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Do you guys mind if I have the daily weed post tomorrow?


I call dibs for Friday’s.


I’ll take Saturday


I want every other weekend, Christmas, and Thanksgiving.


I can give you new years, but I gotta have Christmas or thanksgiving


Nobody's calling 4/20? Ametures!


Yeah, ametures!


Ok can o have Sunday it's my birthday


You mean dabs?


For fucks sake, I called it 3 weeks ago but jerks like OP keep stealing my turn.


The citizens in one of only 12 basically fully illegal states brings it up often? Gasp I’d of never figured


Mom said I got to play with the daily weed post. I'll trade you it for a daily Mike Braun post.


Ok but if we don’t talk about it here, how is it going to be discussed then? I don’t think i’ve ever seen any discussion outside of reddit about legalization in indiana. It’s pretty disheartening that 3 states around us have legalization while we don’t. I know you are joking but i just wanted to put some seriousness on the matter :)


We talk about it in the communities and with people who don't have accurate information. I made shirts for my whole family with facts about it on the back. It's the best conversation starter I've found. People that are for legalization usually comment on it and we have a chance to talk about all of the benefits where people who don't understand can hear us. People that don't want it legal (which I haven't found many of yet) get to learn something new about an amazing plant when they read it. Lilly has a pretty tight grip on the politicians and their pockets. It's going to take a lot of push back to change that. A good talking point in Indiana is how it can help the opiate epidemic we have Here are some good stats to start with. [https://norml.org/marijuana/fact-sheets/relationship-between-marijuana-and-opioids](https://norml.org/marijuana/fact-sheets/relationship-between-marijuana-and-opioids) You can also bring more attention to bills that are being introduced and end up DOA without most people even knowing it's happening. Here's a place you can watch what's happening with bills in Indiana. It's my go to read outside of Reddit. Hold the politicians accountable for costing us a LOT of tax revenue, safe and effective treatments for physical and mental conditions and stopping us all from having a chill Friday night at home. :) [https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2023/bills](https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2023/bills)


Eli Lilly doesn't give a shit about weed. The fact you nimrods keep bringing it up as why conservatives in Indiana don't want weed legalized literally reinforces the belief that you are all a bunch of dimwitted stoners.


It was on the news last night. Rep nominees talking about not legalizing it.


That wouldn't happen to be because The Extreme Right who are their most religious voters in The Republican Primary don't want it legalized? Yeah, that sounds about right to me. I mean this is also why many of the policies lately have been Extreme Right as well. They aren't stupid, they know who they depend on their job, their money, and their power. This is exactly why things are trending even further Extreme Right.




The GOP voters don’t seem to have much of a problem with weed. Just the politicians. My guess is law enforcement is too important to them. So they do what police want which is ‘leave the gravy train intact’.


From what I’ve heard is that the Indiana State Police make to much money off of it still being illegal. A cash in so to speak from it still being illegal and the states around us being legal. Mostly anyone you talk to anymore don’t care, I’m sure there are a few who think of it as the “devils lettuce”, but it’s now 2024. We need progress not staying in place or stuck in the past. The thing that’s really gotten to me lately is the resigning of “happy hour”. Making alcohol cheaper and more acceptable to drink earlier in the day. It’s a cash grab for more DUI’s and drunk drivers not to mention more dangerous for people driving on the road. But they tell you they care about you and your health. Pssh, come on lol. What a joke, it’s all about money, that’s all it will ever be about.


While police organizations are up there with paying for lobbyists, the largest donors really shouldn’t surprise anyone. Private for profit prison lobbyists are near the top, then also the alcohol industry. Those two are the ones that have the most to do with anti-marijuana legislation but are never really talked about much. Pharmaceutical and police are very much on the same level though.


Oh for sure, I agree these are the culprits lining our legislators pockets. It would be the only reasons why Indiana is making the choice to not legalize or bare minimum medical/decriminalize it. It’s just crazy this is even a thing anymore. It’s 2024 we’re pretty much surrounded around states now that have recreational or some form of more lax laws. Indiana is still a big fat nope. Truth be told we’ve always been behind on the times, I don’t think anything is ever going to change with that.


