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Friendly reminder that Brian Morris is a self-described circumsexual. He's literally promulgating his fetish through his BS "research."


Which basically makes his publications a really fucked-up, academic version of hornyposting.


The fact that ANY of Morris’ “research” was ever punished is astounding. And of course, for years now it’s been cited by other, more “reputable” circ advocates in the medical profession, so they’ve “laundered” his hornyposting into “legitimate” medical research. It’s absolutely appalling.


Only in the US pro-cutter journals and inside the Mayo Clinic !


There are at least a few circumfetish pages and sites, where Morris will be there under AKA. He was traced years ago to his server and was using the aka "doctor Lacock" He removes and revises his web pages if his listed sites are busted.


This is so true. For example you may know UTI and circumcision association has never been proven. It was suggested thirty and more years ago by TE Wiswell and the study was not prospective. Since that time every pro-circ page I have read has listed UTI prevention often going even further and suggesting it in young boys and men also. They trumped up another rediculous study that circumcision would lower prostatic cancer risk by 18 percent. On further to STD where inside US no study ahs ever shown that. And on and on it goes. The moment a pro circ study is published its picked up as legitimate.


Its sorta like the US considering Donald Trump as the next Presdient? Outrageous, but.. look who he has aiding and protecting him?


It makes me sick. The fact that these assholes exist only further proves that cutters are creeps. I say let them go public so everyone can see how disgusting they are.


The "scientific" community allowing literal circumcision fetishists to publish "research" left and right is a big stain on them


He is known to spam the publications journals with articles. He never remits and how many of these spam articles has he produced that he can't find a publisher for ?


If there is anyone here who does not know about Brian Morris, I offer this [report](https://en.intactiwiki.org/wiki/Brian_J._Morris) The Wikipedia article on circumcision formerly cited four of his specious papers. I have not looked recently. Brian is a victim of circumcision.


Morris has hidden history that has been well documented. calling himself a medical doctor just the tip here. His association with pedophiles in the Gilgal society including a busted chief church deacon and his photos years ago of himself in Africa observing the genital mutilation of various tribes. His misuse of web with fake identities is also well known and his association with British circumfeishist and homosexual and hacker, Jake Waskett is well documented. Yet he is taken on by US journals as a legitimate and unbiased scientific author. His pro-circ articles have become well known in number and frequency to be considered spamming the literature.


I'm imagining a circumcision-themed remake of Breaking Bad where Brian Morris is Walter White and Jake Waskett is Jesse Pinkman.


Some kinks don’t deserve to be shamed (feet gang rise up) but this one definitely does




Shame is a good thing. If people shamed parents for mutilating their kids it wouldn't be that common.


Circumcision is NOT a "kink," it is mutilation. Consenting adults should NOT be kink shamed for doing weird stuff in the bedroom, as long as nobody is harmed. People who like to wear leather and whip eachother, are not really hurting anyone. Kink is harmless. Please do not kink shame people. Mutilation is NOT a kink, its an assault and an atrocity.


I call them "circumcisophiles". Goes well with the term "pedocircumcision".