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on mother day i got batch for a plan b and some magnums.....the cashier looked at me and said well that first baby must of fucked them up bad since they making sure he/she dont get a sibling šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Lol they fucked up in the AM and wanted to make sure they didn't do it again.


Unpopular opinion, but I try to always accept orders like these, even if theyā€™re low tip (so long as the mileage to pay ratio still makes sense.) Plan B or pregnancy tests, I gotchu! Reproductive stuff is expensive.


Same. I got a girl that messaged me and asked me to take the tests out of the box and bury them in with the groceries. I was like yeah girl, of course. Lol.




Like she asked you to steal?šŸ’€


No. She asked me to take the tests out of the box after they were paid for and throw the box away so that the tests werenā€™t as easily found. She clearly was living with someone that she didnā€™t want to know she needed a pregnancy test.


Eeep I hope she's okay and she just wanted it to be a happy surprise


Yessss doing the lordā€™s work out here šŸ¤™šŸ¾


Iā€™m almost positive that preventing pregnancies isnā€™t the lords work.


Not like their handing out abortion pills , itā€™s a plan b. Just stopping the fertilization




It might not be in his specific wheelhouse but I think the lord would understand why we do it.




That's a pretty strange interpretation. I thought we were talking about preventing pregnancies not killing babies.


This isnā€™t killing babies.. itā€™s stopping conception.. go back to school.


Plan B isnā€™t killing babies. There was no baby. It prevented it. Do you not understand that? There was no baby to kill.


This is exactly what I was talking about haha.


How is preventing a pregnancy killing a baby by any stretch of the anti-choice looney tunes imagination?


Derogatory remarks directed toward a specific group or culture, remarks directed toward people with physical &/or mental health challenges, and Racist comments of any kind will be removed. They are highly inflammatory and will not be entertained or tolerated on this subreddit.


That's like saying that by remaining abstinent, you're killing a baby. Or that condoms are killing babies. You can't kill something that doesn't exist yet.


God loves preventing pregnancies


Wait until you read the bible šŸ™ƒ


Oh buddy Iā€™ve read enough of the bible for one lifetime


Go sit in the corner and color - adults are talking.


Post birth abortions (as long as they are genocidal) are biblical!!!!!! Do it!!!!! The lord commands you to!!!!!!!!! Read your damn books, you sound fucking ridiculous.


God loves him some fourth trimester abortions


You make it sound like thereā€™s only one belief system or that Iā€™m religious in any way. Why so dumb?


When did I say thereā€™s one God? Generally speaking, when someone brings up religion for no reason, they fall under a Christian denomination.


There is one God and one God only. He is the living God and his son is Jesus Christ. If you donā€™t know him, thatā€™s ok he still loves you. Cheers


Proving my point. Would Jesus be proud of how high you value money?


You donā€™t know me bro. I donā€™t care about money i care about principle integrity and craftsmanship.


What about crypto currency has any of those? Youā€™re quite the hypocrite. Donā€™t preach to me, there are reasons I no longer follow religion.


Dunno why thought it was funny.


Gross comment alert


People downcotong me like their God didn't killing hundreds kf thousands of babies šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ The Bible full on says to never assume to know God's plan. The Bible says God doesn't make mistakes. Yall need to think on that.


Youā€™re right, but love thy neighbor.


It is.






Reply to and about the OP topic or subject matter. No politics. No off topic debates. Don't try to 'convince' others. Agree to disagree. Make a point and move on.


Reply to and about the OP topic or subject matter. No politics. No off topic debates. Don't try to 'convince' others. Agree to disagree. Make a point and move on.