16% of prisoners in Indiana are held in private state prisons. Across the nation 0.1% of inmates are in state prisons for possession only. 0.0% of inmates in federal prison are incarcerated for possession only.


Got any local jail stats for our counties? Because they are the ones who pull shit like this. I like your stats tho. Just needs a little more context.


Here is arrest data, bit old, from norml org. So there's some 5-8k people getting arrested each year. Indiana 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Possession 11,310 7,445 4,436 6,392 7,236 Sales 1,740 1,081 382 471 416 Total 13,050 8,526 4,818 6,863 7,625 MJ Arrests 50% 21% 38% 39% 42.60% Agencies 57% 44% 35% 38% N/A


Marion county does not prosecute for possession anymore under a certain weight. I have friends who work at the CJC and also deputy friends who tell me the only reason people actually get arrested for weed nowadays is just because the detainee pissed them off enough to have them taken downtown.


I work at the CJC. Can confirm. Weed charges have been scarce.




It’s the liquor lobby. When weed goes legal, liquor stores stand to lose a lot of money. If you think that the liquor industry opposing legal weed sounds counter-intuitive, the liquor lobby is also the reason we had no-sale Sundays for so long. The lower level police who want to arrest you for anything may be against weed. But, if anything, police leadership would have a lot more time on their hands for actual crime if weed was legal.


Sundays? That was the religious lobby.


Originally yes, but economic habits are a funny thing. I’d be interested to see if they found people spent more on liquor on Mondays or something to that effect.


Ding ding ding! The state GOP is very cozy with the liquor lobby. In fact, as [this 2019 article](https://apnews.com/article/-----dac2f565263e4c3ba14d5190725d664d) notes: "State GOP Chairman Kyle Hupfer and Indianapolis Business Journal co-owner Nate Feltman are minority partners with Indiana Liquor Group in a deal to purchase Save-on Liquor, [The Indianapolis Star](https://www.indystar.com/story/news/politics/2019/02/03/where-can-you-buy-cold-beer-indiana-fears-deepen-wont-grocery-stores/2730802002/) reported."




Yeppp. But weed is bad, mmmkay? I'm just grateful to live 20 min from Michigan.


Big Pharma lobby too!


Not just the liquor lobby. There's a racial component here. The only folks gettin dragged to jail for weed in Indiana outside of indy are poor, black, or latino. The push isn't there from the masses because middle and upper class whites (who smoke most of the weed in Indiana) dont get busted for it. To them it's de-facto legal.


Agreed. Also, it's not like they are not using weed for medical and recreational use. There is the mentality that "I" know what I am doing - those poor people will only abuse it.


All those for profit prisons won't fill themselves.


And Eli lilly


Ironically, Lilly used to run big weed; https://www.indianapolismonthly.com/longform/eli-lillys-hazy-memory-marijuana/


Lilly tried to dissect the Cannabis Americana problem- strains of Sativa and Indica mixed in America, resulting in the hybrid, cannabis Americana, with indeterminate effects compared to the traditional strains. They tried to train dogs to detect the difference by smell… brilliant approach, in a time before genetic testing.


I highly doubt a global, 36 billion in profit company, gives 2 shits about weed being legal in Indiana...if anything, they would basically run the legal weed game.


Lilly is about to be a trillion dollar company - they don’t care about weed in Indiana 


Really? You don't think they have any reason to want to block legalized weed? If people have other solutions, do you think they will still opt to load up on pills?


Which pills does Lilly make that competes with weed?


Ummmm....methadone... Also Prozac, Cymbalta, Zyprexa....I'm sure if I dug around I could find more things they "treat" that cannabis could treat.


A doctor can’t prescribe you methadone to be picked up at the pharmacy. It can only be administered in a clinical setting. Not to mention there is a shortage currently. The rest are SNRIs, SSRis, or antipsychotics. Cannabis isn’t a replacement or competitor of any of those. They are also all of patent. Hell, methadone is a century old.


