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I've seen a few survival games use it as a feature for like you being cold and wet now etc. Honestly though I've always loved seeing this in games especially when it has no effects. It's just a nice touch.


It is useless as much as petting a dog in general. But I love those little details that nobody will ever appreciate anyway;)


It's not necessarily useless. Completely wet clothes are a bitch in real life. Adds a lot of weight, destroys insulation, increases wind chill, etc, and drips and leaves wet tracks.


Wet clothes are a major issue in survival situations IRL. You should look into military bootcamp training. They literally train people how to get warm and dry off in survival scenarios because wet clothes can mean death. Bushcraft handbooks will also instruct you to find/make ***dry*** shelter. Because wet shelter will make you susceptible to death by exposure.


A lot of people appreciate details and there is a whole twitter account for petting dogs in games. You also wouldn't share it if you really thought nobody cares.


mood boost because a cute animal nuzzled me.




I do agree




Agree. This is for extra time. Unless having wet clothes is important to some sort of other feature like cold or resistance to fire... this jira card is of low priority.


Even if it isn’t used as a mechanic, I think it just makes the whole thing feel more believable and immersive


I totally agree with you. And I appreciate your opinion:D


This looks beautiful btw


Appreciate a lot those kind words.


Really like the visuals in general and wet clothes are a fun detail.


Thanks for your opinion. I also find it very nice even though it does matter nothing to overall gameplay. But it looks cool!!!! Isn't it;)


I love that kind of stuff. Maybe too much (for my own game I mean). But I'm also always the kind of player who would try to flush the toilets back in the day, and always love the little "useless" details


My man!!!!


Your lighting in this is \_really\_ good. What method are you using to do those water reflections? I love the sense of depth/volume it's got.


Lighting is just directional lighting and ambient skylight, nothing extraordinary. I did try to use some crazy lighting systems like ultra dynamic sky from unreal marketplace but it was just not the thing I wanted to achieve. Maybe too realistic;) as for the reflections I hoped to get use of lumen GI system with lumen reflections but once again I couldn't achieve what I wanted so I ended up using the old good planar reflection system that gave those amazing, fancy reflections off all the environment.


This looks so nice. Why is everyone dead :(


That was just a little argument between them. Nothing serious. But you know how it was in those imaginary medieval fantasy times. Little quarrel 3 dead bodies that was the rule.


It's pretty funny that I didn't even notice the dead bodies. "This is a cute scene" I thought, innocently


I thought they were piles of apples


Sometimes it's better to not ask questions you already know the answer to


I had to watch twice to even pay attention to the clothes. Something about the art style and lighting gives the feeling of a physical train set in a really beautiful way. Very unique.


Thank you very much for kind words. I am glad you enjoyed watching it:)


It, could be, but a nice touch if it doesn't steal resources from other parts of the game and adds a bit of a personal touch to your game. And if you want you can tie it to gameplay like shows risk of being sick or needing to put dry clothes on/make a fire to dry off.


Yes. That can always have some affection on the player, I agree. I was more hoping it would be a nice visual touch as I don't really want it to be survival game sadly:) I want action, blood, pain, gore, and nice cute graphics to that;D


If it there's a gameplay reason behind it, than it is not an useless feature.


Looks beautiful! Love the little details, and really love the soft blurred look. Do you mind if I ask you how you achieved the tilt shift effect? A simple way, or with complex shaders?


Simple way, simple as can be:) here is my simple video tutorial how to achieve that in unreal engine. Not sure what do you use though: https://youtu.be/GqWcEKaB7vE?si=zJNoGoTAI0jAXts8 No voiceover whatsoever but all is shown step by step.


I couldn't have asked for more! I'm using Unity, but I'm sure I can figure it out! I've had a game in mind for awhile that I was prototyping in isometric and it just wasn't cutting it - I think something like this is the solution. Thank you for showing how amazing it can look...something about it just draws the eye. I guess cause the focus literally draws the eye in lol, still, love the look.


It's not useless. Some games use it as a mechanic, connecting it to Water as an elemental ability or just making you resistant to fire for a bit or stuff like that. Aside from that, it's an immersive element that helps the player get immersed in your game, which is something people seem to underestimate the importance of these days.


Yes I agree with U. I love little details that nowadays are bit forgotten. I love how artist were focused on details years ago in pre rendered environment games like for example Fallout 1 and 2. No 3d at all and so much more creative environments than nowadays....:(


Such a great use of depth of field blur


Cheers. I love it too:) that little world looks so nice:)


I always appreciate it.


Immersion is not useless


This looks really nice and cozy, keep it up


Will do mate:) thanks.


"Wet" status is the most annoying thing in Valheim. It doesn't stop the player from doing anything, except it's just much, much slower.


Survival games can use it, but also fantasy games like the Original Sin series and Noita where elemental environmental effects affect gameplay.


"useful" is not exactly the be all and end all, I understand wanting everything to have a function but I honestly believe that some of the most interesting things in games is seeing the little details that don't need to be there but are.


I friggin love depth of field


I love the art style on this. It feels like those old claymation xmast, specials super nostalgic. what was your process for making them?


Most of work is done by tilt-shift camera obviously. Besides that all meshes were created in blocky style with magicavoxels and 3ds max.


oh nice, never used those programs, result really cool






Water seems really good !


Yeap. Unreal engine and lumen system gives a very nice feel. Obviously had to spend some time to get that shader working nice. I believe it could be nicer but I am just a simple man and I can achieve only what I can:P


This is really nice no humble where can I follow your game?


This game looks super pretty! Is it a survival sim like Minecraft?


