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Rate low,pull tip, and report it if they don’t match the picture . Bonus tip: if they come back to your door report that too and call the cops .


If you get bad service take some of the tip back.... if the shopper doesn't match the picture REPORT to instacart it's a safety concern. You can definitely refuse delivery altogether if the shopper doesn't match their picture... IC will send it out for a reshop.


Always pull the tip. Report the shopper. Can use the favorite system but aside from that idk


I'm sorry you're having a difficult time getting your orders done correctly. I always wonder about the language barrier honestly. I don't begrudge anyone trying to make a living honestly, but there have been so many orders I've taken where the order was reassigned and I can tell from the chat that it was due to a communication issue. On the other hand, there have been times that I've taken orders and all the customer notes etc are written in Spanish. This doesn't really impact me as I'm fairly fluent in Spanish, but it would definitely deter a monolingual shopper. It would be good if Instacart had a preferred language or something similar in place for both shoppers and customers.


Rate them low and if you see that they are not person in their profile, report them.


Report it. Rate low. Lower tip. Thank YOU for helping solve this crisis!!


If you report to IC that the person delivering isn't the same as the image, they can have their account suspended.


Are you giving accurate ratings when you get lousy service? Are you reporting when your delivery is made by someone other than the shopper's picture?


Ratings yes but haven’t been reporting— will start now!


5 star your favorites. Report, block, and 2 star + pull most of the tip if you recieve bad service. IC gives your order priority to anyone who has recently received a 5 from you. Giving a 2 is harder to remove than giving a 1 and might not trigger the "frequent low rater" filter, plus leaving as much as one penny will prevent tip protection from kicking in. It's very market dependent so while I feel most account borrowers go home after 8pm here, I don't want to assume that it's the same for your area. Most stores that offer pickup are done by in-house staff which eliminates conflicting identities but can still be error-prone. A very select amount of stores also have in-house shoppers and deliver through a third party, which would be the best of both worlds in this case.


Great insider info, thank you!


Pick 2 or 3 of your favorite shoppers and ask them to shop for you on their own time.


This right here. 


Like shop outside of the app or there is a way to ensure the app connects me to them? Would be kind of annoying to send items lists and subs without the app but I would love to have the same good shoppers every time






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As a customer I’ve had the same issues. One time I called Customer Service because the Shopper honestly did an OK job but didn’t speak English and couldn’t get me any replacements for out of stock items. The customer service lady told me I couldn’t not have that shopper removed because that was discrimination. That is absolutely not discrimination because I didn’t say I don’t want any shopper that’s not native born American, I just wanna be able to communicate with my shopper. She actually hung up on me. Because of this, I actually use Instacart way less than I used to which kind of sucks for the shoppers that do a good job because I tip well I’m not annoying and I’m sure they would rather have my order than some cheapskate that tips $2 or nothing.


Notify an organization that will ensure these ‘workers’ on ‘rented’ ‘accounts’ are paying their taxes. This is not derogatory it is about fairness.


Ya I'm in Denver and it's definitely a problem people are just camping in the store waiting for orders and they don't speak any English mods on this sub are also a problem because calling them migrants is offensive now I guess


What stores do you order from? 


Kroger and Tom Thumb mostly


Report report and report‼️‼️ snatch that tip back if they don’t match their profile. They’re honest people who bust their a$$ and put in work‼️ we are sick and mf tired. Sorry your experiencing this.


Report and take a picture! I have to prove out my identity 3x’s last month due to this


When I order now, when it gets to the rate part at the end, it asks me if I want to add the shopper to my list of favorites (or something similar). You can do that when you do have a shopper you like. That way you won’t get a random person each time.



