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Where I live there was a group home/nursing home that would place a massive order and tip $50-$100, sometimes even more, then change the tip to $5 after delivery. Instacart let this go on for so long..they really don’t care what customers do to us. 


I know they don't.... that’s why it's up to us. 😀


When I get orders from businesses that don't tip I go on to their Google and review that they don't tip full service shoppers.


Woah good call dude I’m gonna do this too




NICE !!!




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In the same breathe customers want to complain that the fees are already soooo expensive. If it were higher-than-market-value, then businesses wouldn't use the service like this. The business is literally saying, "It's cheaper to order from instacart than to send one of my employees I am already paying and will have to pay regardless or hire a traditional business delivery company."


Yeah it's so common. In Denver they had to block a bunch of restaurants who were ordering 80 to 100 items tippins 0$ and then reporting half of everything damaged to get free stuff. Your customer sounds in the same ilk. We have a mobile ice cream shop, run by all high schoolers. They order 20 17 pound bag of ICE and don't help you unload. Entitled, clueless youth I suppose. All for no tip and a long drive. I had this order tacked onto a Unicorn and did it once. Horrible. I see it lurking for hours now every Saturday, always starts at $8 then gets boosted to 15.


Why should they help unload if its a delivery. I don't agree with them not tipping but im not about to do your job either


We live in a free market system. Labor is a part of that and people have a choice where to commit their labor. If a labor opportunity isn't advantageous to a worker they leave it, or at least the beat employees do. If you are getting food delivered to yoir business you are in the market for good deliveries. To get those you need to either pay a fair price or be a decent human. If your not quality labor will just never work for you. More exploitative, more harsh business models might work in the short term but longer term they collapse. Why don't larger exploitative companies like Instacart collapse: volume. But small businesses collapse very quickly because they don't have a financial back stop.


Leave a Google review


Considering it.... but I'm hoping if enough people email them they may "HEAR" us.


When I leave Instacart, I look forward to leaving a google review for a local Church that places a huge Costco order (like a compact SUV full) for its daycare and tips zero.


Have you tried just calling the rectory anonymously and having a heart to heart with someone there?? I use a letter that I drop off at delivery but some people are genuinely clueless... by some I mean MANY.


Do it now, why wait?


Just had an order for a business that tipped $2 for almost 10 miles and then had to give the “guard” my drivers license info, which I’m already not comfortable with. And then had to drive a mile around this giant warehouse just for the person to open the door and not even acknowledge me and just pointing to set it down. Oh and she also didn’t reply to my messages so oh well.


You can call Instacart and ask for them to be removed from your future offers.


I'm aware of that.... I'd rather they change their practices as that would benefit shoppers.


I tried for years too


There's one by me that does this too. And they empty the store of all the items. Pisses me off. They will order 150 units of 14 items w or 3 timed a week, tip for sht and its flat rate. I accidentally got them once in a high double. I went agaibst my principle and did it. They flat tip too so I bet they rarely get everything g they order.


https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/introducing-instacart-business-taking-care-of-business-so-you-can-take-care-of-yours-301757641.html Are you guys aware these are business orders when you take them?


Not at all... I mean yes cause of the address (I've done their order before) but that’s all.


That’s awful on Instacart end! My significant other works for a major food distributor and they were a little concerned when this rolled out but it’s mostly just small businesses. They have small orders compared to larger businesses so it isn’t cost affective to get big truck deliveries from food distributors. They can’t get stuff at last minute from food distributors . It’s a shame because Instacart is marketing this to businesses and giving them some kind of special break unbeknownst to you shoppers . I used to work for a church (for example ) and we couldn’t tip because we weren’t authorized by business . I’m sure most businesss have the employees place an emergency order (something they can’t wait on for food distribution company trucks ) They have no clue . A lot of businesses really have no idea and they can’t tip .


I know Which is why I tried emailing the business which got me no where that’s why their name is now here... but I'm happy to teach where ever whenever... very frustrating that IC is so blazze (can't spell it) about our compensation.


Yes it is! All the shopping apps emphasize “free delivery” so of course most see that and have no clue you guys don’t “work” for the company (that you are independent contractors) so they just assume your compensated fairly and also your mileage ams gas are taken care of . I always thought that . I had no idea ! So imagine being marketed especially to businesss …what a deal right!? Free delivery, tax exemption, in an hour or less , possibly Some other “perk” special for businesses. IMO, it’s all on Instacart for the way they market . It’s a shame


I agree with you... I don't know why businesses do it (ok except that it seems to work).... we're all so used to being lied to, we're not even surprised by it anymore, it's totally gotten out of hand as far as I'm concerned.... but it seems like a no win situation for people that hate it... no one else seems to care enough to fix it. In fact I think there are even laws that specifically say it's ok to lie about your product, as long as it not under the FDA.


They've been pushing Instacart Business super aggressively on the shopper side of the app for months. It also doesn't make it look like us regular shoppers are shopping it. It looks way more 'offcial' like it's B2B.


Of course there's smoke and mirrors it is Instacart after all.


For real. You can even buy a 'tiny home' on IC business in my area. 💀


I had a business make a medium size order. It was for 30 buck. Ok only 2 blocks away. No problem. I have delivery to this company many times. Again no problem. “The notes said leave on the table in the garage or if you can get pass security and bring up to the 17 floor I will tip extra “ I alway delivered to the floor. They never tipped extra. This was the first time security was not available so I could wait any longer and dropped off at the table. Well that B!%ch reduce my tip by $10.00 for not delivery to the suite. I notified Instacart for what reason I don’t know, but I did. Next week I can wait to pick up that order again. I will actually confront her about it. I also left a negative review about how Stingy and sneaky they are on google . It is an investment company. Unbelievable


Lol they don’t care. This post accomplishes nothing


You can call support and ask them to block that customer


Yes but that doesn't help other shoppers.... I'm really hoping they'll just convert to good customers.... I know the whole "nameless facelessness" of IC prevents most of us from trying but honestly it doesn't hurt to at least attempt to communicate.


If I got stuck with their order that was part of a double batch, a lot of items would be out of stock that day


🤣🤣🤣 When it happened to me I just had support remove it but your idea is soooooo much better.


Just be careful doing that, I hear they’re cracking down on people removing orders


Yeah me too... here in Reddit :)... no idea how often it's happening or many details about how that specific person was deactivated... just remember reading someone was deactivated and slowly a rumor about deactivation for splitting off undesirable orders has grown.


We have a business in our zone that tips $0 every time. We spread the word and every shopper removes them. Albeit there may be a few numbnuts who actually deliver their order…


You could try calling them anonymously and explain what up to them??? Or I could if you IM their names... I don't mind.