Boots de jour


Can’t end the war on drugs! Must maintain systemic racism! /s


Your experience is different from mine. Hell, even some of the actual comments in this thread represents that and at least when it comes to The Extreme Right which determines who wins in a red state by virtue of being the most religious voter in The Republican Party Primary they decide who wins in The General Election. They determine who gets their job, their money, and the power and those who win know that as well and The Extreme Right doesn't like weed. The Republicans in this state are simply representing those voters which are the most important to them. Just are they are doing with all of these other Extreme Right Legislation of late. They are trending even further right if you hadn't noticed and that is because they know exactly who they need to please.


To add to this, Ohio recently had a ballot measure regarding cannabis legalization, and exit polls showed that Republicans voted against it. It passed because independents largely sided with Democrats. Cannabis is definitely a partisan issue.


Well that's odd. Someone who was claiming he was a Republican just told me Republicans like Cannabis, I am so confused. LOL


This is accurate and sad at the same time.


Not directed at you by the way. True, but better to know what is going on and to be informed than to not have a clue. As it is we have an electorate that really has no idea what is going on. The same electorate who for various reasons are willing to vote for an amoral malignant narcissistic sociopathic liar who has always been better suited to be a Dictator than The President of The United States. Hell, even many from his Last Administration are attempting to warn The American people he is unfit for office. This is not normal. I saw one gal say why she wasn't voting for Trump and she said he cursed too much. After all Trump has done, has said, and says he plans on doing and she can only come up with that Trump curses too much. I saw one guy talking yesterday who said he had always voted Republican and never really paid much attention to who he was voting for and that's why he voted for Trump instead of Hillary. I mean OMG do people really care that little about living in a Republic? People really need to Wake The Hell Up.


Indianapolis just waives most marijuana charges, so all they’re doing is wasting resources hauling someone to the CJC to sit for 8 hours, use up manpower and paperwork to process them, and then they get PDP’d and sent off before long. It’s stupid.


Is it law enforcement or Eli Lilly?


Exactly what I was going to post.. I don't know a single Republican citizen that is against pot being legal. Politicians not listening to their constituents? Nooooo. Really? :/


The whole omg it could be laced with fentanyl argument is such bs. If you legalize it, it will be regulated. People are getting it off the street and yeah it could be laced. That is why you freakin legalize it. The majority of dispensaries are cleaner than any traditional pharmacy you’ll ever go in.


Here we go again with facts. Thank you Unfortunately you are arguing with the unhinged and the delusional. They really aren't rational or very intelligent. As evident of them voting for someone who actually claimed that injecting disinfectant is a cure for Covid.


It’s not even laced with fentanyl, and if it were it doesn’t matter bc they burn at drastically different temperatures. I keep seeing all these scare tactics from the cops about fentanyl laced weed but I only see it in illegal states and I think it’s just a way to demonise weed and cover up fent users




Smoke it like it's legal anyway. Fuck em


If you live anywhere outside of Indy, don’t do this. Them small town cops are prejudice.


You're not wrong there. Gotta hit them quotas!!


I spent the first twenty-six years of my life in Indiana and I spent the last ten of those years burning more trees than a California wildfire. Y’all still couldn’t buy alcohol on Sundays when I left


PSA: No matter your political persuasion, please do not vote for candidates based on only one thing they support. Look at the entirety of their views and their voting record before deciding if legally lighting up a joint is worth any of the other evil that may be on their docket.


That's fair. The Dems are famously about to end free and fair elections, deny women the right to an abortion, worship an insane megalomaniac who is selling Bibles and shoes to offset his legal fees (which he swears he can pay because he's rich, but please donate every bit helps!), are curating a white nationalist base, and are interested in outlawing porn. So for sure consider all these other terrible things the Democrats have against them before you vote.


Pretty sure Holcomb said he wouldn’t entertain legalization until it was legal on the federal level due to the risk legalization posed to federal funding- silly as that may be I’m not sure how this year’s ballot views legalization, however. It’s an inevitability anyway especially since we are surrounded by legal states. People already travel north of South Bend to the border of Michigan. Illinois putting a dispensary on the border near Evansville last iirc. Once there are dispensaries in Cincinnati, Indiana will be legal in all but name given how many people are gonna have access to


The reality is that cannabis legalization is bipartisan.