Who are you to say what the Lord's work is? You don't know, and you should never assume to know His plan


Oh my word ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I accept any Order that has children's medicine . Even if low tip the kid needs help I want to get it to them as quick as possible but plan b as long as they didn't wait till the last day they have like 2 days to take it šŸ¤£


I delivered an HIV Home test kit... that one really made me sad... :(


Right! I had this repeat customer who got ovulation tests two times in one day and shopped each time! I hope she succeeded ā¤ļø


I have never seen an order for plan bs or pregnancy test not worth taking in my market


Sooooo much yes!! šŸ™ŒšŸ¼


My last instacart was for plan b. The address was way wrong tho. Least I got 10 dollar mileage compensation


https://preview.redd.it/4r5jnzdudh1d1.jpeg?width=2536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=015cac5d06b3eaf2e5dd7dc3855c6d9f1d9ec754 SAMSIES šŸ¤£šŸ¤­ā¤ļø


My very first batch was a diabetes test with two cartons of ice cream




Sometimes diabetics need the sugar to keep from dying. High blood sugar causes long term health issues, low blood sugar can kill someone within 30 minutes.


I delivered a plan b to someoneā€™s car as one of my first deliveries. It wasnā€™t even a good paying order but I recognized what it was and wanted to help out. She didnā€™t want me to set off the ring doorbell so I took it to a car down the street lol!!


Oh man. Hope she doesnā€™t have an abusive partner.


Unsung hero


If you instacart after 7pm and get any cvs order, there's about an 80% chance its 2 items, plan B and a snack of some sort šŸ¤£


Yesss honey plan b to the rescue!!


Yes šŸ¤£ Iā€™m on my way girl


A hero! šŸ˜‚


I once got an order for this and it was to my next door neighbor


This is how I feel every time. I am on the way to save the day!!!! šŸ˜‚


Yes girl, been there done that; do not fret šŸ¤£


I get a decent amount of orders for Monistat and Vagisil


Iā€™ve been one of those customers! Hot weather makes my body chemistry not nice and I usually donā€™t realize until itā€™s late that I need either and my kids are sleeping. God bless these amazing peeps doing monistat deliveries too


I doordashed one before. Glad I could help.


$2 tip I bet


As usual https://preview.redd.it/2j9eyxt8kh1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6a2f6373e44f9167aacad3a360cc9d49cb18dd3


I feel the same wayā€¦I get disappointed when theyā€™re out of stock. I will look high and low. I understand the urgency.


https://preview.redd.it/mh5u0v9ovg1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2970b3db6d7f6e35753dc77ddffc9996b70edd06 I match u


Saving the day! And preggo / ovulation tests haha


$50 is asinine for a single pill


Well just think how much a baby costā€¦ā€¦ $50 is a can of formula for about one week.


I recognize the potential cost of a baby. Still doesnā€™t make it right to sell that pill for such a high cost ā€” Iā€™m sure the manufacture cost is less than a dollar. Also, no reason to buy name brand.


I definitely agree with everything you said!


Itā€™s under $10 at Walmart-mart and Costco. Hopefully most people can get one and just keep it on hand and not have to pay $50 or more


Since birth control is free, and Plan B is 1.5mg levonorgestrel, I wonder if you could just take like 50x30Ī¼g Norgeston (levonorgestrel BC minipill) for the same effect or if that would somehow not be safe


I see and sometimes accept lots of orders for these


Some of these responses are disturbing. Judge not lest.ye be judge y'all. Just saying. I got you girl.or.how ever you identify..


haha i had this one day, she had me meet her in a parking lot too.


You better run!


https://preview.redd.it/gv6wwcd7tm1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf2b782b1cb56ee38fd7d0b31af905b032a15107 This is from yesterdayā€™s order tho


I love feeling like superwoman lol


How does it make you a superwoman?


Babe, how else? Thereā€™s a woman in need and I deliver the helpful solution.


Well I feel bad for whoever has to take it. Those things fuck your body up so bad.


Not as much as unwanted pregnancy would.


If you didn't want to get pregnant or to get someone pregnant maybe don't mate?


Im going to assume you are a child, actually ignorant to the subject and not intentionally being an ass. To assume it is ā€œmatingā€ is to assume there was consent. Neither of which we know to be true. My stepbrother was a product of sex without consent. Iā€™ve seen how that dynamic can unfold and itā€™s not fair to the woman or the child.


