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Consultant here, it was fairly toxic at first with people witholding information, trying to take credit for your work and straight up lying about stuff to slow you down. Most of them chilled out in an year after they understood it's just a job.


I worked at Deutsche, I was doing Harper's job! It was like industry (minus the sex and the drugs) but not in the open, it was all backdoor politics and influences.


That’s awesome, are traders on the floor that intense? Like Rishi


Yes they can be, although you don't seat right next to them, unlike Harper. I made a video about the jobs on the trading floor, using Industry that you may enjoy https://youtu.be/D\_fqOc91GJ4


Very cool, thank you!


The advertising industry.


I work in tech, it’s stressful because of the deadlines, but people mainly mind their own business and are much more team oriented than in Finance. I would kill myself if I worked in a setting like PierPoint


entertainment industry is like this lol


Entertainment for sure. Still don't know how I stuck it out at a talent agency for 3 years. Staplers, phones, potted plants, and even shreds of rotisserie chicken were thrown. And this was less than 6 years ago.


Damn now I want to hear more.


Airline. And I don't talk about pilots/ airline stewards. I worked in an airline in their office that was in the airport for 6-7 years. I knew it was toxic to the point of driving you crazy, but I didn't expect it to be so bad. I am talking about deliberately writing fake reports so a supervisor will get fired cause ''she got too fat after her 3rd child and I don't like her'' We had a bonus that we got based on our sales and you had to register all your sales in a program and sign with your initials. And we had people changing the initials so they will get a bigger bonus. Letting passengers unattended (in the ramp, which is illegal and could actually harm someone) just so you can blame someone and say that they were supposed to be there but they didn't appear and endangered people. And the cherry on top, going after people's partners constantly, cheating in the offices, sleeping with someone older just to get a promotion, removing peoples numbers from notice forms, so they didn't get a phone call for the upcoming trainings and they didn't show up, so they couldn't handle/ work on their job any more. And all that while creating rumours. Based on the rumours there I slept with over 40 different married men in barely a year and all that because I had to work in their office so I kept a good relationship with all of them and we had jokes or pizza together. A friend of mine was working as an airline steward in a really, REALLY good airline. The racism from everyone towards everyone was real. Because the airline is huge, people from all over the world work for them and the fights based on race or religion that went too far are too many. In general, if you don't have thick skin and a good stomach avoid the entire industry