Among the rank and file? Yes. Among the elected, on the record? No. Among the elected, off the record? Yes.


We get it you want weed, I want weed, we all want weed! But do we need a daily post about it?


Can we just have a semi-weekly post? Wednesday and Saturday should do.


Marijuana Monday post and Weed Wednesday post


Right cause change happens when you’re silent about it 😄


As if this isn’t the way that most voters get there information. Let’s see, what motivates a small number of people to take action? Crime let’s say. Then on repeat until you reach every person in the world and their unborn children say how everything is going to shit and is the only one that can fix it and is causing the problem. Now report this on a national media empire over and over and over and over and over. This is happening daily and you can literally trace the thoughts of a large majority of people to these messages. Now please tell me if that is so effective, which it clearly is, then why shouldn’t people post they want weed over and over and over and over and over and over?


I would consider myself conservative. I couldn’t care less if they legalize weed. It really is just the politicians pandering to their older base I think.


Thank you for your support of cannabis legalization, and thank you for properly using the phrase “couldn’t care less.”




For the states of Michigan and Illinois…


And hopefully soon, Ohio. But whatever you do for the love of God, don’t try to buy a car on a Sunday in Indiana.


It’s not a great revenue source for our state because you’re voting in the Republican supermajority. The religious zealots got to go.


I'd be willing to bet most of them would fail thc tests. Politicians are the biggest hypocrites in the world.


Weed is not a wedge issue like guns and abortion. It doesn't matter that legalisation is incredibly popular when nobody's vote is changing as a result.


Friendly reminder the deadline to register to vote is April 8th !


Idk there isn’t a single republican I know that opposes legalization of weed. As a matter of fact there isn’t a single person I know that doesn’t think it shouldn’t be legalized so I don’t know who representatives are actually representing


It's only cause indiana is one of the last conservative states in that aspect. They're totally blind to the revenue it'd bring them,but no never vote democrat


False. Rainwater is a libertarian running for governor and legalization and decriminalization are both on his platform. That superintendent lady doesn’t even have her platform on her website lmao she’s a red herring I swear to god.


Libertarians aren't a real party. Also they are diet republicans at best. You know this post meant vote for someone viable that could actually win. Libertarians are nothing but a joke. They want everything privatized but want equal tax payer funding for campaigns.


Donald Rainwater is a Libertarian, but he’s not much of a libertarian, as he’s far too conservative on certain key social issues, which was a point of contention when he ran for the party’s nomination at convention. However, his opponent for the nomination was Bill Levin, who had the opposite problem—he was far too progressive on certain key economic issues. Upper case and lower case actually matter in this instance. A libertarian is a person who ascribes to the political philosophy of libertarianism. A Libertarian is a member of a Libertarian Party. Similarly, a person can be a socialist without being a Socialist, and vice versa. Edit: Also, one can be a republican—a person who supports one’s country having an elected or nominated head of state—without being a Republican—a member of a Republican Party.


A mix of the ever lucrative school to prison pipeline and the ol "boomers + religion = everything is immoral and illegal" which is also why we couldn't even buy hooch on Sundays until a few years ago.


And if it were up to them they’d have it banned again.


Indiana should pass a 120% tax on every Trump Bible sold in the state. That would raise more money than weed here.


Crazy, Indiana needs to start growing in open fields, again. We need to get some of this mess cleaned up. Hemp does more good than bad.


I smoke on a daily basis, and I would love if I could just drive down the street to pick some up or call and have it delivered. Instead I drive to Coldwater once every couple of months to stock up. It's annoying. All that said, Jesus. Fuck off with these posts already. It's not going to happen, and bitching about it on Reddit isn't going to do fuck all to help.


Again convince the federal legislature to make it so it's not a crime to possess (meaning own not simultaneously using) weed and guns. Even if it's state legalized it is 100% a crime that is prosecuted by the ATF if you own a gun with it I know plenty of gun owners who want to be able to use weed but can't either way so don't care. If laws change so they'd be allowed to they'll care more and push to have it with you, might not even need a regime change if they push their own party members in the legislature enough. Also why just weed, why not everything


I use cannabis and I own a gun here in Illinois just fine. So do others in legal states.


do we have numbers re: fines collected from IL-to-MI-and-back weed pilgrims? I can't see IN giving up such an easy source


As an individual who lives in Oklahoma, remember you can the medical kind here all day long.  Red state in the south.