How does rape enter the field? Ohhhh you ran out of logic. I am a responsible male I do not rape. Again and for the last time sex is for procreation. No one should ever be surprised at the outcome of mating. Rape is right there with murder it is a diabolical act. Please don't assume every human is a devil. Go on your married life have lots of sex meaningless sex enjoy it. I'll be responsible. You sure don't see many animals have sex just for fun or be surprised when they end up pregnant.


Most Plan B orders in my areas are scams. Either gift card or trying to steal your account


Most of the ones I have gotten have been teenagers or young adults.


Or the dude could be thinking..."what was i thinking last night?" So he ordered that šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


50$? The world is doomed šŸ˜‚


The one time I delivered a plan b they didnā€™t tip at all.


Lol not driving for insta at the time but yesterday one of my young coworkers asked me to pick up plan b for one of my other coworkersšŸ¤«šŸ¤«šŸ¤« dropped that shit off midshift


Walgreen? I delivered one today myself!




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Where did you take this order from?! This order popped up for me and I decided against it but now I need to know lol šŸ˜‚


CT lol


Had the same order pop up here too!




Every time I've seen these it's a $2 tip and at least 5 miles. Come on ladies, at least make the man pay for it šŸ˜‚


Plan B is under $10 at Costco and Walmart. I always tell people to plan aheadā€¦better to have it and not need it, then need it and not have it


But it wasnā€™t long ago that you needed a prescription for it. I took it in 2005 and it was a lot of hoops to get it via prescription. What a wonderful world we live in when you can order it on Instacart


I love these orders. But itā€™s always plan b and orange juice. Or some random snack. lol. šŸ˜‚


Get it to her fast too! Lmaoo


I see these often hahaha


hell yeah šŸ„³šŸ„³šŸ„³ SIDE NOTE: if you have a costco membership and need Plan B, they have the generic version at the pharmacy for $5-$10 šŸ„³ so donā€™t spend $40-$65 when you can get one for $5-$10 without a prescription!!


i recently had one for a vibrator, that was interesting


Haven't had this yet, but I have delivered the late night pregnancy tests. I'm always curious how it turned out.


https://preview.redd.it/79g2ed7qwn1d1.png?width=1145&format=png&auto=webp&s=f7439d8f968d828f3c394ee699a41319f35b9845 delivered this order to a teenage couple


Why is that funny and why is it so gd expensive


Done over 2k rides and can say that these and pregnancy tests at least 80% of the time also come with some random candy/soda/sweets but I kinda get it I guess if youā€™re gonna have to sit there and wait for the results might as well have a good time and eat some crazy junk food


When I get these orders I always say they donā€™t have it. Actions have consequences go get it yourself or have that baby.


I get 3am order for lube all the time from the same Walgreens to the same house every Saturday morning.


Why make this post


Why make this comment? Why take batches? Why wake up in the morning?


There's a lot of immature people on this sub.


Immature for saying "I got you girl lmaooo"?? Maybe you're just uptight. Ever think of that? Lighten up


Itā€™s immature cuz itā€™s not noteworthy. Itā€™s like haha I delivered condoms. Like wow, sex related so funny


yeah, totally, womens bodily autonomy isnt noteworthy at all as state after state proposes and passes more abortion bansĀ 


Thatā€™s not the point of what I said. Donā€™t twist it


Youā€™re right, itā€™s not the point you were making, *but* I believe itā€™s the point OP was making, or at least related to it, rather than ā€œhaha sex relatedā€.