Thank you so much. It is not Minecraft type at all. It will not be survival game but more action RPG. I am developing kind of sequel to my first game I released for free on steam : https://store.steampowered.com/app/1944920/TVG_The_Vox_Games_Journey/#app_reviews_hash If you are interested. It will be surely better and less buggy and in a bit different season that previous one. Little open world fights quests and loots;)


They are used in some games like dragons dogma to slow movement temporarily because your drenched and realistically it is hard to move in wet clothes


I just wanna say that I usually hate voxel games, as most are either low effort or trying to pass themselves off as minecraft graphics for clicks, but yours achieves such a beautiful and unique style that is so impressive that I'm reconsidering what I think about voxel. Honestly amazing work.


Just for clarification:) this is voxel-like project. Not a true vowel type. No destructions nor voxel building. Just a voxel blocky visuals:) but I am so glad you like it:D


I some know what the game is…but it certainly looks gorgeous.


You'll get a cold!


Looks great, and the accuracy of the wetness level on the clothes is great. Details like those are what make a game special. Love the tilt-shift focus that makes everything look like miniatures. Really cool.


Cool comment. Thank you:)


I assume people would pay a lot for a game with realistic graphics, female playable characters and wet clothes. I can already see the next forgettable MMORPG marketing move: "forget jiggle physics, we got wet clothes" Jokes aside, it's a nice touch if it's just visual, and while it'd be interesting if it affected gameplay (like walk slower, higher chances of getting sick, or whatever other malus), unless your targeted audience is extremely survival oriented players, making it "one more nuisance you have to avoid" could risk going towards being just frustrating without adding much interest


add a fire and it will be functional


It's great when it's not a mechanic. Like in Valheim they use it as a mechanic to lower stamina regen and slow you and it's horrible. But visually its nice.


We are at the border between worth it and extreme pixel focking. Beware not to add realistic hair growth and loss. With realistic nose that catches dust and boggers.


As a visual thing it's okay, neat to look at. As an environmental effect it has its purposes. It could lower resistance to cold or disease. On the other end, it could reduce heat stress. Or further, it could make electricity have a greater effect, slow movement, or cause temporary inability to sleep.


Details like that can make a difference if the game will stand out or not. I can tell you right now, by watching this simple clip, you can feel attention to details. Whole scenario just feels alive. I think youre on right path. PS. If trees and grass starts moving along with wind, its gonna be even higher tier.


Depends. Are you doing this with some subjective level of survival? Walking around with wet clothes on winter could = hypothermia. Maybe more difficult to contact in the same conditions, except for it's currently summer. If not a survival type then then maybe it's just a cool view to see clothes get wet when people go swimming. Also, water isn't wet.


My only point of critique here is that the wet effect looks like it is draining from top-to-bottom instead of drying evenly depending on the thickness / material of the clothes.


this looks cool, what is it?


Excuse me but wtf is this game and how much is it????


I think it's not needed, but I have had many times where I'll be doing something simple in a game and go. Wow, this game took the time to program that. That's kinda cool. I would say if you feel like taking the time to add it, then go for it. Someone may like it, and you are learning along the way.


The camera blur effect makes it look so cozy and cute... that I missed the dead bodies in the background for quite a few good minutes.


Useless? Yes. Nice detail? Also yes.


I only really see "useless features" when it's a mechanic that has been used, but is made completely redundant by some other feature. But things like this, are never useless in my opinion. I love little details like this, and it makes you feel more engaged and immersed in the content :)


some things exist in games because whoever wrote the code had a puzzle they needed to solve for themselves "how exactly am i going to get that to do that" they get hyper focused on making that work meanwhile it could be an inventory heavy game that doesnt have a fucking working sort button but they got wet clothes


Love the visuals of your environment! I wouldn’t call wet clothes feature as useless, as other redditors said, it makes the world more immersive! I’m pretty sure lots of gamers will appreciate it too


attention to detail with tiny "useless" things is sooo important... it might seem like only 1% of people actually appreciate that kinda stuff but it's like a good bass line in music, everyone notices if it ISN'T there.. and even if only 1% of players do appreciate it, they REALLY appreciate it, they'll be the ones leaving awesome reviews and telling their friends because they found something that stands out even if they aren't consciously taking in every detail of why it stands out... but from the looks of the clip I would say you already know this lol


Let's be honest, it's a hindrance. A pain in the ass. It makes me instinctively avoid water in Valheim because I hate the 2-minute-long health and stamina regen penalty. I wish more games focused on boons instead of finding creative ways to punish their players. Realism does not automatically equate to fun.


As mentioned, wet clothes mostly solve no purpose. It's just a very nice detail. Sometimes you can make "wet" players get cold faster (if there is such mechanic) or apply some other effects (like in Genshin)


Yes. I wouldn't bother with it unless your whole game is based on experiencing the environment.


In Prince of Persia Sand of Time you couldn't climb walls if you where wet.


Not useless, cool design and since not many games have it, it’s one of those trademark details


people hate blur effect


And I hate those people that hate blur effect;P I can't please everyone but I believe it suits. Obviously anyone can disagree, and I am ok with that. In the end I can always make settings for that:D win win situation I guess. No offence please, I just like the way it is.


I really like the immersion it brings, a small detail to make the world more believable, akin to your character having influence over the grass when walking upon it etc. But... My MC is a woman. With that in mind, OP, it's a double edged sword. If you make only your MC interact with water in this way, but not the female npcs/companions... Then, you lose consistency. But if you do\~ all those flag bearers and rainbow coloured karens will try to cancel your game.


We would not like that, would we?;) I mean... How should I say it not to offend somebody?;P there is no way to do that. Having that in mind. Let them try!!!! : 😂