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welp looks like israel successfully dragged the US into another extremely costly war that does absolutely nothing to benefit the american people


It benefits Israel as well.


fucking thank youuuuu. when are we going to say enough of this shit!


The Suez canal hardly benefits the American people *sarcasm*


you realize it's possible to conduct trade in the suez without going to war with the arab world right? you know... kinda like we did for 100 years right up until israel was established and the US started backing them




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What does Israel have to do with this? Iran killed American soldiers in Jordan (allied soil), America strikes back. Iran just doesn't like that the US is in the middle east.


What a crazy coincidence that this only started happening after Israel’s “operation” in Gaza!


imagine weighing in on geopolitical topics while having this narrow an understanding of the subject. a statement like yours is so ignorant that im honestly not sure if you're being paid by a foreign government to make it Edit: the above poster has asked me in private to elaborate, so i will post that here so that others who share his/her view might understand. Yes, Iranian proxies attacked americans. So why did Iranian proxies attack americans? Because America has already been attacking Iranian proxies Why has America been attacking Iranian proxies? Because Iranian proxies are attacking ships in israeli trade routes Why are Iranian proxies attacking ships in israeli trade routes? To pressure israel into ceasing its ethnic cleaning campaign in Gaza. Why wont israel cease the ethnic cleaning of Gaza? Because they've wanted an excuse to annex or eradicate Gaza for decades, and by refusing to stop, they know that American security guarantees will drag America into conflict with Iran, which they have also wanted for decades. We have the american government BEGGING israel to end their campaign in Gaza before it escalates into a greater war which the US and many other nations will be dragged into. And israel is refusing because that's exactly what they want. So yes, this is on israel. had israel responded to oct. 7th with reasonable levels of retaliation and not extra proportional force that has been so extreme that it's being condemned by the entire world, then none of this would be happening.


You forgot the part about how Iran supplied and supported the October 7th massacre. Their motivation likely being to put a stop to the normalization agreements that Israel was developing with several Arab countries which would have isolated Iran. BTW, what exactly would have been a proportionate response by Israel? Should they have sent thousands of men over the wall to roam from house to house, murdering, beheading, and raping people in front of their families to their hearts content, until about 1300 people were killed, and then grabbing 150 more people and imprisoning them in a hole in the ground indefinitely? Obviously not, but I really don’t know what you mean there.


You forgot the part about how Israel supplied and supported the October 7th massacre.




"BTW, what exactly would have been a proportionate response by Israel? I really don’t know what you mean there." oh you dont know what that means? well let's see... how about NOT killing tens of thousands of civilians, starving and depriving medical attention of hundreds of thousands more by blocking humanitarian aid, forcing millions of people to evacuate their homes and be driven all around the Gaza strip, and deliberately demolishing infrastructure so that Gazans have nothing to go back to. i'd say that was a start. you see when people talk about proportionality, a good place to start is not having a civilian death toll that's skewed 20:1. just some food for thought. and how does Iran allegedly supplying hamas make a difference here? that changes nothing for american interests. we're talking about how israel is deliberately drawing the US into a war by escalating and ignoring pleas from the american government to stop. did you think you were making some kind of point by insinuating that Iran was involved in oct. 7th? but speaking of which. it's really interesting how Israel who has among the most extensive intel networks in the world along with one of the most secure borders in the world could be so easily breeched by people with cold war technology. not that we dont already have an admission from the israeli government that they were aware of Hamas' plans to attack.


