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Order of beings: God/Yahweh --> Angels --> Off-planet beings --> factions in intelligence community --> Humans. This was so fascinating to listen to. Although, apparently Tyler now sees Angels and off-planet beings as one in the same.. What does that mean for humanity? Does that imply god has many types of children scattered throughout the universe/multiverse? Could this mean that we can reach the level of angels? So many questions!


*factions in the intelligence community* pisses me off. They are not above normal humans. They have been privileged with information and likely squander it. The universe likely has INTENT and who is to say our intelligence committees will follow that intent?


Well it could be that certain factions aren’t entirely human or could be some form of hybrid?


This is what i got from that too. Aliens working in the government




Yup, we are all a product of hybridisation but some people have more traits than others.


I knew the was a reason my head was so big! Haha


This is what I think about often. Are we mid “evolution” of some sort and those who have more of the alien characteristics are the ones having NDEs, able to have OBEs or do Astral Traveling? When they die, do their souls continue on but those who are not “hybridized” do not? Is this why disclosure would cause mass chaos, for some will not move on due to natural selection?


>factions in the intelligence community This right here should give everyone red flags 🚩 about the current government disclosure circlejerk going on.


nope...lue, mello, grusch. these are my gods now. they were career intelligence officers but now they're on my side


Yeah, it goes against everything I have ever heard from NDE stories, OBE stories, and mediums. They are not higher beings in any way. At best, they are not even in the same league as advanced humans because members of the intelligence community do not have innocent intent, compassion for others, grace, or any of the other higher qualities necessary for that position.


They aren't, they'll get a reality check soon enough when people stop playing their games.


NIH led factions of intelligence officers? Nothing that happens in government and politics surprises me anymore, but I doubt it. And I really doubt anyone thinks about universal intent although that would be cool. There are factions inside every federal agency. Most of them grow out of good-faith policy disagreements but some are divided along partisan lines or are related to various flavors of careerism since there are civil servants as ambitious as anyone at Google (generally a good thing, IMO). I don't see why the IC would be any different.


I’d be willing to bet they have developed our latent abilities, through decades of studying psi phenomenon and The Others. Things like telepathy, telekineses, perhaps things like bilocation. Maybe that’s why he put them into a higher category and they have developed themselves as a group into “human +”?


Nikola Tesla and others say it is simultaneous. Bashar on yt


NT didn't say or do 90% of the BS people spout about him.


Yeah, I'd like to see corroboration on that before believing it. I don't see "factions of the intelligence community" anywhere near the top of this food chain. That sounds like complete bullshit to me.


If you want to read a book that gives you something much more, try "UFOs The Truth You'll Wish You Didn't Know". It's only ten bucks, is short and funny and super clearly written. TOTALLY adds up, too. "They" (aliens) DID contact the U.S. and British governments. They tried to give us a way to help ourselves and it has nothing to do with diet. BEST UFO book I've ever read (out of about 200).


Meditation practices?


Trying not to tear up as I write this. No meditation practice. The book is kind of a slap upside the head, a call to arms, if you will. I honestly cannot get over how so much is packed into such a small book.


Elaborate please


He had me at short and funny. Why else would I read a serious matter that I wish I didn’t know, like ufos, unless it was short and funny. Nice try Ray


Good joke. Now for real....what it says?


That question is IRONIC once you read the book. Aliens are real. Abductions are real but rare. Why do they look the way that they do? It tells. Why are they here? It tells. They have contacted the U.S. Authorities and the U.K. exactly TWICE (Bentwaters and Malmstrom). They left a message at Bentwaters and it was missed so they re-delivered it at Malmstrom and made sure we found it. There is a collective intelligence to them and yes, they are wayyyyy ahead of us. They are not here to save us from nuclear war etc. They have no interest in our nuclear weapons or nuclear nor ANY technology AND they have given us jack squat. Why they are here? Not gonna spoil it. That's the part you'll wish you didn't know. I've traveled in circles of government secret stuff, and this book snapped all of the stuff I have seen and read over the years into sharp and devastating focus. The message is spot on. The book isn't much longer than this post. Read it. If nothing else, it will REALLLLY challenge you to be intellectually honest with yourself, whether you are a believer or non.


People just want the spark notes! You're allowed to spoil it, and you can even block out the spoiler for those who do want to read it themselves. Just give the people what they want! Tell us what it says! Unless you're the author attempting to make sales.


I'm sure that a book that sells for $9 is making the author super rich. Probably an entire 25 cents a copy. And selling paperbacks in the UFO genre? He/she is going to be able to go out for a fancy meal at McDonald's by year's end for sure.


Ahhhhhh, yes. The lady doth protest too much, methinks.


HAHAHA! I know you have no idea what that is actually a reference to, unless you begged someone on line to tell you.


Yep, you're spot on, I only use turns-of-phrase I have zero idea about!


You sound like the author trying to make a buck


Yeah. And when I talk about Star Wars, that's because I wrote it too. And Game of Thrones. And Death Note and .... I didn't say ANYTHING until I was asked.


All of this guys comments are just trying to sell this book which he obviously wrote himself. Don’t fall for the con


I used to talk a lot about Star Wars. I didn't write that either. SOME of this guy's comments are trying to get people to READ this book. I do not care if you buy it. Go to the library and check it out. It is 10000% SPOT ON. One of the things that the book is about is how humans, like you, THINK that you know things that you don't and make stupid decisions and run your mouths based upon your ignorance. Think global warming deniers. That is one of the things that is damning us, and one of the reasons they have no interest in us; too many morons (like the political leaders who fail to tell us the truth) spout off their ignorance.


