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Sounds like you're both responsible and more level headed than most people to come to these conclusions. Is there a chance he cheated? Sure, but you can't/shouldn't act on what you're not sure of.


To me, it seems like he wants to keep you on reserve while he figures himself out. There's nothing wrong with him needing to take some time to figure out who he is, but you're 17; you also need to figure out who you are and that's a lot harder when you're putting your life on pause. Do what you want but if you're asking for advice, I would probably end the relationship. You can still be in each other's lives, and if after he climbs out of his stoop you two are still willing, you can try it out again. Ultimately, this time of your life is \*for\* figuring out who you are. You drop aspects of yourself that were more for fitting in, and pick up new parts that you discover along the way. We're all on our own journey and we all change with time and sometimes different people change in different directions and they grow apart. If you're both still a match when the time is right, that's fantastic. If not, that's good too--sometimes two people are only on the same path for some of the journey.


Hang out with him when you want to, but don't feel obligated to hang out with him if you don't feel like it.


Is he your boyfriend or a boy friend? Because one is a relationship and the other is a friendship. Listen, 17 is an age where people try to figure themselves out. There are a lot of decisions to make such as which college to go to or what to study/get a degree/learn other employment skills, think about job prospects, where to live etc. Trying to decide all the above when you have a partner complicates things. What if you want to go to a college out of state but you would be moving away from your partner for example? I'm not making excuses, and I could be wrong, but it sounds like your boyfriend is deciding who he wants to be and whether you are compatible with that.


We're in a relationship, what you're saying makes sense but we both still love each other that's been clear it's more of him tryna get through a depressive episode and not having the capacity to deal with another person if that makes sense


Makes sense. Allow him to concentrate on sorting himself out, be there to support him if needed. Also maybe spend some of this time on yourself too so you can also practice self care. Good luck, wish you all the best.


If he’s not ready to be in a relationship then you break up. It’s not fair to you to be stuck in limbo while he figures out what he wants. You should be with someone who knows they want to be in a relationship with you.


He does want to be in a relationship with me it's more that he feels bad that what he's going through means he feels like he can't deal with another person, the emotional and physical exhaustion that comes with depression is really bad for him.


That feeling is not going to leave him until he finally takes the action for it to leave him and that might be twenty years from now. You should know that is what you are buying into. You have to ask yourself if you have that kind of constitution. Maybe you do, Maybe not. But, that road has lots of rocks in it.