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Looks great for a teaser! The only thing I would add is a zoom out effect at the end while fading in, since it feels a little static.


Thank you, we'll try to fix that static feeling!


Or use the heartbeat to beat the end.


I second this, love the art and animation to the trailer though


Makes me want to learn more! Seems to be working!


Super intriguing. I like it.


Maybe a bit more variety in the music?


This video is too short for that :(


Def little misfortune, Coraline, or Fran Bow vibes, here for it yo


When you say better to make a new video, do you mean like editing the same shots differently, or you mena redo animation, because damn it looks like a lot of work went into that already. It looks great!


We will take a part of this video and add some gameplay video for the future trailer. Thank you!


I am sufficiently teased. Good job!


Cool. I like it


Lovely art style!!


Yeah the art style is really beautiful.


What's the game?


Lost in the roots I assume from the trailer.


I would have preferred longer shots of gameplay personally. The art is a big selling point here and I feel like it keeps cutting to the next shot before I can take it in properly. Then the screen goes blank for almost 2 seconds out of 18 and it feels like an inefficient use of time. I wishlisted it though, looks interesting.


Wow this is crazy


Damn… looks incredible!


I have wishlisted it, so I would say more than okay :D




Can I ask you what do you think about story here? What is actually going on? I think there is can't spoil some plot twist to player. I hope so:)


Man I love all the new 2d hand drawn story games coming out lately. When I saw banner saga do it, I was in love. Then gris, and now a bunch of indie teams. Keep it up.


Wow looks so good, how complete in development is the game already?


Just a few months for end of development! We will show our game to publishers, because we need help with marketing, localization, porting


Did you use a pre-existing engine?


Why don't try kickstar? I saw many games there with goalposts like: "at x $ we have localization", " at xx $ we have extra levels" "at xxx $ port to mobile" and so on for example a hat in time.


I loved it. I actually liked how there wasnt any overlaid text or captions, just let me take in the art and visuals. Perfect length too, i would definitely stop and watch if i saw this on twitter.


I'm glad everyone is so positive here. Playing devil's advocate, this teaser sucks. It's too fast in cuts, transitions are jarring, and there is no fluidity between one part and another. The art style is great and the creatures are creative but I have no idea what is happening or why or even what genre this is supposed to be. There is a distinguishable difference between mystery and confusion and I am thoroughly confused. What is supposed to be the compelling factor in this game? What makes it unique? And why isn't there any focus on it? Check out Derek Lieu for some solid game trailer tips. He's got free pointers on youtube and tiktok.


Thank you for recommendations! Yes, this video is too short, we wanted to make very short impressive teaser, after that we need more informative video. I will check Derek Lieu tips!


For a quick teaser it’s ok. But for a Steam or YouTube video it’s not enough. No dramaturgy, no sound design, music could be more interesting as well. Best wishes though. Looks definitely cool


If your game is story rich, I want to see more about story. However sound is great


It looks fantastic ♥️


yes and now i have tons of question haha


Looks cool! It gives the impression that the game is primarily walking to the right. If that isn't correct then maybe cut a few of these scenes out


We'll make a new trailer soon. You can see gameplay very soon (I hope)


The stabbing girl drew my attention.


Looks really interesting and makes me wanna know more! Great teaser!


I try to put myself in the shoes of coming across this on steam. I think my thinking would go like this: "That's very interesting graphics. Compelling darkness. I wonder what the game is about? Can't quite tell. Okay, clip is over. Let me scroll over to some of the images to get an idea for what the gameplay is. These aren't really telling me anything. It does look cool though, and the reviews are positive. Maybe I'll come across a video on YouTube some day. Off to scrolling to a new game."


I say make it longer. Make the heartbeat slow at the end and increase it as the teaser goes on until something crazy from the game happens, and then it cuts to the title. This is still great though.