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The guts it takes to throw down against a horde of marauders with rifles equipped for war with just your bare fists- braver than I can muster.


The state always outguns the opressed


which is why I never understood the whole "I have a rifle to defend myself against the govt." Like, they have drones, dude...


Yeah gun ownership to fight a boogieman is wild. Just own guns and use them accordingly like to hunt and shoot targets. Don't expect to take down a tyrannical government


“The loss of our lands has been the precise cause of our impoverishment. Indigenous Peoples control only 0.2 [per cent] of the land in Canada while settler governments claim control of the other 99.8 [per cent]. With this distribution of land, you don’t have to have a doctorate in economics to understand who will be poor and who will be rich. And our poverty is crushing.” – Arthur Manuel, Secwepemc Nation from his book Unsettling Canada.


Genuine question here from some dude in Australia, what does control of the land mean? 0.2% is under rez governance?


Indian reserves account for 0.2 per cent of Canada's land mass, but under the Indian Act, First Nations peoples cannot own title to the land on their reserves. The Canadian Crown maintains legal authority on those lands. https://indigenousfoundations.arts.ubc.ca/the_indian_act/ In British Columbia where I live, 95% of the provincial landmass is unceded Indigenous territories. Canada claims sovereignty via Doctrine of Discovery. https://www.afn.ca/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/18-01-22-Dismantling-the-Doctrine-of-Discovery-EN.pdf In BC, RCMP have recently created a pipeline police force called CRU - Critical Response Unit (Formerly called CIRG - Community Industry Response Group) https://youtu.be/D3R5Uy5O_Ds?si=vxQT8bYRf9DM2TyD


Please tell me Canadians actually use the term "maple washed" unironically.


It speaks to Canadian exceptionalism. The idea "we're too polite" or how "at least we're not the USA"


White Canadian here. We do not. But if we were going to be unmitigated asshats while painting ourselves as saints, we could have at least attempted to be funny about it.


It's not common but is used in some circles.


Which circles? They sound like fun people.


All my homies in the CSRA love it


I don't know what CSRA stands for. Google tells me it could mean Canadian Securities Reporting Advisor, Canadian Snowcross Racing Association, or Corporation Securities Registration Act. (Sorry about spamming the same message over and over. Reddit was telling me it wasn't getting posted.)


Canadian Socialist Rifle Association


Do you normally just throw out obscure acronyms and assume everyone knows what you mean?


I'm going to Vague Acronyms Anonymous but I still slip up




Do you normally complain so much? It's all over this thread


Lol, "all over", what, my two comments? And they aren't even complaining.


Say what you will, but that dude looks like he’s prepping a cannonball that could sink Old Ironside


Step 1: rear back Step 2: punch through their fucking head


Besides from the obvious narrative of "what if no colonizers came", I do wonder of an alternative of "what if the US and Canada got their independence from the colonizers like LatAm did from theirs." I see Canada Day and 4th of July more like a civil war thing. White-on-white violence.


“Arnold got arrested, you know. But he got lucky. They charged him with attempted murder. Then they plea-bargained that down to assault with a deadly weapon. Then they plea-bargained that down to being an Indian in the Twentieth Century. Then he got two years in Walla Walla.”


Is this the Oka Crisis?


That’s exactly what I was wondering thought that was an Oka Shirt he’s wearing


I’m not from Canada therefore I can’t speak to the shirt due to unfamiliarity. I was too young to remember the news about this when it happened but leaned about it later when I lived up there as an adult, in particular what happened to the Horn sisters.


It’s such a common name I don’t know the story. But I lived there before Oka and seen pics of young people I knew standing on the line. I also remember hearing about when they shut down the hwy.