>did you think you were making some kind of point by insinuating that Iran was involved in oct. 7th? I did think that, because the flow of logic from your argument went something like: \-Iranian proxies attacked Americans because \-America attacked Iranian proxies because \-Iranian proxies were attacking shipping routes because \- Israel won't stop its Gaza campaign because \-Israel wants to drag this out, possibly annex Gaza, and pull America into a conflict with Iran I just wanted to add an alternative 'because' point at the end being that \-Iran supplied and assisted with the act of war in Israel that started this conflict. I've read about the intelligence that Israel had on the preparation for this attack and it doesn't sound like a conspiracy to me. A few female spotters witnessed drills from the wall and the elderly, mostly male, military brass dismissed it as just one of the thousands of pieces of intel that turn out to be nothing important. Sexism and complacency was certainly at play here. It also doesn't fit well with the fact that they have been active in peace and trade talks with arab countries recently that a conflict like this would, and already has, completely derailed. Can we go back to this point please: >oh you dont know what that means? well let's see... how about NOT killing tens of thousands of civilians, starving and depriving medical attention of hundreds of thousands more by blocking humanitarian aid, forcing millions of people to evacuate their homes and be driven all around the Gaza strip, and deliberately demolishing infrastructure so that Gazans have nothing to go back to. This is a reddit message board argument, so I know nobody is changing their mind here, but just humor me. I've never yet heard anyone who is strongly opposed to the invasion of Gaza present a coherent way that Israel should have responded. It's easy to say what you wouldn't do, just point to the massive amounts of death and destruction. But what WOULD you do? Consider that the militant group that just massacred and captured Israelis, and continues to fire rockets into at civilian targets, embeds itself in the most densely populated cities on earth. What is reasonable? That being said, I don't wholly support Israel's war effort and think there's plenty of room for criticism. But the only way I could have seen this work out without the horrible result of civilian casualties was if Hamas returned the hostages early in exchange for Israeli concessions and then surrendered.










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Bruh chill lol its ok if he's wrong or even ill informed


Iran didn't attack, it was resistance groups. And they have a right to do so, America doesn't have the right to occupy




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I think the west dragged israel into the war. Israel would do just fine as they did before American support. The west needs Israel more than Israel needs the west.


im going to assume you're an israeli because i havnt ever heard this idiotic take from anyone who wasnt either an israeli or a US politician being paid by israel. i know this is the kind of BS brainwashing they teach kids in israeli public schools. They teach them that israel is this badass nation that has done EVERYTHING by themselves when in reality they've had their hand held by the west every step of the way. the zionists would have been driven out of the territory without british and american support multiple times over where do you think israel got it's airforce and armor divisions that were integral during the six day war, yom kippur, and plenty of other battles during the War of Attrition? not only were they US-made weapons, the US military even trained the israelis how to use them. without the US, israel would have had no air force to counter the russian MiG-21s that were being provided to egypt. The list of ways america has insulated israel from it's neighbors could go on for days but yeah im SURE israel could do it all by themselves. that's why AIPAC is willing to spend $100mil to remove the only six US house reps who are skeptical us US support of israel. that's the israeli government freaks out at even the hint that the US could withdraw troops from anywhere in the region. that's why israel has lobbied 37 US states into banning boycotts of israel despite it being a violation of the 1st amendment. those are definitely the actions of a government who is capable of taking care of itself in the absence of US handholding


Nice try. I'm American Your facts are all wrong Israel didn't use American supplies for its first few wars Only when the soviets teamed up with the Arab Dictators did America decide to help Israel. Which proves my point.


"all your facts are wrong, TRUST ME" - this guy and lol im SURE someone with no invested interests in israel makes thousands of posts defending israel over the last few months while also blaming israel's problems on the US. that's definitely normal behavior for a US citizen! lol are you suggesting that russia backing egypt and syria is somehow the fault of the US? that's the only thing resembling an argument that i can glean from this. yup im SURE the rest of the world would have let the middle-east exist in a total vacuum if it wernt for that gosh darn USA and all the weapons and money they give to israel without any thanks apparently. and you never addressed why israel puts so much resources into western propaganda and lobbying if they're so strong and independent


USA defending Israeli genocide. Can't get worse for Americas reputation.


America has no reputation to speak of. The only people who "love" America happen to live in countries that are allied to it and - for the most part - only get to benefit from its imperialism.


That’s how national reputations work in general.


Cry more. USA for the win 🏅  I drink your tears and stir them in my coffee in the morning. 


Yeah, how shocking, the people who like a country are the ones who happened to be allied with it. Otherwise, they would be neutral or enemies. If all those pro-US countries' governments would announce an alliance with Russia and China instead, there would be riots on the streets, and governments would be toppled, because they usually had the alliance with the USA to AVOID being puppeted and taken over by the dictatorships. 'Beneftis of imperialism' I guess. People have their own free will and allied to the USA for a lot of reasons. The 'benefit from its imperialism' crap is TikTok talk, generally coming from pro-Russian/Chinese influencers who know very well why not many countries allow Chinese or Russian troops and bases on their soil.