Or the Libertarians.


Worked great here in Chicago. Dead people vote, we're corrupt asf, very low income neighborhoods chanting "build that wall" and you can spend $100 on an eighth. Utterly delusional.


lol because Illinois is better.....idiots


Depending on how the gov election goes is gonna change whether im moving to michigan next year


The war on drugs was originally a way to crack down on counterculture & civil rights activists.


Why? Because it is the northern buckle of the Bible belt, you know they”stop having fun” people.


republican govnas needth to experience with Weedeth. But really tho, they won't go against the Fed Gov. Scared as,+ Mugwhomps to scared to be bold.


Can’t get a democrat elected in Indiana, that’s a hilarious notion. We are screwed indefinitely!!! the ones that don’t move away to legal states bordering us will just keep catching cases and living in hell and misery from these conservatives with sticks up their butts!


If you want personal freedom in Indiana, vote out the republicans. Good grief. They are off the deep end this year with strange legislation.


as a republican who’s all for legalization, do research. republicans like weed too


I'm more of an independant, but i lean right. So stupid that these people ASSume we don't like weed. It just isn't the #1 issue. I voted Rainwater last time. I'd probably also vote for any Republican or Libertarian that wants to get rid of DST.


Legalize it and then funnel a large portion towards constructing rehabilitation centers for substance abuse and mental illness.


I just drive to Illinois.. The taxes blow for the good strains but it’s better than nothing.. Weed will never pass here until its legal at a national level. That has been stated by the GOP in Indiana multiple times..


Imagine basing your entire existence on weed.


But bruh my drugs bruh


If you want weed in Indiana, vote for Libertarians. You'd actually win if you did, considering they got like 12% of the vote last governor election. One issue voters about to turn us into Illinois over weed.


Rainwater got a lot of votes from R's due to Holcomb's handling of Covid.


Particularly Rainwater’s pandering to anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers.


V persuasive


At this point, I want to vote against weed just out of spite for these posts.


Indiana will be one of the last 3 states that make it legal. Mark my words.


With this mindset, we have to choose between guns or grass.


Not really.


No? Democrats consistently try to ban guns. Is there something I’m missing?


If weed is your single vote issue you may need to cut back


Nah vote libertarian, they want legalization and are actually sane. Anything but dem


Same for Texas


Are you crazy?! Vote for democrats just for weed? It will become legalized and not because you vote for democrats.


We had hopes that when the Indiana law makers saw how much tax money our neighbor Illinois was raking in they'd get busy legalizing it but so far no luck.


In order, I've lived in Michigan for 22 years, Illinois for 1, Ohio for 1, Indiana for 20, Wisconsin for 12. Indiana will most def be the last of those states to legalize if the Fed doesn't do it first


I’m told by people in the weed business that the states politicians are waiting for the feds to first legalize or decriminalize it. They don’t want to make it legal while it’s still illegal at the federal level.


My Republican parents who LOVE weed will NEVER vote for a Democrat. They would rather vote for a Republican, even if they cracked down on weed and made it a high-ranking felony. Then, they'd blame the Democrats for taking away weed (you know, the people that weren't in power if that happened).


At least you’re not Virginia, the democrats didn’t give governor youngkin the 2 billion dollar stadium he wanted so less than 1 day later he vetoed the bill making weed legal as payback.


At least we aren’t as hypocritical as Tennessee. They made Copperhead Road an official state song during the same session that the voted against medical marijuana 🤣


