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So sorry you're in pain. Here are some tips to help: * Try epsom salt soaks in cool water to help alleviate inflammation. * An over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication like Ibuprofen can help with your discomfort. * Keep the area as clean and dry as possible. * Do not try to dig into the nail fold with tools or to perform a home surgery. * If the pain and inflammation persist, contact a professional.


Yeah the pain is only mild and only happens when I press on it so it’s not bad. I did schedule a check up later this week just in case though


Great, wishing you the best!


Note :don't take this seriously only talking from experience So if it's minor pain, it might grow into ingrown toenail or it might not it actually hard to say until it actually grows so before that make sure to clean it and make sure to not cut it without consulting a professional. That's all I can say tbh just clean and dont disturb it when you don't need to


True 100% what you said!! Don't start bathroom surgery! Keep it clean, and don't be cutting the nail short or try to cut the side or anything! If you do, it will be certain you'll get an ingrown and infected one at that.


Update please OP? I have exact same thing now.


Sorry for late reply. I went to podiatrist and they noticed a pus pocket, so they trimmed the nail corner to drain the pus. They also took the nail into their lan to test for fungus which came back negative. Seemed I had an infection bec of the pus so i got amoxicillin for a week and he told me to pull the side of my toe skin back and wrap a band-aid with neosporin to prevent an ingrown or another infection. So far it seems to be growing back in fine except the occasional pain when I accidentally hit the nail and sometimes it looks yellowish on the side. Podiatrist said since the yellow isn’t fungus it could be from microtrauma of the nail rubbing against the inside of the shoe a lot. Since I’ve avoided closed toe shoes as much as possible to avoid the nail becoming ingrown


Great that you got it sorted. Thanks for the detailed reply. I followed some advice I read on here and lifted the nail up at the side with a nail tool after a hot foot dip for a number of nights and it seems to have resolved for now. I'm hoping that's the end of it, perhaps mine wasn't as far gone as yours. Hope it remains comfortable for you, thanks again :)