What an ahistorical and brain dead take. 100% on originality though. Psst might want to look at all the far right dictatorships we've helped prop up over the years. With many coming back to bite us, like a certain dead Iraqi dictator.


Pssst, nothing you said disputes or challenges anything I wrote. Sorry, simple facts of life are this complicated (for you).


I'd argue when they killed a million odd Iraqis and 100 thousand Afghani's based on lies was significantly worse.


This isn't a defense of anything in Israel. Americans were directly targeted, and their aggressors were fired on


Why do you think Americans are getting targeted? 1. They are illegally occupying Syrian territory. 2. They are providing, bombs, ammunition, logistics, and intelligence to Israel to conduct ethnic cleansing. American military is a valid target no matter where they are in the world at this stage, since America decided to be a global empire.


This was a response to US military bases being attacked. It’s not a reflection of the US’s relationship with Israel.


Iraq has asked the US to leave. They’ve asked them that they’ve abused the mandate that permits the presence of their military base on Iraqi soil. They no longer want them within their borders. They’ve violated Iraq’s sovereignty and killed civilians in this attack. So how about they just leave?


This happened in Jordan, not Iraq.


And the US carried air strikes in Iraq and Syria!


Because that’s where the drones and rockets come from.


And bases on both countries came under attack to which the US has “retaliated” to as well since October. So again, they’re not welcomed in neither countries. Simple enough? And Jordan denied the attack took place in their own territories so I’m not entirely sure I’d be inclined to believe the US that lies for an existence.


Iraq should do a better job of not letting hostile Iranian proxies operate within their borders then…


That’s actually non of anyone’s business except for Iraq itself.


Clearly not because US troops were killed and wounded from operations launched out of Iraq and Syria…




And that’s the whole point. They can simply fuck off. Their military base in Syria is literally illegal and in violation of Syria’s territorial integrity while the one in Iraq is no longer welcomed by the Iraqi government that has asked them to prepare an exit plan.


The presence of Iranian-backed proxies operating with impunity in those countries maybe indicates that those bases are still necessary…


It’s not for the US to decide. Those aren’t their territories. They don’t lie within their borders. They’re not authorized to police the world as they wish.


It’s not about policing the world, it’s about protecting and promoting our interests… Even though the Middle East isn’t as important to the west as it was before now that energy security has improved, it’s still an crucial choke point for shipping — which directly impacts western commercial interests — and geographically is well located. Like I get the sentiment that stuff like this infringes on territorial sovereignty, but at the same time US and western interests don’t end at our own borders and occasionally will not align with local interests.


They were in Iraq at their request, and there are reports that they want them to stay. Regardless, no timeline has been given. Again I ask, shall we just let Iran kill our soldiers? https://www.politico.com/news/2024/01/09/iraq-us-troops-removal-00134564#:~:text=Iraq's%20prime%20minister%20privately%20told,removing%20them%20from%20the%20country.


Well the US invaded the country and practically destabilized it to oblivion in case that has escaped your mind. But even if the military base was sanctioned by an Iraqi request initially, US forces breached that mandate with those attacks according to Iraq itself; > [This aggressive strike will put security in Iraq and the region on the brink of the abyss,” the Iraqi government said in a statement, and denied Washington’s claims of coordinating the air raids with Baghdad as “false” and “aimed at misleading international public opinion”. The presence of the US-led military coalition in the region “has become a reason for threatening security and stability in Iraq and a justification for involving Iraq in regional and international conflicts”, read the statement from Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani’s office. “Iraq reiterates its refusal to let the country be an arena for settling scores,” said government spokesperson Basim Alwadi. Yahya Rasool, the Iraqi military spokesperson, said the attacks “constitute a violation of Iraqi sovereignty, undermine the efforts of the Iraqi government, and pose a threat that could lead Iraq and the region into dire consequences”. “The outcomes will have severe implications on the security and stability in Iraq and the surrounding region,” Rasool added.](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/2/3/overshadow-gaza-crimes-world-reacts-to-us-attacks-on-iraq-and-syria) And non of that changes fact that Iraq, **publicly**, doesn’t want you or your soldiers on their soil. If the US doesn’t want to risk the lives of their troops within borders that aren’t theirs and where they’re no longer welcomed, they could just **LEAVE**!!! > https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2020/1/5/iraqi-parliament-calls-for-expulsion-of-foreign-troops > https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/iraq-seeks-quick-exit-us-forces-no-deadline-set-pm-says-2024-01-10/ They even asked the US to leave before in 2020 but they simply rejected their request! > [Iraq’s caretaker prime minister asked Washington to work out a road map for an American troop withdrawal, but the U.S. State Department on Friday bluntly rejected the request, saying the two sides should instead talk about how to “recommit” to their partnership.](https://apnews.com/article/182bae76452d7565b0a3d840ff0369cb)