As someone who has lived and owned in Chicago and Indy, don’t do it, it’s not worth it. I have been arrested over 5 times for pot. Nobody gives a shit, being able to buy Mids and paying taxes on it isn’t really all that, I have worked in the cannabis industry during Covid it is on par with working at Walgreens. That is slitting your throat to spite your hairline, although if you guys go full dem maybe you guys can get some of these fresh batches of property taxes and migrants. I come to Chicago for the wages but you best believe when my kids are of school age we are going back to Indy. And will probably have the option to rent my property to some subsidized housing for a massive profit if I want. Don’t trade an easy bag of mids, for a lifetime of taxes and bs. The big cannabis companies aren’t going to look out for you, they aren’t going to produce a better or safer product than you can yourself. It cost like 1k to do your first grow, after that you can grow better shit than most Chicago dispos sell, for damn near free. Weed in Chicago the good shit still comes from out of state illegally, or is small batch, and that’s what the budtenders buy, the people who don’t pay taxes and get 30% off. The bootleggers have how much of a head start on these companies? Shit most of em got more morals and accountability. Learn about the plant, it’s not that hard to produce especially with the new age growing techniques, be a fucking bootlegger not some dude who sold out his kids futures for some shitty pre rolls of trim. It definitely sucked ass working at the dispo seeing probation officers, state’s attorneys federal prosecutors just knowing that all of them are hypocrites with Indiana ID’s and if they had the balls to speak out it’d probably be different or at least decriminalized on a more local level. Get a petition going in your county if you want, I have been going to Political Weed gatherings for 18 years (over half my life) and have met a lot of the people who started the movement in Illinois, they aren’t all Dems some are successful and some are not some have family that was high up in CPD and some are straight up communist or socialist admittedly running under the dem flag. Lastly, there are like no cops in Indiana compared to Illinois, you gotta be a real dumbass to get arrested in Indiana, and that is probably because it is a republican state that doesn’t waste nearly as much on law enforcement as Illinois. Don’t sell your ass then be surprised when you catch something you didn’t want.


Eli Lilly funds Indiana politicians lol


Eli lilly and the prison industrial complex.




And reproductive rights and education and infrastructure and healthcare and voting access and civil rights. But yeah smoke em if ya got em. I would love to only have to drive into NW Indiana instead of all the way through it. Good luck unfucking your state!


No politician, no matter the party, gives a fuck about what the people actually want


Police and prison guard unions own Democrats as well. This isn't changing anytime soon.


I just drove by the weed store last night just over the Michigan line on I-94 and it was PACKED! Lots of dollars going over state lines. I mean Indiana is vice city up there with all the strip clubs, casinos, liquor stores, hock shops, and fireworks. How is cannabis worse than that?


Because they see the absolute shit show here in Illinois I know that's what's coming. Did it really helped Portland, Seattle, Los Angeles, Hollywood, New York? Exactly


It would be nice to have it legalized, but I would never vote Democrat to turn Indiana into another cesspool like New York, Chicago or California. Absolutely not worth the suffering and struggle to survive.


If you want life to change and move on vote democrat everything.


Why do people spell Republicans with a capital K?


That is not true at all you are telling democrats lies.


The problem isn't going to be solved by democrats. The problem is that we can't have s popular vote on the issue. The state legislators the problem folks.


I'm not even anti weed but why is it at the top of your priorities lmao. Also anyone who uses terms like "demonrat" or "republikkkan" is almost guaranteed to be an idiot.


For-profit prisons are part of the problem. Like geogroup.


It's not really a left vs right issue. As a Republican I fully support the legalization of marijuana.


Terrible logic. Democrats are in charge of the federal gov.......still illegal. Nice try though


Eli Lilly is the main contributor to the Republican Party in Indiana, which is why they are so steadfast against it! Side note I’m a conservative and think the Dems will use weed as a main running point in the upcoming federal election


Eli Lilly is the main contributor to the Republican Party in Indiana, which is why they are so steadfast against it! Side note I’m a conservative and think the Dems will use weed as a main running point in the upcoming federal election


Democrats will not legalize it either


My guess is BIG PHARMA .


Hello from Michigan! Where weed is completely legal! We’ll happy siphon your tax dollars away from your state so we can waste them for our own needs!


Just keeps the population dumb an dossile.


Well, as much as I’d be fine with legalized weed… If legalized pot is the main thing deciding who you vote for, please don’t vote.


Clearly because it’s the devils lettuce.


I mean most people don't really give two f's about weed issues.


