate degree for that. When you see a person who is hallucinating you can clearly see that right?? No one runs to a therapist to cross check. A drunk person is drunk. No need to write thesis about it.




Bhaisahab thesis hai ye toh, mera resume isse chhota hai


Sabka resume usse chota hai




🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 call nahi kuch nahi. Anger wala para pe pohochke hi unmatched.




🤣🤣🤣 thanks.


I read all the comments and this lady’s whole personality is that she has been to therapy so she knows everything


Yeah, look at her profile, she's the expert on narcissism!! Everybody who agrees with her is correct while anyone who has a different opinion "doesn't know". Typical confirmation bias.


Thankyou for your diagnosis. Here is your award 🤡. And yes. You should go to therapy too. It's good for everyone. It's not a taboo anymore. You're so smart you identified the personality of a stranger from reddit with few posts maybe you are a therapist in the making yet to find his/her superhero origin. Good luck 🤞


Yes nobody said anything about not needing therapy. People are pointing out the fact that you've literally made that your whole goddamn personality 😭😭😂


So let them?? As if that ruins my sleep 😴


This is the GREENEST FLAG I have ever seen in my life. My guy here is so clean, transparent, open, mature, funny and definitely intelligent!!! He's got this short little doc about himself floating across the internet because he knows "You're the biggest promoter for yourself". He is the GUY that's on a mission here. Man, TOTALLY UNDERRATED AND ABSOLUTELY AWESOME!!!


I second that. There's no hint of red flags here


Good for you. ☺️ Maybe you should make your profile too. Might be a great idea for you.


I'm only 22 😭 got nothing except height 6'3 and a deep heavy voice which I've posted on my profile 😭 and a start-up yet to cross the...nvm


I'm 30. You will learn much more with age. Then you'll realise what I was saying. Not all confident looking people are confident. Some deeply insecure people make other dance around them to feel important. And that's very toxic.


Agreed 💯👍 but whatever I read from the doc, it was nothing like that. Rest toh only God knows.


He's definitely self centred. That's confirmed. But again in India many people don't read about mental health and don't visit therapists so they don't know the signs. They understand 30years after their marriage when they have no hair left with all the stress


Ban gyi cool therapist ke pass jake aur idhar flex karke






Ofcourse. Anyone can be a narcissist. I post about men because I'm a straight woman. I don't date women obviously. But yes I have encountered toxic women too. People are people. Stop playing gender wars. It's not you vs me. It's all of us finding what we really need. You will never find a good woman if you play gender wars. You seem like a nice guy. Upgrade yourself and find YOUR PERSON. Stop that Andrew tatte and nadia bs. They are gaining views because of this stupidity


Waah 💯


Bhai Ree Forest hai ye to.....She will never care about your opinions and if anything happens she has an alibi saying that I cleared myself before the first meet, whatever you do now is only your fault


This is a guy's document. Btw there are women exactly like him too. In that case. .. RUN MEN


Oopps sorry, shouldn't have had that 4th peg last night.


Koi nahi. Men women trans doesn't matter. Be happy with whoever is best. The man vs woman war is getting old now. The influences are making big bucks.on this


I completely agree with you and yes man woman or anyone this list is a red flag irrelevant of anything.




Red flag? He's making things so clear pehle se hi. Which is a good thing. You thought you'd get supported while posting this here? Lmaoo things turned out to be the opposite eh?


Opposite? Read all comments?? Who is asking for your support?? 😂😂😂 Samuhik dating hai kya? I'll date alone right? Or u'll come along with me? As support?


Clearly, your replies show how triggered you are that people here didn't agree with you about him being a red flag.


I think she is loose scre....


Your replies show you are trying to gain attention on reddit because you don't get it in real life. Enjoy. If you open your eyes to read everywhere I've said I agree to disagree. But u'll need to pull your head out of the sand for that.


Itne skillset mere resume me daalta toh aaj bohot paisa kamata yaar




damn nice job application.


You're colour blind as hell......Seriously if this is a red flag then what's Green flag to you


Maybe it's not worth explaining that then? If you don't see it you don't. Absolutely nothing wrong 🙂


Fucking hell. That's not a red flag, it's a neon sign. Run.


Thankyou for.your input. Highly appreciated


Red flag? What am I missing here??


If you don't notice it it's alright. We all interpret things differently. But read the title of the doc and dig deeper. It's crazy once you see it.


Synopsis Aaaah preference content


If this guy is a red flag then OP is blind. 😂 This guy knows himself in and out , knows what he wants desires and what he is going to put up with. OP thinks that's self centered .


You are entitled to your opinion. Thanks for the input


Feels like a major, self aware, accountable green flag.


I so don't have the patience to read this through - but what is this?! 4 pages- that is crazy So he sits, takes a day, writes all this and can send it to multiple girls in minutes 🤷‍♀️. A woman is supposed to read it through to save him of conversation?! I don't get it- it is like- maine likh diya hai ab tum padhlo 🤡 There's nothing left to converse and know about him😭😭 PS - make efforts (I don't promise to make any- but hey- I've written 4 pages!!) Edit- the ones saying how is this a red flag- well I don't know about labels- but this guys is sitting and writing all I'm so nice, I'm non problematic, I want effort- about himself - not necessarily the truth- very similar to apne muh Miya mithu


He didn't chat with me at all. He sent this doc on my bumble chat saying I ain't wasting my time. Ok... Soo???? Get lost??? Why is he even in the app? It's a funny read. Trust me You will bang your head for the lunacy but also have a great laugh.


What's there to talk about, you know everything about me 🤡🙌😭


Hehehe. Thankyou so much for your reply. We still have sane people in our country.


🤡 to 🤡 convo


🤣🤣🤣 welcome to the 🎪