I mean, that’s great and all, but we don’t live in your idealistic world where the USA is not present in Iraq right now. It’s a very simple question: should the USA just let Iran kill their soldiers?


I’m simply stating the obvious. Clearly the US doesn’t really care much for how Iraq feels. They’ve illegally invaded them for crying out loud and massacred hundreds of thousands of their civilians without ever being held accountable for those crimes. And it’s rather simple, if they’ll continue maintaining a presence where they’re not welcomed, they’ll be subjected to these attacks which will clearly only increase in intensity moving forward.


Okay, but that doesn’t make this about Israel.


The only reason tensions and escalation has taken place in the region is because of what Israel is doing.


Oct 7th is why Gaza is being flattened. Why do people keep leaving that out? Was Gaza being leveled like it is now before Oct 7th?


[This is just a repeat of a cycle that has been ongoing as a result of Israel’s brutal military occupation.](https://youtu.be/WnUfbQhpgtY?si=kD6iWAPm_ZSr9keR) Why do you people pretend that the conflict started in October the 7th?


Oct 7 was the start of the conflict getting 10x worse. Gaza wasn't getting leveled before Oct 7th. You invade Israel and kill 1200 people your gonna get war on your door step.


Israel is responding to an attack from Hamas which is funded by Iran. Iran is also funding the Houthis, who have thrown Yemen into a decade-long civil war, and Hezbollah, who has been destabilizing Lebanon for just as long. Moreover, Syria has been in a civil war since 2011 and that has spilled over into Türkiye on repeated occasions. To add to that, there is evidence that Russia is pushing Iran to fund the destabilization of the Middle East in a bid to cut off support to Ukraine. Violent conflict has been a constant in the Middle East since the 80’s. Sunnis killing Shias, theocrats fighting oil barons, ethnic minorities trying to overthrow sovereignties. There is no “only reason” for anything happening over there, man.


[The Syrian civil war has been fueled by the US’s obsession to carryout a successful CIA-orchestrated regime change in Syria, that dates back to the Second World War.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIA_activities_in_Syria#:~:text=armistice%20with%20Israel.-,Attempted%20regime%20change%2C%201956–57,to%20agents%20within%20Syria%20itself.) It seems like you’re leaving that bit out, ignoring the CIA Timbre Sycamore training programming? All this ties to safeguarding Israel’s interests in the region by removing governments that oppose that despicable settler colonial apartheid state. [And Iran backs Hamas but somehow were not involved in the October the 7th attack?](https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/09/no-evidence-yet-of-iran-link-to-hamas-attack-says-israeli-military)It all boils down to Israel’s uncompromising desire to rid the region from Iran’s influence and any regional power that go against their interests, at a time [when the Middle East has suffered far more severely by military interventions and proxy wars instigated by the US on their behalf.](https://www.vox.com/2015/2/26/8114221/netanyahu-iraq-2002)


US military bases that shouldn't be there in the first place?




“If you like waffles you must HATE pancakes”




Removed, see rule 7. Absolutely no harassment. Stalking a user's profile, digging through their comments and then using them to harass them is not allowed here. Attack the argument you're presented with here, or don't comment at all. Temp banned for harassment.




Damn, people don’t like their tax dollars going towards bombing the Middle East for longer than they can remember. Who would have thought.


Lol it’s more like people don’t want to hear a bunch of fake moral outrage from a bunch of hypocrites who willingly support what Putin is doing in Ukraine.