Does OP really think elected officials represent the people? They vote how they or their backers want. Thats it. Also, its probably the elderly more than any particular party. I’m sure most people of either party is ok with it. Also, as someone who doesn’t plan to use it, legal or not, the problem is that people always take it too far. If it got legalized, people would still push the boundaries. Legalized ONLY in your home? People will do it in their cars on lunch breaks. Legalized in your car? They will start walking around doing it. I know this might be difficult to hear, but not everyone wants to smell that all day every day. It is legalized in Vegas IN YOUR HOME. The strip absolutely REEKS of it. You can drive on the bypass at 75, and when you go past the strip you can smell it. And that was during COVID when things were restricted. I agree that it far more dangerous things are legal and OTC, so this should be too, but life for the rest of us is going to become much more annoying when it does. I would absolutely agree that HEAVY fines should be waged if it is used outside of its designated areas.


You can't keep minorities in prison without illegal weed


The people that post in this sub are mentally ill


Big pharma doesn’t care who you vote for, Lilly isn’t having medical or legal here. I hope I’m wrong but I doubt it. Bible Belt af and Lilly owns the state and has been since way way back.


Over 2/3s of Republicans in Indiana support legalized weed (medicinal or recreational). Stop being silly and divisive for no reason. Instead vote for the candidates that support legalized weed REGARDLESS of political party.


They need it to be illegal so they can arrest more black ppl. The purpose of the law is to disenfranchise black voters.


They want Illinois to get all the tax money


Because the democrats only want to legalize it so they can use it as a back door for gun control. And for no other reason.


Sure. Come by now if you need to


Whoever owns the biggest liquor cartel in Indiana doesn’t want it legalized.


how about neither?


I wouldn’t consider myself “R” but def not “D”. Here’s my problem. We can’t even have a serious conversation because you clowns don’t take the shit seriously. I’d love to have legalized weed, just not at the expense of basically any common sense legislation. Put someone on the ballot that doesn’t have fuckin pink hair and 4 genders or maybe has even the slightest bit of common sense and maybe we can get somewhere. I mean c’mon, your title says “republikans” I’m not even republican and I find it cringy. You all are just as much a problem as the goons holding shotguns in their Congress ads. Two sides of the same coin


Thats the devils lettuce


Look at your avg dem and youll know why republicans dont want to legalise it.


I already have to deal with my neighbors smoking crazy amounts of weed and getting into my vents. Why would I want more?


Very dumb reason to vote Democrat every Democrat run state is in bad shape


Republican or Democrat, same shit different problems, both horrible.


Nothing. The only people that don’t want legalization represent or lobby for Lilly


Let’s give demoCrackheads more gateway drugs, great idea. Might improve Indianapolis from its current state


I tried. I spoke with a congressman about it that had a valid point though. He owns a trucking company and wasn’t down with his employees driving big rigs around high as a kite. As a business owner myself I can’t say I blame him. For now I’ll just keep driving to Michigan 🤷🏽


I just want cold beer at the gas station




Im a middle of the road on politics and think weed needs to be legal in all states federally and its still bs it illegal in many states recreationally. I still think alcohol is far more dangerous then weed.


Have you tried getting a job and not being a loser?




I hate democrats. Especially Barack. Biden. A few others. But I wish weed was legal.




Why do Commucrats want to ban cigarette smoking / cigarette flavors but are fine with legalizing smoking pot? I'm not on 1 side or the other on this BTW.


As long as it remains illegal in Indiana, the black market will continue to thrive there… and I’m sure there are some very wealthy and influential people in Indiana who like it that way.


The Party of Bans (the GOP) is against anything that people enjoy.


I guess they still see it as the devils lettuce


If we want anything fun, like birth control, healthcare, weed, treating your fellow human beings with dignity and respect… for god sakes do not vote Republican


Florida is red blooded, and it’s legal there. Being republican doesn’t have anything to do with weed being illegal. Also: I appreciate our castle doctrine more than I want to smoke weed. And I’ll not be giving up my rights just to smoke.


I thought about making this a separate post, but there have been quite a few of those lately and I don't want to stir feathers. Florida is now getting ahead of us in this quest by allowing a referendum on their November ballot for the legalization of weed. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/04/01/florida-supreme-court-recreational-weed/73171468007/