Nice try Ray Russell


I've heard Chris bledsoe spill the beans on Tyler's real name but don't remember where. Might have also been Danny's podcast


Timothy Taylor. It’s all here with photos: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/cVC1xQH41T


Wait, the guy in the pic with Pasulka is "Tyler?"


Yep, Timothy Taylor is the name. He mentions it in his book.


The Tatman?


No, the tool man


One theory is that the “certain factions in the IC” refers to remote viewers and other intel officers who have transcended beyond normal human capabilities


Yes, agreed.


The fact that she never says what these protocols are low key pisses me off


From her books i've read there does seem to be some commonalities but there isn't really one 'correct way'. No drinking, good sleep, up early, no caffeine, and some sort of meditative practice.


Weight training, body work, sun exposure within the first 2-4 hours each day, the belief that we’re in service of something (a creator), etc.


And ALOT of water. But you would think all of those would just lead you to be a more productive and better human. Not receive information from the ether or wherever.


Maybe it's both? Lazar(?) states the aliens see us as soul containers. Maybe being a 'better human' just means becoming more in touch with our 'higher' self. Ultimately, I believe, we need to do some citizen 'spirit science' to figure this out.


Chris Bledsoe's son (on Koncrete podcast) said that Tyler the NASA guy advised them to look into Kundalini yoga. But that stuff can be dangerous for those that are not spiritually and mentally prepared. It is not really meant for contact with NHI, but it happens as a by-product. - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=immYuImwRXQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=immYuImwRXQ) Edited to add link.


Can you link the episode


Here - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=immYuImwRXQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=immYuImwRXQ)


What is that, a list to pick 1 from? Jk


It’s in her latest book and many interviews. If I remember right, Tyler consumes no caffeine, goes outside after dawn and sits in the sunlight for at least an hour while he drinks a large glass of water. Other people in her book have different personal protocols they’ve developed over their lives.


I gotta get back to meditating I was having some weird experiences when I was doing my own protocols


Do tell?


Just weird shit like I fell like tall figures watching me over my bed. My giant mirror in my room glowing along its borders. Idk if I was meditating around the time but I saw a blue orb following me one day as I was walking outside to take the trash out.


She eludes to it in reference to how Tibetan monks live. Some fundamentals are a clean diet, only water, complete sobriety, active lifestyle/exercise, and heavily practicing mindfulness.


She is describing Rosicrucianism. That's what Tyler is practicing.


Where is this interview!? I can’t find it on Danny’s podcast. I watched the one with her and Joe back in January. I also just bought her book, really good so far




This was such a good podcast I listened twice I believe


They're fallen angels/demons.


Labels and judging??? You ever met one? Are you just going by what somebody told you. Personally, I love it when people use the word. Demon for completely benign experiences that they describe right afterwards. Since you know a lot about him, tell me a story about em, please. Maybe you've got a story where they actually live up to their name? Tssskkk Tssskkk


Religious people will always find a way to stay religious. So, all of this has no actual evidence and is all speculation based on an opinion of someone willing to jump through hoops to stay religious. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence All I got to say to losing five minutes of my life, listening to this bullshit is: LOL


Tim Taylor or “Tyler” wasn’t religious at all to begin with and after his experiences has delved into it, like a life with renewed purpose. Just some food for thought.


My bad I guess it’s just on YouTube.


I swear a guest on episode 1299 of Joe Rogan podcast ( Annie Jacobsen ) has the exact same story of a guy she had called Tyler in her books that was the scientist who had clearance and took her and another out to see ET materials in New Mexico ??


That was Diana Pasulka. She wrote about it in American Cosmic.


This lady in this video is Diana pasulka Joe Rogan was with a different lady saying the same thing but much before this lady ?! Seems like one of these two are lying 🤷🏻‍♂️




The overwhelming proof is amazing! /s


Factions of the intelligence agencies? Even being generous and saying he said that because there are hybrids or something like that in these factions, that would be non-human, so why describe it like that? Sounds like a religious nutter with a raging hard on for hierarchy that's so engrossed him he even views people who are driven to become spooks and manipulate others as higher than human lol.


This shit is so cool. I want to meet an angel (without dying first)


This is NOTHING NEW, these are demons that FAR exceed are intelligence. Saints have been talking about things beings for thousands of years. It's just funny hearing people who think they know, really know nothing.


I know aliens are real. I watched ufos before


I've recently become very very spiritual and this makes alot of sense to me


While there may be some overlap the reality is that if you’re a believer in religion you’ll find religion and ‘spirituality’ in everything you see hence why if you’re religious you’re not a good spokesperson for the phenomena. It has a spiritual component but religion hijacks the experience because it all goes back to your favorite sky wizard. Religion and science don’t mesh and the phenomena requires science not voodoo


I don’t believe for a minute that NHI are angels. Angels are messengers of God so unless these NHIs are doing things for God, they are not it. Fallen angels are still a possibility as they are all about tricking and confusing people. Since I don’t know what they ever say or do to show intention I can’t rule that out.


Maybe fine tune your definition of angel


I think a lot of people will be fooled if they think this way.


What do you mean?


This Tyler dude seems like a fabled guy now. Why haven’t they tracked him down, any famous podcaster or something? For all wevknow he night be a plant himself. An alien himself.


Everyone knows who he is. It's Tim Taylor. His name has been out for years.


Correct. Why haven’t they tracked him down for an interview for a podcast. He’s that mysterious? He’s been around for years. Surely they can get a hold of him.