Strawman harder. Anyone with half a brain cell can see that Ukraine and Palestine are both being invaded by far superior military force. The only difference is that Americans are still actively funding the aggressors in one while insisting they’re in the right.


It’s not a strawman. I’m referring to the person I commented under, the comment where I sourced exactly what I’m referring to. Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t October 7th kick off this particular conflict, making Hamas the aggressors?


Ah yeah, Israel hasn’t just been mowing down Palestinians for the past 75 years. Who could imagine an oppressed people would end up trying to resist at just the right time for the oppressor to decide they can just get rid of everyone!


“Trying to resist” usually doesn’t entail going into random civilians home and murdering everyone you find in cold blood, Jew or Muslim alike. That actually doesn’t sound like resistance at all, that sounds like the opposite.


What do you think bombs do?


Don't forget that Israeli killed their own on Oct.7 using the Hannibal directive.


You’re shadowboxing dawg, I’ve never seen a group who lights a fire in a cave, stands in front of it, and loses a fight to their own shadow more than pro-Zionists.


Except I’m not shadow boxing anything, I’m directly responding to people making ridiculous statements, or nonsensical statements in this case.


Thats because your crowd is all smoke and mirrors.


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So anyone who sees through zionist lies and propaganda is a zoomer from TikTok? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Tik Tok is the leading pro Palestine propaganda app on earth. Not sure what you're looking at.


“Pro Palestine propaganda” meaning “videos of parents and children trying to dig their dead loved ones from the rubble while fearing that they’ll be next”.


Nah. I've seen several videos of the same guy dying multiple times in different locations. He's not dead. This exists. I'm sorry.


Please share your findings with the class.


I'm ok with you not believing what I'm seeing on Tik Tok.


So no proof. Cool.


Ibraham the crisis actor. Never seen one guy get so unlucky. You're not interested. It's ok.


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Removed, see rule 7 (harassment).


Other people killing American military on foreign soil - bad. American military killing native civilians and kids on their soil - Good.


US imperialism in a nutshell


They shot first lol. It should be ignored right?


Yeah. Like USA hasn't been bombing Syria for a decade supplying weapons to Al Nusra front. That was the whole point of having a military base right at the edge of Syria to overthrow Assad. It's not Syria that has set up a military base right at the US border and been engaging in a proxy war to overthrow the government by arming terrorists, fyi.


I don’t understand this complete lack of permanence among EVERYONE who makes this statement. It’s like an event happens and everything preceding it no longer exists. Any and everyone in the Middle East has a right to tell the United States to fuck. off. The amount of damage we have done to this region is probably incalculable.


Are you going to cry? I love it you hipster. 


Good to have a chat with Mr. Lucifer himself 😂 howdy.


Making things up because you hate America, classic move. 


You have a way with words, not :D


All of what was said was true but you can’t use your phone to google? You mentally disabled? Or just stupid?


Wow, so i guess we can firmly call Butcher Biden a neocon, too.


https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/12/how-joe-biden-became-americas-top-israel-hawk/ > In 2010, Netanyahu’s government infuriated Obama and his advisers by announcing a major settlement expansion while Biden was in Israel. As Beinart reported, Biden and his team wanted to handle the dispute privately. Obama’s camp took a different route by drawing up a list of demands to be made of Netanyahu. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton then gave the prime minister 24 hours to respond, warning him, “If you will not be able to comply, it might have unprecedented consequences on the bilateral relations of the kind never seen before.” > Biden was soon in touch with a stunned Netanayhu. A former administration official who saw the transcript of their call told Beinart that “Biden completely undercut the secretary of state and gave [Netanyahu] a strong indication that whatever was being planned in Washington was hotheadedness and he could defuse it when he got back.” When Clinton saw the transcript, she “realized she’d been thrown under the bus” by Biden, the official added. He’s flanked people like **HILLARY CLINTON AND JOHN KERRY** from the right on pro-zionism. He undermined his own secretary of state. Mind you this was 2010. He’s always been this much of a diehard.


*Always has been* but we’ve had our Overton window so fucked by stupid that the libs went all in for him as “most progressive president in modern history”.


He always was.


Biden has always been a neocon. Has Biden ever said no to killing non-whites in his entire career?


Didn’t Iraq ask the US to leave several times already? Why are they still there?


