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Maybe due to the difference between regular broccoli and the broccoli crowns? Produce is my least favorite thing to shop for people.


That’s true. Those 2 items are not the same price


Broccoli and broccoli crowns are different. So either you grabbed the wrong item or the cashier put in the wrong code


No they've been doing this to me too.


Happened to me with a bag of frozen veggies that scanned correctly on sat.


Haven’t seen batches in days I wouldn’t know 😭


same mon-tuesday nothing and today i seen one for 47 did that waited int he lot after for a bit and said fuck that going home. i already knowwednesdays are the worst day. i only got the 47 cuz i moved to another store after sitting at my initial store for an hour for nothing.


I swear that’s how my messages go in those boxes almost every time. It’ll be an item that’s on the order. I scan it. It goes through and then it’s like what happened here.🤣 at that point I feel like I really have no choice. Other than to say they ordered this item.


Usually it's cause the customer added the item late




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A cashier recently rang up the broccoli crowns as broccoli and since I knew they weren’t the same price I asked her to correct her mistake


Now this . This is probably what happened .


She was a new cashier so I knew to keep my eye on what she was doing


Personally I have so far had luck just closing out the IC window when this pops up, then reopening and so far it has always been gone.


No you’re valid. This pops up for me on random ass items that were 100% on the order.


They’ve been doing me the same way lol , and my response is almost exactly the same as yours 😂 “yes, the customer ordered it!”