You seem fun at parties. Go sip your dry ass red wine and cry elsewhere


So fun! šŸ„“šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ I had to deliver a sex toy from CVS several months ago šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I, a female, had to walk into a CVS and purchase 2 different kinds of lube, a penis stroker, and and sex wipes. šŸ„“šŸ„“ I laughed so fucking hard the ENTIRE TIME! Put his order in a brown paper bag, as he asked for it to be discreetā€¦ laughed harder. Dropped it off and text the customer ā€œPackage left discreetly in brown paper bag. Mission accomplished! šŸ«”šŸ˜‰ā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Every detail of that order, besides where he lives lmao, is ingrained in my memory. šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚ ![gif](giphy|VhEXPZVBdK19cgHGOa|downsized)


Right lmao it's okay to laugh at humans we're all weird and funny šŸ˜ being full of yourself and acting so serious makes you look Infinitely worse. I mean if you laughed at them yeah thatd be wrong but it's okay to laugh amongst yourselves


So true! Lmao Iā€™m awkward AF so I laugh at myself constantly. Iā€™m always doing weird shit! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I literally came home from this order and told my fiancĆ© I had a brilliant idea to order random sex toys and shit CVS now that I see they have them just so that another shopper has to go through what I went through. I would totally leave some weird ass instructions under each product and under my delivery instructions. šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ I would tip amazinglyā€¦ Just the tip šŸ˜‚ā€¦ but I feel like it would honestly make somebodyā€™s dayā€¦ or possibly give them a very bad day šŸ˜…šŸ„“šŸ¤£ either way Iā€™m laughing!


Exactly lmao too many people think way too highly about themselves and take themselves way too seriously. šŸ¤£


PS ā€” I fucking love your username! šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


I donā€™t drink anymore but okay. You definitely sound like the mature one here lmao




No personal attacks or remarks or insults. Reply to and on the topic.


And theyā€™re the same ones shopping a majority of orders lol


Why post this comment?


The usual reasons for a ā€œwhyā€ question, such as I was curious as to the motivation behind it. The post is not funny/childish as fuck and itā€™s none of the worldā€™s business what people order.


Why post this comment?


Why donā€™t you fuck off


Why post this comment?




Some of the comments on here make me want to start an underground railroad to ensure all women have the ability to choose what to do with their bodies. Yall men are the reason women need to have access to safe and healthy abortions. None of them are trying to have your kids. They're wanting to make sure you're the last of your lineage.


why is this a post? I'd be so bothered if I ordered plan b and someone wanted to get reddit karma for posting about it. like damn, glad my situation is beneficial to your social media account... šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Who is it being delivered to?


I wouldnā€™t care in the slightest


Maybe we could stop advocating for shaming people for going through things weā€™ve all been through? Chill.


speak for yourself. not everyone has had to take plan B. you chill. also, who tf is shaming anyone? are you not reading the words on the screen or something?


LOL okay love. Everyone has been through scary, shitty scenarios. Turning your nose up at people only makes you look bad, not them


who tf is turning their nose at people who use plan b? all I said was it's disturbing and rude af to make a post bragging that you delivered some to someone. Get a clue and grow tf up.


Plan B and ironically Baby food/medicine are the only two types of orders I never skimp on looking for items and the delivery time.


Anyone know if using plan b over and over again makes it less effective?


I donā€™t believe it reduces efficacy


why would you use it over and over again? Just go on birth control pills or something


Or wear condoms and practice safe sex


You ever have a condom break? You ever thought "Hey, it's not my body, why tf do I care what they do?"


This is exactly what I was thinking about in reference to my og comment. As a woman, if you find yourself in scenarios using Plan B, a few times ā€” does it wane? Comments suggest it does not. Thats all


No Iā€™ve never thought that. Thatā€™s irresponsible and rude. I respected the women I was with and took responsibility for my actions


You can do all that, but your actions don't get to dictate her future. Her body. Her choice. Not yours.


Itā€™s my future too. Our actions dictate that. For both of us. If everyone started being responsible for our actions, the world would be a better and less murderous place. Iā€™m aware Plan B is not an abortionist stance. But the hormonal pill really rocks a womanā€™s body. I know it rocks it less than a pregnancy. But weā€™re having multiple discussions here. My sole point is men carry the same responsibility and have the same consequences save for carrying the child. But a real man and a real father accept all thatā€™s included in having sex


For whatever reason, question still stands.. I heard its effectiveness wanes after 3 times. Heard from a friends friend who is a nurse


That doesnā€™t really make sense because itā€™s literally the same med as many birth control pills.


why don't you directly ask a nurse? why ask a bunch of Instacart shoppers?