There are a few domestic politicians that don't want the US to leave but the US media is framing it as if they have been secretly asked to defend Iraq by the government


Because the Iraqi government doesn’t actually want them to leave. The Parliament vote was non-binding and clearly political theatre. The US is there at the pleasure of the Iraqi government. If they actually wanted them gone, they would be.


The second they leave Iraq becomes a de facto new state of Iran. The Iraq war the USA spent trillions on has in the end only benefited Iran.




You can’t let killing Americans go unanswered


why should any other group not play by the same rules?


They can but they should be ready for war it’s simple


You kill an American we kill 100 of yours. Cry more. 


So what Israeli target would you suggest in reprisal for the Liberty Incident? Or the American teen killed by Israelis in the West bank? Apply that belief uniformly or do not hold it.


You mean that stupid event from decades ago or some random incident? Not some concerted effort by the state to totally destabilize and kill an entire nations military. Not the same and nice try. 


Cool, so you do just make excuses when it suits your poorly thought out ideology.


Cry more. USA is going to whoop ass and there is nothing you can do but sit there and watch it. 


Actually recently multiple American Palestinians have been murdered by Israel fairly recently I’m not sure if you’ve been following the situation. But one was a Christian journalist that was intentionally sniped and then they attacked the Christian’s mourning her funeral at the church in Palestine.


Dude that’s called doubling down on stupid. If we don’t want Americans to die we shouldn’t have them deployed illegally occupying foreign territory. This is just going to end up with more Americans dying and America losing allot of money on a war that can’t be won.




Illegal lol Iraq wants us there so they don’t become irans proxy. CRY.


Your uneducated on our own foreign policy. That’s false we are not still invited in Iraq. And the attack didn’t happen in Iraq nor Jordan. It happened on the Syrian border. I’m not crying because the USA is only hurting itself it doesn’t affect me because I’m peacing out of this shit hole before things really go downhill.


Just more occupiers "defending themselves".




The base that was attacked is not actually in Jordan it’s on the Syria side of the border and it is an illegal occupation base


The US needs to stop immediately. They’ve already successfully killed almost a half 1 million people. With the Israel genocide.


Israel hasn't killed half a million people...


The war didn’t start on October 7th it started 75 years ago. There are over 2 million Palestinian refugees living in over countries.


That's still not what they said


Well the USA has been involved in war in the Middle East and the drone strike program has resulted in 100’s of thousands of civilians dead the number does add up to over half a million if you include Iraq Syria Afghanistan and Yemen. This conflict just adds to the blood spilled by the west. He did say “with” the Israeli genocide which could imply he’s adding it


Why don’t you write a strongly worded letter to Mr Joe Biden and say just that:)


Bombing a country for daring to ask the US to leave.


We're just bombing the middle east daily now. Israel succeeded in dragging the US into another war.


How did I know america would kill civilians and kids over losing three legitimate military targets.


This what happens when you elect someone who belongs in the nursing home.


His advanced years have nothing to do with it. He was a bloodthirsty cutlass-wielding fiend in his youth too.


Something something sovereignty.


This comment section is hilarious


Replace “aggression” with “response to aggression”


It happens. Next time don’t let Iranian proxies operate in your country and fire on US forces.


What’s a sovereignty am I right?


Yup welcome to the real world sunshine where people don’t stand around letting themselves be attacked.. Grow up.


I hope Iran pushes the West entirely out of the Middle East. It would be better for everyone involved


Yeah all those women who get their clits cut off in some archaic religious ritual are gonna be so much better off 😂😂😂👍


Yeah you just proved you know nothing about Iran. Mutilation is literal against their penal code


😂😂😂😂😂👍👍😂 That’s hysterical.


Ok Bibi🤣🤣🤣 We know your country is a  haven for pedophiles all around the Earth.😅


Retaliation is not a “new aggression” it’s a response to the previous aggression which was attacking a US base. 


It is just retaliation. 


Hezbollah got what they asked for.




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Are you saying they should keep bombing civilians?


The US Central Command (CENTCOM) said it flew bombers from the US and used more than 125 precision munitions to hit more than 85 targets that included command and control operations centres, intelligence centres, weapons storage and supply chain facilities of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and the armed groups backed by Tehran. Nope more of that.


Guess you don't care about if they also kill civilians too Edit: can't have been that precise if they're bombing civilians too


What do you think the US should of done In response?


Not bomb civilians lol. Or are brown ppl just considered collateral damage


They didn’t try to they hit 85 targets how many civilians got hurt?


Early report of atleast 16 ppl killed with some civilians. Good propaganda for recruiting civilians into Iran's organizations 👍


They didn’t give a number for a reason and they don’t need it. They just kill the people who don’t agree with them. https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2024/01/iran-executions-of-protester-with-mental-disability-and-kurdish-man-mark-plunge-into-new-realms-of-cruelty/


Lol your argument is that Iran kills civilians so the US should also kill civilians? I'm not even defending Iran. I'm stating that the US kills civilians and considers them collateral damage. Then when public opinion changes they're surprised. Similar to Israel. I'd be totally fine with that if the US can drop the whole "we are moral, we are just, we care about the world, etc."


So when we fund Ukraine to kill Russians is that ok because there white? Ppl like u will watch these fuckers destroy us and still complain about civilian casualties. U just hate America


Completely different. Russia invaded Ukraine When did Iraq invade America?


And Iran bombed us, I get the United States was fucked up for invading iraq but Iran can’t bomb our bases and think they can get away with it, if u do nothing this problem will get worse


So we just have to wait til we’re in a position like Ukraine is what you’re saying? I’m good


Unless it's Canada or Mexico invading then the U.S is never going to be in a position like Ukraine is it. You have bases thousands of miles from your home country, you attack and kill people in a region you don't belong in and yet act surprised when they fight back? I am not agreeing with what happened, any loss of life is tragic but you have got to expect some hostility to your presence over there considering the absolute shitstorm U.S foreign policy creates on a regular basis.


Lol whataboutism. Nice. Also they would have to cross the Atlantic to get to us. Whereas we have occupied bases on their homeland. I'd actually respect the American military if they didn't treat their vets like dogshit. Somewhere along rhe line America realized that it was cheaper to worship vets than to take care of them. Americans can't afford food but we got hundreds of billions for bombs. Sure I'm the one that hates America. I'm not the one creating bases in the middle of enemy territory, pissing off everyone in the region and then putting service members at risk of attacks.


So because we live far away we should just let Iran kill our troops? Hell no u sound ridiculous


Jordan is not Iranian territory wtf are u talking about


Not bombing civilians for a start. The US is always appalled and feels justified in retaliatory attacks whenever militias attack US bases in the middle east, conveniently forgetting that the US launched a war against them on false WMD pretences and killed up to a million Iraqi's in an illegal war, as well as backing coups to overthrow democratically elected governments. The US history in the middle east is long and incredibly violent. Hardly surprising that these people hate the US military industrial complex What right does the US even have to be in the middle east. Go home


So do nothing and leave? Lol ok.






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The responses here better be from bots or paid propagandists cuz they are out of this world. Only on the internet is a superpower not allowed to respond to an attack that killed its soldiers (in a base of an allied country)… the response was really lame too as it struck logistical outposts rather than something that matters… they should have destroyed Iran’s drone manufacturing capabilities… you know, the devices that used in the attack, in Yemen on shipping lanes and in Ukraine… 3 birds with 1 tomahawk!


Why does Iraq host evil Iranian proxy terrorists then have a hissy fit when called out for it? Or is it a calculated performative move by them? Hope it isn't a case of at around 55 seconds in this: https://youtu.be/yXbNLkNhy1M?si=JLCgkj7TTu6uo0Kz




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you are the one saying kill more then calling others terrorist supporters


Killing terrorists after they have been warned to stop is different than being a terrorist. Maybe that is too much nuance for the America Bad crowd.


they killed civilians


Shit huh? Not killing civilians is really hard to do when you are blowing up a weapons cache. Good thing proportionality is weighing military advantages vs collateral and there is no rule saying no civilian casualties are allowed during a military action, just that they should be minimized within reason while accomplishing the objective.


They were doing this on foreign terrority without permission from the government their. Iraq has asked the US military to leave multiple times but they refuse. They are a terrorist occupying force


Removed, see rule 7.


Yup, the war machine is woke.


Thanks Biden!