Do you Reddit much? Solid contribution tho


are you 12? go cry some more about professional wrestling and stop replying to me.


Boiii ure in my replies mmkayyy. Have a gud day


Seek help.


I wish I didn't get these orders. It isn't something I like getting. It's a bit cheaper to buy condoms the night before.... I didn't even know we sold these in my state. If there was a switch to turn it off I would


And if the condom breaks? There are instances where ā€œresponsibleā€ people still end up between a rock and a hard place.


Imagine being surprised when procreation leads to.... Procreation.


ā€œItā€™s a bit cheaper to buy condoms the night beforeā€. What a gross comment. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


How is that gross? Its a lot cheaper to door dash condoms.


Your comment is so judgmental. Things happen - condoms break, medications can interact with birth control pills that you may not have realized until you think youā€™ve had a scareā€¦ itā€™s just moronic


Imagine being surprised when procreation leads to procreation.


So intercourse is just for procreation? LOLā€¦ I feel so bad for people who think that. Tells me they have a lot of lonely nights personally.


I have plenty of sex. I just understand the consequences. No I'm not religious. No I'm not Republican, or in some cult. I only have one child and a loving partner. Did you happen to look at the science of sex? It is made for procreation. Fun, but it does make babies....


Why could I have predicted that you would have taken my comment as a need to justify how much sex you have? Thank you for that announcement. We all needed to know.


You felt the need to say I have lots of lonely nights? Im just telling the truth. I think a reply to a comment is pretty predictable.... You're not special in that regard lol.


No, I meant your reply was predictable. You called have sex ā€œprocreationā€. Anyone who calls intercourse ā€œprocreationā€, even related to the act of impregnating someone, is unwell/incel-territory.


How is this wholesome? You totally are not respecting the privacy of this person even if no identifiable details are present


Lmao this is no more a violation of privacy than posting peopleā€™s heavy water orders. Stop it


Lmfao wtf? How is anyoneā€™s privacy disrespected here? Itā€™s a picture of a plan b pill box. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ so stupid


it is private if you have no idea of any of the information regarding the personā€¦


I got news for you condoms or birth control is cheaper


I got news for you, you donā€™t know what happened. They could have been r*ped


Yea last i knew if they go through proper channels and file a report its given for free most places


Well again, maybe they didnā€™t want to or couldnā€™t do that. Many cases go unreported. Again, you just never know what someone else is going through.


I remember when I was sexually assaulted by my then-boyfriendā€™s roommate and when I left and told my then-boyfriend, he didnā€™t believe me and said I probably came in to him (soon became ex boyfriend, of course). But yeaā€¦ that really gave me the confidence to want to report it in 2004!


Yes because your boyfriend is the authorities, but glad to hear he became ex. If you went to authorities there would have been a restraining order along with potential arrest not shrugging of shoulders even if nothing happened. I was arrested once because a girl was mad I rejected her, only thing that got me out of it was the night she claims it happened my girlfriend was with me all night


I mean, I actually had a restraining order against someone else for something separate. Itā€™s not as easy as you think to get a restraining order and the person who it is against can even modify the order against your consent. Also, Iā€™m guessing that you never tried going to the authorities to explain a ā€œhe said/she saidā€ crime. Where I live? Neither an arrest nor a RO would have happened


Let me drop one more before you take it!


Saving a moron from having to pay child support!




Way to be condescending. We don't call people "it". They is the term you use for a person if you do not know their gender preferences. I hope that helps.




Derogatory remarks directed toward a specific group or culture, remarks directed toward people with physical &/or mental health challenges, and Racist comments of any kind will be removed. They are highly inflammatory and will not be entertained or tolerated on this subreddit.


Derogatory remarks directed toward a specific group or culture, remarks directed toward people with physical &/or mental health challenges, and Racist comments of any kind will be removed. They are highly inflammatory and will not be entertained or tolerated on this subreddit.